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_剑桥少儿英语三级教案剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 1 What was the wearther like yesterday?教学目的和要求:*通过学习进一步学习有关天气的词汇*能用简单的英语来描述天气*学会用过去时来询问过去的天气交际句型:What was the weather like yesterday?It was windy.Its always hot.Last winter the north was cold, and the east windy.交际词汇:humid, foggy, dry, drizzling, thundering, clear, mild, warm, England, India, London, Australia, Paris, Greece, Italy.教学用具: weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, etc.具体教学方式: Part 1 上课时可以用以前学过的句型问大家,Whats the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it rainy?紧接着,教师拿出一些相关的天气图片给大家看,并对大家说,Now, look here. Ive got many pictures. What are they?然后,让学生一张一张地复习已会的单词。在学生比较熟练掌握单词后,拿出几个新的单词图片说,Look, Its drizzling. Do you know “drizzling”?“毛毛细雨”Its drizzling. Now use this picture to answer my question. Whats the weather like in this picture?教师可以问几遍,然后再学习新的单词。如:foggy, dry, clear, humid, thundering 等。教师给出中文意思的时候,不必说整句话,只需给出某个单词的意思即可。之后,教师可以教新的句型。Now listen carefully. Who can answer my next question? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you know “yesterday”? What was the weather like yesterday?说此句子的时候要特别强调句子中的was, yesterday.如果有学生举手发言,就可以跟该学生进行问答。教师边说边把两个问句写在黑板上,然后用彩色粉笔标出不同之处,同时给出不同的答语。当学生能明白句子时,对学生说,Now I want you to practice the questions and answers in pairs.练习后,教师说Now which pair wants to do in class? Part 2 Now please close your books. Lets listen to a dialogue. Listen very carefully. Later Im going to ask you some questions. / Wheres the first man from? / What was the weather like in last winter?Wheres the second man from? / Is it always hot in ? / Was it hot last winter?学生问答了问题之后,教师对学生说,Now please open your books. Lets read this dialogue. Please read after me . Part 3 Lets compare these two pictures. You see, in Picture A there is a policeman and an old woman. But in Picture 2 there is a policeman and a boy. What other different things can you see? Who knows? Part 4 ,按要求把图画出来。Lets have a quick look at yesterdays weather report. Among some of the big cities, there was a bit snow in Beijing . Many people went outside and played with snowballs. In Lanzhou , it was clear .Many people went shopping and stayed in the parks. But Guangzhou had a thunder shower. It cooled down the hot air . In Dalian , it was sunny and hot. Many people swam in the sea. In Chongqing it was a bit foggy. In Wuhan there was a strong wind . Now lets look at todays weaher Part 5 目的在于扩大学生有关天气的相关知识。教师在教此部分时,一定要以朗读和理解为主,没有必要让学生记住文章中的所有单词,特别是没有必要逐字逐句翻译成汉语。如有些意思不好用英语解释时,可以适当给出该短语的中文意思。 Part 6 可以让学生表演小对话。由于这一部分没有太多难点,可直接让学生两人一组进行练习。 练习一可以让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。先让学生分组拼出单词,然后将所拼出的词写在黑板上。每拼对一个词给10分,最后算总分。Now lets play a word-spelling game .Weve got an apple tree here .On each apple theres a letter. Work in groups and spell the words out. When you finish , run to the blackboard and copy them down. Later well see how many minutes youve used and how many correct words youve got. Is it clear ? Now lets begin.在学生以小组为单位拼写的时候,教师可以在黑板上标出每个小组的地盘,准备让每组的学生拼写用。 练习二Its a sunny day. A pretty girl is standing in front of a bus stop. Not far from her, theres a bus coming. She is holding an umbrella. On the umbrella , there is a little bird sitting on the top. A young boy, who is next to the girl , wants to catch the bird.注:由于第三级涉及的内容较多,词汇量较大,建议教师每单元用5个课时完成。4个课时之后,留一部分作为家庭作业或下次在课堂上继续完成。教学活动:教学活动1 Make a telephone call. 上课时,教师让一个学生站到最前面,另一个站到教室的最后面,表示两个人在不同的城市用“电话”谈论天气,可以使用所学过的有关天气的单词。教师要适当地给学生一些指导。比如,Hello, whats the weather like in Shanghai today? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you want to go outside today? 等等。在学生表演的时候,教师可以让学生复习地名、国名等。教师可以用英语这样说,Now, lets play a game. I want you to ask questions and answer the questions over the telephone. Lets see what you are going to talk about. You may use the words weve learned today. Later you can also use country and city names. 