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清华大学出版社 工程硕士研究生英语基础教程课后习题答案 Unit1-16Unit 1A. Translate the following into Chinese. P71.Two noted Americans explain why its not what you earn-its what you learn. Belgians 比利时1、两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要。2.I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldnt be outworked.2、我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。3.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.3、看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。4. I took a genuine interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas.4、我发自内心地关心她们的问题,并能理解她们的愿望,给她们出些该如何化妆的点子。5. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.5、结果我创下了化妆品销售量的最好成绩。B. Translate the following into English.1. She plans to set up her own bussiness她计划自己创业(set up)2.Attitude also matters.2. 态度也很重要(matter)3. she had polished all the furniture before the gusets arrived. (Host 主人 hostess )3.她在客人们到达之前把所有家具都擦亮了. (polish)4.Some managers have no idea how to handle people. Conminute沟通4.有些经理不知道如何与人打交道。(handle)5.We finished the work in record time. 5.我们完成那项工程的时间打破了记录(record)6.she likes everything to be in place before she starts working.(in place)6.她喜欢东西都摆好以后再开始工作。(put in)7.She often puts in 12 hours work a day. 7.她常常一天工作12小时.(acquire)8. He acquired the information frome the newspapers.8.他是从报纸上得到这一信息的.(acquire)9. Theres an opening for an assistant in our department.( Associate prefessor 副教授 lecturer 讲师)9.我们部门有一个助理的职位空缺.(opening)10.the organization works to promote friendship between nations.10.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊.(promote)2选择适当的时态填空。(l) According to the time table, the train for London _C_ at seven oclock in the evening.A. was leaving B, has left C. leaves D. will leave(2) You neednt hurry her. She _A_ it by the time you are ready.A. will have finished B. would finishC. will have been finishing D will be finishing(3) Darwin proved that natural selection _D_ the chief factor in the development of species. A. has been B. had been C. was D. is(4) While Peggy _B, her brother is playing records. A. reads B. is reading C. has read D. has been reading(5) Its been a long time since I B_, How are you? A. had last seen you B. saw you last C. have last seen you D. last was seeing you(6) We _C on it for several hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion.A. work B. are working C. have been working D. have been worked(7) He said that he_C_ for Shanghai the next day. A. will leave B. has left C. would leave D. had left(8) This is the first time I_B_ this kind of refrigerator. A. saw B. have seen C. am seeing D. see(9) He_D_ this job before he moved into this city. A. found B. would find C. was finding D. had found(10) I think this time yesterday he _A_ an English class in No, 3 Classroom Building. A. was having B. will have C. had D.would have(11) By 2000, the university _C_ 20000 postgraduates. A. will be trained B. trams C. will have trained D. will be training(12) Since 1970, he_B_ in this bank and he loves the job very much. A. has worked B. has been working c. is working D. will be working(13) I dont like to be disturbed if l_A_. A. am working B. wm work C. work D. have worked(14) Before long, she_B_ all about the matter. A. will have forgotten B will forget C. will be forgotten D. will have been forgetting (15) You can see the house_D_ for years. A. isnt painted B. hasnt painted C. hadnt been painted D. hasnt been paintedUnit2A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the extremely fast speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second.1、要用鼠标点击一下,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒钟绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。2. Besides, if everyone shops on the Net, what will happen to the hundreds and thousands of shopping malls?2、此外,如果大家都在网上购物,那么成千上万的购物中心该怎么办呢?3. The huge power of electronic commerce (e-commerce) will change the face of trade dramatically.3、电子商务的惊人威力会使贸易的局面发生激动人心的巨变。4.the development of e-commerce may well bring the world into a brand new era of “e-lectronic currency”4、电子商务的发展很可能会把世界带进一个“电子货币”的崭新时代。5. As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the economy is also bringing the Net market forward, resulting in the Internet itself becoming the worlds largest emerging market.5、在网络化高速地推动经济发展的同时,经济也反过来促进网络市场的发展,其结果是国际互联网本身将成为全球最大的新兴市场。B. Translate the following into English.1、今晚她很可能给我打电话。