九年级英语Unit 4 单元检测题(青岛专版)

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九年级英语Unit 4 单元检测题(青岛专版)_第1页
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九年级英语Unit 4 单元检测题(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its time _ now.AgoBto goCgoingDto going2 . Dont _ others when you are talking to them.Astare atBlook forClook afterDlook through3 . My dad used to be _ the school volleyball team.AinBatCtoDon4 . Our English teacher often asks us English.AspeakBspeakingCto speakDspeaks5 . It was dark. I cant see the words.AclearBbadCclearlyDbadly6 . .Would you mind _ the music? I am doing my homework.Sorry.I will do it right now.Aturn downBturning downCturn upDturning up7 . James is so _that he often makes the people around him laugh by his words.AtalentedBunusualChumorousDactive8 . Food apps help the delivery companies _ more products and services.AexploredBexploringCexplorerDexplore9 . Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning , ? . He got up too late .A had he, Yes.Bhadn t he , Yes. Cdid he , No .10 . If you are tired and stressed out. you should _.Yes, I think its relaxing for us.Astudy hardBgo to the dentistClisten to light musicDstay out late二、补全短文6选5阅读短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后的A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次, 且有二项是多余的。11 . Do you want to be healthy? Now I give you some advice.I think you should have a good eating habit. You should eat some healthy food. 12 . . You can eat more bananas, oranges and tomatoes, because they are good for our health. 13 . . Its bad for our health. Healthy food can make you happy and strong.Exercising is very important. 14 . . You can go to school on foot. At least, you should play basketball three or four times a week.The most important thing is that we must remember “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and clever.” It means we must go to bed early and get up early next morning. 15 . .AKeep a healthy lifeBDont eat junk foodCEarly to bed, early to riseDThere is a lot of healthy foodEYou should exercise every dayFBy doing this you will be in good health三、完型填空Last Sunday, I met an old friend in the street. We havent seen each other _three years. She has _ a lot. She _ very fat and always _ a pair of glasses. But now, she is very thin and the glasses are gone. She _ so beautiful with big eyes and long, blond hair-it used to short and brown. She used to be very shy and was _ of speaking in class. Now she is outgoing and she told me she _ her school band and played _ guitar. She said she hoped I could go to see her performance _. She looks so confident and I know she isnt what she used to be _.16 . AinBforCduringDwith17 . AchangedBbeen changedCturnedDgrown18 . Aused toBwas used to beCused to beDwas used to being19 . Aput onBworeCwearsDdressed20 . AseemsBwas likeClooksDlooked21 . AafraidBfondCreadyDworried22 . AattendedBjoined inCjoinsDjoined23 . AtheBaC/Dsome24 . Aevery dayBsometimesCsomedayDsome time25 . Ano moreBno longerCnot any moreDany more四、阅读单选Paul awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. Normally, this would be followed by feelings of worry about the day ahead. But today was different. Today he couldnt wait to go to school.He rushed to his desk and picked up the old jam jar which contained a colorful butterfly. It had taken him hours to catch and now it was going to be part of his biology presentation for school.While most of his classmates would be showing drawings of insects or animals taken from textbooks, Paul planned to present something different - a live creature. This was sure to get him the highest grade in the class.Paul sat at his desk admiring the insects beautiful red and yellow wings. He had made air holes in the jars lid, and added leaves for the butterfly to eat. It might be in a glass prison but at least it was being well cared for, Paul thought as he left for school.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk. Biology was the first lesson after lunch and he wanted his presentation to be a surprise. After taking the jar from his bag, he noticed the butterfly was very still. Its wings moved very slowly and its color seemed to have faded too. Probably just a little tired from the trip in the bag, Paul hoped.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insect. Each time it seemed a little stiller, its color a little duller. Something was wrong. When the lunch-bell rang, he waited for his classmates to leave before opening the jar. The butterfly was still alive, but only just.He took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head. The cooling effect was instant. The butterfly came to life again and Paul barely managed to replace the lid before it flew out. But rather than pleasure, the sight of the revived butterfly crashing against the jar, desperate for freedom, made Paul feel guilty. He was being cruel for a mark.As he walked back to class, feeling ashamed, the bell went again. It was time for Biology. He walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly free. A moment later the biology teacher entered. Paul,your presentations first today.Sorry sir, the boy replied,” I forgot all about it.26 . What can we guess about Paul from the passage?AHe often caught animals.BHe did not usually enjoy school.CHe was a very clever student.DHe was sometimes quite cruel.27 . Why was Paul confident that his biology project would receive a high grade?ABecause biology was his favourite subject.BBecause his project idea was popular.CBecause he had spent much time preparing.DBecause his butterfly was real and very colourful.28 . The underlined word revived in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _ArefreshedBreturnedCreplacedDrelieved29 . Why did Paul finally free the butterfly?AIt was time for class.BIt was no longer very active.CHe felt ashamed at his actions.DHe forgot about the presentation.30 . In what order did the following event take place?a. Paul took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head.b. Paul walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly freec. Paul planned to present something different in the Biology presentationd.