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贵阳市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They were so excited because their class had got _first prize in the sports meeting.AotherBthe otherCanotherDone another2 . One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.Awhat thatBwhatCthatDthat what3 . With the development of Information Technology, _ emails _ becoming more and more convenient.Asend, isBsending, isCsending, areDto send, are4 . I think the weather here is too bad.Youll get used to _ here soon.AlivingBto liveCliveDlived5 . -You have made such a great progress on your English. -Thanks. I believe _ you work,_you will be.Athe less,the betterBthe harder,the betterCthe better,the worse6 . Id likeright now.Alistening musicBto listen musicClistening to musicDto listen to music7 . -You can only keep the books for two weeks, Tom. Remember _them on time.-I will.AreturnBreturningCto return8 . Would you like to see the movie with me?Yes, _.AId loveBI wouldCI likeDId love to9 . Keep 110 in mind. _ anything happens and you need help, this is the number to call.AAlthoughBIfCWhileDBecause10 . We should prevent the sand _away by the strong wind in spring.Afrom blowBfrom blowingCfrom being blownDbeing blow11 . _ a sports fan, my brother is looking forward _ the 2020 Olympic Games.AOf; to watchingBAs; to watchingCAs; to watchDWith; to seeing12 . Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her?Because she wondered _.Awhere did the other students goBwhen would the policeman comeCif her students had survived the earthquake13 . great help they have given us!AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a14 . (题文) How well the girl sings! Yes, she has a very sweet _.AvoiceBsoundCnoise15 . Thank you for _ me presents.AsendBsendingCgiveDgives二、补全对话7选5A:Hey,John!This Saturday well go to the art museum again,right?B:Oh,no!16 . A:Where do you want to go?B:I want to go to the water park.17 . A:No,never.B:18 . A:Sure,Id love to. I think it must be a great way to spend Saturday.B:I also think so.A:19 . B:Neither. How about riding a bike?A:20 . See you this Saturday.B:See you.AWould you like to go there with me?BHow are you going there,by bus or by subway?CI want to go somewhere different.DWhat are you going to do?ESorry,I have no time.FThat sounds fun.GHave you ever been there before?三、完型填空Good study habits (习惯) are important for all students. When you have good study habits, you learn faster and you find you have a good memory.Do you usually study in the living room? This is not a good place for study because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, such as your bedroom. A quiet place will help you put your attention (注意力) on study and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. It helps you to focus (集中) on your study, too. A good desk light is important, too. Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light. Of all the good study habits you can develop (发展,开发), asking questions is the key. Just ask. No one knows everything, but we can always learn from each other by asking questions. One simple but important habit is to remind (提醒) yourself what youre studying for. Putting your dream grade (理想的分数) on the wall next to your bed or computer means youll see and think about it every day.When do you work best? Are you an early bird, night owl (猫头鹰), or something in between? Find your mostproductivework time, and then plan to study at this time.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上按要求作答。21 . Why is the living room not a good place for study?ABecause it is too quiet.BBecause it is too small.CBecause it is too noisy.DBecause it doesnt have the desk for study.22 . According to the passage, what should you do before you study?AClean the desk.BPut your story books away.CTurn on the light.DWash your hands.23 . Why should we put your dream grade on the wall?ATo make us happy.BTo make our parents happy.CTo develop a good study habit.DTo remind us what we are studying for.24 . What is the Chinese meaning of the underline word “productive”?A有效的.B有趣的.C精彩的.D愉快的.25 . What is the best title for this passage?AStudy in the bedroom.BGood study habits are important.CHow to study.DDesk light is important.四、阅读单选“Who has more questions, a teacher or a student?”About this question a great learned man told his students that nobody does but a teacher.The students got puzzled. With a smile, the teacher drew the circles.“Within the larger one is my knowledge of things and within the smaller one is yours. Out of the circles is still unknown to both of us. Since mine is larger, as you can see, the line that marks out the circle is longer. That makes it clear that who has more chances to face something still unknown.”26 . The great learned man believed that.Aa teacher has more questionsBa student has more questionsCa teacher has no questionsDa student has no questions27 . The students thought thatAa student has fewer questions than his teacherBa teacher has more questions than a studentCthose who have less knowledge have more questionsDthose who have more knowledge have more questions28 . At the end of the story, the greatest learned man made a conclusion that.Aa student should learn more from his teacherBa teacher should not have many questionCa student knows much more than his teacherDa teacher has more chances to face unknown knowledge29 . Which of the following titles is NOT suitable for the story?AYou will Never Learn EnglishBA Teacher and His StudentCThere Is No Limit to KnowledgeDOne Is Never Too Old to Learn30 . We can often find such an article in.Aa guidebook to a museumBany kind of booksCa newspaper or a magazineDan encyclopedia(百科全书)Fruit salad is a delicious dessert and you can make it in less than ten minutes. Whats more, you can enjoy it without becoming fatter. Fruit salad can also