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重庆市2019版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you_the sentences into clauses(分句)? Yes, I can.Abreak outBbreak upCbreak down2 . -How was your last weekend? - _.AIts goodBIts greatCIt was interestingDI am happy3 . The world is changing fast, and we _ are unaware of what is going to happen.AusBourCoursDourselves4 . Could you tell me _?Awhat do they do that forBwhy they are doing forCwhy do they do thatDwhat they do that for5 . Tom really _ his father. They both have big eyes and noses.Atakes afterBlooks afterCtakes likeDlook like6 . You should take the doctors, and I believe you will get well soon.AquestionBadviceCfunDexperience7 . Working hard during part of the day makes leisure time more_and enjoyable.AvaluableBpossibleCcomfortable8 . - Your classroom is very clean.- Sure. It _ after school every day.Ais cleanedBcleansCcleanedDis cleaning9 . Hes already back to Zhenjiang, _?_. Hes on a visit to Shanghai.Aisnt he; NoBhasnt he; YesCis he; NoDhas he; Yes10 . When were you born?I was born _.Aon July 10th, 2000Bin July 10th, 2000Cin 2000, July 10thDon 2000, July 10th11 . Hurry up,you will miss the New Year Party.AandBbutCsoDor12 . We _ a picnic near the bank yesterday.AhadBhasChaveDhaving13 . _ people come to the meeting. _ the people _ about 50.AA number of, The number of, areBThe number of, A number of, isCThe number of, The number of, areDA number of, The number of, is14 . The doctor_us_an apple a day.Aadvice; to eatBadvises; eatCadvises; to eat15 . In the shopping mall,therere many different kinds of boots for people _.AchooseBto chooseCchoose fromDto choose from二、补全短文5选5阅读表达We all see and hear about extraordinary(卓越的)people around us and wonder why we cant be more like them Its not the big things that make someone extraordinary Its the small things Here are some of the things extraordinary people do every day:16 . It can make others feel great about themselves A compliment can have a positive impact(影响)on their lives Your team or family will love you for it17 . You will not only gain the respect of your teammates, but also gain credibility(可信性)18 . Everyone needs help sometimes When you ask for help, you can receive helpYoure willing to help others, but you also need support at times19 . When you let someone teach you something, you are telling the person that you respect his talent, time and what he is talking about20 . Especially when youre angry, control your emotions, think back to what happened, and then come to a decision about how to deal with it Before you say something, consider others feelings Never be rude to othersAWhen you dont understand how something works, let an expert show youBSometimes it is very important to stay silentCIts OK to admit you are wrongDWhen you need help, dont be shyEPraise(表扬)someone三、完型填空Do you like going to a zoo to see _1_? How about _2_ a zoo and feeding the animals yourself? Its not a joke. It happened both in a film and in the _3_.Benjamin Mee is a newspaper writer in Los Angeles, the US. His wife dies and he has to _4_ his two young kids. Hoping for a fresh start for his family. Mee _5_ his job and buys an old house on 73000 square meters _6_ the city. The land comes with a special gift: a zoo in the country called the Rosemoor Animal Park!The zoo was _7_ because of the economy crisis (经济危机). With _8_ raising them, about 200 animals are still living there.The Mee family decide to help reopen the zoo. But its not an easy job _9_ they have no experience and little money. There are also unexpected _10_, such as a bear running away one day.This is the story of American movie We Bought a Zoo. It tells the real amazing story of Benjamin Mee.21 . AtigersBlionsCanimalsDbirds22 . AbuyingBvisitingCbuildingDrenting23 . Astory bookBinternational websiteCTV programDreal world24 . Alook forBlook afterClook upDlook at25 . AfindsBgetsCquitsDloses26 . AoutsideBinsideCbehindDbefore27 . AopenedBclosedCwatchedDrebuilt28 . AengineersBnursesCdoctorsDzookeepers29 . AsinceBthoughCwhetherDhowever30 . AsurprisesBjoysCproblemsDexcitement四、阅读单选Its that time of the year-graduation. The end of school year is nearly in sight, and its an especially big deal if youre finishing high school or college.One amazing 16-year-old Florida girl, Grace Bush, graduated from both high school and college this week! She actually got her college diploma before her high school diploma. How did she manage to do that?Hard work and great attention, she told a local TV news station, have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time. She started taking college courses when she was just 13. She would often get up at 5: 30 a m. and go to bed after 11: 00 p. m.Doing both at the same time is a huge achievement, and it has also helped her family save money. Shes one of the 9 children, all home-schooled until the age of 13. Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history teacher in a high school. Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law, with a nearly perfect GPA of 3.8 and she hopes to become a lawyer one day, although her parents expect her to teach at university. By the way. she also played basketball in her college team in her spare time.31 . In what way is Grace amazing?AShe is a 16-year-old Florida girlBShe finished high school this week.CShe worked very hard at her lessons every day.DShe graduated from both high school and college at 16.32 . Which picture might Graces diploma look like?AABBCCDD33 . What is the key to graces success?ATaking college courses at 13.BWorking hard at her courses.CGrowing up in a professors family.DHaving a dream of becoming a teacher.34 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?AThe Bushes have 13 children altogether.BGraces mother is a full-time history teacher.CGrace wants to teach at university in the future.DGrace received her education at home before 13.Weve talked about snails(蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails dont move at all. They are in their shells(壳) sleeping.Hot sun will dry out a snails body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into its shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all the winter months in its shell, asleep.In spring the snail wakes up. Its body comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers(触角)are very weak. But its sense of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food.A snails mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin(大头针).Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you cant see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.35 . What do you know about a snail from this article?AIt moves more slowly at nightBIt has thousands of feetCIt doesnt move at allDIt sleeps much of the time36 . What will a snail do when there is a heavy rain?Alooks for foodBsleeps in its shellCtakes a walk slowlyDmoves away37 . What is strong about a snail ?AeyesBfeelersCthe sense of smellDteeth38 . From the story, we know_.Aa snails shell is very thinBa snail has a lot of teethCa snail has a big mouthDa snails teeth are unuseful39 . Which of the following is WRONG?AIn winter the snail doesnt eat or move.BA snail doesnt like living under the sun,CThe snails teeth cant be worn out.DThe snails nose helps to find food.40 . Which is the smallest island country?ANauruBTuvaluCVaticanDMonaco41 . Whats the area of Vatican?A21 kmB26 kmC044 kmD2 km42 . Which of the following about Monaco is TRUE?AIts the worlds smallest countryBIts the most difficult place to get toCIt has the most overweight people in the worldDIts the worlds most densely populated countryWant to know what we can do to help make our city a better place to live in? Why not take part in Clean and Green Weekend? Join us, and you can make new friends and help protect the environment at the same time.ParkLifeDoyoulikehangingoutintheparkwithyourfriends?Ifso,whynottakethechancetocomewithusandtidyuptheparkasyougo?Toaddsomefun,thereisagiftforthepersonwhocollectsthemostrubbish!MeetusatthesouthentrancetoTaoheParkat9a.m.nextSaturdayifyouwanttojoinin.TheAirYouBreatheAgreatwaytomaketheairwebreathecleanerisbyplantinglotsoftrees!Itisafactthattreesslowlyfilter(过滤) alotofpollutantsfromtheair.SocomeandhelpusplantsomenewonesinFenheParkat2p.m.nextSunday.WaronGraffiti(涂鸦)Somepeoplethinkgraffitiiscool.Well,itisnot!Thebestwaytostopbuildingsfrombecomingtotallycoveredinuglygraffitiistogetridofitassoonaspossible.Andthatisexactlywhatwearegoingtodo.Wearerepaintingtheschoolwallsfrom1p.m.onSaturday.Youdonthavetobringanytools,justremembertowearsomeoldclothes!43 . The main purpose of Clean and Green Weekend is to_.Amake our city more beautifulBoffer the chance to have funChelp students meet old friendsDhave a nice weekend44 . The students who want to join in the rubbish collecting activity must meet_ .Aat 1 p.m. on SaturdayBat 2 p.m. next SundayCat 9 a.m. next SaturdayDat 3 a.m. on Sunday45 . If were going to repaint the schoolwalls, we need to_.Adraw pictures wellBwear some old clothesCbring some tools with usDwear some new clothes46 . According to the passage, we know_ .Agraffiti can make the buildings look coolBthe person who collects rubbish can get a giftCwe can plant trees to improve the environmentDwe can draw pictures on the wall47 . We might read the above passage_ .Ain a fashion magazineBon a school notice boardCin a newspaper advertisementDon a hospital notice board五、语法填空用所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可以加情态动词。For any F1 driver,48 . (win)a world prize is a great honor(荣誉)But Sebastian Vettel did it three times!Sebastian 49 . (born)in 1987He started karting at an early ageHe had a talent for driving and 50 . (win)many prizes in different kinds of car racingSebastian entered F1 in 2006When he became the 51 . (young)F1 driver to get a point in his first F1 race in 2007,the signs(迹象)showed that he was specialBut few could have predicted that the young 52 . (Germany)driver would go on 53 . (win)three world prizes in the following five seasonsOn Sunday,the 25-year-old man won his third world prize,and became the third driver in the world 54 . (have)three world prizesThe 2012 F1 season has come to an endIt 55 . (say)that seventime world champion Michael Schumacher 56 . (final)gave up car racing,and it might be foreverBut a new shining star has risenSebastian is ready 57 . (take)over the F1 world六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子58 . what, lovely _59 . should, obey _60 . used to_61 . this time yesterday_62 . birthday_七、书信作文63 . 某中学正在招聘赴英夏令营领队(tour leader),应聘的条件是用英语给你的队友写一封email,提醒相关注意事项。假如你是王涵,请根据要点提示,写一封email,参加应聘。要点提示:1. 出行前(提高了解相关信息、英语口语);2. 旅行中(注意言谈举止、人身安全等);3. 要求:1. 词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Dear friends,Im glad to be your tour leader, and Im writing to tell you something important. _Hope to see you soon!Yours,Wang Han八、其他用方框中所给的单词或词语填空。64 . Whats this in English?Its _ orange.65 . Is _ a ruler?Yes, it is.66 . “Jacket” is “夹克衫”_ Chinese.67 . _ it?Is it a pencil?68 . Whats that in _?Oh, it is a quilt.第 12 页 共 12 页

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