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陕西省2020年(春秋版)中考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you come to my party this Saturday, Lucy?. I have to visit my grandparents.ASorry, I cantBYes, I can.CSure, Id love toDCertainly.2 . In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in ,knives and forksAanotherBothersCthe otherDall3 . A quarrel _ between the couple. It made their son break away from his family.Abroke intoBbroke inCbroke downDbroke out4 . We wont go shopping if it _ this afternoon.ArainsBrainingCdoesnt rainDnot rain5 . -Does Mike like reading ?-Yes,his parents have a great influencehim.AinBonCwithDat6 . The flowers _ every day, or they will die.Amust waterBcan be wateredCshould waterDmust be watered7 . Many new tools _ by the old worker.AinventBwere inventedCis inventedDhas invented8 . Could you please tell me _?Sorry, I dont know. Maybe next Monday.Awhen he will come backBwhen will he come backChow he will come backDhow will he came back9 . There are 60 minutes in _ hour.A/BtheCanDa10 . _bird do you like_, a sparrow, a crane or a swan?A swan. Its so beautiful.AWhich; bestBWhat; wellCHow; betterDWhich; good二、阅读单选LCF ClubsJazz-MatazThe music & gym activity forpre- schoolers.Its fun, educational andgreat for the development ofsocial skills.English is the onlyanguage needed.Fun French or Spanish ClubsWhere children have fun,make friends andlearn a languagefrom excellent teachers.Welcome to LCF Language Clubs and Music &Gym ClubsLearn with songs, stories and games in Fun French or Spanish ClubsAffordable after-school careFun music & gym clubs for young childrenLearn with stories, games, movement and rhymes in Jazz-MatazPhone:02392 370863Email: joinuslcfclubs.comThese can be taught online, at a school club or at a local LCF center. You can do it after school or lunchtime. There are also chances to teach in school. Many schools now need LCF teachers because they know LCF provides excellent training and supplies LCF teachers with the best resources(资源)。Come on and try it yourself at our local club near your home!11 . What can children do in Fun French or Spanish Clubs?AHave a party.BPlay chess.CMake friends.DWatch movies.12 . How do children learn in LCF clubs?ABy joining fun painting and gym clubs.BBy going to school clubs only.CWith songs, games and cookingDWith stories, games and movement13 . What language is required in Jazz-Mataz?ASpanishBEnglishCChineseDFrench14 . If you want to join an LCF club, youd better NOT _.Apost a letterBsend an emailCgo to the local clubDmake a phone call15 . From the text we know that_.ALCF is a language and science school in CanadaBLCF only has music and gym classes.CLCF offers courses at different places.DLCF provides excellent training, teachers and doctorsLions are called the kings of the Jungle. These strong animals are known for their sharp(锋利的) claws(爪子) and their loud roar(吼叫). Lions can catch small animals easily. So lots of small animals in the jungle are afraid of lions. They usually run away when they see the lions. Of course they cant run away if the lions want to catch them.Lions usually live in groups. They dont live alone. We may think lions are loud and noisy. In fact, we are wrong. Lions are very quiet. Keeping quiet is good for hunting. They can walk to their prey(猎物) quietly. Sometimes, the prey doesnt realize the danger until the lions catch it.Lions have great bodies. Their bodies are suitable for hunting. They have great ears. These ears make them listen to any sound clearly. They have sharp teeth. These teeth help them bite and eat their prey easily. Lions also have big eyes. Their eyes help them to see the prey several miles away.16 . The lions are known for some things EXCEPT _.Atheir sharp teethBtheir clawsCtheir loud roarDtheir large feet17 . Lions are _ animals.AloudBnoisyCquietDslow18 . The underlined word “them” refer to “_”.AlionsBlions teethClions bodiesDlions noise19 . After reading the passage, we can know _.Alions often live aloneBlions have good eyesight(视力)Csmall animals arent afraid of lionsDlions protect all the small animals20 . The passage is probably from a magazine called “_”.AAnimal WorldBPlant WorldCSafety RulesDParts of BodyHe was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his familys cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch(鲈鱼)with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure(鱼饵)and practiced casting. The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples in the sunset, then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake. When his pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. Finally, he very gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a perch . The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish. Then the father lit a match(火柴) and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M.- two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. Youll have to put it back, son, he said. Dad! cried the boy. There will be other fish, said his father. Not as big as this one, cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could know everything by his fathers clear voice that the decision could not be changed. He slowly worked the hook(钩) out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water. The creature swished its powerful body and disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish. That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. His fathers cabin is still there on the island in the middle of the lake. He takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock. He was right. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish-again and again-every time he comes up against a question of ethics(道德规范).21 . When did the story happen?AEarly morningBLate afternoonCLate nightDIn the bass season22 . Why did the father ask his son to put the perch back?ABecause the father disliked the perch.BBecause the father was afraid of being fined.CBecause the ethics must be observed.DBecause the son was more experience in fishing than his father.23 . When does the architect (the fathers son) think of that perch put back?AWhen he takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock.BWhen he builds many famous buildings.CWhen he pays a visit to his old father.DWhen he faces some problems about ethics.24 . Which word can not be used to describe the boys father?AhonestBunselfishCseriousDgenerous25 . From the passage, we can learn _.Ahow we can get the handsome fishBhow we master some skills of going fishingChow we understand our parents words is very importantDhow we do things in good and right ways.