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黑龙江省2019版九年级上学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats that? _English book.AIts aBThats anCIts anDThats a2 . Do you want _the chess club?AjoinBjoin inCto joinDto take part in3 . Im sorry_what I did several days ago.Thats not a big deal.AwithBoverCofDfor4 . In our English class, we_ express our opinions freely. Thats good. This is the best way to practice the language you learn.Aare told toBtell toCare toldDtell5 . The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder _.Ahow much it costBhow much it costsChow much did it costDhow much does it cost6 . Hi, Mike! Hows it going? _AGood idea.BI think so.CNot bad.DOf course.7 . This is _ ruler and thats _ eraser.Aa; aBa; anCan; aDan; an8 . -I have changed my job. -_ASo do I.BSo have I.CSo I do.DSo I have.9 . Would you like to play tennis with me _ it doesnt rain tomorrow?Sure, _ I am busy.Aif; sinceBwhether; butCif; unlessDbecause; until10 . _ you _ your brother can join us. We want one of you.ANeither; norBBoth; andCEither; orDNot only, but also11 . Lions like to eat_., but koalas like to eat_.Ameat, leafBmeat, leavesCmeat, leafDmeet, leafs12 . Jim went to different places in the US last month. Which of the following places of interest he may visit?Athe Leaning Tower of PisaBthe Statue of LibertyCTower BridgeDthe Little Mermaid13 . Most of the smokers want to give up _, but it is hard for them to _.Asmoke; give up itBsmoking; give up itCto smoke; give it upDsmoking; give it up14 . The Chinese garden _ three quarters of the area.Amakes upBtakes upCputs upDtidies up15 . Kobe played basketball_great that he became a super basketball star in the world.AsoBtooCwasDhow二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,有两项是多余的。A: Help yourself to some fish.B: 16 . The fish is very nice.A: Would you like some eggs?B: 17 . May I have some chicken, please?A: 18 . What would you like to drink?B: 19 . I like orange juice very much.A: 20 . B: No, thanks.AWould you like some rice?BWhat about fish?CA glass of orange juice, please.DIts nice.EThanks.FNo, thanks.GHere you are.三、完型填空Hi, Im Steve. I usually have_ with my classmates at school. Look! Here_ my lunch. Wow, it _ great! I have rice, vegetables _ chicken in the first lunch box. Its very healthy. In the second box, you can see oranges, apples, strawberries and _ favorite pears. Its a _ box. My classmates think I really have a big lunch. And they ask me, “ _do you buy the lunch?” Well, you cant buy _ in any stores because my mother makes it _ me. She wants me to have a _ body. What do you have for lunch? Can you tell me?21 . AbreakfastBlunchCdinner22 . AamBareCis23 . AfeelsBsoundsClooks24 . AandBorCbut25 . AmyBhisCyour26 . AmeatBvegetableCfruit27 . AWhereBWhenCWhy28 . AthemBitCthat29 . AinBforCat30 . AstrongBfatCsmallSwimming in the water of Hawaiis Big Island is a fun experience. But it can be more exciting if there are dolphins swimming around and jumping out of the_ too. For many people, it would be a wonderful dream to swim with these lovely animals!_, this may not be good for dolphins. They may get_because of human interaction (互动).Dolphins are active and usually_food at night. In the day, they like to rest in shallow bays (浅湾). Many people think the dolphins are awake during the day as they swim. But when they sleep, they rest half of their brain and keep_half awake to breathe, so they may be sleeping even when theyre swimming in the water.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says disturbing ( 打扰 ) the animals in their near-shore habitat could_them swim to less favorable places, putting them at risk of attack by sharks and other animals.Moreover, when people are around, dolphins become more active. Thus, they cant get enough_. “Disturbing their resting behaviors can _affect (影响) their long term health and the health of the dolphin population,” Ann Garrett of NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service told the Associated Press.As a result, the NOAA wants to make rules to help_the dolphins.For example, the agency ( 机构 ) may stop people from_in shallow bays when the dolphins are resting. Tour operators must also be taught to watch for signs to know when the dolphins are in their resting state.31 . AbeachBpoolCriverDsea32 . AMoreoverBHoweverCAlsoDOtherwise33 . AhurtBangryCrelaxedDworried34 . Alook atBlook afterClook forDlook out35 . AotherBanotherCthe otherDthe others36 . AmakeBencourageCinviteDtake37 . AfoodBspaceCairDsleep38 . AreallyBhardlyCneverDespecially39 . AfeedBraiseCdisturbDsave40 . AtravellingBfishingCswimmingDresting四、阅读单选Last summer Cathys family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.New York City has about seven and a half million people. It is the largest city in the United States. First, they visited the Statue of Liberty. It is one of New Yorks best-known historical sites(历史景点). Millions of people visit it every year. On the second day, they went to the Empire State Building. From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In the museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Cathy went to Bronx Zoo with her younger brother and sister.In the second week, the family visited Long Island. They all had a great time.41 . Cathys family visitedplaces of interest according to the passage.