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Key to Unit 7Page 126Text ComprehensionI.DII.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. FIV1.I tried to comfort her by saying that we would manage to tide it over.2.After experiencing such an incident, the girls visit to London would seem much less exciting in comparison.3.The young woman, who was as confident as that businessman, must have noticed my fear.4.The young businessman was sorry that he had not got a chance to buy his two little girls a present.5.I am very grateful to my fellow passengers.Page 127VocabularyI.1.having the seat belt fastened on2.catch another flight to continue the journey3.he had completed his task (announcement)4.controlled my feelings and began behaving calmly again5.land successfully and safely6.am very grateful to, do something nice in returnII.1. witnessed2. figured3. lightning4. lunged5. confided6. blessed7. indiscriminate8. terra firma9. sure10. creaturePage 128III1. B2. A3. C4. B5. D6. D7. C8. BPage 129IV1.a. somehowb. somewhatc. Somewhatd. Somehow2.a. fearedb. panicc. fearedd. panicked3.a. hopeb. hopec. anticipatingd. anticipate4.a. survivingb. survivec. lived. livePage 130V.1. open, unlock, unlatch, unchain2. hopelessly, unconfidently, despairingly3. think, believe, imagine4. unafraid, brave, bold, fearless, dauntless5. unselective, uncritical, random6. enjoyable, comfortable, agreeable, pleasant7. grumble8. lightly, barely, hardly, scarcelyVI1. After all he has done for us, it would be very ungrateful of us if we didnt do this for him now. (grateful)2. With the worlds population increasing at the present rate, by the year 2050 it is feared there will be a terrible food shortage. (short)3. Penelope has unfortunately failed her driving test again. (fortune)4. This jewel is not simply valuable; it is invaluable. (value)5. This coat is too short for me. Do you think you could lengthen it a little? (long)6. The hurricane caused terrible destruction along the coast. (destroy)7. Without the timely help of the PLA men, a lot more people would have lost their lives in the earthquake. (time)8. It is said the 100% iron is rustless. (rust)Page 131II1. He may know the answer. (“May” is used to show that something is possible.)2. It must have been difficult. (“must” is used to show that something is very likely or certain.)3. He couldnt have forgotten his appointment. (“Couldnt” is used to show that it is impossible.)4. She must be coming tomorrow.5. We ought to help people in need.6. May/Can I say something?7. He may have gone to the museum.8. You ought to have apologized.III.1.When are you going to start?2.Im sure it is going to rain.3.Im going to take a few days holiday.4. When are you going to sell it?5. Im sure there is going to be trouble.6. We are going to have dinner out.7. Im going to watch the news.8. Were going to be late for the party.Page 132IV1.Im going2.Ill carry3. I wont tell4.Im going to be5.are you meeting6.Its going to rain7.Ill post it8. is going to takeV1.had listened2.could3.knew4.had5.were/was6.didnt have7.knew8.had meantPage 133I.1.我踉踉跄跄向座位冲过去时,乘客们抬起头来望着我,满脸惊恐,似乎感到死期已到。2.我快昏过去了,但是一看到身旁女孩的脸,我稳住了自己的情绪。3.在那痛苦难熬的20分钟里,我脑海里思绪万千,但其中不乏自豪之情-为飞机上所有人都表现得那么出色而感到自豪。4.我想起在那次生死攸关却又万分侥幸的飞行中结识的乘客们,希望能够为自己亲眼所见、有幸承受的友好行为向他们表示感谢。II1.I scrambled up the cliff for a good view of the sea.2.He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.3.I figure that our national economy will continue to develop rapidly.4.The chairman made an effort to reassure the shareholders that the companys bad results would not be repeated. 5. Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together!6.Being very much a private man, he does not confide in anyone.7.We all hate the terrorists indiscriminate violence against ordinary people.8.Many people in this country are alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crimes. 9.We anticipated that the enemy would try to cross the river. That was why we destroyed the bridge. 10.I am indebted to all the people who worked so hard to make the party a great success. Page 134I. DictationOur boat floated on, / between walls of forest. / Nowhere did we find a place / where we could have landed. / In any case, / what would we have got by landing? / The country was full of snakes / and other dangerous animals, / and the forest was so thick / that one would be able to advance only slowly, / cutting ones way with knives the whole day. / We live on fish, / caught with a homemade net of string, / and any fruit and nuts / we could pick up out of the water. / As we had no fire, / we had to eat everything uncooked, / including the fish. / As for water, / there was a choice: / we could drink the muddy river water, / or die of thirst.IIFill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.Ask three people to look out of the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are that you will receive three (1) different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.Perceiving goes on in our (2) mind. Of the three people who look out of the window, one may say that he sees a (3) policemen giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic (4) jam at the intersection. The (5) third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to (6) cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the minds interpretation of (7) what the senses in this case our eyes tell us.Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just (8) how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up (9) experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the (10) results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.Hints:1) different: Here you can use an adjective to mean “being not like each other in one or more ways”.2) mind: Here you can use a word referring to the thinking ability. 