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重庆市2019版九年级一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_ her telephone number?-_ telephone number is 055-1234.AWhat; MyBWhats; HerCWhats; MyDWhat; Her2 . How was your life in England?Quite different from here. _, people there drink tea with milk.AIn my opinionBTo my surpriseCAt the beginningDTo start with3 . Kate, we plan to visit the Great Pyramid during the coming holiday. _ Mom, I cant wait to go there.AIs that so?BThats right.CTake it easy.4 . I finished my homework _.AnowBin two hoursCtwo hours agoDfor two hours5 . When you_to something that is done or said, you do or say something yourself as an answer to it.ArespectBrespondCrequire6 . Her bike is broken,Shewalk to school.Ahave toBisChas to7 . Hello!_AHello!BIm fine.CThank you.DGood morning.8 . _ fine day! We can fly kites today.Yes, lets go.AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a9 . How dangerous!Yeah. The bus _ hit the car just now.AclearlyBnormallyCnearlyDmostly10 . - Jenny, would you please_ my dog when I am away?- No problem.Alook upBlook inClook afterDlook at11 . _there are many advantages of television, some people are not satisfied with it.AuntilBSinceCAlthoughDWhen12 . -Tom,could you tell me_?-Next Friday.Awhen we went to the National MuseumBwhen did we go to the National MuseumCwhen we will go to the National MuseumDwhen will we go to the National Museum13 . -Would you like an orange, a banana or a pear?_.They all look bad.ANoneBallCBothDNo one14 . This isa photo of my family.Aa phone of my parents.Ba picture of me.Cmy family picture.Dmy family.二、完型填空It happened many years ago, and I was in high school then. Being a student from a _family, I had to work on weekends to make some extra money that my family couldnt really_to give me, and one day after work I lost my wallet. My old car needed gas in the back. I paid for the gas and then put my wallet on the bumper(保险杠),and drove off. I hadnt even had time to miss it when my phone rang and an old man asked me _I had lost my wallet. I checked the _of my jacket and to my horror, I had. He asked me to tell him how much money was _ it, and I told him. He then told me where to_my wallet. As I drove into his driveway, I_ that his car was for the _ I was thinking that there was no way this man could _ get out of his car and get my wallet off the street. He had to pull over, get in his wheelchair, lower the lift, and then pick it up, I was _. I knocked on the_ and he told me to go in. I thanked him like 10 times for_ my wallet. Though I didnt want to make him angry by offering him_, I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his_, and he said, “Just pass_on. ” I really wanted to thank him, so I sincerely promised I would. 15 . AstrangeBpoorChappyDsmall16 . AdecideBwinCaffordDkeep17 . AwhyBhowCifDwhen18 . AcornersBpartsCsidesDpockets19 . AforBonCbehindDin20 . Apick upBlook forCthink aboutDset up21 . AnoticedBsaidCmeantDwrote22 . AyoungBoldCdisabledDrich23 . AsadlyBeasilyCslowlyDbravely24 . AangryBpleasedCinterestedDsurprised25 . AfloorBdoorCwheelchairDcar26 . AenjoyingBdislikingCfindingDhiding27 . AmoneyBthanksCinvitationsDhelp28 . AcarefulnessBteachingCunderstandingDkindness29 . AthemBitChimDthose三、阅读单选The moon looks bigger than stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than any stars. The moon looks big to us, because it is closer to us than the stars. The moon goes round the earth. It makes one trip about four weeks. The moon is round and looks beautiful. Now people know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals or people on it. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark. Its very cold at night.30 . People know quite_about the moon now.Aa lotBa fewCmanyDsome31 . The moon is_to the earth than the sun.AfartherBfarCnearDcloser32 . The moon makes one trip around the earth in about_.Aa weekBa monthCa yearD24 hours33 . There is(are)_on the moon.Ano airBno treesCno waterDall the above34 . The sun_to the moon.Agets lightBgives lightCgives airDgets airMany people do not like to stay at home during holidays.They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting.People from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays.During the holidays,trains,buses and planes are all very busy.It is very hard to buy train or plane tickets.So many people take cars or buses for traveling.Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday.There was too much traffic on the road.So we had to move very slowly.It took us about an hour to get out of the town.After some time,we came to a farm.It was clean and beautiful.The animals were so cute.We thought it was a nice place for a picnic,so we stopped and took the food,fruit and drinks out of the car.We sat down under a big green tree and began to eat.Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car.Then we drove back home.What a bad trip it was!35 . Many people dont like to stay at home during the holidays because _.Athey have much moneyBthe weather is pretty coolCthey want to do something importantDthey want to see something new36 . Its hard to buy train tickets or air tickets because_.Athere are only few ticketsBits cheap to take a train or planeCmany people want to go by train or planeDthey have no money37 . The family went to_for their holiday last May Day.Aa beautiful parkBthe countryCthe cityDthe town38 . What happened(发生)when the family began to eat?AA tiger came out.BThe food was too dirty to eat.CThey had a wonderful time.DA strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.39 . Last May Day the family trip was _.AgoodBrelaxingCinterestingDbadA girl from Hangzhou,east Chinas Zhejiang Province,has recently been accepted by two of the worlds top universities in the U.S.Zeng Jiani was a student of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China(UNNC).When talking about offers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)and Harvard,Zeng said she felt it was somewhat unexpected.“I have never been a straight-A student,”she said.“Maybe,its my parents way of education that helped me.”Zeng has a twin sister who graduated from Columbia University in the U.S. and now works on artificial intelligence and software development._Zeng said in fact her school performance has remained above average since attending primary school,but she and her sister had a joyful childhood.“We seldom went to after-school classes and we visited the West Lake at least once a week,”she said.“In addition,our parents often took us to nearby cities to experience different culture and customs.”As their classmates were taking all kinds of after-school training classes,the twins were catching insects and running freely in nature.“My parents are always assertive .They never forced us to study.They always encouraged us and allowed us to try whatever we wanted to learn,”she added.“They never spoke highly of neighbors and relatives children in front of us because they believed that we were the best.”40 . Zeng felt _ when receiving the offers from the worlds top universities.AsurprisedBexcitedCupsetDencouraged41 . Which of the following sentences can best be put in “ ?AWhere does Zengs twin sister work now?BWhich university will Zeng choose to go to?CWhat does Zeng like to do in her free time?DHow did Zengs parents educate such excellent daughters?42 . Which of the following might be one way used by Zengs parents?AComparing their children with others often.BAsking their children to attend weekend classes.CAllowing their children to do whatever they like.DTaking their children to visit famous universities.43 . Which is the best title for this passage?ALearning from natureBFamous women of ChinaCStudent accepted by top universitiesDAssertive parentsVending machines (自动售货机) are very popular now. You can find them here and there. People can buy different things from them, like snacks and soft drinks. Now we can even buy train tickets from it in the train station.They also sell newspapers in some busy areas. In some places, you can get a can of beer or cola from the vending machine, but in some others, you cant. Some vending machines sell cigarettes (香烟). They are called “cigarettes machines”. With these machines, people can get cigarettes easily. These machines once (曾经) were popular in the United States. But they are not good for children. So you cant see them now. In many areas in the United States, only some clubs and bars (酒吧) have cigarette machines, because children can never get into these places.How does a vending machine work? If you want to buy a can of cola, you can find its price on the machine. Put the money into the machine, and push the button (按按钮) of the cola, then you can get your cola and change. A vending machine makes our life easy and interesting.44 . What cant we buy from a vending machine according to