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix42 . Cathys family stayed in New York City.Ain two weeksBtwo weeks agoCtwo weeks laterDfor two weeks43 . New York City has aboutpeople.A7,000,000B7,500,000C8,000,000D8,500,00044 . The underlined(画线的) word “It” refers to(指)“ ”.ANew YorkBThe United StatesCCathys homeDThe historical site45 . Cathys family visitedin the second week of their vacation.Athe Statue of LibertyBLong IslandCthe Metropolitan MuseumDthe Empire State BuildingCan you freestyle? has become an extremely popular phrase on Chinas social network thanks to Chinese pop singer and actor Kris Wu. Wu, 27, recently appeared on the reality TV show The Rap of China as a judge.Each time Wu had to choose the winner, he had just one question for the contestants:Can you freestyle?the pop stars humorous catchphrase(流行语)was quickly adopted by Chinese netizens. Many began to follow him and use freestyle wildly on social media platforms like WeChat and Sina Weibo.According to the Oxford Dictionary and Wikipedia, freestyle refers to a style of improvisation. Since the early 1990s, freestyle has come to be the widely used term for rap lyrics which are improvised on the spot.Now, Do you have freestyle? has developed into other meanings. Some Internet users even adapt the buzzword into a variety of emojis, further promoting the use of freestyle.At the same time, some Internet users have been inspired by the buzzword and consider it the new standard to live up to.From now on, I do not care about what others say about me, good or bad, positive(积极的)or negative(消极的).I am my own and enjoy my own freestyle, WeChat user Jiang Yuqiu wrote.I believe the essence of the buzzword is to go your own way regardless of what others say. When my idol Kris Wu first said it,many people ridiculed him and doubted his ability as a rapper. However, he later made an amazing performance to smash rumors(击破谣言)and prove his professional status as a rapper and a dedicated artist, Zheng Shaoqiu,one of Wus fans declared.46 . What influence(影响)does the pop stars humorous catchphrase bring to us?AIt makes Wus fans love him much more than before.BIt becomes popular and has been accepted by netizens.CIt makes the program more popular.DIt makes contestants more excited.47 . What can we infer from Jiang Yuqius words?AHe wants to be himself and enjoys his own life.BHe doesnt agree with Wus words.CHe thinks young people should have a bright future.DHe thinks highly of Kris Wu.48 . What does the underlined word ridiculed mean in Chinese?A确认B认可C相信D嘲笑My best friend Jenny and I got to the mall for shopping. She held up a white sweater and matching skirt.“Do you like this?” she asked. “Its great,I said. Jenny nodded and continued looking while I moved about. touching the beautiful clothes. “Ill try this on.” Jenny walked towards the dressing room. After a while, she came out in the outfit(一套衣服). She looked beautiful.I sighed. Part of me wanted to say how good she looked. but another part stopped the words coming out. Jenny was in such good shape that shed look good in the outfit. Sometimes. I regretted choosing a best friend who was so pretty. God, why cant I be the one with the rich parents and the great look? More and more, I was envious(妒忌的)of her.“Well, Teresa, what do you think?” Jenny asked more than once. “Do you like it?The outfit looked great on her, but I lied, “Not really. I think you need something with more colors.“You think so? Jenny said doubtfully.“Just believe me. Well find something better, I told her, pushing her back into the dressing room. “You just cant buy the first thing you see.” I did my best to get Jenny out of the store, away from that outfit. As we left, Jenny gave the sweater one last look.Just down the mall, we passed a yogurt place. My treat, Jenny said, pulling out her wallet.I could never say no to chocolate, so we got some and sat down at a table. As Jenny talked without stopping about a million things, I thought about my feelings toward her. Those feelings werent kind. Sitting there, Jenny was attractive(吸引人的)not just because of her good luck, but more because of her kindness. Treating me to chocolate was far from her only show of generosity. She also let me drive her car and borrow her clothes.Finishing our chocolate, we headed for the next clothing store. Look at that red sweater. Jenny said as we passed the window. It would be perfect for you. Soon maybe youll have enough by saving your babysitting money to buy something like that.”A few minutes earlier, all I had heard was about saving my