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高级英语(一)期末考试I. Vocabulary 20%1. The use of the pesticide had been banned in the United States, but the falcons were eating migratory birds from other places where DDT was still used.A authorizedB developedC disseminatedD prohibited2. The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment. A imaginative abilityB nostalgiaC delightful influenceD dignity3. I heard the soft-voiced Mrs. Flowers and the textured voice of my grandmother merging and melting. A sweetB roughC gentlyD sharp4. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term. A unimportantB unheard ofC unjustifiedD unhampered5. His strength is incredible - certainly great enough to enable him to take a man in his hands and wrench his head off. A impossibleB unbelievableC probableD imaginable6. I heard the soft-voiced Mrs. Flowers and the textured voice of my grandmother merging and melting. A carrying awayB blending togetherC fading awayD dying down7. These arent idle questions. Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking. A lazyB casualC seriousD interesting8. Im skeptical of the winnings of the team.A respectful toB doubtful about C accustomed to D pleased at9. Imagine my bewilderment when I heard the news. A angerB annoyanceC puzzlementD disagreement10. Changing the world gradually depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making. A excitingB convincingC exaggeratingD annoying11. She said that she had made the wafers expressly for me and that she had a few in the kitchen that I could take home to my brother. A franklyB actuallyC openlyD particularly12. It suddenly _ him that he had worked for twelve hours without eating anything. A happened toB dawned onC occurred onD came to13. It is this “human-ness” of the gorilla which is so beguiling. A lovelyB creativeC charmingD vexing14. You should not be _ of different religious beliefs. A tolerantB tolerableC intolerantD intolerable15. All the children in the class did wrong, but David was _ for punishment. A singled outB run outC filled outD chosen out16. The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door. A tasteB odourC soundD smile17. If you travel by plane, Beijing and Guangzhou are _ neighboring cities. A virtuallyB completelyC vehementlyD variably18. As I subsided on to a patch of open ground I called to the others and waved them on. A began to digB settled down onC gazed atD catch sight of19. How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? A correctB justifyC get rid ofD pay attention to20. I have done all the tedious work while men reaped the rewards. A hard and tiringB long and dullC interestingD officeII. Text Comprehension 20% 1. Rashid was (“Rashids School”)A a strong and energetic man who speaks good English.B a frail-looking man without energy.C an energetic man, but he didnt look strong.D a strong-willed man who was confident that the success of the education for the villagers was out of question. 2. When Rashid talked about his school, saying it is the realization of a dream, his florid tone showed that (“Rashids School”) A he was conceited and he thought himself to be better than any other school masters. B he was not sure whether the visitors would agree with him. C he didnt want the visitors to criticize his school. D he was proud and satisfied with his school and he had a desire for the visitors to share his feelings. 3. “As soon as the children of the village were old enough to work in the fields they became economically important to their families. Against that argument education carried very little weight.” (“Rashids School At Okhla”) This shows thatA to the villagers education meant nothing for it could not bring any economic benefits to their families.B the villagers attached much importance to education because it would reduce the childrens burden on theirfamilies.C the villagers believed that children were so important to their families that they should not argue against education.D to the villagers their families depended on children and education could solve this problem 4. The author of Four Choices For Young People does not think much of the dropouts because (“Four Choices For Young People”)A they are unsatisfied with the present society and want a sudden change.B while they scorn the present society, they depend on it for a living.C they make fruitless efforts to change the imperfect society.D the author does not agree with them in regarding the society as imperfect. 5. Which of the following is true about the authors opinion? (“Four Choices For Young People”)A The author insists on gradual change as being the most efficient method of improving this imperfect world under any circumstances.B The author personally favors a gradual reform of the society because although it takes time it sometimes does work.C The author considers all social revolutions fruitless because they fail to do away with such familiar matters as the buying and selling of goods, social institutions and office work.D The author rejects all the alternatives, thinking they are either impractical or fruitless. 