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谢谢你,世界!Thank you fWorld!仅以此片献给每一位在这个艰难时刻曾经帮助过我们的朋友们!To all our friendswho has helped us in this dark time!注解:此句中的who为修饰前面的先行词 谢谢你们!Thank YOU !谢谢你日本,Thank you, Japan,不仅给予我们支持,还有这美妙的诗句,for your support as well as the beautiful poem,让我们想起我们两国间紧密的文化纽带;which reminded us of our shared cultural bonds.注解:此句中的Which为用逗号隔开,which指代上句的_谢谢你俄罗斯,Thank you, Russia,在我们最需要的时候及时出现for being there for us when we are in need,注解:1.此句中的being为动名词作,结构为 thank sb. for doing sth.2.when引导用实际行动表达了你们的关心.and expressing your carethrough practical actions.注解:1. 此句中的expressing为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doingsth.,这里的expressing与前面的being为并列的动名词结构.谢谢你,巴基斯坦Thank you, Pakistan,举全国之力鼎力相助,for supporting us with resources注解:1.此句中的supporting为动名词作,结构为thank sb. fordoing sth.throughout the whole country即便倾尽所有也在所不惜。even if it means to give out everything you have.注解:1. 此句中的even if引导2.此句中you have前面省略that引导修饰先行词谢谢你,柬埔寨Thank you, Cambodia在这个特殊时期来到中国for visiting us in this exceptional time注解:1.此句中的visiting为动名词作介词,结构为thank sb. for doingsth.你们的出现就已经是最好的礼物Your presence alone is the best giftwe could ever have.注解:1 .此句中的we could ever have前面省略that引导修饰前面的先行词gift.谢谢你,蒙古Thank you, Mongolia给我们带来这么多头羊作为礼物,for gifting us with so many sheep,注解:1. 此句中的gifting为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.彰显了两国珍贵的情谊;which shows a precious friendshipof our two nations注解:1 .此句中的Which引导用逗号隔开,代替逗号前的gifting.谢谢你,西班牙、意大利、阿根廷,Thank you , Spain, Italy, and Argentina,你让我们意识到我们共同拥有的you make us realize theres morewe have in common注解:1 .此句中的realise前面省略to ,是不定式的省略结构作类似的用法的let和have.2. 此句中we have in common前面省略that引导,前面先行词为 more.不止对足球的热爱,beyond our passion for soccer,还有对人类的关爱And that is love and care for mankind.谢谢你们,WHO的专家们,Thank you, WHO experts.谢谢你,联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生,Thank you, UN Secretary-General Mr. Guterres,让世界听到真相,for telling the truth to the world,注解:1.此句中的telling为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.并呼吁世界人民团结一致,共同抗击病毒and calling for global solidarityto fight against the virus.注解:1. 此句中的calling 动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.calling和前面的telling构成动名词的并列结构。2. 此句中to fight为动词不定式作谢谢你们,阿联酋、韩国、希腊以及美国人民Thank you, UAE, Korea, Greekand American people你们点亮的不止是大度You not just light up the buildings,还有我们的心but also our hearts.注解:1 .此句中的not (only).but also结构,更加强调的是.谢谢你,英国的豆豆先生Thank you, Mr. Dixon from UK,在我们最需要的时候给我们带来欢乐;for bringing joy to us when we really need it注解:1. 此句中的bringing为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doing,2. when引导的时间状语从句。谢谢你,比利时的尚马龙先生,Thank you, Mr. Maljean from Belgium,你创作的美妙音乐治愈了我们的心灵;for creating such beautiful musicwhich heals our soul注解:1. 此句中的creating为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.2. 此句中which为修饰前还有你、你、你、你们,谢谢你们!Thank you, you , you , and you .我们亲爱的朋友们,My dear friends,请原谅我无法一一列出你们的名字。forgive me for not being able tosay your name one by one.注解:1 .此句中的not being为动名词否定式作,结构为forgivesb. for doing sth.但我们可以感受到你们善良之心的温暖,But we could feel the warmth of your kind hearts,还有你们可爱笑脸背后的力量.and the power of your lovely smiles.病毒面前没有国界,There are no borders in front of virus.爱和关怀同样无荒。But so does love and care.注解:1 .此句中does是结构.而此刻正是爱和关心将我们紧密相连,And thafs what connect us togetherin this moment注解:1 .此句中的what引导的从句作尽管我们肤色不同,despite the different colors of our skin注解:1 .此句中的despite作为介词,表达让步状语,这里的 despite可以转化为 引导的让步状语从句.语言不通.and the different languages we speak.注解:1 .此句中的wespeak前面省略that引导修饰先行词languages,在这场战斗中,没有你我,只有我们。There is no you or me in this battle, but only us.因为我们是休戚与共的命运共同体.Because we are a communitywith a shared future.注解:1 .此句中的shared为过去分词作修饰future ,未来的被分享。