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贵州省2020年(春秋版)七年级英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which of the following is right?AThere are so many people waiting for the bus.BKeeping health is very important.CAt last, he accepted their advices.DI usually listen English songs.2 . Im afraid to walk _ night.AonBinCforDat3 . Jack Smith has won first prize of the l00-meter race _ at the school sports meeting.Ain the rowBin a rowCa row ofDin rows4 . Hello. _ is Tony speaking.AItBHeCThatDThis5 . What do you _ the Korean TV series My Love From Another Star?Pretty good. It is popular with many people.Acare forBhear aboutCthink of6 . Everyone has_the important parts on the blackboard. Why didnt you do that?Ive memorized them in my mind, Mr Green.Acopied downBtaken upCput off7 . If it _ tomorrow, we will have a barbecue in the park.Awill rainBrainsCwont rainDdoesnt rain8 . _ go to the park with me?ALetsBWould you like toCAre youDHave you9 . -Good luck with your study. -_.AThe same to you.BThanksCI think soDYoure right10 . - English is _ so difficult to me. I cant learn it well.- Dont give up(放弃).Aalways BneverCseldomDusually11 . -Lily, can you help me clean the windows?-Why_? Tom is sitting there doing nothing.AhimBmeCyouDher12 . _ is your father?He is a policeman.AWhoBWhichCWhatDWhose13 . This is _ dictionary. Where is _ ?Amy; yoursBme; youCmine; yourDme; yours14 . The students needs _ their room by themselves.Ato cleanedBcleanedCcleansDto clean15 . Sally sat _ Harry and they had lunch face to face.AbesideBnext toCoppositeDBehind16 . _cups of yogurt do you need?AHow manyBHow muchCHow farDHow long17 . I dont likeAonions,tea or porridgeBonions,tea and porridgeConion,tea or porridgesDonion,tea and porridges18 . Sandy, do you _ tomorrows party? Yes. Everything is OK.Acome fromBget ready forClook atDhave fun in19 . Our physics teacher told us that the light _faster than the sound.AtraveledBtravelCtravelsDtraveling20 . - I hear you_ in a sports center. Whats it like?- Well, its very hard work and Im always tired, but I dont mind.Awill workBare workingCworkedDwere working二、完型填空Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world.But do you know what they can teach us?Geese(雁),for example,teach a very good lesson about _.In autumn,geese fly to the warm south to _ the cold winter.They lift off in no order.Yet _ they form a V shape,with one bird leading the group.This V shape allows geese to _ energy.When the front bird moves its wings up and down,the resulting force(合力) of the air lifts the next one.This continues down the line.The bird _ has the hardest job.When it gets _,it moves behind,and another bird moves into the lead.By sharing the role,the group can travel long ways.Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without _ than birds flying alone.During the long flying journey,geese communicate with one another.They honk(鸣叫)to _ the birds up front to keep up the speed.They also cheer each other up _ working toward a common goal.What have we learned from the lovely geeses experience and skills?_ together!Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs,we need other people.We need the spirit of teamwork.21 . AexperienceBsuccessCfriendshipDteamwork22 . Alook forBget away fromCwait forDgo on23 . AbusilyBquicklyCbravelyDsuddenly24 . AsaveBwasteCcreateDlose25 . Ain frontBat the backCin the middleDon the left26 . AboredBtiredCscaredDthirsty27 . ArestBsleepCexcuseDresult28 . AleadBliftCteachDencourage29 . AuntilBafterCwhileDbefore30 . APlayBTravelCLiveDWork三、阅读单选Most people have jobs. They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky, because they have very interesting jobs. Some people must take a long time to learn how to do their jobs. For example, to be a doctor, one should study for at least five years.Some young people have very interesting and high-paying jobs. Many young athletes are very successful. Football and tennis players are usually under 35 years old, for older people cant play these sports very well. They cant move fast enough. Golf, however, is a good sport for older people. Many golf players are quite old, but they can still play golf very well.Most people work until they are about 60 years old. Then they retire and have a lot of free time. Some people never retire. These people usually have interesting jobs. Writers, artists, scientists and actors usually work till they are very old.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。31 . One should study for at least _ years to be a doctor.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix32 . Which sport can old people play?AFootball.BTennis.CBasketball.DGolf.33 . What does the underlined word “retire” mean in Chinese?A锻炼B学习C退休D养老34 . Which of the following is NOT true?ASome people have interesting jobs, but some dont.BPeople usually stop working when they are about 60 years old.CFootball and tennis players can work as long as they like.DAccording to the passage, writers, artists and doctors have interesting jobs.35 . What is the passage mainly about?AGood jobs.BInteresting jobs.CDifferent jobs.DHigh-paying jobs.Ted, my little brother, is in Grade One. Last Friday he came back from school with a letter. The letter was from his teacher. I got a red flower today. Could you please sign this note? he said to Mum. The note showed that he had been talking in class.Ted hardly gets top scores in his school work. The best he gets is OK, but often he gets You can do better than this. Mum knows what it means. She tells me You can do better than this means Extremely bad in China.In the USA, teachers never say anything too bad about their students, even if the