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语写出单词。26 . _ (分享) good books with our friends is a good habit.27 . He is a volunteer and often _(检查)computers for others.28 . Aisha lives three floors _ (下面) Wendy and five floors above Peter.29 . Its very necessary to keep _ (安静) in the library.30 . Americans often go to the _ (剧院) to watch plays and shows.31 . Most _ (邮递员) jobs now are different from before.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文用所给词的正确形式填空。never, get ,left, without, you, remember, polite, of, else, shouldnever, get ,left, without, you, remember, polite, of, else, shouldWhen you are invited to have dinner in a foreigners home, please32 . the following: At the table, when the hostess picks up her napkin, you may pick up33 . and put it on your lap.If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish to you at your34 . so that you can easily serve yourself with your right handA35 . serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is the turn36 . your neighbor on the right.Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to37 . something that you want to eatAIt is 38 . . Ask him or her to pass it to you.There are things in the middle of the table, such as bread, butter and candies. You39 . take any until the hostess tells the servant to pass them to you.Do not leave your seat40 . saying anythingAIf you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something41 . , you should say, “Excuse me for a moment , pleaseA”五、单词填空When people are born, they begin to be taught about manners. They are taught how to hold 42 . knife and fork and not to talk with their 43 . full. They are also taught when to stand and when to sit. Sometimes44 . manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else. Almost everywhere, eating together means that people are very close to each other, but in parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to 45 . beside each other.When you go to visit someone, you often 46 . him or her with Hello! or How are you?. But 47 . you visit an East African village, everyone will be very careful not to talk to you. The polite thing to do is to go 48 . , saying nothing. You should wait until he has finished 49 . he is doing. Once he finishes, he will begin talking to you.In a village in the Middle East, a visitor will walk 50 . all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passes by other villagers front doors, he will be invited into 51 . tents and asked to eat. It is rude to say no to the invitation.六、信息匹配Stanford is a world famous university on the west coast of the US. 52 . , because the poor boy died of a strange disease.Tourists are often surprised at the beauty of Stanford. Among the green trees, buildings with yellow walls and red tops make up a beautiful picture. 53 . . Thats because they were the favorites of Mrs. Stanford.54 . . It stands at the center. It was built by Mrs. Stanford to remember her husband who devoted himself to the university. There, students and teachers can communicate with God, and they can also hold great activities, such as concerts and celebrations.55 . . It is the landmark of the university. A man named Hoover had done a lot for the university. The things he once used can be seen on the first floor. On the top of the tower, tourists can have a good look at the whole campus.As one of the world top universities, Stanford has many subjects that stand among the top ones in the world. 56 . . If you want to study computer in a university abroad, maybe it is your best choice.AAnd computer science has been the first for many yearsBThe tallest building in Stanford is Hoover TowerCMany tourists wonder why yellow and red were chosenDThe Big Church is the most important building in StanfordEIt was built by Stanford and his wife in memory of their only son七、信息归纳What are hurricanes? You may already know that hurricanes are storms. They can cause terrible waves, winds, and rains. They happen during “Hurricane Season,” which is from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Kinds of Hurricanes There are five kinds of hurricanes. it helps people know a hurricane is so bad because the greater the wind speed is, the more dangerous the storm is. For example, a kind of hurricane has winds over 155 miles per hour, which are strong enough to break the buildings along the seaside completely.Hurricane Dangers When a hurricane happens together with heavy rain, there can be a terrible flood. The centre of a hurricane is called the eye. While most of a hurricane has dangerous strong winds, when the eye is a calm area in the storm in fact. When the eye of a hurricane passes over land, people might think that its over, but before long the wind and rain increase again as the second part of the hurricane moves through. Hurricane Safety Tips There is no way to stop a hurricane or make it change direction, so if you ever find yourself in the path of a hurricane, be sure to remember the following safety tips. Be sure you have a radio, fresh drinking water, and enough food. Tell neighbors, friends, and family members your emergency plans. Tell them where youll go if you need to leave your home. Stay inside during the storm. You could be badly hurt if you go outside.HurricanesCharacteristics Hurricane Season usually has about57 . months in theAtlantic Ocean and six and a half months in the Pacific Ocean. Terrible waves, wind, and rain are usually the58 . ofhurricanes.59 . There are five kinds of hurricanes. Different hurricanes have different wind speeds. A kind of hurricane can break all the buildings along the seaside.Dangers When a hurricane comes together with heavy rain, a terribleflood may happen. The eye is the center of a hurricane. Soon after it passes, thewind and rain increase again.Safety Tips Its60 . to stop a hurricane or change its direction. Dont61 . the safety tips if you find yourself in the path ofa hurricane. Stay inside during the storm, or you could be seriously hurt.八、材料作文62 . 书面表达Millie 是来阳光学校交流的美国学生,一段时间的学习交流后,她有一些困惑,想与班主任李老师说说。假如你是 Millie,请根据以下提示,写一封英文邮件给李老师。困惑课堂:课堂容量大;展示机会少。作业:作业量太多;内容常重复。其他:朋友少,感到孤单;数学弱,经常落后;(请自拟一点)。希望课堂有时间思考;课后能自选作业;参与有趣的活动;(请自拟一点)。注意:1.邮件中必须包含所给要点,具体内容可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2.词数 90 左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。3.请勿提及真实校名及姓名。Dear Miss LiI m Millie. _Best wishes! Millie第 12 页 共 12 页


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