这意味着只有当我们团结一体,And that means we could onlyhave a bright future注解:1.此句中的means后面省8g that引导,从句的时态用could使用的含义.才能拥有美好的未来!when we are united as one.注解:1.此句中的when引导.感谢你们,我亲爱的朋友们Thank you, my dear friends,感谢你们,选择了理解而非偏见for choosing understanding over prejudice,注解:1 .此句中的choosing为动名词做作介词for的宾语,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.感谢你们,选择了团结而非歧视for choosing solidarity over discrimination,1.此句中的choosing为动名词作,结构为thank sb. for doingsth.感谢你们,选择了支持而非自私for choosing support over selfishness,1 .此句中的choosing为动名词做作介词for的宾语,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.感谢你们,选择了关心而非冷漠and for choosing care over indifference1. 此句中的choosing为动名词做作,结构为thank sb. for doing sth.2. 上面连用四个动名词choosing结构,表达感谢的原因我们无法想象每一个选择背后所面临的困难.We could not imagine how hardit is to make these choices.注解1 .此句中的how引导的从句作而且宾语从句中it作形式主语,代替从句的不定式to make. 但我们相信这些都是最明智的选择.But we believe that they are the wisest ones.注解1 .此句中的that引导的从句作是宾语从句中.因为现在世界各地正在发生的一切证明了Because what is happening now around the world注解1 .此句中的what引导的从句作谓语动词是下一行的proves.你们帮助的不仅仅只是中国,proves that you are not just helping China,注解1 .此句中的that引导的从句作proves,是宾语从句。而是每一个在这个地球上生活的人类。but every single human being on this planet.注解1 .此句中的proves后接的宾语从句中,拥有not.but结构,更加强调的是 but中的成分.中国历来是一个懂得感恩的民族.China has always been a grateful nationthroughout its history.我们会将所有善举铭刻在心,We will engrave these good deeds in our hearts并与各国共克时艰and contribute to the world byworking together with other countries注解1.此句中的working后作.以此回馈世界.to overcome the crisis and challengeswe are facing.注解1. 此句中的to overcome为动词不定式作2. we are facing前面省略that引导修饰前面的先行词thecrisis and challenges.病毒还在蔓延The virus is still spreading.战斗还在继续,the war is still ongoing.但只要我们共同作战But as long as we fight together 注解1.此句中的as long as引导相当于if.我们就一定能取得最终的胜利We will win this war in the end正如联合国歌中唱到的一样Just as the song goes:注解1. 此句中的as弓|导联合国家团结向前United nations on the march义旗招展With flags unfurled携手并肩Together fight for victory谢谢你,世界!Thank you ,World!1. 本演讲中运用非谓语动词的不定式、动名词、分词形式,这样使用能使短时间的 演讲更加生动形象。2. 本演讲中运用名词从句、定语从句和状语从句,利用三大从句结构能使演讲的结 构更加清晰。3. 非谓语动词的不定式、动名词、分词和名词从句、定语从句和状语从句的三大从 句作为每年高考英语的必考的核心考点,因此需要对其进行牢固掌握。限于篇幅, 本讲义中我们重点讲解高考考点动名词。巩固练习11) Mark often attempts to escapewhenever he breaks traffic regulations。A) shavingsbeen fined B) to have been finedC) to be fined D) being fined2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciatefrom you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hear C) for hearing D) hearing3) The thief took away the womans wallet without。A) being seenB) seeingC) him seeingD) seeing him4) People appreciatewit him because he has a good sense of humor.A) to work B) to have workedC) working D) have working5) Kve enjoyedto talk with youA) to be able B) being ableC) to been able D) of being able6) No one can avoidby advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influencedC) influencing D) shavingsinfluence7) They are consideringbefore the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the houseC) buying the house D) to buy the house8) He thought that.A) the effort doing the job was not worthB) the effort was not worth in doing the jobC) it was not worth the effort doing the jobD) it was not worth the effort by doing the job9) If I had rememberedthe door, the things would not have been stolenA) to lock B) lockingC) to have locked D) shavingslocked10) Your shirt needs。 You,d better have it done today.,A) iron B) to ironC) ironing D) being ironed11) You cant helpcommercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted togive you one advertisement or another。A) to hear B) to be heardC) hearing D) with hearing12) My transistor radio isnt workingo It。A) need repairing B) needs to repairC) needs repairing D) need to be repaired13) It is no useme not to worry。