(likely)1. She is very likely to ring me tonight.2、我看不懂这篇文章(beyond)2. Understanding this article is beyond my capacity.3、新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新(transform)3. A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.4、做事不先考虑总会导致失败。(result in)4. Acting before thinking always results in failure.5、他估计那项工作需要三个月。(estimate)5. He estimated that the work would take three months.6、我们相信这个协议将会积极地促进两国之间的贸易。(promote)6. We believe that this agreement will positively promote the trade between our two countries.7.新机场必将推动这个地区的旅行业。(push ahead)7.The new airport will certainly push ahead the tourism in this region.8、网络经济将对人们的生活产生重要的影响。(have significant influence on)8.Net economy will have significant influence on the peoples life.9、在昨天的会议上,他提出了一个新的经济发展计划。(bring forward)9.At the yesterdays meeting, he brought forward a new plan for the economic development.10、到目前为止,他们还没有找到遇难的渔船。(to date,wrecked )10.To date, they havent found the wrecked fishing boat.Submarine 潜艇选择适当的被动语态填空。(l) That man _B_ to tell a lie.A. was never known B. has never been known c. will never be known D. is never known(2) The children _C_ many times not to go near the street. A. have told B. told C. have been told D. were being told(3) The new type of computer is going to_B_ the month after next A. turn out B. be turned out C. will be turn out D. will turn out(4) After the synthetic_A_, engineers had a better choice for materials for construction. A. had been developed B. had developed c. to be developed D. being developed(5) After being tested in many ways, this newly-designed machine will_C_ in the near future. A. be taken action B. come to use C. be put into use D. take its place(6) His parents died when he was young, so he _C_ by his grandma. Awas bred B. was fed C. was brought up D. was grown up(7) Lead_D_ as a material for sculpture since the time of the early Greeks.A. being used B. has used c. is to use D has been used(8) We heud that Mary _a raise by her employer.A. gave B. had been given C. will give D. has given(9) He ordered the work_ . A. started at once B. to be started at once c. to start at once D. at once to start(10) He was _ to be clever but dishonest.A. thought as B. thinking Cthought D. to thinkUnit 3A Put the following sentences into Chinese.1.So, if you lose a key species, you might cause a whole flood of other extinctions.1、 所以,如果失去一个重要的物种,那也许会引起大量其他物种的绝迹。2. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against illegal hunting, it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals.2、 这种办法使当地人们可以为了经济上的原因而去保护动、植物,而不是依靠在很大程度上难以奏效的那些反非法偷猎的规章制度。3. With corruption popular in many developing countries, some observers are suspicious that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for.3、由于许多发展中国家普遍存在腐败,一些观察家对这些钱财实际上能否到达应该接受这笔财物的人们手中表示怀疑。4. Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them.4、森林的可持续管理既需要投资种植新树以取代被砍伐的数木,也需要对被砍伐树木的数量进行控制。5. In theory, consumers would buy only this wood and so force logging companies to go green or go out of business.5、理论上讲,消费者只能购买这些获得认可的木材,这将迫使伐木公司开始保护“绿色”,否则将无生意可做。 B. Put the following into English1这场特大洪水给长江中下游地区造成了严重的灾害。(do damage to)1. The extremely heavy flood did great damage to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.2这本畅销书对读者严生了深刻的影响o (impact on)2. The bestseller had a great impact on its readers.3这辆旧自行车,我最多能付你5美元。(at most)3. I can give you $5, at most, for the used bicycle.4他们的经济利益及政治权利都应当受到保护。(as well as)4. Their political rights, as well as their economic benefits should be safeguarded.5这场突发疾病把我的假期计划搞得一团糟。(make a mess of)5. The unexpected illness made a mess of my holiday plans.6.如果你明智的话,你就再学习一年.(sensible)6. If you are sensible you will study for another year.7.倘若这本书没有其他人想借的话,你可以再续一个礼拜.(provided)7. You may keep the book a further week provided (that) no one else requires it.8.报界纷纷指责专题电视节目使用的粗鄙语言.(a flood of )8. There was a flood of complaints from the press about the bad language used in the special TV show.9、她的任务是把货物整齐地排列在商店橱窗里.(range)9. Her task is to range the goods neatly in the shop window.10、校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取取得最好的成绩.(encourage)10. The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.1选择适当的比较级形式填空。