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1英文文献翻译1.1Automatic wire straightening and cutting machineReinforcing steel cutting machine is a kind of shear of reinforced by the use of a tool. The general automatic steel cutting machine, and automatic steel bar cutting machine of. It is one of the essential equipment in steel processing, it is mainly used for buildings, bridges, tunnels, hydropower, large-scale water conservancy projects of steel cutting. Reinforcing steel cutting machine and other cutting equipment, has the advantages of light weight, low energy consumption, reliable work, high efficiency, so in recent years has been gradually mechanical processing and small rolling mill is widely used, in all areas of national economic construction play an important role.The general automatic steel cutting machine, and automatic steel bar cutting machine of. Full automatic electric cutting machine is also called the electric energy is converted to kinetic energy by the motor control cutter incision, to achieve the effect of shear reinforcement. The semi-automatic is artificial control of incision, and shear reinforcement operation. But there is more to belong to the hydraulic steel bar cutting machine hydraulic steel bar cutting machine is divided into a charging and portable two categories.Steel bar cutting machineApplicable to all types of ordinary carbon steel construction, hot rolling bar, screw steel, flat steel, square steel cutting. Cut round: ( Q235-A ) diameter: ( 6- 40) mm cut flat maximum specifications: (70x15) mm cut square: (Q235-A) the maximum specifications: (32x32) mm cut angle maximum specifications: (50x50) mmDomestic and international comparison: because the cutting machine cutting machine technical content is low, easy imitation, profit is not high, so the manufacturer for decades to maintain the basic present situation, development is rapid, with foreign counterparts in particular has following several aspects the gap.1) foreign cutting machine of the eccentric shaft of large eccentricity, such as vertical cutting machine eccentric distance 24mm, and general domestic17mm. seemingly saves material, some small gear structure, but to give the user to bring trouble, not easy to management. Because the cut the expected cut small material, not for a knife pad is for the blade, sometimes also need to change perspective.2) foreign cutting machine frame is welded steel structure, precision machining parts and components, roughness especially heat treatment technology is excellent, so that the cutter under overload load, fatigue failure, wear etc. more than domestic machine.3) domestic cutter blade design is reasonable, the single screw bolt is fixed, the blade thickness is thin enough, type 40and type 50blade thickness is 17mm; and abroad are double bolt,25 27mm thickness, so foreign blade in stress and life are more domestic excellent comprehensive performance.4) domestic cut machine cut fewer times per minute. Home is generally 28 to31 times, foreign higher than 15 20 times,30times the highest high, high work efficiency. 5) foreign models generally use the semi-open structure, gear, bearing grease, crank shaft, connecting rod, cutting knife holder, swivel by manual plus dilute oil lubrication. The model structure has fully open, fully closed, half open3, lubrication methods are concentration of dilute oil lubrication and splash lubrication of 2. 