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青海省2019年七年级下学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空What comes to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of people with _ in hand asking people to donate money. But my school came up with a _ way of raising fundsFun Night.Fun Night is like a party. Students pay money to get in and have dinner at school. The _ they pay will go towards helping poor children _.Two months ago, I took part in Fun Night. There were all kinds of _ in Fun Night. The most popular game was the “jousting ring”(夺环). I “jousted” with several of my _ and managed to knock plenty of them off the ring. _, they developed different strategies(策略) to win, such as starting in a crouched position(蹲姿) to gather more strength when pushing.Sometimes they attacked me _ I was ready. It would usually be _ as cheating(作弊), but we didnt care and _ playing. After all(毕竟), it was just a game, not _.The best of Fun Night was not the fun activities. The fact was that we raised a lot of money by having a _ time. A lot of students at my school wouldnt _ money if they were simply asked to hand it over. But this kind of event not only made them _1_ to give, but also allowed them to have a great time playing games with friends. I realized that _ can be fun. We raised 2,000 yuan on that night.1 . AboxesBbooksCschoolbagsDclothes2 . AcommonBdifferentCsillyDrealistic3 . AsitBattentionCstationeryDmoney4 . Ain dangerBin needCin troubleDin love5 . AcheesesBsubjectsCgamesDlessons6 . AneighboursBcousinsCvisitorsDfriends7 . AHoweverBLuckilyCOtherwiseDHopefully8 . AbeforeBunlessCafterDif9 . AnamedBconsideredCdescribedDdiscovered10 . AfinishedBstartedCcontinuedDstopped11 . Aa competitionBan opinionCa researchDan experiment12 . AtiringBhardClongDgood13 . AsaveBmakeCdonateDspend14 . AafraidBgladCsorryDangry15 . AfriendshipBknowledgeCcharityDexperience二、阅读单选Shopkeeper: What can I do for you?Mrs. Green: Id like a sweater for my son.Shopkeeper: What size do you want?Mrs. Green: Size L.Shopkeeper: What colour do you like?Mrs. Green: I like blue.Shopkeeper: Which would you like, the woolen ones or the cotton ones?Mrs. Green: Ill have a look at the cotton ones.Shopkeeper: What about this one?Mrs. Green: Oh! Its great. How much does it cost?Shopkeeper: Fifty-five yuan.Mrs. Green: Hmm. Thats cheap. Ill take it.16 . The speakers are talking .Ain an officeBat schoolCin a shopDat the bus stop17 . Mrs. Green wants to buy a sweater for .Aher fatherBher sonCthe shopkeeperDherself18 . Mrs. Green would like to buy a sweater.ASize MBgreenCwoolenDSize L19 . The cotton sweater is .A55 yuanB55 dollarsCexpensiveDbad20 . What do we know about Mrs. Green?AShe buys the sweater in the end.BShe will not buy the sweater.CShe wants to see red sweaters.DShe wants a dear sweater.China is a country with a long history and rich cultures. The followings are four Chinese traditional art cultures.Chinese knotting(中国结)It is a kind of hand-made art. Chinese knotting is not only beautiful but meaningful. People usually tied it when they wanted something good to happen in ancient times. It got popular in the Qing Dynasty and spread to Japan and Korea.Oil-paper umbrellaIt is a type of paper umbrella. Gifting the umbrella represents a blessing for a new couple to have many sons and grandsons. So oil-paper umbrellas are also a part of traditional weddings. In addition, be-cause the “oil” sounds like “have” in Chinese and the umbrella opens into a round shape, they stand for a happy and complete life.Ink wash paintingIt is a type of brush painting that uses black ink. Ink wash painting appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Chinese ink wash painting can show the real spirit of Chinese people. Therefore,it may be regarded as a form of art that can express what people cant see.Face changingIt is a special skill in the performance of Sichuan Opera. And it originated (起源)in the Qing Dynasty. It is said that ancient people painted their faces to drive away wild animals. Now people change the masks very quickly to show different feelings of the character in the play.21 . Its best to give a new couple_ as a gift at the wedding party.Aa Chinese knotting.Ban oil-paper umbrella.Can ink wash painting.Da face mask.22 . _appeared in the Tang Dynasty in China.AChinese knotting.BOil-paper umbrella.CInk wash painting.DFace changing.23 . Nowadays, the purpose of changing the masks in Sichuan Opera is_.Ato drive away wild animals.Bto stand for a happy life.Cto show different feeling.Dto express good wishes.There are some vegetables in the garden and a big tree near the vegetables. They dont like each other, because vegetables drink much water, and the tree cant have enough water to live. He is very angry about that. So he wants to teach vegetables a lesson(教训).On a very hot day, the big tree doesnt share its shadow(树荫) with vegetables. It makes vegetables very hot. But there is not enough water to drink. So they soon become very dry. At that time, the gardener comes to see these vegetables. He is very sad, because all the vegetables are dry. Then he starts to build a new one.The vegetables and the big tree cant drink water any more. The big tree feels very sad, because he uses a wrong way to teach the lesson.24 . Why do the