(l) Peters record was _ on the teamA. not so good as all the players B. not good as the playersC. not so good as any other players D. so good as not that of any players(2) The team is good. but not as good as_ .A. ours B. us Cwe D. ourselves(3) This tool is _ that one.A. as useful almost as B. as almost useful asC. almost as useful as D. almost as useful than(4) He will not be_ to vote in this years election.Aold enough B. as old enough C. enough old D. enough old as(5) Bobs work proved _ than that of others.A. not much better B not more better C. no more as good D. not much as good(6) They are_ my other neighbors.A. as friendly B. friendly than C. friendlier as Dmore friendly than(7) I think he is_ than I.A. elder three years B. old three years C. three years elder D. three years older(8) Can we do our work better with _money and _ people?A. lesser.few B. less.fewer C. little.less D. few.less(9) She is _ beautiful of the two sisters.A. younger and more B. more young and moreC. youngest and most D. the younger and more(10) He can run_ I do.A. as faster than B. faster as C. as fast as D. so fast that(11) _ , the worse I seem to feel.A. When I take more medicine B. The more medicine I takeC. Taking more of the medicine D More medicine taken(12) Why is there _ traffic on the streets in February than in May?A. less B. fewer C. few D. little(13) Prices for cars in the U.S. can run_ $20.800. A. as high as B. so high as C. as high to D. so high to(14) This room is_ that one.A. three times big than B. three times as big asC. three times bigger D. bigger three times than(15) This year, the grain production was three times _ last year. A. as much as B. as many as C. as more D. as muchUnit 4Translation: A. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1. The trend began in earnest in 1995, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony.1、这个潮流是从1995年才真正开始的。当时英国女王承认当新西兰还是英国的殖民地时,新西兰的土著毛利人曾遭到英国人的羞辱。 2. Many political leaders, like most of their citizens, belong to post-war generations, who now look on the conflict as more than simply the victory of good over evil.2、许多政治领袖,和他们的国民一样,属于战后的一代,他们现在认为那次战争并不是简单的正义战胜邪恶的战争。3. But its not just a sense of conscience, nor demands from pressure groups, witch lies behind these apologies.3、支撑这些道歉的并不仅仅是良心的发现,也不仅仅是压力群体的要求。4. The Swiss government is still trying to put right the public-relations disaster that resulted from their partial apology for Switzerlands dealings with the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s.4、瑞士政府仍然还在试图摆平一场公共关系的彻底失败,其发生的原因在于他们对他们国家在20世纪30和40年代与纳粹分子的交往所做的道歉是有失公允的。5. So academic, in fact, that there is a concern that “sorry” might turn out to be the easiest word after all.5、事实上,这些风险是如此的空泛,以至于有一种担心,认为“对不起”这个词居然会成为一个脱口而出的说辞。B. Translate the following phrases into English.1.对战争带来的灾害视而不见1.to turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the war2.50周年庆典2.the 50th anniversary celebration 3.向做出公正的道歉3.to make public apologies to 4.适时地道歉4.a well-timed apology5.提升国家首脑的公众形象5.to promote a head of states public image6.解决公共关系危机6.to put right the public-relations disaster7.为过去的过错道歉7.to say sorry for past wrongs8.新近解密的文件8.recently declassified documents9.承认自己的过去的错误9.to admit ones own past wrongs10.支付战争赔偿款.10.to pay compensation for war damage C. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 我们希望日本政府能对他们在二战中对中国人民实行的暴行进行正式道歉。(make an apology for)1.We hope that the Japanese government would make a formal apology to the Chinese people for their cruelties committed during the World War II.2. 后来证实有两名旅客丧生。(turn out)2.It turned out that two travelers had been killed.3. 现在人们把电视机当作必备的生活用品之一。(look on as)3.People now look on a television set as an essential facility for life.4. 对人民的疾苦视而不见的政治领袖是不会受到人民的拥护的。(turn a blind eye to)4.The head of state who turns a blind eye to the peoples sufferings will not gain support from them.5. 那位勇敢的年轻人冒着生命危险把这个小孩从湖里救上来。(take risk)5.The brave young man risked his life in trying to save the child from the lake.1选择适当的不定式填空。