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长春市2019年九年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Youd better give up smoking. Its bad for your health.AI dont think so.BThanks for your advice.CId love to.DIt doesnt matter.2 . -Can you tell me something about your school rules?-Well, We are told _anywhere. Its our duty to keep our school clean and tidy.Anot to make much noiseBto drawCto throw waste paperDnot to spit3 . The cables are _ up _ the electricity cannot jump to the ground.Ahigh; in order toBhighly; so thatChigh; so thatDhighly; in order that4 . Mr. Brown will come back _ a week. You can call him then.AinBforCafter5 . The underlined part of the word“ tried”should be pronounced asA/d/B/id/C/ed/D/t/6 . What do you like doing after class?I like not only reading _ painting.AandBbut alsoCor7 . My mother says that we wont go on a trip to Malaysia because it is too dangerous._. You were looking forward to it.ANever mindBDont worry about itCEnjoy yourselvesDWhat a pity8 . She speaks much louder to make her voice _.Amore powerfulBmost powerfulCmore powerfullyDmost powerfully9 . Mikes words are different from_. We really cant agree with_.Aours, himBours, hesCus, himDus, his10 . The international festival_ in Weifang once a year.Ais heldBholdCheldDholds11 . John and Ifriends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But weeach other a couple of times before that.Ahad been; has seenBhave been; have seenChad been; had seenDhave been; had seen12 . _ great fun he had chatting with his friend!AHowBWhatCWhat aDHow13 . What _ the weather _ tomorrow?Sorry, I dont know.Ais; likeBwill; likeCwill; be likeDwill; be14 . -What do you think of Beijing Opera? -.AIts about the story of Beijing.BVery much.CIts interesting.DI like.15 . You should write an passage in the English examination. I think its not difficult for us to write if you try your best.A80-word, 80 wordsB80 words, 80 wordsC80-word, 80-wordD80 words, 80-word16 . The Watch has become _useful tool in our communication and entertainment.AaBanCtheD/17 . He didnt just command. He personally fought in several healthy battles.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word.Akma:ndBkm:ndCkimndDkma:nd18 . Hepburn won Oscar Best Actress for her role in that film.Aan; ofBan; forCa; forDan; to19 . The local guide spoke _she could to make the visitors understand her.Aas clear asBas clearly asCso clear asDso clearly as20 . John is outgoing boy and Mary is shy girl.Aa;aBan; anCan ; a二、完型填空It was Mothers Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy._she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning she phoned her mother_her a happy Mothers Day, and her mother told her_the beautiful lilacs(丁香花) in the garden.Later that day, when her husband knew that she liked lilacs, he said, “I know where we_find all that you want. Get the children and come on.” So they went, driving down the country roads. There on a small hill, they saw_of beautiful purple lilacs. The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers_, she picked a few here and a few there. On their way home there was a smile on her face. When they were passing an Old Peoples home, the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair. She had no_with her. They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands, and smiled at her. The old granny was very_and she thanked here again and again. She smiled happily, too.”When the young mother_to her car, her children asked her, “Who is that old granny? Why did you give flowers to_?” I dont know her.” Their mother said, “But its Mothers Day, and she looks very lonely. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her.”21 . AAndBOrCBecauseDIf22 . AwishingBwishCwishedDto wish23 . AaboutBonCatDof24 . AmustBcanCcouldDmay25 . AhundredBthousandCthousandsDmillion26 . ACarefullyBCarefulCCarelessDCare27 . ApeopleBchildrenCpersonDhuman28 . AsadBnervousChappyDmad29 . Acame backBcame overCcame up withDcame out30 . AsheBherselfChersDher三、阅读单选Hello! My name is Becky Sharp. Im 11 years old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes 14. I dont have any sisters.We live with our mum, dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like sport? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I am good at it but my brother isnt.I have lots of pets-one tortoise (乌龟) and six goldfish (金鱼). I want a dog or cat, but my mother doesnt like them.31 . There are _ people in Beckys family.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix32 . Becky and her family live in_.Aa big roomBa cinemaCthe west of EnglandDa small house33 . Does Becky play football well?_AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CShe is not very good.DWe dont know.34 . Beckys mother doesnt like_.Atortoises or goldfishBtortoises or dogsCdogs or catsDgoldfish or cats35 . What does pet mean in Chinese?A朋友B宠物C玩具D同伴四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词):36 . She usually goes to the supermarket once a week. (划线提问)_ times does she usually go to the supermarket a week?37 . Susan managed to get the position that she had been working hard for. (保持句意基本不变)Susan _ getting the position that she had been working hard for.38 . She usually comes back to her office and continues working after dinner. (保持句意基本不变)She usually _ to her office and _ on working after dinner.39 . My mother dislikes the style of the furniture. (改为反意疑问句)My mother dislikes the style of the furniture, _?40 . Wendys mum is in charge of sales. (保持句意基本不变)Wendys mum is _ sales.41 . The students will graduate from the school in eight months. (划线提问)_ will the students graduate from the school?42 . the way, yet, they, found, the problem,work out, havent ,to (连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B)用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。