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重庆市2020版九年级中考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ of the two girls is from Africa or Europe.AAllBBothCNoneDNeither2 . - I often have hamburgers for lunch.- you had better not. It is bad for you _ too much junk food.Aeat Bto eatCeating3 . Many wild animals are _danger now. Yes. We must protect them _ dying out.Ain ; fromBin ; forCat; fromDat; for4 . We should try our best _water to protect(保护)our homes.Ato saveBsaveCsavingDsaved5 . -Can I _a book from you?- Certainly. But please remember you can only _ it for 3 daysAborrow; borrowBlend; borrowClend; keepDborrow; keep6 . _ The same to you.AHappy birthday!BHave a nice weekend!CCongratulations!DSee you!7 . Could you tell me?I m confident and creative.Ahow you areBwhat are you likeCwhat you are likeDhow are you8 . Vienna is _old city _the river Danube.Athe; inBan; onCa; atDan; of9 . We are about the news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excite10 . A country_be full of hope and have a great tomorrow only when its younger generations(青年一代)have ideals(理想), ability, and a strong sense of responsibility.AmustBmayCshouldDcan11 . He was very confident himself before the speech and at last he did it very well.AwithBaboutCfor12 . -Whats your plan for this weekend?-We _ the museum and some old things from India.Awill visit; seeingBwill visit;to seeCvisit;will seeDwill visit; see13 . Which of the following signs means DANGEROUS?ABC14 . Our English teacher _ us because most of us didnt finish the homework on time.Awas pleased withBwas angry withCwas satisfied withDwas strict with15 . My favoriteis Animal World. What about you?I like The Voice of China.AmovieBprogramCsportDsubject16 . _ play in the streetIts very dangerousADoBNotCDontDDoesnt17 . Few people like living here, _ they?AarentBdoesCdontDdo18 . Where is Mr.Brown?He _ Australia.He _ there last year.Ahas been to;has beenBhas been to;has goneChas gone to;wentDwent;went19 . -Doctor Einstein,let me drive the car.-No,its a pleasure to drive a genius like you,Hans.Aa happy thingBan annoying thingCa regretful20 . Ann often helps me _ math after school.AforBwithConDby二、补全对话6选5AWhat about you?BThen I studied for the test.CBecause I went on the school tripDNo, I stayed at home.EWell, it wasnt very bad.FBecause I had lots of things to doTom:Hi,Betty! Did you go on the school trip? I didnt see you on Sunday.Betty:21 . Tom:Why?Betty:22 . Tom:What did you do?Betty:I cleaned my room and did my homework. 23 . Tom:Really? Not much fun!Betty:24 . I went to a movie with my sister on Sunday afternoon.25 . Was the school trip interestmg?Tom:Yes. We went to the Science Museum in the morning. We saw a big science show there. We went to the zoo in the afternoon. We took many photos of animals. That was really great!三、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从方框中的六个句子中选出五个句子还原到短文中,使短文通顺、完整。Your homework habits might be affecting your grades. Are you feeling tired or bored when it comes to homework time? 26 . You can change the way you feel by taking better care of your mind and your body.27 . Did you know that poor organization skills can reduce (降低) your final scores? Thats why you should learn to use a day planner the right way. Who wants a big “0” on a paper, just because we got lazy and didnt pay attention to the date? Nobody wants to get an “F” because of forgetfulness.Talk with parents.28 . It sounds simple enough, but students dont always realize how much parents care about their study. Whenever parents see a small mistake, they may be worried about it becoming a big failure(失败).Get the sleep you need.Studies show that teens natural sleep patterns are different from those of adults. This may make them have trouble going to sleep at night and waking in the morning. 29 . 30 . Do you often feel tired or sleepy? If you sometimes stop working on a project because you just dont have the energy, you can increase your energy level by changing your diet (饮食). One banana in the morning might increase your performance at school.AImprove your eating habits.BYou can stay away from some of the problems by changing your nighttime habits.CParents are concerned about (关心) your success.DAre you arguing with parents about your grades?EImprove your memory.FUse a planner.四、完型填空Dear Jo,Well, I arrived home safely two weeks ago. The flight (航班) was fine, but a bit _. You know, I watched two films and ate two breakfasts on the plane!Thank you for everything. I had a really good time with you in London. I hope you _ it too.The weather here is different from that in London. It has always been fine. Im writing this letter under a big umbrella _ it is very hot today. I know we had some sunny days in London but I _ there was also some rain!It was difficult _ me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but its OK now. Ive been in a new department (部门) since I came home and its interesting. Ive got a new manager (经理) now, and thats _ good because the old one was too strict.Do you like rock music? My brother is a drummer in a new group. He is _ in his bedroom now, and its quite loud! I have just sent you _ of his CDs. I hope you like them.By the way, did you _ a black photo album (相册)? I think I left it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry.Jill is sitting with me and she _ her love to you. Please write soon, and thank you again for the wonderful time!Yours,Chris31 . AearlyBlateCshortDlong32 . AenjoyedBdreamedCthankedDcelebrated33 . AuntilBbecauseCifDalthough34 . AhopeBwonderCquestionDremember35 . AforBwithCfromDabout36 . AoftenBalmostCquiteDnever37 . AsleepingBpracticingCwaitingDwatching38 . AoneBfewCsomeDany39 . AseeBthrowCofferDborrow40 . AlendsBsendsCsellsDcompares五、阅读单选WarningsUse on skin only.Do not eat.Do not use in eyes or over large parts of body.Stop using and visit a doctor if you still have the problem after one week or if the pain is worse.Keep at room temperature.How to use:Only use on adults and children aged 2 or older.Clean the cut or burn.Put the cream on the cut or burn up to three times a day.If you are pregnant(怀孕的), ask a doctor before you use.41 . This is an introduction of_.AcandiesBbiscuitsCmedicineDbaby cream (宝宝霜)42 . The Antibiotic Cream can be used_.Aonly on skinBin eyesCin mouthsDover large parts of body43 . According to this instruction, we can learn that_.Ait cant be put in a hot placeBthe pregnant can use it without asking a doctorCadults and children under 2 years old can use itDyou can put it on the cut for several times as you want六、阅读判断阅读理解。