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定语从句专项练习1(经典此题)一关系代词that和which(1)、在很多情况下可以互换,但下列情况只用that。All _ can be done has been done.Do you have anything _ you dont understand ?There is little _ can be believed about it .The book doesnt say much _ amuses children.1.先行词是all ,everything,nothing,anything,something,much,little,none等不定代词,引导定语从句用that 。Ive read all the books _ you lent me.No sample _ we nave received is satisfactory.Please send us any information _ you have about the subject.He is the only person _ was present at the time.2.先行词被any,some,no,much,few,little,every,all,very,only,last修饰时,引导定语从句用that 。Hamburg is the most beautiful city _Ive ever seen.This is the best TV _ is made in China.The first museum _ he visited in China was the History Museum.This is the first/second/last book (that) he has read.3.先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时,引导定语从句用that 。The famous writer and his works _ the radio broadcast have aroused great interest among the students.A victim is a person, animal or thing _ suffers pain, death, harm,etc.4.先行词中既有人又有事物时,引导定语从句用that .Who _ you have ever seen can do it better ?Who _ you are talking to is the young fellow ?5.Who做先行词时,引导定语从句用that 。(2)、不用that,而用which,who,whom的情况He made the same mistakes again, _ made his parents very angry.Yesterday I bought a dictionary,_ cost me more than 100 Yuan .Mr. Smith,_ gave a talk several months ago, will come again.My uncle has come back from abroad,_ I havent met for a long time.在非限制性定语从句中,指事物用which,指人用who或whom。Her bag, in _ she put all her money, has been stolen.This is the ring on _ she spent 1000 dollars.Xiao Wang, with _ I went to the concert, enjoy it very much.在介词后面,指事物用which,指人用whom。二as引导的非限制性定语从句(1)The earth is round. _ is known to all./_ is known to all,the earth is round._ is known to all, the earth is round_ is known to all that the earth is round._ is known to all is that the earth is round as引导的限制性定语从句 (2)1. This is such an interesting book _ we all like./2. This is so interesting a book _ we all like.3. This is such an interesting book _we all like it.4. This is so interesting a book _we all like it.三关系副词引导的定语从句1.Where 引导的定语从句。a. 先行词是表示地点的名词This is the town _ I spent my childhood.The table _she is sitting is a new one.b.含有地点意义的抽象名词,用引导定语从句,从句做状语。Ill show you the point _you failed.Ive come to the point _I cant stand him.The country is in the situation _ a war will break out at any time.2.When 引导的定语从句。先行词是表示时间的名词,用when引导定语从句。从句作状语。Ill never forget the day -I met you.This was the time -he left for Beijing .We will put off the outing until next week, -we wont be busy.3.why引导的定语从句The reason -he is late is reasonable.The reason -he gave me is clear. 四介词关系代词 6. There is a tall tree outside, _ _ stands our teacher. 7. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ _is the Yellow River. 8. The tower _ _ people can have a good view is on the hill. 9. The man _ _ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling. 10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year. 五.难点解析:几种易混的情况1. Ill never forget the days_ we worked together. 2. Ill never forget the days _ _ we spent together. 3. I went to the place I worked ten years ago. 4. I went to the place _ _ I visited ten years ago.5. This is the reason _ he was late.6. This is the reason _ he gave me. 7. This is the day_I met him. This is the day_ I will never forget. This is the day_ we spent together. This is the place_ I lived last year. This is the place _ I was born. This is the place_ I visited last year.六注意事项:注意 1:若定语从句缺主语或宾语,用which或that引导定语从句。The library _ students often study was on fire last night.The library, _ was built in the 1930s,needs repairing.The library _ you visited yesterday was built in 1990.Ill never forget the day _ we first met in the park.Ill never forget the time _ was spent with you.注意 2: 区分where引导的定语从句和状语从句Where前面有被修饰的地点名词时,是定语从句,否则是状语从句。1. When you read books, you had better make a mark at the spot where you have any questions.2. When you read books , you had better make a mark where you have any questions. 练习 :(1). that , which or who? 1. He did all / everything _he could to help me.2. This is the very thing _ I am after.3. We talked about the men and the things _ We remembered at school.4. He is the only man _ can do the work.5. This is the first thing _ I want to say.6. He is the finest man _ I have ever worked with.7. Who is the man _ spoke to you at the gate.8. Which is the star _ is nearest to the earth.