43 . Teenagers should speak to the elderly _ (polite).44 . Most students complain that ten _(minute ) break between classes is not enough.45 . The cheese cake tastes good. Could I have some _ (many) ?46 . The old man lived all by _ (he ) in the country.47 . Last week, the Greens held a party to celebrate their _ (forty) marriage.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51-55的相应横线上。make films pictures jumped through of all ages soundThe first cartoons appeared in newspapers. They told stories using 48 . . The first photographed cartoon film (in 1906) was about humorous faces. In the film, an artist drew pictures of two faces on a blackboard. The faces came to life. They smiled and a small dog 49 . a ring.There were a lot of animals in early cartoons. One famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat.Walt Disney started to 50 . in the 1920s. Some of his earliest films were about a famous story, Alice in Wonderland, but in Disneys films it was called Alice in Cartoon Land. Walt Disneys most famous cartoon character was Mickey Mouse. He appeared in 1928, first in a black-and-white film without 51 . , then very soon after that in a talking film and later in colour. A Mickey Mouse film was the first cartoon film with sound to become really popular.Today, over a hundred years later, cartoons are still popular with people 52 . . They will probably be popular for many more years in the future.根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词) enjoy suppose holiday quiet travel because job from care away lonely pityWestern country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. It is a mixture of music53 . all of these places. In the west of America, cowboys had to take54 . of the cattle (cows). They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle were nervous and sometimes ran 55 . . A cowboys life was 56 . and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He also sang music to the cattle to make them 57 . . Of course, the cowboys also sang music when they 58 . to town to relax and have a good time. In the south of America, many people came from Ireland, Scotland, and England. Other people came from France and Canada. They 59 . their own kind of music. When they visited their friends and families on 60 . , they usually sang and played country music. Western country music describes life. It talks about love, 61 . , home and money. It talks about friends and enemies, farms and crops. People in many parts of the world like Western country music 62 . everyone knows something about these ideas. They can get something from this kind of music.七、单词填空Here is my story.My first63 . (主人)called me Black because of my black coat. I thought she loved me, but I was wrong. If you truly love someone, you dont leave them on the streets. This is something you should64 . (绝不)do to any pet!Life on the streets was hard. I was often hungry and wet all the time, and there were often food65 . (打架). Later, when I was66 . (救)by A-Care-Center, I was just skin and bones (骨头). There were cuts on my back and my right eye was nearly67 . (瞎的), which brought me almost to the gates of68 . (死亡). Thanks to A-Care-Centers kindness, A-Care-Center is so69 . (有帮助的)and I am in good health now. Im so happy to be here and I am70 . (期待)to join my newly adopted (收养的) family.Visit A-Care-Centers71 . (网站)and click ADOPTION to find out how you can make other cats like me happy. If you want to72 . (捐赠), you can click SUPPORT. Thank you!八、回答问题阅读表达“Mum,I hate you. I dont need a new schoolbag or clothes. Im not afraid of being hit by you. I only want you to come back. When Chen Jiuying read her daughters letter,she couldnt help crying. Chen and her husband are now working far away from their hometown. Their daughter,Xiao Li,is looked after by her grandparents. Like Chen,many migrant workers(外来务工人员)are dreaming about a better life,so they have to leave their children behind. According to a survey,there are now about 61 million left-behind children(留守儿童)in poor areas in China. This has brought about many problems. These children care little about others. They do not do well at school. They lost confidence. Luckily many Chinese are now thinking about the life of the left-behind children and actions have been taken to help solve the problem. A charity could take place in Beijing before Childrens Day. Its purpose was to raise social awareness(意识)of left-behind children. The event was held to raise money from businesses and the public to prepare “love bags”. Inside the bags,these are things for children including books,envelopes and stamps so that children can write to their parents. The event was started by Chen Weihong, a television host in China. The left-behind children dont have enough parental love and family care. They need to be in touch with their parents. We hope our love bags will help them communicate with their parents, and make them happier, he said.73 . Who is looking after Xiao Li? (in no more than 2 words)_.74 . How many left-behind children are there in poor areas in China according to a survey? (in no more than 2 words)_.75 . Have actions been taken to help solve the problem? (in no more than 3 words)_.76 . Where did the charity event take place? (in no more than 2 words)_.77 . Why did Chen Weihong start the charity event? (in no more than 7 words)_.九、话题作文78 . 书面表达假如学校校报正在开展“创建和谐校园英文征文活动。请以 Lets Make Our School More Beautiful 为题,写一篇 100 词左右的英语文章.要求:1.简要描述一件校园里正能量的事情;2.简述你对该事情的看法;3.为建设和谐校园提出建议;4.不得出现真实的人名,校名_第 10 页 共 10 页


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