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银川市2020年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Keep quiet! Jim and Timtheir homework.Ais doingBare doingCdoesDdo2 . Can you see the cat hiding _ the tree?AonBunderCoverDin3 . Hes good _ swimmingSwimming is good _ his health.Afor,atBat,forCfor,forDat,at4 . It is _ cold today.AfewBa fewCbitDa bit5 . Everyone _at the good news.Acheered upBwas cheered onCwas cheered upDcheered on6 . -Kate wants to know if youa picnic next Sunday.-Yes. But if it, well visit the museum instead.Awill have, will rainBhave, rainsChave, will rainDwill have, rains7 . Cindy, what did you think of the film you saw last night? It was_. I left the cinema halfway through it. AboringBcreativeCexcitingDspecial8 . is the nearest post office?Its about 20 minutes by bike.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often9 . The cake _ into ten pieces so that everybody can taste it.AdividesBwill divideCis dividingDwill be divided10 . Six _ are in the classroom,one teacher and five students.ApeopleBpicturesCbooksDchair11 . (题文)Why do you _ the radio? I cant hear the light music clearly.Im afraid of waking the baby up.Aturn downBturn onCturn offDturn up12 . - Did you see Richard?- No. he is in the playground.AMightBMay beCMaybeDMay13 . Michael has a temperature, so he isnt able to come._AIm sorry to hear that.BIm disappointed.CGood luck.DTake it easy.14 . You_ to the party if youre so busy.Adont need comeBnot need comingCneednt comeDneed not to come15 . - I cant find Lily. Where is she?- Sorry, I dont know_.Awhere has she beenBwhere she has beenCwhere has she goneDwhere she has gone16 . Tom, dont be _ in the library.AquietBquietlyCnoisyDnoisily17 . How often do you play tennis?Twiceweek. And I often play it insports center in our schoolAthe;Ba:anCan;theDa;the18 . Is the man in the car John?No,it _ be him. He went to Xian on business yesterday.AcantBmustCmustntDcould19 . My parents often _ TV in the evening.AwatchBseeingCwatchingDlook at二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. Glad to help you.B. What else can we enjoy?C. Is it worth (值得) traveling there?D. Have you decided where to go?E. Then it must have something special.F. I dont think it fun to travel in big cities.G. Do you have any plan for the summer holiday?A: Hi, Alice. 20 . B: Yeah, Id like to do some traveling.A: 21 . B: Not yet.A: Do you want to travel in big cities?B: 22 . A: How about Huangshan Mountain?B: 23 . A: Sure! In China, Its considered to be the king of all the mountains.B: 24 . A: Right. You can see special pines (松树), rocks and clouds. You can enjoy hot springs (温泉) as well.B: Great! Thank you.三、完型填空Bill invites Mike to go to his house. Here is their talk. “Welcome _ with me on Saturday,” says Bill. “But I dont know where your house is,” says Mike. “You take the No.13 bus, then _ at the hospital. Then you _ the road and take the first turning on the left. You walk _ five minutes. Then you come to a big tree. You _ right at the second crossing behind the tree. Over a hundred metres _ this road there is a big house. You go past the big house, and _ walking hundreds of metres, youll see _ beside a tree. Open the door _ your foot,” says Bill. “With my foot?” asks Mike. “Yes,” says Bill. “Well, you wont _ to my house with nothing in your hands, will you?”25 . Ahave lunchBto have lunchChave a lunchDto have a lunch26 . Aget offBget onCgets offDgets on27 . Ago crossBgo crossingCgo acrossDgo to crossing28 . AinBonCforDat29 . AtakeBturnCto takeDto turn30 . AupBfromCafterDdown31 . AonBinCafterDdown32 . Aa small red houseBa red small houseCthe small red houseDthe house small red33 . AaboutBwithCinDby34 . AcomeBcomingCcomesDto come阅读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Maria, a US high school student, is busy_ her studies every day. But after school, she puts down her books and goes off to _. She looks after cats at a Humane Society(动物保护协会), helps teachers at school and cleans up the beach. Why? Because about half of US public schools_ students to do at least 20 hours of community service in order to graduate(毕业). “This project is to give students a_ of the real world, _ a habit of volunteering