教学活动2 Lets guess the word on the blackboard. 教师事先准备若干个有关天气的单词卡或图片。上课时,教师对大家说,Now I want you to play a game. Look, on the blackboard there are many words. But theyre facing down. One person can come to the front. After I say a word, you can decide which word needs to be turned over. If you turn the right card over within the next 30 seconds, you whole group can have one minute break in class. If not , you will lose one score by turning the wrong card. The first correct pick will be given 25 points. / The second correct pick will be given 25 points. The third correct pick will be given 12.5 points. / The fourth correct pick will be given 6.5 points. The fifth correct pick will be given 3 points. 第一轮完成之后,教师可以将所有的卡片重新安排一遍,再继续第二个学生。Finally well see which group has got more points than others. 课后作业:1Listen to the weather report every day and take a careful note. Then , draw a diagram to show each days weather report.2Listen to the tape of Part 5, three times .And for the last time , you may close your books and listen to the tape to see whether you can remember each passage. 剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 2 Whats the favourite season?教学目的和要求:*使学生在掌握天气的基础上进一步扩大有关季节方面的知识*使学生能用简单的英语表达有关季节的内容*通过阅读短文巩固和扩大词汇量交际句型:What is your favourite season?Which season is it?Its getting warmer and warmer.Its not too hot and not too cold.交际词汇:island, shining, swan, difference, possible, crops, ripe, club, compete, divide, enjoy, plant, sunglasses, field, boots, season具体教学方式: 上课时可以用学生们较熟悉的内容来引出话题。Now let me ask you some questions. Whats your favouite colour? Whats your favourite food? Whats your favourite fruit ? Whats your favourite subject? 然后问,Whats your favourite season? 如果学生能回答上来的话,教师就可以继续问几个学生。如果学生不知道如何回答时,教师就可以问,Do you like spring? Do you like summer? 此时,教师还可以问一些相关的问题,How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? Whats your favourite season? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师可以让学生猜谜语。教师说,Good! Now I want you to guess some riddles. Which season is it?教师可以分别说出第三部分的谜语,让学生猜。猜完之后,可以让大家听录音,并让学生跟着录音带一起朗读本部分的小短文。由于此部分没有多少单词,所以教师可以让学生熟读此段内容。在此基础上,对学生说,I know that many of you like spring . Some of you like summer. Some of you like autumn or winter. Do you know what season I like? Ok. Autumn is my favourite season. Last year my friend and I went camping with the childrens club. After we got to the camping place接下来将本单元第四部分的故事讲完。讲故事时,不要让学生看书, 同时尽量使用身体语言和手势,使故事更加有意思。Now I want you to listen to the tape once more .Later youre going to do some exercises. 本单元为有一些用于朗读的小段子。教师可以将这些内容分别处理。比如第五部分比较容易,教师可以让学生直接朗读。而第六部分,则可以让学生每人试着读。教师可以这样对学生说,Now lets read Part 5 together. This is not difficult. All of you know how to say it. Now lets begin. Very good, this time I will leave you a new passage. I want you to read it loudly by yourself. Im sure you can read it. If you dont know. I can help you. Now you may begin. 最后教师让学生朗读,然后再让学生听录音,一起跟着朗读。 本单元为学生设计了很多谈话的内容,比如第二部分和练习一、练习三。 在适当的时候,教师可以安排学生两人一组进行交谈。练习四的单词并不太难,学生可以自己学会该内容。 教师关键在于把握好学生活动的时间与节奏,随时进行调整。如果时间不够可以省去本单元的第八部分。第五、六部分也只限于朗读为止。教师在课堂上没有必要做过多的解释。Part 7 听力资料 This is a very small town. People here live a happy life. They enjoy the sea, the beach, the grass, the hills and the weather. The weather here is rather changeable. Sometimes in the same town you can experience different weathers. Look! On the seaside . Many people are playing on the beach. The weather is very hot. Oh, where is the sun? Please draw a red sun above the buildings. Right! And draw a blue duck on the sea. On the other side of the hill , you can see some black clouds. Why is the man running? Oh. Its raining. Please draw some raindrops. And also draw an umbrella in the mans hand. On this side of the hill the weather is very nice. There are there beautiful flowers. Please colour the left flower yellow, the right flower green and the middle flower red. On the grass, two boys are playing football. Yes, please draw a football between the two boys. On the right two dogs are playing. Please draw a brown ball between the two dogs. Look! Under the big tree, there are some children singing . In the tree there are two birds. They are singing, too. Please colour them purple. Good!