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READINGPart 1Questions 1 to 10. Read the following passage and then answer the questions on the next page. 阅读文章并回答问题。共15分。The Story of My Life1I was born in the year 1632 in the city of York. I had always wanted to go to sea but my father wanted me to enter the law. Against his wishes I joined a big trading ship. I knew I was breaking my fathers heart but the call of the sea was too strong. At first I was terribly seasick but I gradually learned to adapt and weather the great storms. To my misfortune, I was once taken as a slave but I managed to escape finally. For some time I even ran a plantation1 in Brazil, and quite successfully, but I could not resist returning to the sea. This time, unfortunately, my ship was wrecked and I was the only survivor. The waves washed me up onto a tropical island. “Am I all alone?” I called. My worry turned out to be true and I had to live in such a silent world with no one else. Suddenly I realized that I must hurry to swim back to the ship before it sank completely to save everything of value for my survival on the island. On the boat I also found a dog, two cats, a parrot and a goat. They were for many years my only companions on the island. I built a strong shelter close to the fresh water. I explored the island and found fruit trees and a group of goats. I managed to look on the bright side rather than the dark side of my condition. I spent days making baskets, pots, a boat and other necessities. Besides, I learned to plant. Each year the crops increased and my family led a peaceful life. The material world became more and more remote. I began to love the beauty of the island. Yet I longed to see a human face and hear a human voice. One day when I walked towards my boat, I suddenly saw a strange footprint in the sand. This incident marked the beginning of my friendship with a man who had lived on a distant island. He was escaping the anger of his countrymen and I helped him. “Friday”, as I called him, wanted to learn English and gradually we learned to understand one another and appreciated each others way of life. My luck changed when an English ship appeared. Friday and I observed a rowing boat coming to the shore. My guess was right. The crew of the ship had started a mutiny2 and the captain and some of his followers had been taken prisoner. Friday and I worked out a way to catch the mutineers and set the captain free. The captain offered to take me back to England but I thought Friday should accompany me back. How could I leave my true and good friend behind alone on the island? So, on December 19th 1686, after 28 years on the island, one of the strangest stories ever told ended as I sailed away from the island, never to return. 1. plantation: a large piece of land where crops are grown 2. mutiny: the act of refusing to obey the orders of a leaderQuestions 1 to 5. Judge if the following statements agree with the information given in the passage. Choose A for TRUE if the statements agree with it; choose B for FALSE if the statements dont agree with it; choose C for NOT GIVEN if the information the statements carry is not mentioned anywhere in the passage. 根据文章内容判断下列表述。如果表述与文章内容一致,选A项;表述与文章内容不一致,选B项;文章中未提及表述的信息,则选C项。1 My parents became very angry because I did not enter the law.2 I found a group of goats on the damaged ship.3 I was eager to have communication with humans.4 Friday got away from a distant island where he had lived.5 With the help of the captain, I left for England myself.Questions 6 to 9. Match the following words with their meanings in the passage. Note that there are four choices more than you need. 判断下列词汇在文章中的含义,并从表格中选择恰当的释义。(提示:8个选项中有4项是多余的)A see or noticeB come safely through a difficult situationC move at a faster speedD recognize fullyE express thanks toF be in charge ofG stare atH predict the conditions in the air6 weather7 run 8 appreciate 9 observe Question 10. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 选择最佳答案。10 According to the passage, which of the following could best describe the character of “I”?A Fun-loving but conservative.B Brave and optimistic.C Tough and simple.D Hard-working but cold.Part 2Questions 11 to 20. Read the following passage and then answer the questions on the next page. 阅读文章并回答问题。共15分。Reading Fiction for Your Brain5Nowadays, a lot of young people seem to spend much of their free time either watching television or playing computer games. Certainly, these things are entertaining, but they dont contribute much to developing their brains. Many believe that reading books, and especially fiction, is a much more effective way of achieving this.Apart from being a pleasant way to relax, the most obvious benefit we get from reading a good story is a growing vocabulary. We come across new words in reading and gradually become more confident with complex words. In addition, we improve in areas such as spelling and speaking just by reading regularly.It has also been established that reading fiction is a good way of developing a good self-image. Non-readers or poor readers often have low opinions of themselves. Many times they feel as if the world is against them. They can end up feeling isolated. Besides, they may perform poorly in other subjects because they cannot read and understand the material. Most importantly, however, reading fiction helps us to develop our brains. The human brain can work well when we just do regular things, like driving or walking. However, learning expert Dr. Brian E. Walsh suggested that it can perform more effectively when an element of surprise is added, because this helps to build connections in the brain. In this respect, the positive effects of reading may be much stronger than previously thought.Generally, we are not greatly influenced by the ageing brain as we grow older. Why? One reason is that scientists have discovered that an adult brain can regenerate brain cells. Walsh says that almost 70% of brain ageing is controllable through mental and physical exercise, along with diet. American neuroscientist Dr. Steven Miller said, “The things you do, how much you write, what you do to challenge your brain, actually decrease the chances of age-related memory loss.”What does this have to do with reading fiction? Recent research has shown that the brain reacts more strongly to unpredictable than to predictable things. This may explain why people enjoy reading fiction, which generally contains