and perhaps explore a career,” said Bob Parks, a teacher at Marias school. _ volunteering takes time, Maria enjoys it. “ I learn so _ from it,” she said. She plans to keep volunteering even after she has finished her required hours of work. Maria is now on _ way towards 250 hours to get a silver medal(银奖)at graduation. She hopes the medal will help her _ her dream. But some have _ about the project. Mr. Black, a single(单身的)_ of four, has to drive his children from one activity to _ one every weekend. “I have no time to work and rest,” he said. Mike, a volunteering manager, has heard those complaints. He said, “We keep _ people that volunteer hours are more than for graduation. They are life lessons.” Unlike Mr. Black, some parents agree with the project and want their children to _ more time volunteering. Michael, a junior, spends Saturdays at JFK Medical Center guiding patients and bringing them newspapers and meals. He is at 258 hours. David, Michaels father, said, “Twenty hours isnt _. Children should have more contact(联系) with the world.”35 . AforBwithCofDat36 . AplayBrelaxCvolunteerDwork37 . AmakeBhaveCinviteDask38 . AsoundBwayCtasteDpicture39 . AchangeBquitCdevelopDdrop40 . AButBAlthoughCHoweverDSo41 . AmuchBmanyCfewDlittle42 . AsheBherCheDhis43 . AhaveBcomeCachieveDuse44 . AcomplaintsBdoubtsCquestionsDpuzzle45 . AteacherBparentCworkerDdriver46 . Athe otherBotherCanotherDothers47 . Ato tellBtellCtoldDtelling48 . AtakeBcostCpayDspend49 . AtrueBenoughCmanyDshortThe first cartoons appeared in newspapers. They told stories using _. The first photographed cartoon film (in 1906) was about humorous _. In the film, an artist _ pictures of two faces on a blackboard. The faces came to life. They smiled and a small dog jumped through a ring.There were lots of _ in early cartoons. One famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat.Walt Disney started to _ films in the 1920s. Some of his earliest films were about a famous story, Alice in Wonderland, _ in Disneys films it was called Alice in Cartoon Land. Walt Disneys most famous cartoon character was Mickey Mouse. He appeared in 1928, first in a black-and-white film _ sound, then very soon after that in a talking film and later in colour. A Mickey Mouse film was the first cartoon film with sound to become really _.Today, over a hundred years _, cartoons are still popular with people of all _. They will probably be popular for many more years in the future.50 . ApicturesBwordsClanguagesDbooks51 . AbirdsBcatsCmiceDfaces52 . AboughtBdrewCwroteDsaw53 . AplanetsBanimalsCheartsDcountries54 . AmakeBleadCseeDmiss55 . AasBsinceCbutDand56 . AfromBonCinDwithout57 . AcleverBpopularCsoftDlatest58 . AlaterBeverCoutDperhaps59 . AprizesBagesChobbiesDheroes四、阅读单选In Germany, there is a special museum. It is the only one of this kind in the world and few people know it.Every year,the number of people who come to visit the museum is only one thousand.What kind of museum is it?It is a museum about taxes (税收)In this museum,you can see the history of taxes and all kinds of taxes in different countries in the world.After visiting the museum,people can draw a conclusion(得出结论)That is from 3000 BC.(公元前),the kings,dictators(独裁者)and finance ministers(财政部长)could tax people freely.They taxed people heavily because of such things as wars,weddings(婚礼)or road building.They needed money and they got money by taxing their citizens (公民)In the early times of Egypt,farmers had to pay heavy taxes if the water level(水面)of the River Nile rose.The kings said that if the water level rose,there would be much more earth in farmers fields.So the farmers could get a good harvest and they should pay more taxes.A strange kind of taxWindow Tax appeared(出现)in England.It lasted more than one hundred years.How? If there were more windows in the wall,the people must pay more taxes.So in those years, people built as few windows as possible in the wall.Russian people once paid a tax for their beards (胡子)The people who had paid this tax would get a special piece of paper.But what about the people who didnt pay for their beards? Of course,their beards would be cut.But without a beard for a man is a way to scorn(蔑视)God.He