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辽宁省2020年中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look! So many people took part in the race. exciting event it was!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an2 . You were _ to close the windows.Why were you so careless?AallowedBbelievedCsupposedDcaused3 . Can you ride a bike?No, I _.Amay notBcantCneedntDmustnt4 . - The Internet has become not only a necessary but also a virtual (虚拟的) world for teenagers.- Yes, teenagers should learn to _ invitations from net friends and cant go to meet them alone.Apull downBwrite downCturn downDclose down5 . 不明飞行物的英语缩略形式是_.AUFOBBBCCNBADkg6 . Hepburn is considered _ many people_a great woman .Aas ; byBby; byCas; asDby ;as7 . There is nothing _ about it if you pay more attention.Ato worryBworryCworriedDof worrying8 . Do you know _? At 11:00 in this morning.Awhat time does the train leaveBwhat time the train leavesCthe train what time leavesDthe train leaves what time9 . _, the police helped them find their son.ALuckilyBLuckyCTo luckyDLuck10 . They had _exciting train ride to Chengdu before they went on to _Mount Emei by bus.Aa ; theBan ; /Cthe ; theDan ; the11 . Tony hasnt got any hobbies _ you call watching TV a hobby.AbecauseBwhenCunlessDif12 . 一Hi, Sally! Do you have any idea on how to save money?一Sure. I can always buy things at a _ price when there is a big sale in the mall.AlessBlowerCcheaper13 . How was the weather yesterday? It wasWe made a snowman in the park.AsunnyBwindyCrainyDsnowy14 . His life _a lot in the last few years.AchangedBchangesChas changedDhad changed15 . _ playing football with us after school? OK.AWhy notBLetsCWhat aboutDLet us二、完型填空Inventions make our life better. But dont think that only adult inventors _ great inventions. Children can also make_ great. Recently, a 15-year-old Canadian girl named Ann Makosinski_a flashlight that runs only on the heat of the human hands.Ann studies at a high school in British Columbia, Canada. She has great_in collecting unused energy around her. When she learned that the warmth produced by the human body was overlooked(忽视) _people, she came up with the idea of the special flashlight.Anns dream came true when she learned about a _of material(材料) named Peltier tiles, which can produce electricity when one side of the tile is heated and_side is cooled. She realized that she could use Peltier tiles _ energy for her flashlight.After trying many times, she succeeded _. Anns flashlight cost her $26 to make. She believes if her flashlight can _ in factories, it will become cheaper.16 . AdoBmakeChaveDgive17 . AanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing18 . AfoundBsawCdiscoveredDinvented19 . AhobbyBinterestCtimeDchance20 . AwithBforCbyDto21 . ApieceBkindCglassDbox22 . AotherBanotherCothersDthe other23 . Ato makeBto createCto findDto give24 . Aat firstBat lastCat onceDat all25 . AproduceBproducesChave producedDbe produced三、阅读单选The weather of Antarctica(南极洲)is cold, cloudy with heavy snow. Most parts of it are covered with ice sea for 10 months. Though it is dry and seldom rains, scientists in Antarctica have gotten their first crop of vegetables that they grew without earth. As one part of a plan, it will help astronauts to study fresh food about other planets.If the plan is successful, people will have some space to plant vegetables and fruit.Researchers at Germanys Neumayer Station III say they have planted 3.6 kilograms (about 8pounds) of salad green vegetables, including 18 cucumbers and 70 carrots in a high technology greenhouse(温室),while the temperatures outside dropped below -200C. In this way, they can eat fresh vegetables in time.The German Aerospace(航天航空) Center DLR, Daniel Dchubert, which was the leader of the plan, said on Thursday,“Scientists hope to get 4 to 5 kilograms of fruit and vegetables a week in May.Maybe the plan can turn into reality.While NASA has successful grown green plants on the International Space Station, DLRs Daniel Dchubert says the Antarctic plan decides to produce a wider range of vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions and so on. People might grow them on the Mars or the Moon one day.We know people depend on agriculture since the beginning of human history. Without agriculture,people cant live for many years. At the same time, the development of agriculture needed some conditions,including environment, temperature, weather and so on. The technology develops quickly. People will plant the vegetables on the Mars sooner or later.26 . Whats the weather like in Antarctica according the passage?ASunny and cold.BCool and snowy.CDry and rainy.DSeriously bad.27 . From Daniel Dchubert s words , we can learn that_.AAntarctic plan will produce more kinds of vegetablesBmore vegetables might be grown on the Sun or the MoonCAntarctic plan may be useless to other planets, like the MarsDGreen plants will be grown on the International Space Station28 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A3.6 kilograms is 9 pounds.BNo people are living