6) domestic cutting machine appearance quality, machine performance is unsatisfactory; foreign manufacturers generally is the scale of production, make investment in technology and equipment inInto, automated production level is higher, form a complete set of quality assurance and processing system. Especially on the appearance quality is refine on, cover one-time stamping molding, paint the paint spraying processing, color collocation is scientific and reasonable, the appearance can not see where the weld, burrs, sharp corners, the bright and clean appearance. And some domestic manufacturers although production history is long, but not one of the formation of scale, and aging equipment, process, production technology experience to spell physical power, always make a few years, so the appearance of rough, perception of poor quality.Reinforcing steel cutting machine safety requirements for operation(1) to the surface of the work material feeding and cutter lower level, the length of the working platform can be processed according to material length.(2) before, should check and confirm the cutter without crack, carriage bolts, protective cover firm. And then hand belt pulley, gear meshing clearance check, adjust the cutting clearance. (3) after the start, should first air operation, check the transmission part and the bearing can be normal operation, operation. (4) machinery does not reach the normal speed, not cutting. When cutting materials, should be used in the next part, cutter, hold the reinforced alignment edge quickly put, the operator should stand in a fixed blade side press bar, should prevent the reinforced end pop. Prohibit the use of both hands in blade on both sides hold reinforced leaned feeding. (5) may not be cutting diameter and strength more than machinery nameplate provisions and a red-hot steel reinforced. A cut of a plurality of steel, the total cross-sectional area should be within the specified scope. (6) cutting low alloy steel, should be replaced with high hardness cutting knife, cutting diameter shall be in accordance with the provisions of machinery nameplate.(7) cut short when feeding, the distance between the hand and the knife should be maintained above 150mm, such as holding end is less than 400mm, should adopt the casing or fixture to be reinforced short head down or clip. (8) operation, prohibit the use of hand direct clear cutting knife near the end and sundries. Steel swing around and cutter may not stay around, non operators. (9) found that when the machine is not operating properly, abnormal noise or the cutter deflection, should immediately stop machine overhaul. (8) operation, prohibit the use of hand direct clear cutting knife near the end and sundries. Steel swing around and cutter may not stay around, non operators. found that when the machine is not operating properly, abnormal noise or the cutter deflection, should immediately stop machine overhaul. (10) after the operation, the power should be cut off, with the steel brush to clean the sundries cutter machine, cleaning and lubricating.