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听力录音原文及答案高一英语暑假听力(一)(Text 1)W:I hear you have changed your job. How do you feel about your new job?M: Better than the job I used to have. The most important thing is that doing the present job, I can use what I learned from the old job.(Text 2)W:Could you have my dress delivered?M: Of course, madam. May I have your address, please?W:7345 King Street.(Text 3)M:Sue, that report on my desk has to be finished today. But Im sick and cant come to the office.W:I see the report, Bill. Ill finish it for you.(Text 4)M:Mary, you didnt do well in todays maths test. What was the matter?W:I was in a hurry, and I didnt check my answers.M:Thats too bad you didnt think of it before.W:Sorry, Mr. Smith. If only I had been more careful!(Text 5)W:Sorry, Mr Johnson. I forgot to bring my homework.M:Did you do it?W:Yes, but I left in a hurry this morning.M:Do remember to bring it here tomorrow.(Text 6)W:Good morning Ken! Why are you so early today?M:Morning, Julia!Well, I was doing my homework, and I have finished it now. You see, the maths homework is difficult for me.W:Is it? Im afraid you stayed up again last night for the football match.M:Yes. Thats why I am doing my homework here in the classroom. If my mother had seen I was doing my homework at home, she would have known everything.W:Your mother is really strict with you.M:Strict? I think she is hard on me.W:Then how did you watch the football match last night?M:I bought a secondhand small TV set with my pocket money. And I put it in my bedroom.W:Didnt your mother hear you?M:No, she was too tired after the whole days work.W:Did your favorite team win last night?M:Sure!(Text 7)M:So, two men grabbed your bag as you came out of the bank and ran off down the street. Is that correct?W:Yes. One of them stopped me and asked me the time. The other one grabbed my bag.M:Would you please describe them?W:Im not sure. Because it happened so quickly.M:The one who asked you the time, what did he look like?W:Well, let me see. He was short and he had brown hair and a little moustache. He was very thin, about 20 years old. And he was wearing a black jacket.M:Did you notice the colour of his eyes?W:Yes. They were brown.M:Good. And what about the other man?W:Im sorry, I didnt get a good look at him. He was quite tall. I remember he had a beard. He was bald and he appeared much older than the short one.M:Thank you. We may call you tomorrow.W:OK.(Text 8)M:Have you seen Elizabeth lately?W:Yes, I have. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. She hasnt been very well in the last couple of weeks.M:Has she seen a doctor since shes been ill?W:Yes, she has. The doctor told her to take it easy for a while, but she hasnt been following his advice. Shes as busy as usual.M:Do you think it useful for me to ask her to have a rest while I go to see her? Or shall we go together?W:I think you can go yourself and show your concern to her since she sometimes would take your advice. So its unnecessary for me to go with you. Whats more, Ive got my hands full tomorrow.(Text 9)W:Now, let me show you around our school. This is our computer lab.M:Wow! So many computers! How many computers do you have?W:We have 80 in this lab and we have another 40 in another lab. Besides all these, we have one for each teacher.M:Then, how many teachers do you have?W:88. The teachers are using the computers as aids in their classes.M:Really? Can we go into the classes to have a look?W:Yes. This is an English class. The teacher is explaining new words with the help of the computer.M:How nice! It is easier to explain the words with the help of the computer.W:And it saves a lot of time.(Text 10)Good morning, everybody. My topic for today is “Early Money”. Im going to tell you something about money used in the early days. To be honest, we know little about how early people came to use money, but we do know some things which have been used as money. In early times, in some European countries, salt was used as money. In some parts of Asia, tea was used for money. The American Indians used nuts and other things. Perhaps the most common money of all was animal of some kind. In some places today, cows are still used as a kind of money. So you see, things highly valued by everybody may serve as money. The Chinese were the first people to use coins as money. Oh, sorry, you dont know the word? Well, it is spelled C-O-I-N. Here are some coins of the past. You can come over and have a look.答案:15.ACCAB 610.BAABC 1115.ACAAC 1620.AABAC高一英语暑假听力(二)(Text 1)M:What shall I do? I have nothing to write with.W:No problem. I have two pencils.(Text 2)W:What do you think this building is, Dick?M:It looks like a hospital, right?W:Youre right, my boy. You were born in this building ten years ago.