教学活动:(1) I like spring because . 教师首先用英语对学生说,You know that there are four seasons in a year. Do you know how many people in our class like spring? Now theres a season in each corner. 教师将事先准备好的分别写有四季的纸张贴在每个角的位置上。I want you to go to your favourite colour and stand there. You stand there and say why you like spring. The other group may disagree. And you can say why you like the season. This time you want to see which group has got more to say.教师组织这个活动的意义是让学生能用英语表达自己想要说的意思。(2) Brainstorming each season! 此项活动的目的是让学生用不同的词语来描述某个季节,开拓学生的思维与联想。具体的操作方式如下。教师对学生说,Spring is a beautiful season. What things can be used to describe spring? What things are related to spring. Who can give me a word? Let me give you an example. Trees because in spring the trees turn into green. 其他的词还有: Spring: flowers, warm, green, birds, windy, grass, happy, kite, camping, picnics, mild, sunny, festival, holiday, rain Summer: hot, shorts, long days, short nights, green, flowers, grass, birds, sunny, lightning, thundering, swim, T-shirt, shirt, ice cream, cold water, fridge, swimming, skirts, beach, sand, thundershower Autumn: cool, beautiful, clear, blue sky, happy, joyful, school, holiday, leaves, yellow, crops, jobs, traveling, visit, fall Winter: cold, grey, warm, heat, fire, hard, windy, stay at home, gloves, boots, sweater, overcoat, festival, snow, snowball, not interesting, nothing to do, no interesting, nothing to do, no grass, freeze课后作业:1Find or draw your own season pictures and write a paragraph under each picture like the ones in Part.32Listen to the tape of this unit and read it aloud. 剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 3 When did Bob get up yesterday?教学目的和要求:*进一步学习和掌握一般过去时的用法*学会按照时间的顺序对所做的事情进行描述初步学习和掌握几个时间的概念和表达方式交际句型:What did Bob do yesterday morning?Bob got up very early.When did Bill and Fred spend a vacation together?How did he come here?Where did you take him?交际词汇:local, mountains, later, hide-and-seek, repair, alarm, windowsill, beard, arrive, gun, kill, clerk,, follow具体教学方式: 本单元目的是要学生学会用一般过去时来表达在过去时间里所做的事情。上课一开始可以对学生说,Today is Monday. All of you come to school. But yesterday was Sunday. All of you stayed at home. Now let me ask you some questions about your weekend. What did you do yesterday ? Did you go to the cinema? What did you do yesterday?当有些学生能用英语回答这个问题时,就可以继续问几个学生。问完之后,对学生说,Do you want to find out what your partner did yesterday ? Now Ill give you 2 minutes. You can ask your partner can tell you what he did yesterday. Later Im going to ask you some questions about your friend. So youd better know better know what your friends did yesterday. Now please begin.在学生问答的时间里,教师应反复检查并督促学生坚持说英语,尽量多说英语句子保证每个人都在练习。 如果学生的动词短语词组较少,教师就可以将事先准备好的动词短语词组拿给大家朗读,并提醒大家这些短语的意思。 在此基础上,教师就可以提出下一个问题。I have a friend. His name is Bob. Do you know what he did yesterday? Now lets listen to the tape and see what he did yesterday. I want you to pay attention to the following times. 教师将下列时间写在黑板上。 Yesterday morning, / After breakfast, / Later on, / In the afternoon, / In the evening, What did Bob do at each time ? Now listen carefully. Do you understand? Do you want to listen to it again? Yes or No? 之后,教师根据黑板上提示的时间问大家,What did Bob do yesterday morning ? What did Bob do after his breakfast ?. 在学生回答比较熟练的基础上,教师让大家打开书,自己大声朗读第一部分的内容。在学生朗读的时候,教师可以把黑板上的句子变成问句,如下: What did Bob do yesterday morning? What did Bob do after his breakfast? What did Bob see at the foot of the mountains? What did Bob do later on? What did Bob do in the afternoon? What did Bob do in the evening? 