vegetables and the tree dislike each other?ABecause the tree is too tall.BBecause the vegetables are too big.CBecause they dont share water with each other.DBecause they like to play a trick on each other.25 . When does the tree teach the vegetables a lesson?AOn a very cold day.BOn a very hot day.COn a very warm day.DOn a very windy day.26 . What does the gardener do after seeing these dry vegetables?AHe hates the big tree very much.BHe doesnt like these vegetables.CHe is very sad about the dry vegetables.DHe starts to build another new garden.27 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe big tree doesnt want to drink any water.BThe big tree always shares its shadow with vegetables.CThe big tree and vegetables start to share water with each other.DThe big tree thinks he is wrong at last.三、阅读判断Have you ever been to Ireland? If not,you should think of spending a vacation there. The Republic of Ireland stands in the south of the island. There are about 3470000 people in the country and the weather is quite wet but warm. Falls of snow in Ireland are most unusual.Ireland is full of interesting things to do. Youll find restaurants and cafes everywhere. Most of them have along list of Irish food and drinks. After your meal, you can take a walk along the shore. The countryside is good for horse riding. stay longer for a party,an opera or a concert? The Irish people are kind and friendly. From mountains to beaches you will find people ready to stop and talk about the weather, the local geography or history and maybe about what you should see next. The Irish people have kept their own culture of music and literature well. Different areas have different kinds of music. In towns and villages people gather together in the evening to sing and play music. They also get together to read their own poems to each other. Meeting such people is really fun, isnt it?根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)28 . It rains and snows a lot in Ireland.29 . Typical Irish food and drinks are not easy to find in the countryside.30 . There are many sports to do on the water in Ireland.31 . The Irish people are always ready to tell you the way.32 . The Irish people are good at music and poems.四、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hans Christian Andersen (安徒生) was a famous33 . (write) in the world. He34 . (be) born in a small village in Denmark (丹麦) over 200 years ago. Denmark is35 . (冠词) European country. His family was very poor at that time. His father was a shoemaker. His mother was a36 . (clean) woman.When Andersen was a boy, he wasnt37 . (interest) in going to school. But he liked reading. There were always 38 . (book) in Andersens house. But 39 . (连词) he was 11 years old, his father died. Andersen was away from school and40 . (make) a living 41 . (介词) an early age. First he was a dancer, then a singer and an actor. when he was 17, his two plays were popular. But his spelling was very bad. So he was back to school, After leaving school, he tried to write fairy tales for children He was famous and he wrote over 100 fairy tales in42 . (he) life.五、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按要求完成6670题。Im Tom. I live in London with my family. I go to a high school here.I like reading very much, and I have a lot of books at home. Im in the school book club now. There are fifty students and three teachers in the club. We meet from 7:00 to 8:00 every Thursday evening. We usually talk about one book together. Our teacher sometimes asks us some questions about a book. All of us want to answer them, because its interesting like a game. We can borrow a book from the club, but we must return it quickly.Its fun to join the book club, because we can also make new friends here. There is a new book show every month in the club. I like the show very much and I never miss it!66,67题完成句子,68题简略回答问题;69题找出并写下第二段的主题句;70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。43 . Tom goes to_in London.44 . The school book club members meet every_.45 . Why do all the club members want to answer the questions ?_46 . _47 . _六、材料作文48 . 读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行故事续写。Mothers Day is drawing near. Molly ran back home from school and dropped her school bag on the sofa. Then on the table she saw “Mums wish book” a mail order catalog(商品订单目录) from a gift shop. “Mum,” Molly said excitedly to herself, “this year I will send you the gloves you want!” Molly had walked a dog for a neighbor and had saved money all year to buy Mum the gloves. She opened “Mums wish book”. Tears ran down her face when she saw the gloves in the catalog. She knew Mum would not buy them for herself, because her family was having a difficult time. She once heard Mum say to Dad, “Maybe Ill have the money to buy them one day.”Molly ran out and went straight to the post office. There she carefully wrote out the order form(订单). “Do you want to post the form?” asked Mr. Smith, the only worker in the post office. “Yes, Ill send Mum a pair of gloves as her Mothers Day gift, but please dont tell her. Its our secret, OK?”注意:1. 可参考划线词汇续写故事,内容合理即可;2. 词数应为120左右;3. 故事的开头语已为你写好;Paragraph 1:As Molly walked back home, she decided to tell Dad her secret. _第 9 页 共 9 页

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