(Text 3)W:Do you mind if I have some time off?M:When exactly?W:Thursday and Friday of next week.M:Well, Id like to say yes, but its just impossible.(Text 4)W:I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party. Do you know their address?M:No, but Id like them to come. I think Tom can give you their address.(Text 5)M:Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the train station?W:It leaves in about ten minutes. Run quickly, and you may catch it.M:Thank you. Ill try my best.(Text 6)W:May I help you?M:Yes, Id like to read some articles on the archaeology of Egypt.W:Professor Scotts class?M:Thats right, but how did you know?W:Lets just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.M:I see. Well, since I havent read any of them yet, it doesnt really matter which one you give me first.W:Im afraid I cant give you any of them at the moment. Theyve all been checked out.M:Youre kidding, all of them?W:Ive asked Professor Scott several times to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I put them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the red sweater? Shes been waiting for half an hour for these same articles to be returned.M:And here I am out of my way to free up the whole afternoon to read them.W:Im sorry, but there is nothing I can do now. All I can suggest is that you come early tomorrow morning and try your luck again. We open at half past eight.M:Thank you.(Text 7)M:May I help you?W:Yes, I am looking for a nice shirt for my son.M:What colour do you prefer?W:Blue. Boys get dirty easily, dont they?M:Thats right. But.what size would you like?W:Size 5.M:How about this one?W:It looks very nice. How much does it cost?M:Its 30.W:Oh, thats expensive.M:How about this one, its only 17.66. Weve sold a lot of these.W:Yes, its really nice. I think Ill take it.(Text 8)W:Good afternoon. Dr. Andersons office.M:Hello, my name is John Cramer, and I am hoping I can come in today to see the doctor.W:Are you a patient of Dr. Anderson?M:Well, no. I am in town at a conference. And the manager of the hotel where I am staying suggested that I call you.W:What seems to be the problem?M:Well, Ive got ringing in my ears.W:Are you in any pain or is there any hurt?M:No hurt, just a slight earache.W:The doctor will be busy at the hospital until tomorrow morning. So the earliest time you could see him would be tomorrow morning at ten.M:Ill come in then if its OK.W:That will be fine. In the meantime you should try to take it easy.(Text 9)W:Good morning! Can you tell me the time of morning flights to Paris, please?M:Yes, certainly. There are daily flights at 7:50 and 11:05.W:And when do they arrive in Paris?M:The early flight arrives at 9:00 and the midmorning one at 12:15.W:So the journey takes an hour and ten minutes.M:Yes, thats correct. But remember, you must be at the airport an hour before.W:Of course. And in Paris is there a bus to the city center?M:Yes, there are buses every half an hour and the journey takes about 40 minutes.W:Fine. How much is an air ticket?M:59 pounds.W:Right. Id like to book five tickets on the early morning flight to Paris on Friday, June 10th.M:Five tickets. Fine.(Text 10)When 16yearold John first entered high school four years ago, he worked very hard and always got very good grades. Besides, he was very active in sports. To get up very early every morning to practise running, he never took the school bus to school, he always ran there. He even won a silver medal in the 800meter race at the school sports meeting a year ago. As a reward, his parents bought him a computer. Something began to change. He stopped getting up early and never ran to school. His interest in sports suddenly disappeared. Sometimes he got up so late that he would miss the school bus and thus didnt go to school. Soon his school work began to suffer. One day in the middle of the night his mother saw the light in Johns room. She went in and discovered the cause of Johns change. John had played the computer games late into the middle of the night ever since he had his computer. This had bad effects on his study and he suffered from lack of sleep. This must be stopped. The next day she had a serious talk with John. Instead of taking away his computer, she told him he was old enough to learn to have some control over himself. John was happy he had such a wonderful mother and promised to correct himself.答案:15.ABBCB610.BCACB1115.ACCBA1620.CCBBA高一英语暑假听力(三)(Text 1)W:I heard you got a full mark in your math exam. Congratulations!M:Thanks! Im sure you did a good job, too.(Text 2)M:You know, I will be a teacher for geography.W:I thought your major was biology.(Text 3)W:How can I get to the shopping center from here?M:You can take a bus or a taxi, but it isnt too far to walk.(Text 4)M:Hi, honey, our radio doesnt work. What do you think I should do?W:Why not call Mr. White? He may help us.