写好此问句的目的是让学生相互之间做问答练习,以达到熟练的目的。 第二部分。这个朗读练习帮助学生掌握好“意群”,同时也学会在句子中的断句。 第六部分。听到时间后,画出所给时间。9:15 , 2:20 , 4:45 , 11:05 , 7:30 第四部分。如有可能,教师可以让学生们一边听一边给图上的动作标出时间。最后再由学生两人一组进行描述。可以这样说,Now lets look at Part4. In this part, we can see a small boy. His name is Jack. He does many things every day. Now lets listen to the tape and write down the time next to the picture.听完录音之后问, Have you written down the time? Ok. Lets listen to it again. 之后,教师说, Now, lets check the time Very good. Who can tell us about this boys time? What does he do every day? One sleeping in bed Two being woken up by the alarm clock Three yawning and getting up Four putting on clothes, brushing your teeth and washing your face Five having breakfast Six taking down the school bag from the wall Seven opening the door and feeling surprised Eight stepping back and taking an umbrella Now we are going to listen to a story. Guess what it is! What happened? Listen carefully.先让学生听录音,了解学生是否知道故事的大意。如果知道,可以再听一遍。如果学生不太懂,教师就应该让学生打开书,一起朗读该文章。教师可以提问学生,了解他们是否明白。接着,让大家表演该短剧。表演之后还可以做专题采访。 一个是警察,另一个是银行里的职员。 教学活动:(1) Draw your own time table. 做完了练习的第三部分后,教师可以让学生按照所学的内容(18页)自己设计一个时间表。该时间表应包括两个内容,第一是时间,第二是做什么样的动作。教师可以适当给学生一些帮助。比如, At 7:30, I got up, and from 7:40 to 8:00 I ate breakfast.在学生做完时间表后,教师应让学生进行交流一下。教师可以让学生进行一下交流。教师可以让大家互相描述自己的时间表。(2) Rearrange the sequence of the story 上课前,教师可以将本单元第一或第七部分的故事复印、放大并剪成六张小图。上课时,教师将这些图的顺序打乱贴在黑板上。然后教师可以对学生说,These pictures tell a story. Do you know which picture comes first? Which comes second? Which comes third or fourth?.Who can come to the blackboard and rearrange the pictures?当某个学生到前面来调整顺序后,教师问学生, Is it correct? Does anybody want to make some change?如果有人愿意调整,可以继续。当调到正确位置的时候,教师说, OK. Very good. Now Im going to tell you this story. Please listen carefully. You can find out whether the pictures are in the correct order or not. 进行此或时,教师不要让学生看书,直到活动完成为止。家庭作业:1. Write a short passage about what you did yesterday evening , using past tense.2. Listen the tape of this Unit once and read Part 1,2,3 and of this unit once.剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 4 You look better today教学目的和要求:*通过学习进一步复习形容词的用法。*初步学习有关人的情感的形容词 *通过学习初步掌握系动词加表语的用法*鼓励大家多参加校内校外课外体育活动交际句型:You look better today.Dont work too hard!You should look after yourself.Dont worry!I have a headache and a stomachache.交际词汇:horrible, expensive, boring, strange, friendly, cheap, dangerous, beautiful, tired, show, tongue, else.具体教学方式: 上课时表现出惊讶的样子,对某个学生的新衣服、新理的发、新样式的鞋等做出评论说,You look beautiful today! When did you buy the dress? You look happy today! Any good news? You look tired. What happened? You look cold. Youd better put on more clothes. You look hot. Please open the window. You look sad. Any bad news? 如果学生能回答教师的问题,教师就可以自动连接到本单元的内容上。可以让学生看第七部分的内容。There are many interesting pictures. Lets see what they are. Read after me first.读完后,教师问,Do you understand these pictures? Who can tell me what each picture means? 这时,教师只说英语单词,学生可以进行翻译。如果学生说对了,教师表示肯定说,Yes.如果不对,教师要说No. Who can try it again? Who can guess it again? 直到大家明白每个意思为止。接下来,教师说,Now lets make sentences. Who can make the sentences with the word “tired”? 依次类推。完成了第七部分后,对学生说,Ok! Good! Youve done a very good job. Now I want you to close your books and listen to a dialogue.(第一部分)。Now you can open your books and practice the dialogue in pairs. 第二部分是听、看并画连线。可以让学生先听,最后再集体检查。 第三部分可以该成听力练习。Now listen carefully. Tom is a schoolboy. Yesterday he went to hospital. Do you know what happened to Tom? Lets listen to the tape and get ready to answer my questions. 放两遍录音。Now let me ask you some questions. Whats the matter with Tom? What did the doctor ask Tom to do? What did Tom eat yesterday? What else did Tom eat? Why did Tom eat so many things? 学生回答完问题后,可以让学生进行对话练习。 此活动后教师问学生,Do you know why strong people have big muscles? Muscles get bigger and stronger if they are used a lot. Thats why sportswomen and men practice hard and do lots of exercises. 