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辽宁省2020版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People start to celebrate this years Spring Festival _ the evening of February 7th. Its usually cold _ this time of year. But we are all happy.Aon; atBon; inCin; onDin; at2 . I wonder_ he will come or not tomorrow.AwhetherBifCthatDwho3 . My friend Sue is from America and she can _ English well.AsayBtalkCspeakDtell4 . When the man went through the forest alone, he lost his _ and felt afraid.AtaskBworkCwayDjob5 . My brother _ in a university in Canada for three years. He will come back to China next week.Ahas studiedBwill studyCstudiesDis studying6 . - I think Running Man is the most popular TV game show now.- _.AIm glad to hear thatBThats all rightCNever mindDI cant agree more7 . My boss is waiting for the report, so I cant leave here_I finish it.AsinceBuntilCthoughDif8 . Taking exercise every day makes him.Alooking more youngerBlooks much youngerClook much youngerDlooking much younger9 . I think students should be allowed to take their cellphones to school._. It does no good. They may spend too long time on them.AI think soBThats all rightCNo problemDI dont agree10 . Yao Ming is a _ player. He plays basketball very _.Agood, goodBwell, goodCgood, wellDwell,well二、补全对话7选5A: Why doesnt Kitty come with us to the park?B: 11 . A: Has she been to London before?B: Yes. 12 . A: Why has she been there so many times?B: 13 . She goes to visit them and spends her holiday there.A: 14 . I hope I can go to England someday. 15 . B: She said that she would stay there for about three weeks.AWhat a wonderful experience!BDid she tell you when she would be back?CShe has gone to London.DWhat a pity!E. She has been to London several times.F. Because her grandparents live in London.G. Its really nice.三、完型填空完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer, I noticed a Post-it note stuck to my monitor(显示器). It read, “Dont turn on your computer. You stayed up until midnight doing your homework last night.Mom.”I_the note into the wastebasket.“Why do they_? ”I thought. “Theyre never here anyway.”Right after high school started,I almost lost contact with my parents. With all their business_,they asked the neighbors to watch over me. Of course,the neighbors didnt do such a(n)_job,as they had kids of their own to worry about. The only means of communication between me and my parents was through Post-it notes.After spending about eight hours away from home,I usually came home to find the house_empty. It made me sad. I would come home from school to be welcomed by_,to talk to no one and to be watched over by my neighbors. That was when I started_more clubs and staying after school more often so I didnt have to feel so lonely. Luckily,at school,my friends were there for me. They were all there to give me a_or talk with me when I wanted to talk. I felt great when I was at school. Yet, something was still_ my parents.Now I realize that nobody can take the place of my parents. I wish that they would be there at home,waiting for me to come back from school. There are too many things my parents dont know about me. I wish that they actually had a( n)_to understand me. I want them to understand that theyre my parents and Im their kid and I need them.16 . AshowedBthrewCledDpulled17 . AcheckBknowCcareDspeak18 . AdesignsBdreamsCtripsDpartners19 . AfreeBeasyCcarelessDgood20 . AsuddenlyBespeciallyCcompletelyDnecessarily21 . AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody22 . AcreatingBjoiningCfindingDserving23 . AhandBwishCsuggestionDreason24 . AsurprisingBmissingCexcitingDamazing25 . AexcuseBchanceCtaskDplaceA man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always_the dog inside the house.One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, _they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went there _their car.When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the _and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass on the door was _. The door was unlocked and half-open. A robber (抢劫犯)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see_things the robber had taken. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was _. The dog was sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was _the dog. Why didnt you keep the house ? she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners. It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its _.It went to the lady and _the thing at her feet. When the lady had a look at it, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dogs present was? It was a mans finger.26 . AleftBstayedCorderedDasked27 . AsoBbutCthenDbecause28 . AonBoffCinDby29 . Aa presentBhouseCgateDcar30 . AstolenBfixedCbrokenDrepaired31 . AwhenBwhereCthatDwhat32 . AmissingBgoingCleavingDclosing33 . Aafraid ofBangry withCworried aboutDsurprised at34 . AlegBhandCtailDmouth35 . ApulledBateCdroppedDcaught四、阅读单选One morning the children were in the secret garden as usual. When Ben Weatherstaff arrived, Colin said: Good morning, Ben Weatherstaff I want you and Dickon and Mary to listen to me because Im going to tell you something very important. Yes, sir! answered Ben Weatherstaff. Im going to do a