in Antarctica.CPeople will plant vegetables on the Mars.DScientists in Antarctica cant grow vegetables.29 . What s the meaning of the underlined word“agriculture” in Chinese?A航天.B工业.C农业D服务业.30 . What s the best title for the passage?AGreen vegetables in Antarctica.BSpecial weather in Antarctica.CA great plan about vegetables.DPlanting green vegetables.Joe moved to Canada with his family at the age of 41. There were many stressful days for them in the beginning. Since Joe had no job, the savings(存款) they brought with them were diminishing rapidly. One day, Joe went out to look for a job. As he walked, he saw many things on the street that people threw away. Joe could not believe his eyes. “Why would people throw away such things?” he asked himself. Joe saw a “new” television and decided to take it home to see what the problem was.Since he was 12 years old, Joes main hobby has been electronics(电子产品). As a teenage boy, he began to repair radios, TVs and so on.Joe brought the television home and turned it on. There were pictures on the screen, but there was no sound. He opened the back cover. Before long, Joe found the problem. The loudspeaker(扬声器) was broken. He went out again. Among the garbage on the street, he found a toy piano. He carried the piano home. Luckily its loudspeaker worked. Fifteen minutes later, Joe had a TV with both pictures and sound.Joe began to question people about why they were throwing away electronics. The answer was the same from everyone: getting them repaired was too expensive. People would rather(宁愿) buy new products.Joe decided to open an electronics repair shop that would offer fair prices.Today, Joe has been very successful in his new country. Instead of losing hope, he chose to make the best out of a difficult situation.31 . The underlined word “diminishing” means “ _” in Chinese.A增加B减少C节省D饱和32 . How did Joe feel when he saw the things thrown away by people?ASurprised.BAngry.CUpsetDExcited.33 . What was Joe mainly interested in when he was a teenage boy?AWatching TV.BPlaying the piano.CListening to the radio.DRepairing electronics.34 . Why did Joe bring the toy piano home?ATo play it for fun.BTo put it in his shop.CTo repair the television.DTo sell it for money later.35 . When something was wrong with electronics, people would rather buy new products than get them repaired because _.Athe people there were really wealthyBthey wanted to offer Joe some helpCthe government asked them to do soDthe cost of getting them repaired was too highThomas Edisons inventions have shaped the world. Read about a few of them in the timeline.Vote-recorderEdison thinks this machine will help lawmakers record their votes in 1875.KinetoscopeThismotion-picture viewer lets people see moving pictures for the firstLightbulbEarlier inventors make lightbulbs, but the bulbs have problems. Edison invents the first practical lightbulb. He finds a way to make the warm yellow light from his bulb last for 13 hourPhonograph Edison invents a machine that records sound at lastElectricpenThis machine can make more than one copy of a document36 . In which year did Edison invent the vote-recorder?AIn 1868.BIn 1875.CIn 1879.DIn 1892.37 . Which of the following inventions did Edison create last?ALightbulb.BPhonograph.CElectric pen.DKinetoscope.38 . What was the purpose of the lightbulb?AIt provided light.BIt recorded sound.CIt helped lawmakers record their votes.DIt made more than one copy of a document.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据所给释义,填入所缺单词的正确形式。39 . Every year, a lot of_(游客)visit the Forbidden City.40 . He came down with a _(严重的)cold last week and had to have a week off.41 . Can you tell me their telephone numbers and email_(地址)?42 . Last week he_(接受) our invitation to visit our school.43 . South American _(渔民)said that the sea became warmer every few years.44 . Our teacher often tells us that _(行动) speak louder than words.45 . He is going to _(描述) those rare birds at tomorrows conference.46 . She decides to go to college _(然而) her twin sister plans to work after leaving high school.47 . Put on your down jacket, todays _(温度) will drop below zero .48 . Everyone ran for_(庇护所) when it started to rain.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空49 . _(this)socks are only two dollars.50 . How much are _(that)?51 . Come down to Mr. Cools clothes Store and see for _(you)52 . That sounds _(interest)53 . What would you like _(drink)?六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。