英语八年级第一学期Unit 7 Nobody wins(Ⅱ)自测练习3-4

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英语八年级第一学期Unit 7 Nobody wins(Ⅱ)自测练习3-4_第1页
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英语八年级第一学期Unit 7 Nobody wins()自测练习3-4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Youd better practice speaking English more often if you want to make greater progress. .AThanks. Ill take your adviceBThats all rightCIm afraid notDIt doesnt matter2 . Hi, Tim. Deng Ziqis song If I were a boyfantastic!Yeah, I like it very much, tooAsoundsBfeelsClooksDtastes3 . Many other planets in the universe havent got an _ like that of the earth. So there isnt any life on them.AastronautBillnessCartistDenvironment4 . My best friend is now_China, so I want to go_China, too.Ain;onBon;toCof;forDin;to5 . Jason would rather_at home alone _ have a quiet place to study.Abe; in order toBto be; in order toCstay; so thatDto stay; so that6 . He said nothing at the meeting and just sat there _.AgentlyBsilentlyCpolitelyDsoftly7 . Which of the following words matches the sound fig(r)?AfingerBfigureCfinishedDfavourite8 . The movie was not a bit interesting. I almost fell .AsleepBasleepCsleepyDsleeping9 . Are you_the school art club ?No . _I want to join it this year .Abe in ; ButBin ; ButCbe in ; AndDin ; And10 . Miss Wang often tells us to _ the answers carefully after we finish our homework.AdesignBcheckCfollowDshare11 . John _ five hundred yuan on this bicycle.ApaidBcostCspentDprovided12 . By the time I got home, my parents _ for half an hour.Ahave leftBhad leftChave been awayDhad been away13 . He swamthe river, rushedthe tunnel(隧道) and ran away quickly.Aover; acrossBacross; throughCthrough; acrossDacross; below14 . We must do something useful to _ pollution.Acut offBcut upCcut downDcut in二、阅读判断Read and write “T”or “F”(阅读下列短文作出判断,与短文内容一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示)VenusVenus is the nearest planet to Earth, and in some ways the two planets are similar.They are both made of iron and rock and are about the same size. The pull of gravity is about the same on both planets. So if you were standing on Venus, you would weigh almost the same as on Earth. But you would be very, very hot - on the surface of Venus, the temperature is about 450! Large amounts of carbon dioxide gas(CO2)in the planets atmosphere are like a blanket. Heat from the Sun is trapped under a thick layer of clouds. These clouds are not made of water - they are made of acid. The whole atmosphere is poisonous. Venus is sometimes called Earths “evil twin”.Venus turns much more slowly than Earth does. A day on Venus is about as long as 117 Earth days. It also turns in the opposite direction to earth. So on Venus you would see the Sun rising in the west and setting in the east.Because the acid clouds are very thick and are moving up to 360 kilometers an hour, it has been hard to get pictures of Venus. During the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the former Soviet Union sent a number of probes(空间探测仪)to land there. None of the probes lasted longer than two hours on the hot surface, but they did send back important information and pictures. In the early 1990s, the USAs Magellan probe, was able to map most of the planets surface. The Japanese probe, Akatsuki, reached Venus in 2015, finding out more about our nearest neighbor. It is believed that more probes will be sent there in the future. After all, at its closest, Venus is only 38 kilometers away!15 . You would get the same weight as on Earth if you stood on Venus.16 . The clouds on Venus are made of water not acid.17 . Venus turns so fast that you can see the Sun rising in the west.18 . It has been difficult to get pictures of Venus because of the high temperature.19 . Its believed that Venus is close enough to Earth that many probes will be sent.三、句子排序组成对话或短文Put the following paragraphs into a correct order(将下列段落按正确的顺序排列):B. The two worked on the project every Saturday for four months. They decided to spend no more than $500. They bought a weather balloon. They bought some helium(a lighter-than-air gas). Then, using Asads mothers sewing machine, they made a parachute. They bought three second-hand cameras and a video camera. They made a very light box to hold the cameras and a cell phone with GPS, The GPS was to let them follow the balloon on its trip. They attached the parachute and the box to the weather balloon. Then they added a LEGO man carrying a Canadian flag. They didnt want the wind to blow their balloon out of Canada and into the US, so they waited for the right weather.C. Then one Saturday morning, the weather was just right. The boys hurried to a football field and worked quickly. They turned on the cameras and the cell phones GPS, filled the balloon with helium and let it go. They watched the GPS signal stopped on Mathews iPad.D. In January 2012, two seventeen-year-old Canadian students, Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad, sent a LEGO man high into the Earths upper atmosphere.A. After a while the GPS signal stopped and the boys went home. About ninety minutes later, the signal started again. The LEGO man was coming back to the Earth! The boys found him in a field 122 kilometers away. When they saw the video movie and the 1,500 photographs, they screamed with delight! The cameras had captured the whole flight. The LEGO man had traveled up about 24 kilometers before the balloon burst. Behind him, the pictures showed the curve of the earth and the blackness of space.20 . _21 . _22 . _23 . _四、看图作文24 . 图示作文:仔细观察下列三幅图片,展开合理想象,然后写一篇短文要求:1话题作文或图示作文任选其一2词数在80100之间3字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥第 5 页 共 5 页

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