A) you tell B) your tellingC) for you to have told D) shavingstold14) He is very busyhis papers. He is far too busycallers.A) to write ; to receiveB) writing : to receiveC) writing : receivingD) to write : for receiving15) The suspect at last admittedstolen goods but deniedthem.,A) receivingo。. selling B) to receive。to sellC) to receiving. . to selling D) to have receivedo。to have sold16) She apologized forto comeA) her not being ableB) her being not ableC) not being ableD) that she*s not able to17) I really appreciateto help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself。A) you to offer B) that you offerC) your offeringD) that you are offering18) Please stop, boys. I have something important toyou。A) saying .。. talk B) telling . . . sayC) talking .。. speak D) talking e。 tell19) Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficultyhis tape recorder?A) to fix B) fixing C) for fixing D) fix20) “Why isnt Nancy going to meet us? Its my fault。 I forgot all abouther A) telephoning to B) to telephoneC) to telephone to D) the telephoning to21) KWhy were you late? M had a hard timeup this morningo A) to get B) get C) got D) getting22) I rememberto help us if we ever gotsintostrouble.,A) once offering B) him once offeringC) him to offer D) to offer him23) John regrettedto the meeting last week。A) not going B) not to goC) notshavingsbeen going D) not to be going24) It is difficult to get usedin a tent aftershavingsa soft, comfortable bed to lie on。A) sleep B) to sleepingC) slept D) to sleep25) He gives people the impressionmany poems。A) ofshavingswritten B) to have writtenC) of being written D) to write26) Do you feel likeout or would you ratherdinner at home?A) goingo . o to have B) to go。. to haveC) to go., o . having D) going. . have27) Prior tothe formal speech, first he will introduce himself.A) deliveringB) deliverbeing delivering D)being delivered28) I don*t mindby bus.but I hatein queues。to travelo。standingtraveling.,。. to standB) shavingstraveledo。standingD) travelingo . . standing29) What aboutdouble quantities of everything today? We have hardly time togonext weekobuying. 。shoppingD) to buy。o shoppingbuying.。. to shop B) buy.。shopping30) We had some troublethe house and nobody seemedswheresit was。in finding- 。knowingB) findingo . to knowto findo .。knowingD) to findo .。to know31) We cant imaginein the entrance examination, for she has never been toschooLA) she succeeding B) her succeedingshe succeedD) her to succeed32) I don*t likeat me。A) them laughing B) their laughC) them laugh D) them to have laughed33) We suggestedin hotels but the children were anxiousout。A) sleeping.。to camp B) sleepingo .。campingC) to sleepo o o to camp D) to sleep。.。camping34) I have no objectionthe evening with them。A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending35) Afterfor the job. you will be required to take a language testeA) being interviewed B) interviewedC) interviewing D) shavingsinterviewed36) The match was cancelled because most of the membersa match without astandard court。A) objected toshavings B) were objected to haveC) objected to haveD) were objected to having37) Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busyfor her examination。A) to prepare B) to be preparedC) preparing D) being prepared38) It is no goodremember grammatical rules。 You need to practise what youhave learnedoA) trying to B) to try toC) try to D) tried to39) Afterhim better, I regrettedhim unfairly。A) getting to know。to judge B) getting to know 。to have judgedC) getting to have know0 . . judging D) getting to know .。