babysitting money. I had hated the fact that Jenny could ask her parents for anything, and theyd buy it for her. This time, though. I heard more. I heard the voice of someone who loved and cared me for who I was. I needed to express the same to her.49 . Teresa felt _ when Jenny came out of the dressing room in the new outfit.AenviousBexcitedClonelyDcomfortable50 . Teresa and Jenny _ after they left the first clothing store.Aheaded for the next clothing storeBtalked about the outfit Jenny wantedChad some chocolate at a yogurt placeDended the friendship between them51 . Which of the following can be put in the blank?AJenny lent me some money.BJenny asked for more chocolate.CI told Jenny my unkind feelings.DI began to see Jenny in a new light.52 . We can infer(推断)that Teresa would _ that day.Aforget all about what had happenedBask her parents for money to buy somethingCbuy herself the red sweater in the next storeDpush Jenny back to the first store for the outfitLarge population has caused many problems. For example, the traffic is very heavy in some big cities.During the last ten years, big cities like Beijing and Harbin were full of cars and buses. Now the streets are completely crowded and its very difficult to drive a car along them. Drivers must stop at hundreds of traffic lights. What are our cities going to be like in the future? How can we solve the problem?There are some good ideas to reduce the use of private(私人的) cars. In 1971, the officer in Rome began an interesting experiment: Passengers on the city buses didnt pay for their tickets.In Stockholm there was another experiment: People paid very little for a season ticket to travel on any bus, trolley bus(电车) and train all over the city.In many cities now some streets are closed to vehicles(机动车) andpedestriansare safe there.In London there is another experiment: Part of the streets is for buses only. So the buses can travel fast. There are no cars or taxis in front of them.根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。53 . The passage is about.Abig citiesBstreetsCcarsDtraffic54 . The city ofonce experimented on a completely free bus service.ALondonBParisCRomeDStockholm55 . The city ofexperimented on a very cheap bus service.AParisBStockholmCLondonDNone of the above56 . The underlined word “pedestrians” means_ in Chinese.A行人B司机C旅客D向导57 . In many cities, pedestrians are much safer because.Ano traffic is allowed in some streetsBtraffic is computer-controlledCcars move very slowlyDonly one-way streets are open to traffic五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。58 . The pet dogs d_ made the boy very sad.59 . Jimmy had a stomachache and l_ in bed to have a rest yesterday.60 . Stay indoors in the middle of the day when the sun is the s_.61 . The hotel p_ a shoe-cleaning service for guests.62 . The difficult driving condition has already c_ several accidents.63 . Jim was very tired so he was fast asleep with his back a_ a big tree.64 . I will be there with you all the time w_ happens to you.65 . W_ we will go out for a picnic depends on the weather tomorrow.66 . Sometimes students make mistakes s_ because they dont read the questions carefully.67 . The foreign teachers in our school are from Europe. They are G_.六、回答问题The Clubs FairLinda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.“Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky”, a boy said, “watch!” He took a rocket and launched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised. “Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked.“Of course it wont,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solar Power Club.” “What do you do?” asked Leo. “We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!” She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground. “It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “Thats amazing!” After the fair, they felt very excited. “I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda. “Me too!” said Leo.68 . Where do Linda and Leo study?_69 . When did Linda and Leo attend the Clubs Fair?_70 . How did Linda and Leo feel when they saw the rocket disappeared into the sky?_71 . What did the girl in the Solar Power Club show Linda and Leo?_72 . Did Linda and Leo want to join all the clubs?_七、材料作文73 . 书面表达近年来,学生意外伤害事故频发,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生,我们该如何有效的自我保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为题的中学生安全知识英语征文比赛,请你根据下表提示,写一篇短文参赛吧。How to Keep SafeTraffictraffic lights, electric bikes(电动车)Swimmingrivers, swimming poolInternetID number, code(密码), unhealthy websites要求:1.短文必须包含提示中所有内容,并适当发挥;2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4. 词数:80-100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。How to Keep SafeDo you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important._After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well.第 13 页 共 13 页

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