scientific(科学的)experiment(实验), he said seriously. When I grow up, Im going to make scientific discoveries(发现) about magic and Im going to start with experiment. Do you understand? Yes, sir! said Ben Weatherstaff, but he didnt really understand.I believe that there is magic in everything, Colin went on saying. Dickon knows some magic. He charms(迷住)animals and people. Mary also knows a bit of magic because she was born in India. Theres magic in the garden, too. Im going to try and put some in me because I want to be well and strong. Im going to say: Magic is in me! And you must all say it, too. That is my experiment. Are you going to help, Ben Weatherstaff?Yes, sir! said Ben Weatherstaff.They sat down in a circle. The crow, the fox, the squirrels and the lamb were very curious.Now lets begin, Colin said, and they all started chanting(吟唱).Magic is in me. Magic is in me. Magic is in all of us.Then Colin stood up and walked round the garden. He went in front with Dickon on one side and Mary on the other. Ben Weatherstaff walked behind.Colin walked a bit then rested. Then he walked again and rested again. At first he held Dickons arm then he walked a few steps alone.I can walk! The magic worked! he cried.What is the doctor going to say? asked Mary.Nothing, Colin answered, because we arent going to tell him. No one must know that I can walk and run. Its a surprise for my father when he comes back to Misselthwaite.Hes going to think its a dream, said Mary.一From the novel The Secret Garden36 . Which of the following is the best title for this chapter(章)?AColin aloneBMagicCA DreamDAn Experiment37 . From the passage, we know Colins friends helped him EXCEPT .Athe doctorBDickonCMaryDBen Weatherstaff38 . What is the magic in the garden?AThe flowers in the garden.BThe animals in the garden.CThe scientific experiment.DThe power to make people well.39 . Which of the following is TRUE according to this chapter?ABen Weatherstaff charms animals and people.BMary knows little magic because she is an Indian.CChanting is an important part of Colins magic.DColin will tell the doctor why he can walk again.Mondayoh, I dont like Monday because Ill have to go back to school again after the weekend. Tuesday is not so bad. I usually play tennis with my friends after school. On Wednesday evening I dont go out. I stay at home and do my homework. I like Thursday because the next day is Friday. I always go out on Fridaymaybe to the cinema. I love the weekend. On Saturdays I get up late, and I sometimes go to the shops in the afternoon. In the evening we go to a club. Then on Sundays I go to my friends house or she comes to mine. I usually visit my grandmother for an hour in the afternoon. Then the weekend is over and its Mondayand I feel bad again!40 . I dont like Monday because.AMonday is the first day of a weekBI just spend a happy weekendCMonday is the first school day of a weekDI will have many lessons on Monday41 . Tuesday is not so bad because.AI can play tennis with my friendsBI have no homework to doCI have a P.DclassEIm free42 . I can go to the cinema on.AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDFriday43 . Which one is true?AI get up late on Monday.BI visit my grandmother on Saturday.CI play tennis on Sunday.DI do some shopping at weekends.44 . From the text, we know that the writer.Adoesnt like schoolBlikes to stay at homeConly likes FridayDonly likes SaturdayMukbang, a South Korean word, means “eating broadcast(吃播)”. It is an online broadcast in which a host eats tons of food while talking with the people watching him or her. It began in South Korea in around 2010 and has spread all over the world.Why did mukbang first appear in South Korea? Jeff Yang, an Asian-American cultural critic(评论家), thinks that its down to “the loneliness of unmarried or uncoupled South Koreans”. He believes that eating on your own can be hard in a country like South Korea, where social eating is such a long tradition. However, eating alone is becoming increasingly common. It seems that mukbang gives people the feeling that they are part of something larger.Alice Stride, a spokeswoman for the Campaign to End Loneliness, says, “It might bring someone great comfort to watch mukbang.” She adds that she would be worried if younger people were watching people eat instead of eating with friends or family, but for older people it could be a comfort. “If you cant get out, if youre ill for example, then perhaps that will bring you a great sense of comfort. On the whole, though, we would advocate face-to-face communication. Its something that wont change.”