What does it mean to be green? “Green” is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to54 . (保护)the environmentthe water, the land and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and without them the earth couldnt be such a lovely home for us human beings. Sometimes people call ours a throwaway55 . (社会). That means we are always throwing away old things and buying new ones. Many times, if you no longer need something, someone56 . (其他的)just might need it. For example, if your brother is old enough not to play with his57 . (塑料的)bike, why not give it to another family who has a little kid so that they dont need to buy one? Recycling(回收利用)has never been easier. Many58 . (组织)will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns59 . (甚至)require it. Tell your mom or dad you want to become “Chief of Recycling” for your family. Now that you know what things you can recycle, find a place to keep them. Make sure you60 . (鼓励)everyone in your house to think whether things can be61 . (重新使用)or recycled before they are thrown way. Almost everyone likes traveling. But next time before you travel around the world, take a look at your own backyard. Is there a place where you can plant a tree or put in a little fruit or vegetable garden? If so, get there and get your hands dirty. Then you can watch with62 . (自豪)as your tree takes root, and garden plants grow into big plants full of ripe, red63 . (西红柿)or tiny, juicy blueberries. Who knew being green would taste so good?根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(每空 1 词)The next morning, Scrooge went to the office early. He wanted to get there before Bob. The c64 . struck nine. No Bob. A quarter past, Bob still didnt come. He was eighteen and a half minutes late.Scrooge sat with his door w65 . open so he could see Bob come in. Bob t66 . his hat and scarf off before he opened the door. Then he ran to his stool(凳子). He quickly sat down and started w67 . very fast with his pen.“Hello!” growled Scrooge, in his old v68 . . “Youre late.”“I am very sorry, sir,” said Bob.“Come here,” said Scrooge.“Its only once a year, sir” pleaded(恳求)Bob. “It wont happen a69 . ”“Now, listen to me,” said Scrooge, “Im going to give you a pay rise. And I am going to help your family. A M70 . Christmas, Bob.”Scrooge k71 . his word. He helped Bobs family. Tiny Tim did NOT die. And Scrooge was a second father to him. Scrooge b72 . as good a fiend, as good a boss and a 73 . good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city or town, or country in the good old world.七、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Being an astronaut sounds cool, doesnt it? In space, they can do some pretty amazing things, like floating in zero gravity (重力).However, there are also plenty of things that astronauts cant do because of their weightless environment, and thats very sad. Whats worse, they cant even let their sadness show because its impossible to cry in zero gravity.Of course, astronauts can still have tears. But crying is much more difficult in space. Without gravity, tears dont flow downward out of the eyes like they do on the earth. This means that when you cry in space, your tears have nowhere to go they just stick to your eyes.In May 2011, astronaut Andrew Feustel experienced this during one of his spacewalks. Tears, he said, dont fall off your eyes. They just stay there. Besides making your vision (视力) unclear, this can also cause physical pain. Back on the earth, tears are supposed to bring comfort to the eyes. But thats not the same in space. The space environment dries out astronauts eyes, and when tears suddenly wet the eyes, it can cause pain rather than comfort. My right eye is painful like crazy. Feustel told his teammate during the walk.Since gravity doesnt work in space astronauts need some extra help to get rid of the tears.Feustel chose to rub his eyes against his helmet (头盔) to wipe the tears away. Another choice is to just wait - When the tears get big enough, they simply break free of the eye and float around, astronaut Ron Parise said.There are lots of small things - things like crying that we are so used to on the earth. We usually take them for granted (认为理所当然), until they become a problem in a completely different environment, like space. There, astronauts cant talk to each other directly. They cant eat or drink in normal ways; They cant even burp (打嗝) because there is no gravity to hold the food down in their stomachs. If they do burp, they just end up throwing up (呕吐) everything in their stomachs, according to the UK National Space Center.Thus perhaps its only space explorers who can honestly say: Gravity, youre the best.74 . Is crying more difficult in space than on the earth?_75 . What happens to tears when astronauts cry in space?_76 . Who experienced that the tears in space caused pain rather than comfort?_77 . How do astronauts get rid of the tears in space? _78 . Why cant astronauts burp in space? _79 . In the last paragraph, the writer says: perhaps its only space explorers who can honestly say: Gravity, youre the best. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?_八、书信作文80 . 请根据你的美国笔友Johnson发给你的邮件,就他的提问回复一封70词左右的电子邮件。From: JohnsonHi, Lin,Hows it going with you? There are so many clubs in our school. My favorite is the chess club. I learned to play chess and made some friends here. How about you? What clubs are there in your school? Which club do you join and why? What time do you usually have classes for the club?To: JohnsonSubject: Clubs in my schoolHi, Johnson,_Yours,Lin第 12 页 共 12 页

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