(Text 5)W:I have got time to buy a magazine, havent I?M:The train is about to leave.(Text 6)M:Hi, is this where I can get information on tours?W:Yes, I can help you with that. What type of tour are you thinking about? There are some great city tours that are oneday or twoday overnight.M:I think Im interested in a hiking trip to the mountains. Im big on nature. Are the overnight trips expensive?W:Not at all. They are very reasonably priced, starting at 96 and up.M:Do I need to book ahead?W:Yes, this company requires that you book 48 hours ahead.M:Great. Can I book that here at the hotel tour desk, or do I call the company directly?W:I can book that for you. Just stop by when youve made a decision and Ill take care of it for you.M:Thats great. Thanks a lot for your help.(Text 7)W:Hello.M:Hello, Susan, this is Jim. Im calling from the bus stop at Pine Street. Ive been searching for your house for about thirty minutes now, but I cant seem to find it. I forgot to bring the map you gave me.W:OK. Wait right where you are. Ill come and get you.M:Thats not necessary. If you tell me the direction once again, Ill probably be all right this time.W:OK. Can you see a bank on the corner?M:Yes, theres one across the street.W:Well, cross the street and walk past the shoe shop. My house is the seventh house from the corner on your right. M:OK. Thanks. Im sure Ill be able to find it this time.(Text 8)W:What are you doing here?M:Im buying a camera.W:On the computer?M:Yeah, I like to shop on the Internet.W:Oh, yeah.M:Sure, Internet shopping is great because its easy to compare prices, so you can save money. The camera I want costs 900 dollars, but I found it on the Internet only 750 dollars.W:Thats a good dealyou save 150 dollars.M:Yeah, and its a lot easier than shopping in the stores. You dont have to leave your house. You just send in your credit card information and they send it to your house.W:Thats truebut Id rather pay cash than use my credit card. And I dont like sending my credit card information over the Internet.(Text 9)M:Good morning, Dr. Ellis Office.W:This is Mrs. Jackson. May I speak to the doctor?M:Mrs. Jackson, this is Dr. Ellis speaking. Hows that new tooth?W:Not so good,doctor. Thats what Im calling about. It just doesnt seem to fit right.M:Well, thats to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in. Have you been leaving it in as I told you?W:Well, it hurts so much, doctor, especially when I eat.M:I understand, Mrs. Jackson. It hurts in the beginning, I know. But its really better to leave it in, except when you clean it, of course.W:Well, it hurts so much that I just couldnt stand it any longer.M:Well, maybe we can set it right a little more.W:Set it right?M:Yes. When can you come here?W:Oh, right away, doctor, if you dont mind.M:Let me see. Can you get here by 11:00?W:Oh, yes, doctor. I can make it. Thank you. See you then.(Text 10)Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our university. The University of Bradford is proud of its fame for making students from other countries feel welcome. 27% of our present postgraduate students come from outside the EU, studying courses and doing research across all the universitys departments. The presence of so many students from so many different countries and cultures helps to create an environment for everyone in the university. Bradford also has a long tradition of attracting people from other countries, many of whom have settled here. There are large communities originally from Eastern Europe, the West Indies and East Africa. Most international students quickly feel at home in Bradford. If you think you would like to study in England, and at the University of Bradford in particular, you should read this statement carefully to see which courses interest you. The pages in this section will then give you some extra information which you might find helpful. Once you have applied, we will send you full details of the best way to get to Bradford, and the arrangements we will make for your first few days. I do hope that you will like what we have offered, and that you will decide to apply to study in Bradford. If you accept one of our courses or to take up research, I can make it certain that the university will make your time with us as rewarding as possible with every effort.答案:15.BAACC610.ABABC1115.ABABC1620.ABCCA高一英语暑假听力(四)(Text 1)W:How do you like Professor Hawkings lecture?M:The topic was quite interesting, but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected.(Text 2)W:How much are these jackets?M:The regular price is 15 each, but we have it on sale this week for 12. If you buy two, then its 20.(Text 3)M:How long will I have to stay out of school?W:That depends. You still have a fever, let me feel your forehead.