“I would always encourage people to do whatever makes them feel better as long as it is a healthy habit,” says Ben Edwards, a relationship expert. “I doubt if mukbang is a healthy way to have a meal. But I think if people feel like watching other people eat, and it gives them some sort of satisfaction, I see no harm.”45 . What questions are answered in Paragraph 1?How old is mukbang?What does mukbang mean?Where did mukbang begin? How did mukbang get popular?ABCD46 . According to Jeff Yang, it is difficult for South Koreans to eat alone because they_.Ahave the culture of eating togetherBare supporters of ending lonelinessClike joining a larger groupDusually have a big family47 . Which of the following is probably Alice Strides opinion?AMukbang helps lots of people feel less lonely.BOlder people are more interested in mukbang.CYounger people should offer more comfort to older people.DYounger people should eat with their friends and family a lot.48 . What does the underlined word “advocate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean in Chinese?A观察B提倡C建立D评估49 . What does Ben Edwards think of mukbang?AIt is difficult to do.BIt is healthy for the host.CIt is an acceptable thing.DIt is a popular way of eating.London used to be foggy for the same reason that cities like Beijing or Chongqing are foggy today. The fog was in fact smog, a mixture of smoke and fog. In other words, it was made by air pollution In London, some of this pollution came from factories, but much of it came from the coal that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, Londons smog problem had become so bad that the-government decided to do something to clean the air. A new law was made and nobody could bum coal in any British city. Within a few years, the air became much cleaner. There were no more “pea-soupers”. .Many Chinese cities now face the same sort of problem with air pollution that . London faced 40 0r 50 years ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve One reason is that more of the pollution comes from the factories, rather than from coal burnt in peoples houses If these factories were closed, this would harm the economy(经济) and lots of people would lose their jobs. Another reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuel (燃料), like gas, is quite expensive.However, the air in many Chinese cities is becoming cleaner and cleaner, as the government and people pay more and more attention to cutting down pollution . As a result,there are fewer pea-soupers in Beijing than there used to be.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。50 . What was the main reason for air pollution in London?AThere was too much smoke in the sky.BPeople burnt too much coal in the houses.CThere were too many factories in the city.DThe city was too big for the cleaners to clean.51 . How did the air in London become much cleaner?AMany factories in the city were closedBThere was not so much fog in the winter later.CPeople paid more attention to cleaning their city.DA law was made to keep people from burning coal in their houses.52 . What does the underlined word pea-soupers refer to?A烟尘B吸烟C毒气D煤气53 . In China, air pollution is more difficult to solve Which of the following is not the reason?.AMost pollution comes from the factoriesBChinese government pays little attention to it.CChanging from coal to cleaner fuel is quite expensiveDIf factories were closed, this would harm the economy and lots of people would .lose their jobs.54 . Whats the text mainly about? .AAir pollution in Beijing and Chongqing.BAir pollution in LondonCAir pollution: different cities, different waysDCoal burning.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。55 . Mike felt _(沮丧) because he failed the math exam.56 . Its blowing heavily outside.Please _(关上) the window.57 . There were some interesting interviews in the _(纪录片)58 . The students are making _(对话) in the English class.59 . There are _ (大量) of rain in their hometown in summer.六、回答问题Almost all Chinese parents hope their kids can grow into successful people, so they make their kids learn all kinds of subjects after school. Though some kids are very young, they still spend much time doing their homework and taking part in after-class activities. They nearly have no time to do sports and housework or anything else. Each year, 80 percent of parents spend at least 6,000 yuan on different classes for their kids. For example, young kids have to learn English, swimming, painting and so on to follow their parents wishes. Most of the parents think that early learning is good for kids. Most kids who go to after-class activities are under 6 years old.The famous educator Lisa Houghton says, “Although learning different kinds of subjects is important to kids, its more important to make them have a happy childhood. Parents should spend more time having fun with their kids, not just making them stay in the classrooms.” (Chart I) (Chart II)60 . How much do 80% of parents spend on their kids different classes every year? _61 . What should parents do for their kids according to the famous educator Lisa Houghton?_62 . How much more time do students spend on homework than on the housework?_63 . What is the percentage of students who do housework and sports in total?_64 . What do you spend most of your free time on every day?How do you like it?_七、材料作文65 . 假定你是李华,住在武汉,最近收到意大利朋友Alice的电子邮件。请你阅读后回复,词数80左右。词汇:新型病毒 novel virus;戴口罩 wear masks:疾病 diseaseDear Li Hua,How is everything going? Knowing the novel virus has made its way around China, especially Wu Han, I am really worried about you. Are you OK?By the way, I am feeling scared of the new disease. What should I do to protect myself? Give me some advice.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly,AliceDear Alice,_Yours,Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页

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