would also be punished.60 . Which is right about the museum?AIt is in Germany.BIt is a museum about taxes in German history.CIt is the only museum in the world.DIt is very famous in the world.61 . Which is the best title for this museum?AA German museumBA tax museumCThe only museum in the worldDA very small museum62 . The history of taxes may have lasted _ years at least.A3, 000B5, 000C6, 000D2, 00063 . Which is right?AOnly Egypt, England and Russia have taxes.BThe taxes are free now.CThe taxes were heavy.DThe taxes were completely used for people.64 . Which is right?AEgyptWindow Tax,EnglandWater Level Tax,RussiaBeard TaxBEgyptWater Level Tax,RussiaWindow Tax,EnglandBeard TaxCEgyptWater Level Tax,RussiaBeard Tax,EnglandWindow TaxDEgyptBeard Tax,RussiaWater Level Tax,EnglandWindow TaxIn the past 300 years, more than 130 species of animals have becomeextinct. One of these extinct species is the passenger pigeon(旅鸽). At one time there were millions of these birds in North America, but now there are none. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Another extinct animal is the cape lion(西非狮). The animal has been extinct since 1860.What cause animals to become extinct? Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another.Governments around the world have begun to protect wild animals in danger. In the United States, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for(承担义务)endangered animals. It has listed nearly 200 species of endangered animals in North America.65 . The underlined word “extinct” in the first sentence probably means “”.AillBdying outCbecomingDchanging66 . There were many cape lions in North America.Alast centuryBin the twentieth centuryCmore than one hundred years agoDin 191467 . isnt the reason for the extinction of wild animals in North America.AThe pollutionBToo much killingCToo much huntingDThe war68 . Three arespecies of wild animals in danger listed by the US Fish and Wildlife.Aless than 130Babout 200Cover 300Dnearly 30069 . The best title of this passage should be “”.AA sad storyBEndangered animals in North AmericaCWild animals become extinctDThe US Fish and Wildlife ServiceNews One: 29 October, 2015The government of China plans to end its one-child per family policy (政策) and instead let families have two children. The plan was announced Thursday after high-level meetings in Beijing. China, which has the largest population, made the one-child policy in 1980. The government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children for so many years. For example, some couples in the countryside could have two children.News Two: 05 October, 2015The first of the 2015 Nobel Prizes has been announced. Swedens Nobel Prize committee says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland, Japan and China. William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of the medicine avermectin (阿维菌素). The Nobel committee praised their work on what it calls a “novel therapy.” The treatment fights disease caused by parasites(寄生虫). The prize for medicine is also going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou. She discovered Artemisia. Artemisia is a drug (药物) that has greatly made the number of people who die from malaria (疟疾) smaller.News Three: 09 December, 2015Oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 2009. Brent crude oil, one of several kinds of oil on the world market, dropped below $40 a barrel(桶) on Tuesday. However, the main group of oil producing countries has been unable to reduce the oil production.70 . How long did Chinas one-child policy last?A38 years.B36 years.C25 years.D65 years.71 . Who got the Nobel Prize for medicine?ATu Youyou from China.BWilliam Campbell from Ireland.CWilliam Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan.DWilliam Campbell from Ireland, Satoshi Omura from Japan and Tu Youyou from China.72 . What can we know from News Three?AThere is only one kind oil on the world market.BMain oil producing countries will produce less oil.COil prices on Tuesday are the lowest in history.DMain oil producing countries will still produce as much oil as before.January is a great month. I only need to go to school from January the first to January the fifteenth. Every year, our school has a musical festival. This year it is from January 13th to January 15th. All the students and parents can come to the festival. My mother says she can go to the festival with me, but my father cant. He is busy. All the people sing, dance and play games at the festival. After the festival, the term is over. I dont need to go to school and I can have a long holiday. My parents and I want to take a trip to Sanya. And we want to spend the Spring Festival there. We will come back to Beijing on February 15th. Im sure well have a good time.