lots of unpredictable things. The brain is challenged. This is a positive thing because it will continue to grow and develop if properly stimulated1. The more it is used, the better it becomes.Walsh says that mental stimulation results in a stronger brain. Reading fiction enables us to experience fresh scenarios2 and identify with the people we are reading about. When we mentally create the scenes, the look of the characters, the smells, and the sounds in the book, we are exercising our brain. Walsh also says this can benefit us in many ways, for example, this can help when looking for a job. “Smart business today looks for innovative thinkers, who can recognize changes in market patterns and provide new ideas,” he adds. 1. stimulate: to make something develop or become more active2. scenario: a setting, in particular for a work of art or literatureQuestions 11 to 14. Choose the paragraph numbers of the passage which contains the following information. You may not use any paragraph number twice. 判断下列信息出自文章的哪个段落?(提示:不要重复选择某一段落编号)11 an example of lack of self-confidence caused by neglecting reading12 a description of the benefit from reading fiction for job hunters13 an example of improving language skills through reading fiction14 a reference to the brain dealing well with everyday thingsQuestions 15 to 18. Look at the following statements and the list of people. Match each statement with the correct person, A, B, or C. 判断下列表述(1518)出自谁?请为每个表述匹配一个正确答案(A、B或C)。15 Writing may prevent memory loss.16 The human brain will become better if it can be used frequently.17 Mental and physical exercise can help to prevent brain ageing.18 An element of surprise is an important factor for brain development.A Dr. Brain WalshB Dr. Steven MillerC The passage writerQuestions 19 to 20. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 选择最佳答案。19 It can be inferred from Paragraph 7 that reading fiction canA improve our creative abilities.B make some scenarios become true.C help companies find better employees.D provide basic reading exercise.20 The authors primary purpose in this passage is toA inform readers of a study on brain reaction to unexpected things.B explain the function of reading fiction as a brain activation.C argue for the advantages of reading fiction for the ageing brain.D instruct readers how to read good stories efficiently.Part 3Questions 21 to 30. Read the following passage and then answer the questions on the next page. 阅读文章并回答问题。共15分。The Secrets of Long Life There are several places in the world where people live a very long time. These places are usually in mountainous areas, far away from modern cities. Doctors and scientists often travel to these regions to solve the mystery of a long, healthy life. They hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity1. Hunza is at a very high altitude in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia. There, men of 90 are new fathers, and women of 50 still have babies. People in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia are also famous for their longevity. A man called Shirali probably lived until 168; moreover, his widow was 120 years old. When they died, both of them had their own teeth, a full head of hair and good eyesight too. Vilcabamba, Ecuador, is another area famous for longevity. This mountain region like Hunza and the Caucasusis is also at a very high altitude, far away from cities. In Vilcabamba, too, there is very little serious disease. Therefore, one important reason for longevity might be the clean, beautiful environment. The diets of the inhabitants2 in the three regions are quite different. Hunzukuts eat mainly raw vegetables, fruit, and chapattis a kind of pancake; they eat meat only a few times a year. In contrast, the Caucasian diet consists chiefly of milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, and meat; also, most people there drink the local red wine daily. In Vilcabamba, people eat only a small amount of meat each week; their diet consists mostly of grain, corn, beans, potatoes, and fruit. Most people there, even the very old, consume a lot of coffee and drink large amounts of alcohol. Despite all these differences, the typical diets of the three areas are similar in three ways. The fruits and vegetables are all natural; that is, they contain no chemicals. Furthermore, the population takes traditional medicines to prevent and cure disease. Besides, the inhabitants consume fewer calories3 than people do in other parts of the world. Inhabitants in the three regions are mostly farmers; their lives are physically hard and extremely active. Therefore, they do not need to exercise. Whats more, the population does not seem to have the stress of fast city work and recreation. As a result, peoples lives are relatively free from worry. There is an additional health advantage of life in these long-lived communities. It is the extended family structure: the group takes care of its members from birth to death. Nevertheless, some doctors notice that the inhabitants, especially the long-lived people, of the three regions dont have valid official government birth records. They say that solid evidence is needed to make these unusual longevity claims more convincing. These health scientists believe that there is a natural limit to the length of human life. In their theories, it is impossible to reach an age of more than 110 years. 1. longevity: long life2. inhabitant: a person or animal that lives in a particular place3. calorie: unit of heat energyQuestions 21 to 24. Choose the correct headings for Paragraphs 1-4 from the box. Note that there are two choices more than you need. 请为文章前四段匹配小标题。(提示:6个选项中有2项是多余的)A Other possible causes for long lifeB Places where people live a long lifeC A worry-free life of long-lived peopleD Reasons for scientists going to long-life regionsE Diets of long-lived people F The three mountainous regions 21 Paragraph 1 _ 22 Paragraph 2 _23 Paragraph 3 _24 Paragraph 4 _Questions 25 to 27. Complete each sentence with the correct ending in the box below. Note that there are three choices more than you need. 补全下列表述。(提示:6个选项中有3项是多余的)25 The typical diets of the three areas are similar in26 People in the three regions do not have to exercise because of27 The elderly in the three regions receive good care, thanks toA very little serious disease.B the extended family structure.C the physically hard lives.D a small amount of meat.E the health advantage.F their consumption of calories.Questions 28 to 30. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 选择最佳答案。28 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?A Some women over 50 in Hunza can give birth to babies.B An old couple in Caucasus had good eyesight when they died.C Vilcabamba is also located in high altitude regions. D People in Vilcabamba live far away from cities to avoid disease.29 Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 5?A Doctors find it hard to develop a theory about longevity.B The birth records do not easily get approved by the government. C The natural limit to the length of human life could be increased.D Reports of certain peoples unusual longevity may be inaccurate. 30 The authors main purpose for writing about long-lived people is toA entertain readers with their life stories.B persuade readers to live like them.C present some possible reasons for longevity.D describe their different life styles.Part 4Questions 31 to 40. Read the following passage and then answer the questions on the next page. 阅读文章并回答问题。共15分。7Speak English!7 Every week there is at least one article in the local newspaper debating bilingual1 education. The debate centers on whether or not immigrants kids should be sent to bilingual schools where they are taught both English and their home language. This is not a recent topic. During the 1960s and 1970s many US educators emphasized an individuals right to keep the language and speech pattern of their native culture. Nowadays, however, many believe bilingual education is harmful to the young. It weakens their ability to express themselves accurately in English, the daily language of this country. Even African-American writer William Raspberry and Mexican-American writer Richard Rodriguez, who have a strong interest in keeping their own cultural values, recognize the importance of children learning standard English. As Raspberry pointed out in one of his articles, “Standard Englishmarks a person as educated.” English is, after all, the language of the United States. In order to succeed in this country, one must have a good command of standard English. It is very important that one develop an ability to read with understanding and insight and to recognize the slight differences in phrasing. Equally important is the ability to write clearly, to organize ones ideas, and to convey them to a reader. But perhaps most important is to be able to speak the language naturally, to phrase ones thoughts accurately. All of these skills are difficult to develop. This is especially so for a child who is not constantly exposed to the English language. Although bilingual education has its advantages, they are outweighed2 by its harmful influence. Bilingual students tend to rely on their native tongue, the language spoken at home. They tend to think in that language and then translate their thoughts into English. While doing so, they often create unnatural expressions. The attention to the native tongue also is a block to accurate pronunciation. Many bilingual college students regret that they did not get enough exposure to English in the home when they were young. They have found themselves at a great disadvantage throughout their schooling and in the work force. They have found that their difficulties with English have limited their choices. It is true that America is a multicultural and multilingual society. However, we should not forget the language of the country is English. Without a good mastery of standard English, peoples opportunities and choices are limited. Their chances of gaining the full benefits from their education are restricted; their chances of getting into a good college are reduced. In short, educators and parents who do not insist on children speaking English are doing more harm than good for them; they are not preparing them for the future. So let students get full exposure to English from day one. Let both teachers and parents stress the importance of speaking English. 1. bilingual: using two languages2. outweigh: to be greater or more important than somethingQuestions 31 to 35. Judge if the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the passage. Choose A for YES if the statements agree with them; choose B for NO if the statements dont agree with them; choose C for NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this. 根据本文作者观点判断下列表述。如果表述与作者观点一致,选A项;表述与作者观点不一致,选B项;作者未提及表述中的信息,则选C项。31 Bilingual education may reduce the ability to use English accurately.32 Reading, writing and speaking skills are equally important for the young.33 Bilingual education has more disadvantages than benefits.34 As a multicultural country, America can easily accept different values.35 It is hard for bilingual students to gain college scholarship.Questions 36 to 37. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 选择最佳答案。36 Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3 about bilingual students?A They often need translators help.B They should have been exposed fully to English.C They find it hard to keep their native language.D They can produce some creative constructions.37 The authors primary purpose in this passage is toA show how bilingual education prevents children from learning English.B explain the reasons why bilingual education is basically correct.C criticize those people who do not speak English at home. D persuade the readers that mastery of English is the key to success.Questions 38 to 40. Complete the following outline of the passage using the phrases in the box below. Note that there are two choices more than you need. 补全文章概要。(提示:5个选项中有2项是多余的)Paragraph 1 Historical opinion on bilingual education. Bilingual education being bad for the young38. Paragraphs 2 & 339 Reasons for mastering English. Paragraph 440 Limitations of people who do not speak English well. A Difficulties faced by bilingual students.B Reasons for keeping traditional cultural values.C The importance of speaking English from the beginning.D Blame on those who persist in using English. E Two well-known writers with similar views.WRITINGTask OneYou went for a walk in a park yesterday when something interesting happened.You decide to write a letter to a friend describing the incident.In your letter you should: describe what you saw; explain how you reacted; say what happened in the end.Your letter should be no fewer than 100 words. Write your letter on the answer sheet.

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