教师接着说,We should keep our body healthy. Now please stand up and lets do some exercises. Listen and follow me. 教师可以放第四部分的录音,同时自己根据录音做几个动作,让大家一起模仿。最后,大家跟着录音一起说和做。 第五部分是让学生根据图画来讨论该学生一天的活动。教师可以先让学生两人一组练习,在练习过程中帮助学生学习单词和组成句子。教师可以这样说,Now lets look at Part5. You can talk with your partner about these pictures. Youve got some phrases here. You can use them. If you dont know how to read them, you can ask me. I can tell you.学生做的时候,肯定有一些学生不会读某些单词,当他们问教师的时候,教师可以一一告诉他们。如果问的人较多,教师就说,Ok, stop here. Lets read the phrases first. Some of you have difficulties. Please read after me. 带读几遍之后,教师再说,All right. You can go on talking about the pictures in pairs now.2分钟后,让他们讲一讲这些图片。 可以把第六部分作为阅读理解练习。让学生自己先阅读一二遍,然后集体朗读一遍,然后边听录音中的问题,边判断是否正确,可以集体一起做。练习一的题型与考试相似。先让学生自己阅读并填写出必要的单词。然后再进行核对。Headache, doctor, hospital, nurse, school, smiled 练习三是一道听、写、做动作的形式。Now, look at me carefully. Im going to let you listen to the tape and at the same time watch me. Its very easy if you listen and watch at the same time. Now lets begin. 放录音带,教师慢慢地做动作。Do you understand? Now please stand up and follow me. 重放录音,教师带领大家一起做动作。 Very good. Please sit down. Take out your pens or pencils. You can listen again and write down the missing words 等大家都写完后,教师让1,2,3 组学生念自己的内容,4,5,6组的学生做动作,然后再调换进行。教学活动:(1) Make your own finger print pictures. 本单元我们给学生提供了许多用手印做的人的面部表情图。如果上课教师也让学生尝试一下自己做手印图,将是一件很有趣的事。上课前准备油印和纸。Today we are going to do an interesting thing. I want you to study the fingerprint faces very carefully. Do you think they are funny? Now I want you to do it on your own. Ill provide each group with a fingerprint oil, and each person a piece of paper. You can print your fingerprints first. Then add some extra things on the fingerprint faces. Finally you write a word and tell us what his/her expression is. Ok. Lets begin. 做此游戏时,教师注意一定要让学生配上英文单词。另外,学生之间要有所交流。(2) Say adjectives only! 由于本单元学习和使用了一些形容词,因此在课上教师可以让学生做一个游戏。游戏时,教师让全班学生站起来,由教师起个头,说一个形容词,同时传一个玩具。当学生接到这个玩具时,一定要说一个英语的形容词。比如, old, 别的学生就接young等。凡说的不是形容词的学生要先坐下,游戏要看谁最后一个才坐下。教师可以给予获胜者必要的奖励。教师说,OK, now we are going to play another game. This time we want to say adjectives. All of you please stand up. I start with a word. Meanwhile Ill throw this, when you get or catch this, you should say an adjective, then other people will continue.家庭作业:1. Find out all the adjective words in this unit as many as possible and copy them once in your exercise books.2 .Recite the words of Part 7.剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 5 Who was the best?教学目的和要求:* 进一步复习和巩固有关动物的词汇* 进一步学习和巩固形容词最高级形式* 学会和掌握最高级的问话形式交际句型:Who was the best? / Am I the one who fly highest? / Who is the biggest person in your class?交际词汇:discuss, among, exclaim, fox, clever, eagle, agree, useful, compare, test, difficult, beach, feather, wake复习内容:有关动物的名词具体教学方式: 上课时,教师首先给大家提出一些问题,Everybody! Listen carefully. Im going to ask you some questions. Lets see who can answer my questions quickly. Who is the biggest person in your class? Who is the tallest student in your class? Who is the shortest child in your class? Who is the cleverest one in your class? 学生回答完这四个问题后,教师可以让学生学会连贯表达,Zhang Ming is the biggest person in our class. Liu Tong is the tallest student in our class. Li Man is the shortest child in our class. Wang Fei is the cleverest one in our class. 教师还是先让一个学生说,然后集体再一起练习几遍。 接下来教师说,So much for the questions and answers. Please look here. 教师拿出一些动物的图片或实物问大家,Do you still remember these animals? Lets see whether you can say them out. 当碰到生词eagle, fox, cow的时候,教师就可以顺便教大家。在大家学习、复习了这些单词后,教师就可以说,Im sure you like animals. Do you like to listen to a story about animals? Good! Im going to tell you a story. Listen very carefully. Later Ill ask you some questions. One day many animals were talking. They wanted to know who wa


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