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案73 . The school has a(n) _ every year.Aa school tripBmusical festivalCEnglish partyDsoccer game74 . The musical festival lasts(持续) for _days.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive75 . The underlined word “over” means in Chinese.A结束B漫长的C无聊的D有趣的76 . They want to go to Sanya to _.Asee a friendBbuy some clothesCwatch ball gamesDtake a trip77 . Which of the following is true?AThey will go to Sanya on February 15th.BThe family will spend the Spring Festival in Sanya.CPeople can eat nice food at the musical festival.DParents cant come to the music festival.五、完成句子完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每空限填一词)78 . 我们必须阻止人们砍伐树木We must_ people from_ trees79 . 从广州飞到悉尼需要多长时间?_does_ to fly from Guanzghou to Sydney?80 . 不要依赖别人,我们应该尽力自己做事情Dont_ others We should try to do things ourselves81 . 如果你不早起,你将会上学迟到If you_ up early, you_ late for school82 . 他是一个多么好的学生啊!_ student he is !六、单词填空Last weekend I went to visit my grandma.83 . (虽然) her house is far from mine, I still decided to walk there. It was very sunny so I didnt take my84 . (雨伞)However, on the way it began to rain hard. And soon I was all85 . (湿的).When I was thinking about what to do next, 86 . (幸运地),there came a taxi. I87 . (停)it and went into it quickly. When I arrived at my grandmas house,she was very surprised to see me.“ Is it 88 . (必要的)for you to come here on foot? Why dont you drive your car here?” She asked,“Because I want to take more exercise.” I answered. “Why do you come on 89 . (这样的)a rainy day?”“I come to tell you a piece of good news.” “What good news?”“I 90 . (赢)the first prize in the singing 91 . (比赛).”“Congratulations! said my grandma excitedly, then she92 . (给)me a warm blanket to wrap me.A recent report from Dazhou Daily says about 18% of Dazhou teenagers can have problems with their minds. Some students become w_ because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people l_their parents and classmates. Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student from Dazhou, could not understand his teachers in class and was doing b_in his lessons. He was afraid of e_. When he looked at the exam paper, he couldnt think of anything to write. Another student, a 15-year-old girl c_ Wu Yan from Guangan often argued(吵架)with her classmates even her parents because of some d_ ideas. She became so angry with them that she s_ to cut her finger with a knife. However, many students who have p_ wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢的)i_ they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secrets. In order to solve the teenagers problems, here is some advice:Talk to your parents or teachers often. Take part in group activities and play sports. Go to see a doctor if you f_ unhappy or unwell.93 . _94 . _95 . _96 . _97 . _98 . _99 . _100 . _101 . _102 . _七、材料作文103 . 书面表达。近年来,由于网络购物的兴起,11月11日成了网络购物狂欢节。2018年双十天猫只花了2分05秒,成交额(GMV)超过100亿元。为了正确引导青少年的购物观念,你班举行了一次关于网络购物的主题班会,下面是你班同学对网络购物优缺点的一些见解,请你以班长的身份,写一篇主题班会内容小结发言稿:优点:1.在家“逛商场”;节约时间;2.价格通常比较便宜;3.可供选择的范围广,品种多。缺点: 1.只能看到图片,看不到商品本身2.网络支付不太安全,密码容易被盜。(写作内容)1.网络购物优缺点;2.给你班同学提一条你自己的建议。(写作要求)1.词数80-100;包含表格内的所有内容要点;开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;2.请勿提及真实姓名与学校名称3.语句通顺,语法正确,可适当发挥。参考词汇:消费者 consumer密码 password(s)Dear classmatesWith the rapid development of Internet, shopping online has already become a fashion, especially among young people. Comparing with the traditional shopping. _Let s stop buying blindly but be a smart consumer. Thank you第 16 页 共 16 页


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