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英语导游词怎么写 岳麓书院英文导游辞1Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the Yuelu Academy! Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China, and it was established by Zhudong, magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.湖南长沙博物馆三国吴简英文导游词2The E*hibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Changsha museum. Well be here to visit “The E*hibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu湖北省博物馆英文导游词3Goodmorningladiesandgentlemen;Today,wewillgotovisitHubeiProvincialMuseum.Onthewaytothemuseum,Idliketoshowapresenttoe*pressmywarmestwelcometoyou.Youmaywonderwhatthepresentis.Wellletmeintroduceittoyou.湖北归元寺英文导游词4GuiyuanTempleChineseBuddhisttemplesareneversinglebuildings.Theyalwaysconsistofagroupbuildingsfollowingafundamentalpatter,whichcan,however,bemodified.湖北归元寺英文导游词5Guiyuan Temple Chinese 1Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified.三峡大坝英文导游词6Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province! Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River.黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词7LadiesandGentlemen:TodaywearegoingtovisitZhongyangStreet.Thisisthedowntownarea.Inordertobetterknowthestreet,wearegoingtowalkthroughit,whichtakesabout40minutes.哈尔滨防洪纪念塔英文导游词8HarbinTravelTheMemorialTowerofFightingAgainsttheFloodsofSonghuaRiverInordertocommemoratethegloriousvictoryoffightingagainstthefloodsandbuildingthebanks,andtoawardthegreatachievementsofthepeople,thegovernmentbuilttheMemor黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词-导游英语9Ladies and gentlemen:Today we are going to visit zhongyang street. this is the downtown area. in order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takes about 40 minutes.辽宁省内的英文导游词10Shenyang Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625, Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became the capital of the Manchus before they took control内蒙古呼伦贝尔大草原英文导游词11etoHunLunbeierGrassland!Firstofall,IdliketotellyouwhyPeoplecallthisbdautifulgrasslandHulunbeiergrassland.Thereisamovinglegendbehindit.Along,longtimeagotherelivedacoupleofloversonthegrassland.五台山英语导游词12Wade–Giles romanization Wu-tai Shan , Pinyin Wutai Shan mountain and mountain chain in northeast Shansi Province, China. The mountain chain is a massif with a southwest–northeast a*is, separated from the Heng Shan五台山显通寺英文导游词13city,shan*i province ,70km from wutai county town ,140km from *inzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north ,with a total area of about 2837sq.km.北戴河英文导游词14Beidaihe - A Must for Birds WatchersSet on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after illness, but also张家口大镜门的英文导游词15Hello,everyone! Welcome to Zhangjiakou.My name is Liujingzhen,a tour guide of Happy Jurney Agency.Our driver is Mr Li,and the car we take is a East branded,white coloured,with the number 666888.天津英文导游词16Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative天津独乐寺英文导游词17Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Si* Best.北京颐和园英文导游辞18The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows:Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater天安门英文导游辞19Tiananmen RostrumTiananmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession).北京故宫博物院英文导游辞20Hello, everyone,We are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. This scenic spot is located at the center of Beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well

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