6. By comparing the reforms of the world to the military campaign in the Apennines during World War II, the author intends to (“Four Choices For Young People”)A express his feeling that one needs bravery and energy to overcome difficulties in reforming the world.B create an impression upon readers that drastic changes are inevitable in solving social problems.C express his opinion that the real world is beset with social problems which, instead of being solved once for all, often lead to others.D make his idea known that, to deal with social problems, the young should draw on the experience of the old. 7. In Rock Superstars., the author begins with descriptions of three short scenes. Which is true of them? (“Rock Superstars”)A When Mick Jagger sprinkled water over the audience at the end of his performance, his fans surge to follow, eager to be baptized then and there by this singer priest.B Alice Cooper took his own life at the end of a rock concert in order to shock and thrill the audience.C A rock fan worshipped Bob Dylan as a god and actually crawled on his knees into one of his concerts.D To American adults, Alice Cooper was a horrible singer with weird and loathsome tastes and habits.8. What two aspects of American life are touched in rock music? (“Rock Superstars”)A political attitudes & emotional lifeB religious beliefs & human feelingsC human desires & reasonsD sociological concepts & facts9. The title A Most Forgiving Ape is arresting in that (“A Most Forgiving Ape”)A it makes an ape a subject which will arouse the readers interest.B it arouses the readers interest, for it sharply contrasts with the stereotyped image of the ape.C the word forgiving is a seldom-used expression.D it seems a totally unfamiliar topic to the reader. 10. The author inserts a brief account of the gorilla in various aspects before he comes to describing his encounter with the gorilla. Which of the following is not talked about in that account? (“A Most Forgiving Ape”)A This rare species is still being butchered by tribesmen.B Gorillas have far greater physical strength than human beings.C The gorilla is a forgiving animal with human qualities.D The gorilla has good eyesight and hearing. 11. By saying the gorilla is something of a paradox., the author wants to mean whats contradictory about the gorilla is that (“A Most Forgiving Ape”)A he looks ferocious but is in fact a friendly animal.B we think we know him very well, but in fact we know very little about him.C the species is rare but theyre still being butchered.D it fascinates scientists, but not romantics.12. “All this (the gorillas charge) is no more than shadow boxing as a general rule.” (“A Most Forgiving Ape”) This sentence means thatA the gorilla will fight bravely as in a shadow boxing.B the gorilla is merely acting out gestures of aggressiveness to warn the enemy away.C the gorilla is strong enough to use just part of his energy to defeat the enemy.D the gorilla is scared away by the enemy13. When humans see a gorilla, (“A Most Forgiving Ape”)A they have the same feelings as with the other wild beasts.B they feel the urge to recognize and communicate with it.C they have an instinct to grab their binoculars at once and observe it closely.D they feel frightened and run away.14. By saying She is our sides answer to the richest white woman in town, Marguerite expresses her impression that (“A Lesson In Living”)A she is well-educated so that she could answer any questions raised by the richest white woman in town.B she had the grace of the richest white woman in town and thus was the pride of the black people there.C she is going up to become the richest white woman in town.D she wanted to become a friend of the richest white womans in town. 15. “But they talked, and from the side of the building where I waited for the ground to open up and swallow me, .” (“A Lesson In Living”) This shows thatA Marguerite was so eager that she could not wait any longer.B the mischievous Marguerite wanted to find a place to play with other children.C Marguerite was so ashamed of Mommas behaviour towards Mrs. Flowers that she really wanted to find a place to hide herself.D Marguerite came to realize how intimate Momma and Mrs. Flowers were.16. In Mrs. Flowers view, (“A Lesson In Living”)A a person who failed to use his books properly should be punished.B people who had not been to school were more educated and intelligent than college professors.C one should be ashamed of ignorance, but should not show contempt to those who are illiterate.D poems are better to be read aloud than novels. 17. Marguerite wanted to gobble up the room entire and take it to Bailey. This means that (“A Lesson In Living”)A she wanted to eat some of the cakes Mrs. Flowers gave her and take the rest home for Bailey.B she wanted to look at the room carefully and later take Bailey here to have a look.C she wanted to remember everything in the room so that she could describe to Bailey in detail how the room was furnished and decorated with good taste.D she wanted to express her feeling that the room was beautiful and say so to Bailey.18. According to the author of “Id Rather Be Black Than Female”, which of the following is true? (“Id Rather Be Black Than Female”)A Women in the U.S. are content with their life and they dont have to participate in politics.B It is harder to eliminate the prejudice against women because women in the U.S. are more brainwashed and content with their roles as second-class citizens than blacks ever were.C Racial discrimination is more serious than sexual discrimination in the U.S. because its the authors personal experience.D With man in control, the U.S. doesnt need womens