the passage?ABeer.BCola.CTrain tickets.DClothes.45 . Which of the following is TRUE about vending machines?AAll the vending machines in the world are the same (相同的).BThere are vending machines only in busy areas.CIn some places, you cant get beer from a vending machine.DVending machines are good for children.46 . In some areas in the United States, people cant find cigarette machines because _.Apeople dont need cigarette machines any more.Bcigarettes are too expensive.Cpeople dont want their children to get cigarettes.Dchildren dont like cigarettes now.47 . How to buy a bar (条) of chocolate on a vending machine? Press the button of the chocolate. Put money into the machine. Read the price of the chocolate. Get your chocolate and change.ABCD48 . Which is the best title of the passage?AHow to buy colaBVending machines in ChinaCHow to get moneyDVending machines are popular四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母补全单词。49 . I dont know how to spell these English words.But Tom has two d_.I can ask him fer help.50 . There are many books in our school l_.You can read there.51 . I l_ my pencil.I cant find it now.52 . The c_ in the school are not tidy(整齐的).Students books,pens and pencil areeverywhere.53 . My grandparents have two d_.They are my mom and my aunt.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空. 用所给词的适当形式填空54 . Tony lives _(far)from the school in his class.55 . Going by bus is the _(good)way to get to school.56 . I think going by bicycle is _(danger)way of all.57 . Mother is _(busy)in my family.58 . What is _(comfortable)way to go to school for you?59 . He is _(old)than John.60 . This problem is one of the _(difficult)problems that I have ever seen.61 . Thats a good _(choose).62 . Taking the bus is the best way _(get)to school.63 . Zhang Chao runs _(fast)in his class.用词的正确形式填空64 . August is the _(wind)month of a year in Beijing.65 . Our school life is _(colour). We all enjoy it.66 . The boy will go _(hike) to the mountain.67 . Spring is the best time _(plant) trees.68 . There are many good places _(visit) in China.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子69 . 根据天气预报,雨还会再持续3天。_the weather report, the rain will last for another three days.70 . 你准备好了吗?我们开始吧。Are you ready?_.71 . 你能用不同的方式解答那道数学题吗?Can you work out the math problem_?72 . 他的同班同学们对他昨天在教室里的奇怪行为感到吃惊。His classmates_his strange behaviour in the classroom yesterday.73 . 让那些鸡远离这些玉米。_the chickens_the corn.七、信息归纳阅读下面短文,完成表格Passage 6Isyourliferuledbyloveorbyfear?LoveandfeararetwooppositefeelingsthatshapeourlifeinverydifferentwaysMostofusarecontrolledbybothofthemHowever,evenatinychangetowardsloveandawayfromfearcanbringmorehappinessHerearesomesuggestionstowardsloveCultivateGratitude(培养感恩之心)GratitudemakesusfeelhappierIfyouremembertobethankfulfortheblessings(赐福)ofyourlife,youwillfeelmoreconnectedtoyourselfandothersWhenyouletworriesgoandhavegratitudeinstead,loveappearsquicklyTesttheRealityofFearSometimesfearcanbelikeacloudthatkeepsoutthesunlightAsimplewaytodealwithfearistotestitsrealityWritedownthreethingsthatyoureafraidofThenlookateachpointandaskyourself,Isthisfearreallygrounded(基于)inreality?IknowwhenIdothis,IoftenfindthatfearsarentreasonableTakeActionTakingactionisthebestwaytocontrolfearForexample,ifyouarenotfeelingwell,butyoudontgotoadoctor,youmayimaginethatyouarehavingaserioushealthproblemOnceyouvebeentoadoctor,talkedabouttheproblemsanddealtwiththemonebyone,yourfearwillbecomesmallerandevendisappearThetitle:74 . CultivateGratitudeLovewillappearquicklyifyouhavegratitude(75 . beingworriedTesttheRealityofFearTesttherealityoffear76 . :WritedownthreethingsyoureafraidofLookateachpointandaskyourselfsomequestions77 . TakingactionisthebestwaytocontrolfearItwillmakeyourfear78 . 八、书信作文79 . 假如你是李华,世界园艺博览会(World Horticultural Exposition)正在北京举办,你想邀请你校的交换生Peter一起去参观。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他参观的时间和集合地点,活动的安排,以及需要做什么准备。提示词语: Sunday morning, school gate, experience cultures, camera提示问题: When and where are you going to meet?What are you going to do there?What do you advise Peter to take?To: PeterRom: Li HuaSubject: Trip to the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural ExpositionDear Peter,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to go to the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Exposition._Yours sincerely,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页

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