having judged40) He is looking forward tohis holiday in Britain.A) spend B) have spentC) spending D) shavingsbeen spending41) Beforethe house, you should get a surveyorover itoA) buying.。looking B) shavingsbought。.。to lookC) buying. . to have looked D) buying. . to look42) In some countries people favor together even though there is much morespace.A) to stayB) stayC) stayingD) stayed43) wWhy was Fred so upset? ”He isnt usedcriticized。A) be B) to beC) to beingD) shavingsbeen44) Its no useto get a bargain these days.A) to expectB) expectingC) wanting D) you expect45) “Why were you so late for work today? nto the office was very slow this morning because of the trafficC)To driveD) That 1 drove46)It was impolite of him_without.good bye oA)to leave.saying B)leaving.to sayC)to leave.to say D)leaving.sayingA) DrivingB) I drove47) He keptto his parents。A) putting off to write B) to put off to writeC) putting off writing D) to put off writing48) ril go with you after I get through withthe house。A) cleaning B) to cleaningC) to be cleaned D) shavingscleaned49) With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldnt resistfour poundsoA) to take B) took C) taking D) have taken50) How can you keep the machinewhen you are away?A) run B) to run C) running D) being run巩固练习2一、语句填空1. Catching the first bus will mean(get) up at 5:00.2. ril never forget (visit) Paris for the first time.3. The students are busy(prepare) for the examinations.4. I regret(not study) hard at school.5. Your car needs(oil).6. The old man needs (look) after.7. The problem is worth (discuss).8. Instead of(see) sights, Edison would spend the time(read) in thepublic library.9. All the children enjoy(play) at the seaside.10. Please remember (turn) off the lights before(leave) theclassroom.11. He prevented his son from(do).12. He was proud of(his son win) the Noble Prize.13. I practice(speak) English every day.14. Thank you for(give) so much help.15. I prefer (walk) to(ride) in a bus.16. (see) is believing.17. It is no use(cry) over spilt milk.18. There is(not/no know) what the weather w山 be like.19. We didnt miss(watch) the football match last night.20. We didnt allow (smoke) in this room.21. He has always insisted on his(call) Dr. Turn instead of Mr. Turner.22. -You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.- Well, now I regret(do) that.23. He regrets(not be) able to watch the basketball match.24. The old mans(take) pity on the snake led to his own death.25. We regret (say) that the film was not worth(see).26. The students were busy(prepare) for the coming exam.27. I cant imagine (do) that with them.28. The sick woman needs(look) after.29. -Lets have a break.-Not now. I didnt want to stop(study) yet.30. They enjoyed(spend) a wonderful evening at the Country Club.31. My father hates(smoke). He never allows me(smoke).32. The bird was lucky that it just missed(catch).33. It is very hot. I feel like(drink) something cool.34. He has not got used(live) in the countryside.35. How dare you go in without(invite).36. Teaching is(learn).37. My job is (teach) you English.38. I apologize for(not keep) my promise.39. It is no good(smoke). You should give it up.40. (you fail) the exam will disappoint your parents.41. They all enjoyed(learn) to skate.42. Have you finished(read) the book?43. He wouldnt consider(make) these changes.44. Jack has just given up(smoke).45. Peter kept on(ask) questions.46. She didnt mind(work) over time.47. We cant postpone(answer) that letter any longer.48. on(arrive ) at the village he found tractors working in the fields.49. Besides(read), he is fond of(dance) and(snake).50. instead of(go) to the concert, she went to an exhibition.

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