(11) hydraulic transmission type cutting machine operation before, should check and confirm the hydraulic oil and the rotation direction of the motor meets the requirements. After starting, no-load operation, loosen oil drain valve, hydraulic cylinder air, can be cut tendons. (12) manual hydraulic cutting machine before use, should the oil drain valve in a clockwise direction, after the cutting, should immediately counterclockwise unscrewing. During the operation, the hand should be steady and cutting machine, and wear insulated gloves.This article introduces a kind of architectural lie type steel cutting machines. Its operating principles are: It use electric motors level triangle belt transmission and secondary gear transmission to slowdown. Then, it drives the crank rotate, The crank connected to slide block and moving blades in the slippery way make the back and forth straight line sport, makes the moving blades and the fixed blade shear and cut steel. According to the working environment choice thetype of electric motors,using horizontal installation, protection of the electrical, squirrel-cage three-phase asynchronous motor. momentum, and the scope of power, transmission efOption three slowdown,first level belt slowdown, followed by the secondary gear deceleration. firstthe introduction of automated, because it has a buffer, absorb shock and operate smoothly, small noise, and can protect the over loading. Then introduce a secondary gear deceleration slowdown, because gear transmission can be used to transmit arbitrary space between the two axis movement andficient transmission accurately, long using life, such as safe and reliable character. Power output by electric motors through slow down transmission system to import power to the executive body. As the system make rotation movement, The steel cutting machine needs the back and forth straight line sport ,in order to achieve this transformation, we can use c slider-crank institutions or gear and rack. I decided to consider realistic machinery.conditions using slider-crank as the executing.1.2毕业设计中文文献钢筋切断机是一种剪切钢筋所使用的一种工具。一般有全自动钢筋切断机,和半自动钢筋切断机之分。它是钢筋加工必不可少的设备之一,它主要用语房屋建筑、桥梁、隧道、电站、大型水利等工程中对钢筋的定长切断。钢筋切断机与其他切断设备相比,具有重量轻、耗能少、工作可靠、效率高等特点,因此近年来逐步被机械加工和小型轧钢厂等广泛采用,在国民经济建设的各个领域发挥了重要的作用。钢筋切断机特点:一般有全自动钢筋切断机,和半自动钢筋切断机之分。全自动的也叫电动切断机是电能通过马达转化为动能控制切刀切口,来达到剪切钢筋效果的。而半自动的是人工控制切口,从而进行剪切钢筋操作。而目前比较多的是应该属于液压钢筋切断机 液压钢筋切断机又分为充电式和便携式两大类。钢筋切断机分类适用于建筑工程上各种普通碳素钢、热扎圆钢、螺纹钢、扁钢、方钢的切断。 切断圆钢:(Q235-A)直径:(6-40)mm 切断扁钢最大规格:(70x15)mm 切断方钢:(Q235-A)最大规格:(32x32)mm 切断角钢最大规格:(50x50)mm 钢筋切断机行情国内外切断机的对比:由于切断机技术含量低、易仿造、利润不高等原因,所以厂家几十年来基本维持现状,发展不快,与国外同行相比具体有以下几方面差距。 1)国外切断机偏心轴的偏心距较大,如日本立式切断机偏心距24mm,而国内一般为17mm看似省料、齿轮结构偏小些,但给用户带来麻烦,不易管理因为在由切大料到切小料时,不是换刀垫就是换刀片,有时还需要转换角度。 2)国外切断机的机架都是钢板焊接结构,零部件加工精度、粗糙度尤其热处理工艺过硬,使切断机在承受过载荷、疲劳失效、磨损等方面都超过国产机器 3)国内切断机刀片设计不合理,单螺栓固定,刀片厚度够薄,40型和50型刀片厚度均为17mm;而国外都是双螺栓固定,2527mm厚,因此国外刀片在受力及寿命等综合性能方面都较国内优良。 4)国内切断机每分钟切断次数少国内一般为2831次,国外要高出1520次,最高高出30次,工作效率较高。 5)国外机型一般采用半开式结构,齿轮、轴承用油脂润滑,曲轴轴径、连杆瓦、冲切刀座、转体处用手工加稀油润滑国内机型结构有全开、全闭、半开半闭3种,润滑方式有集中稀油润滑和飞溅润滑2种。 6)国内切断机外观质量、整机性能不尽人意;国外厂家一般都是规模生产,在技术设备上舍得投入,自动化生产水平较高,形成一套完整的质量保证加工体系。尤其对外观质量更是精益求精,外罩一次性冲压成型,油漆经烤漆喷涂处理,色泽搭配科学合理,外观看不到哪儿有焊缝、毛刺、尖角,整机光洁美观。而国内一些厂家虽然生产历史较长,但没有一家形成规模,加之设备老化,加工过程拼体力、经验,生产工艺几十年一贯制,所以外观质量粗糙、观感较差。 钢筋切断机操作安全要求(1)接送料的工作台面应和切刀下部保持水平,工作台的长度可根据加工材料长度确定。 (2)启动前,应检查并确认切刀无裂纹,刀架螺栓紧固,防护罩牢靠。然后用手转动皮带轮,检查齿轮啮合间隙,调整切刀间隙。 (3)启动后,应先空运转,检查各传动部分及轴承运转正常后,方可作业。 (4)机械未达到正常转速时,不得切料。切料时,应使用切刀的中、下部位,紧握钢筋对准刃口迅速投入,操作者应站在固定刀片一侧用力压住钢筋,应防止钢筋末端弹出伤人。严禁用两手分在刀片两边握住钢筋俯身送料。 (5)不得剪切直径及强度超过机械铭牌规定的钢筋和烧红的钢筋。一次切断多根钢筋时,其总截面积应在规定范围内。 (6)剪切低合金钢时,应更换高硬度切刀,剪切直径应符合机械铭牌规定。 (7)切断短料时,手和切刀之间的距离应保持在150mm以上,如手握端小于400mm时,应采用套管或夹具将钢筋短头压住或夹牢。 (8)运转中,严禁用手直接清除切刀附近的断头和杂物。钢筋摆动周围和切刀周围,不得停留非操作人员。 (9)当发现机械运转不正常、有异常响声或切刀歪斜时,应立即停机检修。 (10)作业后,应切断电源,用钢刷清除切刀间的杂物,进行整机清洁润滑。 (11)液压传动式切断机作业前,应检查并确认液压油位及电动机旋转方向符合要求。启动后,应空载运转,松开放油阀,排净液压缸体内的空气,方可进行切筋。 (12)手动液压式切断机使用前,应将放油阀按顺时针方向旋紧,切割完毕后,应立即按逆时针方向旋松。作业中,手应持稳切断机,并戴好绝缘手套。7


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