(l) It seems very difficult_.A. to stop the child to cryB. stopping the child to cryc. stop the child cryingD to stop the child crying(2) We are glad to_ when you needed our help.A. helpB. having helped youC. have helpedD. have helped you(3) The teacher_ their exercises.A. made the students doB. make the students doingC- have made the students doD. makes the students done(4) The doctor found it difficult_ this infection.A. in treating B. to treat C. for treating D. in treating(5) He couldnt help but _ when his toy car fell into the river.A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. will cry(6) What_ next will be discussed at todays meeting.A. can you doB. will you doC. shall we doD. to be done(7) He sent his son to the doctor _ an X-ray checkA. gives B. to give C. being given D. to be given(8) The story was said to_ on the information from a reliable source,A. being basedB. have been basedC. baseD. be based(9) Mother warned_ the electric lamp,A. not to touchB. him not to touchC. him not touchingD. him not touch (10) He finds it difficult_ himself to the climate here. A. to adapt B. accustomed C. get used D. applyingUnit 5A Translate the following into Chinese.1. The irony is that children start out as natural scientists, instinctively eager to investigate the world around them.1、有讽刺意义的是,孩子就是天生的自然科学家,本能地渴望探索周围的世界。2. This began a barrage of questions that lasted nearly two hours.2、一下子一大堆这样的问题就提了出来,时间持续了将近两个小时。3. Science is not just facts but the meaning that people give to them- by weaving information into a story about how nature probably operates.3、科学不仅仅是事实,而是人们赋予它的内涵即各项信息汇总成为大自然的有根据的运行实况。4. Studies over the past three decades have shown that after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for a response- no time for a child to think.4、过去30年的研究也表明了这一点,当问了一个问题后,成年人一般等待回答的时间也就是1秒钟甚至更少,没有留出时间让孩子进行思考。4. Instead, keep the ball rolling by saying, “Thats interesting” or “Id never thought of it that way before”, or coming up with more questions or ideas.5、反过来,要鼓励他们继续讨论,可以这样说“这个想法很有意思!”或者“我以前从来就没有这样想过。”或者,提出更多的问题和观点。6.Real-life impressions of nature are far more memorable than any lesson children can extract from a book or TV program.6、对孩子们来说,从书本和电视节目上学到的课程一点也没有他们对自然的亲身体会那么记忆深刻。7. By sharing your childrens curiosity, you can give them a valuable lesson that extends far beyond the realm to experiment, in the face of difficulties.7、通过分享孩子的好奇心,你还能给他们提供超出科学试验领域之外的如何面对困难的有价值的教诲。BTranslate the following into English.1.一大堆问题1. a barrage of questions2.别冲动,不要急于回答问题2. to resist the impulse to respond quickly to a question3.不要给孩子规定去思考什么3. rather than tell children what to think 4.鼓励他们说下去(使.不中断)4. keep the ball rolling5.安排活动方案5. to manage the itinerary6.面临困难6. in the face of difficultiesCTranslate the following into English.1.解说员的讲解非常有吸引力. (make appealing )1.The guide made her introduction very appealing.2.简单点儿讲吧,别用那些专业术语了. (rather than)2.Please use simple words rather than a lot of jargon.3.不要急于回答,留出一些讨论的余地。(opening for discussion)3.Please resist the impulse to respond quickly and leave some opening for discussion.4.一些启发性的问题可以鼓励孩子思考。(leading question)4.Some leading questions can help the children to think for themselves.5.面临困难的时候坚持下去会取得回报。(in face of; it pays)5.It pays to persist in the face of difficulties.练习 1选择适当的分词形式填空。(1) Many things_ impossible in the past are common today.A. considered B. to considerC. considering D. being considered(2) The machine_ in our factory these days is a new type of electronic computer.A. to produce B. being producedC. produce D. to be producing(3) The noise of desks_ could be heard out in the street.A. being opened and closed B. be opened and closedC. opening and closing D. having opened and(4)_ that Barton had been promoted, his friends came to congratulate himA. Having been heard B. Being heardC. To have heard D, Having heard(5) _ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.A. Surrounding B. Having surroundedC. Surrounded D. To surround(6) Never_ faith in himself, James Watt went on with his experiment.A. losing B. to lose C. lost D. to be lost(7) There are four factories in our institute,_ over 100 workers.A. with each have B. each havingC. each has D. with each has over(8)_ a bomb on the road, the car was stopped.A. Having seen B. The driver seeingC. Seeing D. After seeing a bomb(9) The weather_ fine, they decided to go out for a stroll.A. is B. was C. being D. having(10)_ in all parts of the country, pines are the most common trees in this part.A. Found B. Finding themC. To find them D. They are found(11) Commercial banks make the most of their income from interest_ on Ioans and investments in stocks.A. earn B. earned C. to earn D. was earned(12) Returning to my apartment,_ .A. my watch was missing B. I found my watch disappearedC. I found my watch missing D. the watch was missed(13) Having been served lunch,_ .A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committeeB. the committee members dis


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