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重庆市2020年七年级下学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It takes my brother forty minutes _ his homework every evening.AfinishingBto finishCfinish2 . -Mike likes playing basketball.-_.Aso does he.BSo he is.CSo she does.DSo he does.3 . As she was born on _ of February, she has celebrated _ birthdays since her birth.Atwenty-nine; fiveBtwenty-nine; the fifthCthe twenty-ninth ; fiveDthe twenty-ninth ; the fifth4 . Mary is tired of learning because she is _ to do better than she can, both at school and at home.AthoughtBexpectedChopedDhelped5 . Do you knowhis telephone number? (找出划线部分正确的读音)A/ ai /B/ u /C/ ei /D/ au/6 . You are playing basketball really well, Jack._.AI agreeBSo do ICReally? Thank youDYou are welcome7 . Is there _ in todays newspaper?No. I think everything in it is boring.Ainteresting anythingBsomething interestingCanything interesting8 . The firemen did all their best to put out the fire. _excellent firemen!AWhat anBHowCWhat aDWhat9 . _ good advice she provided! It did help me a lot!AHow aBWhat aCHowDWhat10 . Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?AUsualBSeriousCRefuse11 . No noise, please. The baby is _AsleepBawakeCasleepDwake12 . -Tom, what does “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” mean?-You can have your own understanding. But I think it means follow your original aspiration (初心)you will succeed.AsoBbutCandDor13 . Miss Jenney is good _ music. She is good _ children in the music club.Aat, atBat, withCwith, at14 . - _ there be more cities in 2050?-Yes,I think so.AAreBIsCWillDDo15 . My schoolwork is better than _.AsheBherCHers二、完型填空Hello, everyone. This is FM 101.7, Music Radio. The weekend is coming. Whats your plan? Why not see a film at home? Here is a classical(经典)film for you. Chris is a kind and hardworking man. _ he is not lucky and he loses(失去)his job. His wife soon leaves him. With _ money to pay for the rent(租金)of their flat, Chris and his son moves out and sleeps at _, toilets or other places. Chris _ a new job every day. A week later, he gets a job. He still works hard and never loses hope. He tells his son to be strong all the time. This is the _ of the film The Pursuit of Happiness. It tells us that happiness will come if we work hard.16 . AButBSoCBecauseDWhen17 . AsomeBenoughCnoDany18 . AkitchensBstationsChotelsDshops19 . Alooks afterBlooks atClooks outDlooks for20 . AsignBmusicCstoryDperson三、阅读单选The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three- quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred people became homeless but only a few lost their lives.The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the Kings baker (面包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery (面包房) into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.By eight oclock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Pauls and the Guildhall among them.Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the direction of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect (建筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, among them the mew St Pauls.The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.21 . The fire began in _.Aa hotelBPudding LaneCthe palaceDThames River22 . It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that _.Asome people lost their livesBthe birds were killed by the fireCmany famous buildings were destroyedDthe Kings bakery was burned down23 . Why did the writer cite (引用) Samuel Pepys?ABecause Pepys also wrote about the fire.BTo show that poor people suffered most.CTo give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.DBecause Pepys was among those putting out the fire.24 . How was the fire put out according to the text?AThe King and his soldiers came to help.Ball the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.CPeople managed to get enough water from the river.DHouses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.25 . Which of the following were reasons for the rapid spread of the big fire?a. there was a strong wind.b. the streets were very narrow.c. Many houses were made of wood.d. there was not enough water in the city.e. People did not discover the fire earlier.Aa, b and cBa and bCa, b, c and dDa, b, c, d and eUnable to stand, and suffering from a number of serious diseases in his advanced age, the worlds last male northern white rhino(犀牛)was euthanized by a rescue team in Kenya on 19th March, 2018.Only two of the northern white rhinos remain on Earth-his daughter,Najin, and granddaughter, Fatu.“We are all saddened by Sudans death.He was an amazing rhino,and will be remembered for the work he did to raise attention of the sad situation facing not only rhinos, but also the many thousands of other endangered annals,”Ol Pejeta Conservancy chief executive said.Sudan was born in 1972, in what is now South Sudan, when there were still about 1.000 northern white rhinos living in the wild.But their home was then destroyed by human.As The Washington Posts Kevin wrote in a report of Sudan in 2015:“When wars broke out, the rhinos were largely killed for their meat or their horns (角), or sometimes exchanged for money or guns.”Rhino horn being highly prized is another reason for the killing of this kind of animal.The horn is considered to have medicinal qualities and is sold at very high prices.Even a recent drop in the price of rhino horn did not come soon enough to save the northern white rhino from near-certain disappearing in the world.But Sudan was saved from the horrible situation by people from a zoo in the Czech Republic when he was 3 years old.After the death of Suni in 2014, the second-to-last male, Sudan became the only male northern white rhino in the world.He spent the last years of his life under 24-hour protection.His horn had been cut off just in order to stop people from killing him for it, though it had began to grow back.But the effort to save the northern white rhino seems to have come too late for a real turnaround.Sudans death is a cruel symbol of human not caring about nature and it saddened everyone who knew him.Hopefully it will call on human beings to save the