It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree. He looks at the cock.“ Hello, Mr Cock, I have some good news for you.” says the fox.“Oh?” says the cock, “What is it?”“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be friends, too. Please come down and play with me.”“Fine!” says the cock, “Im very glad to hear that.” Then the cock looks, “ Look! There is something over there.”“What are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. They are coming this way.”“Animals?”“ Yes, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs!” asks the fox. “ Well.well, I am going now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr Fox.” says the cock. “ Dont go. They are only dogs. Dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they dont know that yet(还).”“I see, I see.” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.根据上文内容,判断下列问题是否正确,正确T, 错误 F。44 . The cock and the fox are good friends.45 . The cock is in the tall tree and the fox is in the tall tree, too.46 . Dogs are coming.47 . The fox isnt cute.48 . The cock isnt clever(聪明的)七、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空49 . Many people cut down trees _ (make) more money.50 . They are going _ (birdwatch) at the market.51 . The club needs more students _ (help) them feed the animals.52 . Id like to go shopping instead of _ (fish) by the river.53 . Jim cant wait _ (turn) on the TV as soon as he gets home every day.54 . Youd better _ (not take) the medicine today.55 . We all agreed _ (go) on a school trip this weekend.56 . Our teacher often encourages us _ (not give) up.57 . Someone _ (knock) at the door, go and see who it is.58 . _ (talk) with your parents often is a good way to make them understand you.八、填写适当的句子补全对话Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: Good afternoon, madam! 59 . ?B: Yes, please.60 . A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, mutton and chicken noodles.B: Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?A: Yes. some tomatoes in them.B: OK. Id like the beef noodles.A: 61 . ?B: A small bowl, please.A: 62 . ?B: A glass of orange juice, pleaseA: OK, is that all?B: Yes. 63 . ?A: Twenty-five yuan, please.B: Heres the money.A: Thank you!九、单词填空根据文意和首字母填空。One afternoon last summer, Mr. Black went to a fisherman to buy fish for h64 . supper. A friend of his came to have supper with h65 . that evening. It was hot, so most of the fish were not so good. But the fisherman said, Sir, a66 . the fish are good. Would you like to buy one?Mr. Black held o67 . fish up to his nose and smelled it. Why do you smell t68 . fish? Do you think it has gone bad? said the fisherman.No, I didnt smell i69 . .Then w70 . did you do with your face keeping so close to the fish? asked the fisherman. I didnt smell the fish. I only talked to it, said Mr. Black.Talked to it? said the fisherman, Why? What did the fish say to y71 . ?It said it didnt know the latest news. because it wasnt in the river for more than a week.十、回答问题阅读短文. 根据短文内容回答问题。The La Tomatina FestivalLa Tomatina is a famous festival in Spain. At the festival, thousands of people throw tomatoes at one another for an hour every year. La Tomatina festival is famous as the biggest food fight in the world. Every year, people throw more than 100, 000 kilos of tomatoes in the streets.History of the FestivalLa Tomatina festival started in 1945. There are many stories about how the festival started. One story says that a very bad singer always sang in Bunol town. One day people said they were tired of him and then they picked up tomatoes from nearby vendors(摊主)and threw them at him. Throwing tomatoes at him turned out to be so exciting that they wanted to do it the next year. That is how the tradition started.Festival DatesLa Tomatina festival happens on the last Wednesday of August every year. The event(活动)starts at 10 am and lasts for an hour. Visitors from all over the world come to the festival. The week of the festival usually has many exciting activities for the visitors.Rules of the FestivalAll the people at La Tomatina festival must know some rules.People cant use hard things in the fight.People must not pull other peoples clothes.People should not throw tomatoes after time is up.LA Tomatina festival is an important part of the Spanish culture. Most people in the country look forward to the yearly festival. And it is also a world-famous event for Spain. The festival is usually shown live online . as to let the world learn more about Spain. So thousands of people visit Spain to join in the festival. Now La Tomatina festival is famous inside and outside of Spain.72 . What do people mainly do at the La Tomatina Festival?_73 . When does the festival happen every year?_74 . Why is the festival famous inside and outside of Spain?_十一、看图作文75 . 图示作文:仔细观察下列三幅图片,展开合理想象,然后写一篇短文要求:1话题作文或图示作文任选其一2词数在80100之间3字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥十二、话题作文76 . 学校的规章制度也许使你不开心。其实校规就是为了规范我们的行为,为我们创造良好的学习环境,从而实现我们的梦想。根据以上提示,请以“My School Rules”为题写一篇英语短文。要求: 1语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁,不少于60词。2文中不得使用的真实姓名,校名,否则以零分记;3短文必须写在答题卡上,如只在本卷作答,一律不得分。十三、通知77 . 书面表达,写在答卷上你校学生会计划为来访的美国交换生举办一个欢迎晚会,作为学生会成员,请为此活动写一份英语口头通知,邀请全校同学参加。通知涵盖以下要点:晚会目的:欢迎美国交换生,帮助他们应对文化冲击晚会活动:唱歌、跳舞、汉语习语游戏、交换小礼品时间地点:下周六晚7:30于学校操场要求:80词左右,卷面整洁,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:welcome party 欢迎晚会 the Student Union 学生会Dear students,May I have your attention, please? _Everyone is welcome!第 13 页 共 13 页

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