students are making trouble in class or not working hard enough. The worst they might say is Please be nicer tomorrow. Many parents are satisfied with a B-grade for each subject.But things in Chinese schools are quite different. Parents have high expectations for their children. I sometimes felt that my second-grade cousin spent more time on homework than I did when I was a 6thgrader in the USA! Yet his parents and teachers didnt think he worked hard enough.Is it too strict in China? Or is it not strict enough in the USA? Maybe both are true.36 . Why did Ted come home with a letter last Friday ?ABecause the teacher wanted to visit his mother.BBecause he did something wrong.CBecause the teacher was happy with his progress.DBecause the teacher thought he was too lazy.37 . American parents will bewhen their children get a B-grade in their school.AexcitedBsadCangryDhappy38 . The underlined words high expectations in this passage means.A很高的待遇B很多的自由C很高的期望D很多的关爱39 . The writer mainly wants to tell us.Athe differences between Chinese education and American educationBChinese students are better than American studentsCAmerican parents are not strict enough with their childrenDwhat the best way to educate children is四、单词填空根据汉语提示完成短文Ma Tao has a little brother. His name is Ma Jun. He was 40 . (出生)in 2010. He is very 41 . (淘气的)at home.Last Sunday, after 42 . (完成)his homework, Ma Tao 43 . (听)to music on the Internet. He felt very 44 . (舒服的)45 . (突然),Ma Jun came into the room with a 46 . (碗).There was some rice in it. When he finished the rice. he began to sing. Ma Tao wanted to stop him, but he didn t listen to Ma Tao. Ma Tao 47 . (尝试)other ways,but his brother didn t stop. Ma Tao wasn t happy and 48 . (大声喊),“Get out! Get out! ”Ma Jun looked at his brother and cried 49 . (大声地).五、填空请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面的信息卡。In mid-June. school is out and nature has burst into life.It seems like the sun never sets. In fact, in the north of Sweden it doesnt, and in the south only for an hour or two. This calls for celebration! Friends and family gather for the most typically Swedish tradition of all: MidsummerAt Midsummer, many begin their five-week holidays and everyone is in a hurry to get things done during the short summer season. Midsummer Eve is celebrated in the countryside. As alwaysand on the day before, everyone leaves town, everything closes and the city streets are suddenly quietSwedens Midsummer festival takes place on the longest day of the year. The holiday celebrates the summer solstice (夏至). It holds enough tradition and fun to last the rest of the year.Swedes like the world to be well-ordered, so Midsummer Eve is always on a Friday between 19 and 25 June. People often begin the day by picking flowers and making wreaths(花环)to place on the maypole(五月柱),which is a key part in the celebrations. People in colorful clothes dance around the maypole and sing songs.Today, locals continue the tradition of weaving crowns(花冠) from green leaves and flowers. Girls still pick seven different kinds of flowers to place under their pillows. According to local legend, if so, they will then dream of their future husbands. In Sweden, every year many people enjoy themselves in fairy-tale scenes: peaceful lakes,amazing forests, and grassy paths. They walk through chest-high wild flowers and get close to nature. Finally they get a chance to slow down and enjoy Scandinavias short summer.MidsummerThe country that celebrates this festival50 . The day that Midsummer Eve happens 51 . The place where people celebrate Midsummer Eve52 . The key part in the celebration53 . The purpose that girls pick seven different kinds of flowers to place under their pillows54 . 六、信息匹配配对阅读。下面是五个人在节日期间的活动和七个节日习俗简介,请按他们的节日活动匹配他们所过的节日。55 . On that day, I learned how to make zongzi from my mother. And I watched the boat races on TV.56 . On that day, I got some lucky money from my parents and wore new clothes to visit relatives. And we said “Happy new year” to each other.57 . On that day, I sent my mom a card and some flowers. I said to her, “I love you”.58 . On that day, we had a big dinner. Then we sat around the beautiful Christmas tree in the living room and sang songs happily.59 . That night, all my family went out to enjoy the bright full moon. We also ate some moon cakes and fruit.Athe Mid-Autumn FestivalIt is a time for family members to get together. And it is also a time to enjoy the beauty of the full moon.BDragon Boat FestivalIt is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Eating zongzi and having dragon boat races are very important customs of this festival.CThe Spring FestivalIt starts on the first day of the first lunar month. On the Spring Festival morning, people usually visit relatives. Older people give lucky money to children.DThanksgiving DayIt is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. Turkey is always the most important food in this festival.EMothers DayMothers Day in the United States is on the second Sunday of May. It is a time to show mothers our love.FApril Fools DayApril 1stis not a national holiday, but it is celebrated in many countries. On this day, practical jokes are played on friends and family.GChristmas DayAt Christmas, family members get together to eat Christmas dinner. Parents always give children gifts. The Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas Day.七、材料作文60 . Write a passage at least words about the topic “My friend_s birthday party” Suggested questions:(1)When and where was the birthday party?(2)What did you do at the party?(3)How was the party?_第 10 页 共 10 页

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