(2). that, which, whose, whom or who? 9. Is there anything else _ you want to say?10. Any person _ has the money can join the group.11. He often speaks the role he played in the play, _ made others upset.12. He opened the door, in front of _ sat a boy.13. The man to _ I spoke is a famous scientist.14. The boy _ mother is dead was brought up by his father.15. This is the teacher _ teaches us maths.16. She is the girl _ I met at the party.17. The money _ is in the wallet is mine.18. The money _ my mother gave me yesterday has been stolen.19. This is the house _ my sister lives in. 用“介词+关系代词”填空20. This is the room_ _they once lived.21. Ill never forget the day_ _ I joined the army. 22. This is the reason_ _ I failed.23. The pencil_ _he wrote was broken.24. She has three children, all_ _ are at school.25. China has a lot of famous writers, one_ _is Lu Xun.26. He has lost the key to the box _ _the papers are kept. 27. My glasses,_ _I was like blind man, fell to the ground and broke.28. The age_ _children can go to school is seven.29. His bike_ _ he went to work was stolen last night.30. This is the factory _I once worked.31. The house _ _ he spent 100,000 Yuan is very beautiful.32. The house _ _ he paid 100,000 Yuan is very beautiful.33. This is the hero _ _ we are proud.34. I cant find the very pen _ _ I wrote that letter.35. Do you know the boy _ _ your mother is talking?36. I still remember the day _ _ I first got to Paris.37. He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar.38. The person _ _ you should write is Mr. Hall. 39. I lost the book_ there are five color pictures.40. The day_ we can send men into space has come at last.复杂介词+关系代词We got to a house at the back of which was a large garden.Is there a certain test by means of which the No. 1 will be decided? 41.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ _ _ _ (它的价格) was very reasonable. 42.The headmaster_ _(他的学校) Mr. Brown teaches in is a man who works hard.43. I dont know the student _ _ Tom quarreled yesterday.44. I dont know the thing _ _ Tom and Mary quarreled yesterday.45. This is the hotel _ you will stay.46. She is the girl _ I went there. 47. This is the house _ my sister lives 关系代词和关系副词的选择 48. I will never forget the day _ I first went to school. 49.I will never forget the day _ we spent in Beijing.50. The house _ we visited is being repaired now.51. The house _ Luxun once lived is being repaired now.52. Is this the factory _ we visited last week?53. Is this factory _ we visited last week?54. Is this the factory _ his father works?55. The reason _he was late was that his mother was ill .56. The reason _he gave for his being late was that his mother was ill . 介词加关系代词的基本用法 57. The man _ _ you shook hands just now is our headmaster.58.The room _ _ my family live used to be a garage.59.Did you find the pen _ _ I wrote just now?60. Did you find the paper _ _ I wrote my letter?61. Did you find the composition _ _ I wrote just now? 62. I will never forget the day. I first went to school on the day.63.I will never forget the day _ _ I first went to school.64.I will never forget the day I first went _ _ t to school.65.(比较) I will never forget the year _ I first went to school.66. Last week we visited the factory. My brother works in it. 67. Last week we visited the factory _ my brother works. 68. Last week we visited the factory _ _ my brother works in. 69. Last week we visited the factory _ my brother works.70. He didnt come .The reason was not clear. 71. The reason _ he didnt come was not clear. 72.The reason _ he didnt come was not clear. 七.综合考查 综合考查一:定语从句与强调句 73. It is the library _I borrowed the book.74. It is from this library _I borrowed the book. 75. -Where did you last see Mr. Smith?-It was in the hotel_ I lived.综合考查二:定语从句与同位语从句 76. We all have heard the news_ our team won.77. We dont believe in the news _ he told us yesterday.综合考查三:定语从句与表语从句 78. The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be_ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. 对比训练79. We should go to the place_ we are most needed.80. We should go to the place_ needs us most.81. It was October_ we met Lucy for the first time.82. It was in October_ we met in Lucy for the first time. 定语从句几种句型归纳:83. This is the most exciting football match that I have ever seen.84. It/ That/This is /was the third time that you have been/ had been late this week.85. The reason why he didnt attend the meeting was that his mother was seriously ill.86. The reason for his failure is that he didnt work hard.87. As we all know/As is well known to us all. 加主句88. As is often the case with sb/sth, 加主句 11


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