participation in politics.19. Which of the following is NOT the authors chief complaint about TV ? (“The Trouble With Television”)A It makes people think casually that complexity must be avoided and visual stimulation is a substitute for thought.B It sells neat resolutions to human problems that usually have no neat resolutions.C Its appeal to short attention span is in fact inefficient communication.D Its serial, kaleidoscopic programs make it more likely that you focus your attention yourself.20. Which of the following is NOT true according to the author of “The trouble with Television”? (“The Trouble With Television”)A The number of hours Americans spend on TV is an indication of the tremendous influence television has on the daily life of the American people.B The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.C All American people should stop watching television.D News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensible.III. Blank Filling Fill in each blank with an expression selected from the list below in its proper form. 15%drop out of; be deficient in; frowned at; be stuck in; bear a resemblance to; give expression to; follow; take ones place; in the presence of; desert1. Like all Indian villages Okhla _ at that time in the morning. Most of the people were working in the field, and the women had gathered at the well which was their meeting place and center of gossip. 2. As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control, new problems _. 3. When Presley appeared on a TV show, a kind of “debate” took place. Most of the older viewers _ his performance, while most of the younger viewers applauded. 4. Gorillas have good eyesight but _ both hearing and smelling. 5. The European inhabitants of East Africa take their holidays in this cool green place, for it _ any of the lusher golfing resorts in southern England. 6. I cannot help feeling a fear _ so many people. 7. Had I really been about _ my sub-conscious desire to move towards him I would have paused at this moment. 8. Against Mrs Flowers protest, Momma pulled up my dress. The dress was over my head and my arms _ the sleeves. 9. She had an icebox. It _ that she would have ice on an ordinary day, when most families in our town bought ice late on Saturdays only a few times during the summer. 10. “A woman will _ the game to have a couple of kids just about the time were ready to run her for mayor.” This may be said by a politician with sexual prejudice.IV. Cloze 15%There are ten blanks in the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper word taken from the list. Note that two of the given words are not applicable.rightly; in; responsible; misgivings; views; shortly; of; about; increased; for; teach; alone_(1)_ before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Standford University, wrote me about some of his _(2)_. “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation _(3)_ the adult world with great skepticism there is also an _(4)_ tendency to reject completely that world.”Apparently he speaks _(5)_ a lot of his contemporaries. During the last few years, I have listened to scores _(6)_ young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous _(7)_ the grown-up world. Roughly, their attitude might be summed up about like this: “The world is _(8)_ pretty much of a mess, full of injustice, poverty, and war. The people _(9)_ are, presumably, the adults who have been running things. If they cant do better than that, what have they got to _(10)_ our generation? That kind of lesson we can do without.”V. Translation 20%A 9% Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. I had read A Tale of Two Cities and found it up to my standard as a romantic novel. She opened the first page and I heard poetry for the first time in my life.2. Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.3. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The fullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything.B 11% Translate the following sentences into English by using the words given.1. 这个解决方法的问题在于它已不可能大规模地加以实践。(trouble, practical)4%2. 五十年代青少年灰心失意的精神状态都体现在他们的表演中。3%3. 她在班上是最后一名,但这不等于说她没头脑。 (follow) 4%VI. Answer the Question 10%What are the four choices suggested by the author and which of them is the writer in favor of? Why?END9福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院高级英语(一)期末考试A卷(答题卷)教学中心 专业 英语教育 学号 姓名 成绩 注:考试时间为100分钟I. Vocabulary 20%1.D2.C3.A4.B5.B6.B7.B8.B9.C10. D11.D 12.A13.B14.C15.B16.A17.B18.D19.A20.DII. Text Comprehension 20%1.C2.D3.A4.D5.B6.C7.A8.A9.B10.D 11.B12.B13.C14.D15.A16.C17.C18.D19.B20.CIII. Blank Filling 15%1. was deserted 2.took their place 3.frowned at4.are deficient in5. bears a resemblance to 6.in the presence7.give expression to 8.were stuck in 9.followed 10.drop out of IV. Cloze 15%1.shortly 2.misgiving 3.views 4.increased 5.for 6.of 7.about 8.in 9.responsible10.teach V. Translation 20%A. 9%1.我曾经读过双城记,并且发现作为一本浪漫主义小说,它是符合我的标准的。她打开第一页,于是我生平第一次听到了诗歌。 2.文字的意义不仅是写在纸上的那些,还需要人的声音赋予它们更深层意义的细微差别。 3.几乎所有生活中有趣的和有益的事都需要建设性的和不懈的努力,我们当中最没有天赋的人所能做成的事情,在那些从不集中精神做任何事情的人看来简直就是奇迹。 B. 1. 4%The question is that it is not a practical way to be extended. 2. 3%Their performance shows sad and decadent spirit of teenagers in 1950.3. 4%She got the sowest score of the class,but it is not followed by brainlessness. VI. Question Answer 10%1

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