(Text 4)M:Any questions, class?W:Yes, I still dont know the difference between “see” and “look”.Could you say it again, please?(Text 5)W:The meeting will begin at 9:30. Dont worry.M:I see. There is a quarter of an hour to go.(Text 6)W:What a nicelooking bamboo hat you have!M:It is nice, isnt it? I picked it up in Guangzhou last month. Would you like to try it on?W:Thanks. Its very light and strong.M:Yes, and you can wear it rain or shine. It comes in very handy.W:Im sure it does.M:Why dont you keep it? Ive got another one.W:Oh, I wouldnt think of accepting it.M:Do take it. I dont need two.W:Really, I cant, but thank you just the same.(Text 7)M:Do you have any maps of China?W:Yes, we have several kinds.M:Are there any in English?W:Im sorry. They are all in Chinese.M:Oh. I see. I only need one in English to learn something and I have one in Chinese already.W:But weve got some very nice maps of the world in English. Maybe that will also help you. The other day, a young man came and he bought one of the world in English.M:Well, Im afraid I want one of China. Perhaps.er. I can try some other bookstores.W:But as far as I know, bookstores on this street or even in this city all sell maps of China in Chinese. Im afraid you cant find any.M:But I think there is hope for me. Maybe Im lucky enough to find one.W:All right. Perhaps you may succeed. Bye!M:Byebye.(Text 8)W:Excuse me, are you going home? I want to get some information about the traffic problem in this city. Can I ask you some questions? It wont take you much time.M:Yes, of course.W:Good. Uh. How do you usually get to work?M:By bus.W:How far is your work place from your home?M:About four kilometers. The bus stop is just outside my company.W:How long does it usually take you?M:Oh, about 35 minutes. My work starts at 9:00. I need 20 minutes to get things ready.W:Um. What time do you leave home?M:Around five past eight.W:Did you arrive on time today?M:No,I didnt. The traffic was terrible. I didnt get to my office until five past nine.W:Do you think the traffic is a serious problem in this city?M:Yes, its a serious problem.W:Thats all. Thank you very much.M:Youre welcome.(Text 9)M:Are you free this weekend? Go to the Students Club with me,will you?W:Hmm, isnt it far away?M:Not really. Its only about half an hours walk. If you drive there, it will take you just 10 minutes at most.W:You often go there at the weekends, dont you?M:Yes, four times a month.W:So how can I enjoy myself there?M:Well, you can play basketball and volleyball. If you are not interested, you can try some indoor exercises. They have a large indoor swimming pool and indoor track. Its a great place to get relaxed.W:OK. Ill go swimming there. How about meeting me at the school gate? Lets walk there.M:Sure, see you then.(Text 10)Farmers grow plants and feed animals on their farms. Is it also possible to have a farm in the sea?People in many countries grow freshwater fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The fish live and grow there. People go fishing in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy catching fish. Fish is also good food.Now Japan grows saltwater fish. Most of them are yellowtail fish. The workers grow the fish from eggs. Every time they give food to the fish, they play tapes of music. The fish learn that the music means food. When the fish grow a little bigger, the Japanese put them in the sea near the land. The fish find some of their own food. The workers also give food to them while they play the same music as usual. The fish swim there to find the food. In a few months the fish are large. The Japanese play the same music, and they can easily catch these fish in the sea. The Japanese get about 15% of their seafood from farms in the sea.答案:15.CBCBB610.CCCBA1115.CCBBC1620.ABBBA高一英语暑假听力(五)(Text 1)M:Wow, theres a great deal of work for us to do.W:Oh, it isnt so bad as it looks. After all, the greater part of it has already been done.(Text 2)W:Do you know Jane bought a new white evening dress?M:A white evening dress? How do you like it?W:Very much. In fact, Ive got a blue one just like hers.(Text 3)M:Have you been here long?W:Well, just five days; we arrived on the tenth.M:Will you be staying for some time?W:Yes, until the twentysecond.(Text 4)M:Hi, Sue. I called you last night, but there was no reply. Were you out?W:Oh, Im sorry, Jeff. I went to the cinema with my sister.M:Did you have fun?W:Yes. The movie was about a football star. We really enjoyed it.(Text 5)W:How long does it take you to travel to work?M:Well, its 15 minutes walk from my house to the bus stop, and its about half an hours drive to my factory.(Text 6)W:Hello. Im Mrs. Carter.M:Oh! Davids mother! Im pleased to meet you.W:Nice to meet you, too. Please tell me, how is David doing in math th

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