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk.e.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insectAd-c-b-e-aBd-b-c -a-eCc-d-e-a-bDc-d-a-e-b五、阅读判断十、原创阅读Recently,a new report from the American Heart Association says children are unhealthier today than children 30 years ago. Researchers looked at information about 25,000,000 children in 28 countries, from the past 46 years.Todays boys and girls run a kilometer one minute slower than their parents could. How far a child can run is falling every year.One reason for this is that kids are too fat.They eat too much and do not exercise.The researchers are worried. Children are fatter,so they will be unhealthier in the future. One doctor said children might have heart disease later in life. He also said children ought to begin quickly and they must try different activities to keep fit.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。31 . This passage is mainly about how to eat healthily.32 . Researchers looked at in formation about 25 million children from 28 countries.33 . Children now run more slowly than children thirty years ago.34 . Todays children will be unhealthy because they are too fat.35 . Children must do different exercises to keep healthy.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写36 . I like to watch _(情景喜剧).What about you?37 . We can find out lots of _(新闻)on the Internet.38 . Do you like talk shows?I cant _(忍受) them.39 . Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot _(讨论).40 . My sister likes _(肥皂剧) operas.41 . Do you m_ opening the door?Of course not.42 . The story _ (发生) about five hundred years ago.43 . Some _(有教育意义的) movies are popular with students.44 . My teacher is funny. She often tells j_to us.45 . Lucy _ (计划)to go to the park this weekend.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。46 . Were looking forward to _(visit)Taiwan soon.47 . Yao Ming is one of my favourite basketball _(play).48 . My mother bought me a new _ (education) CD-ROM last week.49 . I am interested in_ (tell) a story.50 . He dares _ (watch) the show.51 . After that, he became more _ (interest) in history.52 . I spent much time_ (chat) on the Internet.53 . If you want to be a good teacher, you must be more _ (patient).54 . He gave up_ (drive)55 . We are _ (pride) of our study.八、多任务混合问题The story took place in a small town in winter. One day a man met an old lady standing by an expensive car. It was clear that her car broke down. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. “Is he going to hurt me?”The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “Im here to help you, madam. Why dont you wait in the car to get warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” It took Bryan about fifty minutes to fix the car. The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him.But Bryan wanted no money.对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said, “If you want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, just give out your friendly hand.”After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small caf. She stopped for something to eat. As the pretty waitress stood next to her, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕)._As the old lady was going to pay the $10 bill, she remembered Bryans words.The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. Her eyes were filled with tears when she read it, “Somebody once helped me the way Im helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others. ” Under the note were nine more $100 bills. Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell the story. “BryanBryan Anderson my dear youre not going to believe what has happened ”Love needs to be passed on. Everyone can be an angel.请根据短文内容完成下列任务。56 . Did the old lady believe in Bryan at the beginning of the story? Why?_57 . 请将划线句子翻译成英语。_58 . 请将划线句子翻译成汉语。_59 . 请根据短文内容将句子补充完整, 使句子意思连贯。The waitress found_ and _on the tablewhen she returned with the change.60 . What have you learned from the story? (with one sentence)_阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。My daughter, Cindy, used to be shy but now shes kind of active and outgoing.I still remembered one thing. One day last month, Cindy got an upset stomach, so I took her to see a doctor. (1)当我们在等待室外面排队等待时, 我们看见一位女士在我们旁边。She looked very upset. Then Cindy gave a Smile Card to the lady, saying, “I hope everything goes well.” The lady hugged (拥抱) Cindy and said nothing. Later, Cindy gave out five more Smile Cards that day. Last Monday, I went shopping with Cindy in a supermarket. After shopping, we went to the cash register (收银台). To my surprise, I couldnt find my wallet and I didnt know what to do. At that time, a lady came to us and paid for the bill for us. She was just the lady who was at the doctors that day. I said “thank you” to her. She said, “I was moved by your daughters kindness.” Then I returned the money to her the next day.(2) Now our family members always enjoy helping others. And giving out Smile Cards is a good way to help.61 . 任务一:请根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。The lady paid for the bill for them because of Cindys _.Cindy gave _ to the lady.62 . 任务二:请根据短文内容回答问题。How many Smile Cards did Cindy give out that day?_63 . 任务三:将文中(1)处画线句子译成英语。_64 . 任务四:将文中(2)处画线句子译成汉语。_九、材料作文65 . 书面表达:升入九年级后,想必同学们的生活与以前相比发生了一些变化吧。假如你是九年级的学生王峰,请你写一篇90个单词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的生活发生了哪些变化。短文的开头也给出,不计入总词数。Im Wang Feng. My life has changed a lot since I became a student of Grade Nine._第 10 页 共 10 页


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