endangered animals in the world.26 . What does the underlined word“euthanized”in paragraph I mean?AKilledBHurtCSaved.DFound27 . What will Sudan be remembered for?AHis big family.BHis unusual long lite.CHis work to encourage animal protection.DHis courage of fighting against serious illnesses.28 . In what order did the following events take place?a.Sudan died in Kenya.b.Sudan was rescued by people.c.Sudan was reported by The Washington Post.d.Sudan became the last male northern white rhino.e.Sudan lived with about 1,000 northern white rhinos in the wild.Ae,b,d,c,aBb,a,c,d,eCb,c,a,e,dDe b,c,d,a29 . What made the northern white rhino almost disappear in the world?APeople didnt cut off their horns,BHuman beings destroyed their homes,CThe price of the rhino horn dropped rapidly.DThere was no female northern white rhino left on Earth.30 . What is the writers purpose of writing this passage?ATo introduce the northern white rhino.BTo do a research on the northern white rhino.CTo raise peoples attention to save endangered annals.DTo find out the reasons why the northern white rhino was dying out.Xianju CinemaFast & Furious 7(速度与激情7)April 12-April 20Evenings: at 7:50 p.m(April 12 at 7:00 p.m)TicketsWeekdays: ¥35Weekends: ¥39Xianji Cinema Card Discount:20% off 3 tickets.Hengdian CinemaThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (暮色4:破晓)May 6-17 (not 10, 11, 15):May 6,7,8,9, 14, 16 at 7:45 p.mMay 12,13,17 at 5:00 p.mTicketsWeekdays: ¥24Weekends: ¥26Hengdian Cinema:Students with school ID card: Half PriceOn Tuesday: Half priceCall 0576-7775493 to order the tickets.31 . You may see Fast & Furious 7 at _ on April 19.A7:00 a.mB7:50 p.mC7:00 p.mD9:00 p.m32 . If you want to see The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, you can go to _.AXianju Cinema on April 12BHengdian Cinema on April 20CHengdian Cinema on May 10DHengdian Cinema on May1733 . If you and your parents go to see Fast & Furious 7 on weekends with Xianju Cinema Card Discount, you will have to pay _.A¥ 105B¥ 117C¥93.6D¥62.434 . According to the posters, seeing the film on weekdays is _ than seeing it on weekends.Amore interestingBless interestingCmore expensiveDcheaper35 . According to the posters, which of the following information is RIGHT?AYou are a student, you will only pay half the price if you want to see Fast & Furious 7BIts Tuesday that day, Judy can see The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn for only¥13 .CWe know the name of the actors in the postersDIf you want to order the tickets in Hengdian Cinema, you can call 0576-7775493四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每空一词36 . I felt like a _(傻瓜)when I realized my mistake.37 . He is very honest,so he is a _(可信任的)man.38 . There is a _(女士)waiting to see you.39 . Scientists have made many important _(发现).40 . My father is talking about the man who is an _(军官).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空41 . Many_(predict)didnt come true.42 . There are many people_(talk)under the tree.43 . It usually plays a role in_(exercise)our minds.44 . Please promise _ (not tell) lies any more, will you?45 . _ (get) better grades, Mike is studying for the exam.六、完成句子.根据句意及汉语提示, 完成句子46 . Look! Thats her _(电子游戏机).47 . Tony found _(一串钥匙).48 . Please _(给玛丽打电话) at 145-7098.49 . _(劳驾).Whats this in English?50 . That is _(我的学生证).七、单词填空缺词填空Xie Liang, over 80 years old, has offered free help to people who ask for directions for more than 10 years. He has been f51 . as the king of giving directions in Beijing since 2001.Every day, Xie goes to Dongzhimen Long-distance Bus Stop, and gives help to at least 1,200 people asking for directions. During holidays, the n52 . may be even 3,500. There are more than 50 roads and streets meeting at Dongzhimen, and at l53 . 100 thousand people pass by there every day.The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily had an i54 . with Xie. At that time, he arrived at the bus stop and placed his little table with maps and guidebooks w55 . by himself on it.Is it really f56 . to ask you for the way? said a person from southeast China.Of course, answered Xie with a smile. Quite a number of people have asked me the s57 . question. I am a volunteer.The reporter found that at least 5 people came to ask him for the way in a minute, and Xie told them the way p58 . and gave every one of them a note with his words on it. Xie has a husky(沙哑的)voice. People think that its the r59 . of his hard work.Now Xie has encouraged several other volunteers to join him. Many people hope to do volunteering work like Xie, but its hard to do as w60 . as he does.八、填空Monkeys are clever, but they are very greedy(贪婪的) as well. They have suffered(吃亏)a lot because of this. But they never change this way.In India, people use monkeys greed to catch them. Do you know how they can catch monkeys? Here are some instructions.*Make a hole(洞)in a big pumpkin. The hole must be just right-not too big or too small.*Put some jujubes(枣)in the hole.*Leave the pumpkin under the tree. Make sure there are some monkeys in the tree.*Hide yourself and watch the monkeys.When you leave, the monkeys come down to the pumpkin. When they find a hole in the pumpkin, they dont know whats in it and one of them puts its hand into the hole to find out what is inside. When it touches the jujubes, it will hold some of them in its hand. So it isnt able to take its fist(拳)out of the hole. You cant come close at this time. Will the monkey drop off the pumpkin? Dont worry. It seems it likes the pumpkin better than its life. It will run with the pumpkin, holding its fist more tightly. Finally, people can catch it easily.How do 61 . catch MonkeysInstructionsMake a hole(洞)in a big pumpkin. The hole must be just 62 . 63 . some jujubes(枣)in the hole.64 . the pumpkin under the tree.Hide yourself and 65 . the monkeys.The monkeys come down to the pumpkin and puts its hand into the hole66 . it holds the jujubes in its hand, it 67 . take its fist out.It will 68 . the pumpkin to run away. So it is 69 . for people to catch them. Conclusion We cant be a greedy monkey. It 70 . a pumpkin better than its life第 11 页 共 11 页

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