3) policemen: Who can give a motorist a ticket?4) jam: What do you always see in the rush hour?5) third: This refers to the last person of the three.6)cross: What is the word you can use when you want to express “go to the other side of the stress”?7) what: Here you need a conjunction to refer to a situation that is unknown or has not been specified.8) how: Here you need a conjunction to ask about the way in which something happens or is done.9) experiments: What do psychologists do when they want to find out something?10) results: Here you can use a word meaning “outcome”.Page 1361. If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; if you teach him how to catch fish, you feed him for a lifetime.2.We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything, but if we lose a great deal of blood, we feel weak and cold.3.Dont pretend to know what you dont and dont pretend not to know what you really know.4.If you want someone on your side, if you want to persuade someone to see your point of view, one of the best ways is to approach him with sincere kindness and caring.5.Successful people are on a permanent vacation, not because they dont work hard but because they love what they do.6.Dont keep things which do not belong to you; dont love the person who does not care about you.7.Helen took dance classes, but she had no natural grace or sense of rhythm, so eventually gave up the idea of becoming a dancer. 8. When bears emerge from hibernation in the spring, they wander through wetlands and feed mainly on grasses.9. Exhausted, I stared at the page, unable to comprehend a single word.10. The five-year-old boy asked his father a question about death.Page 137B. Listen to the passage. Give brief information of the interesting/worrying trips they have.1. The trip to visit their daughter:Route: California (starting point) Phoenix (for lunch and oxygen) St. Louis (spend the night) Lexington (for lunch) Princeton (visit daughter)2. The first trip to their house in Arkansas:Landing spot: Between a lake and a mountainProblem: The windsock was worn out.3. A trip back home:Problem: They got caught up in snow.Solution: They called on Edwards Airforce Base for help.4. A trip to Seattle:Problem: The landing gear light lit up to indicate that it had failed to work.When: A Sunday nightC. Listen again. Answer the following questions.1. Why did they get him lessons to learn how to fly? As a present for Fathers Day.2. Why did they stop on the journey across the United States? The plane didnt need to stop, but they needed a break.3. What does she mean when she says “But Arkansas is interesting that way”?She is suggesting that things dont always work properly, or as you expect.4. What was she worried about in the snowstorm near San Bernardino?She was worried about the possibility of hitting the mountains, as the visibility was poor.5. How did she feel about the danger?She was not too worried about it, and she seemed to accept it as normal.Tapescript Flying Your Own PlaneMy husband always wanted to fly a plane. So once for Fathers Day my two daughters and I . made an arrangement for lessons with a local teacher . flying teacher. And I told them, “Now I can always get a new husband, but you cant get a new father.” And so they said, “Well, maybe wed better not give him those lessons,” but we did and he learned to fly and he bought his own plane. Well it was a twin-engine plane. And it would go . it could go as say three thousand miles at a shot, and without having to stop for gas. But then people cant go that long, so we would fly just so far, like from California to Phoenix for instance and have lunch and get oxygen in the plane and then fly on to maybe St. Louis and spend the night. And the next day, stop at Lexington maybe for lunch. And then that night we would be in Princeton to visit our daughter. So it was always great travelling across country in that plane.We had a house in Arkansas and we would fly there occasionally to check on it. And that was always very interesting landing there. The first time we tried it, the landing strip was between a lake and a mountain and the windsock was all worn out so we couldnt see what way the wind was blowing except by looking at the waves on the lake. So that was entertaining trying to land in that little dangerous spot. But Arkansas is interesting that way.And of course sometimes it could be quite worrying. I know on one trip back home we came into a storm. That was at San Bernardino and somehow we got caught up in snow. We were trapped and we didnt know how to get out of there because we had the mountains between us and home. And we had to call on Edwards Airforce Base to get us over the mountains.Little things like that made it entertaining. And then once on a trip to Seattle, the landing gear light came on saying that it wasnt working. And that way you dont know if the wheels are down really because you cant see under there. And we were coming home and it was a Sunday night and no one was at the airport so we couldnt fly by the tower to let someone see if the wheels were down. So we really had a kind of chance to land it. So we didnt know if we were going to land on wheels or on the bottom of the airplane.So there were interesting moments like that. How did my husband put it? “You spend thousands and thousands of hours with just boring ordinary flying, punctuated by moments of sheer terror.” But we always made it. Sometimes I thought we werent going to, but it was fun.


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