be a great dish at a party, or the wonderful snacks during any time of a day. If you want to know how to make fruit salad, just follow the steps.Things you need1 cup of strawberries1 cup of cherries(樱桃)1/2 red apple1/2 peach(桃子)1 pear2 spoons of juiceSteps1. choose your fruits2. wash all of your fruits3. cut the strawberries, cherries, red apple, peach, and pear into small pieces4. put 2 spoons of juice in a bowl5. put all the fruits in the bowl6. serve and eat31 . After you choose your fruits, you should _.Awash your handsBwash themCcut themDput them in a bowl32 . There are _ steps before you eat fruit salad.AoneBthreeCfiveDfour33 . The passage(文段) mainly tells us _.Afruit salad is very deliciousBpeople should eat fruit salad moreChow to make fruit saladDwhen we can make fruit saladA jobless man wanted very much to have the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed(面试) him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. “You have passed the test,” he said. “Give me your e-mail address and Ill send you the form(表格) to fill in and the date when you may start.” The man replied, “But I dont have a computer, neither an e-mail.” “Im sorry,” said the HR manager. “If you dont have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isnt living cannot have the job.”The man left with no hope at all. He didnt know what to do with only $10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He did that three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. Shortly, he bought a cart , then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队). Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers (零售商) in the US.One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, “I havent got one.” His friend couldnt believe his ears. “Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?” The man thought for a while and replied, “Yes, Id be an office boy at Microsoft!”34 . What did the man do for the test?AHe sent e-mails.BHe did the cleaningCHe sold computers.DHe filled in forms.35 . The man didnt get the job because he_.Adisliked such a jobBdidnt pass the testCdidnt have an e-mailDknew nothing about computers36 . The man _after he left Microsoft.Awent to look for another jobBasked for food from door to doorCthought of an idea to make monkeyDbought a computer and got an e-mail37 . What does the story want to tell us?AComputers are very important in our daily life.BEveryone can make a lot of money with only$10.CThe HR manager didnt find the ability of the man.DNothing in the world is impossible if we work hard.Junior school students in Harbin,Heilongjiang,had a long weekendThey had four days off from Oct19-22It was not for any festival,but was caused by serious smogThe smog was caused by high levels of PM 25 in the airPM 25 is small particles(微粒) of pollution in the air with a diameter (直径) of 25 micrometers or lessWaste gas from cars and factories is the biggest cause of PM 25 pollution On Oct17,the World Health Organization named air pollution a cause of cancerTo better protect children,cities are taking actionOn Oct21,Harbin Education Bureau decided to close primary and junior high schools for two daysBeijing started a program on Oct22 which has a warning system with four levelsThe red warning is the highest warning levelIt means that the next three days will see serious pollutionWhen a red warning is issued(发布),schools will closeIf theres pollution thats not as serious,the Beijing Commission of Education will ask schools to stop PE classes and outdoor activitiesHow will students be informed?First,the Commission of Education will inform schools online, Ye Yan,head of Beijing Shijingshanqu Experimental Primary School,told Beijing TimesThen teachers willtextstudents parentsWill the days off affect the study plan?Missing school days will be made up during the summer or winter vacations, said Wang Hao,a physical education teacher in Beijing Chaoyang districtFor students in Harbin who had the long weekend,they would go to school on the next two Saturdays根据材料内容选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。38 . Why did students in Harbin have a long weekend?ABecause the weather was extremely coldBBecause a special festival cameCBecause the winter vacation beganDBecause there happened serious smog39 . Which of the following is TRUE about PM 25?AIt makes water pollutedBPeople can see it with eyesCIt only comes from factoriesDIt can cause serious diseases40 . When a red warning is issued in Beijing,what will happen?AAll of the work will be stoppedBPeople arent allowed to go outsideCSchools will be closed for a few daysDAir pollution will be seen in a few weeks41 . What does the underlined word text mean in Chinese?A写信B发信息C写文章D发邮件42 . What is the reading mainly about?AWhat PM 25 is made up ofBHow people fight against air pollutionCWhat influence the smog brings to schoolDHow schools deal with the missing school days五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required.43 . I need to conduct a survey.(改为否定句)I _ to conduct a survey.44 . Father Christmas will come during the night.(改为反意疑问句)Father Christmas will come during the night, _?45 . It is ten minuteswalk from my home to the school.(对划线部分提问)_ is it from your home to the school?46 . They set out for the summer camp at six yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ out for the summer camp at six yesterday morning?47 . I often went to work by shared bicycle.(改为否定句)I _ go to work by shared bicycle.48 . a small size, I , would, a Father Christmas coat, like, in(连词成句)_六、单词填空Li Shan is from China, and Spring Festival is the most _(重要的)festival in her country. It happens in January or _(二月). Li Shan has got some photos of it. In the first photo, its a few days before Spring Festival and her mother is _(打扫)the house and sweeping away bad _(运气). They buy a lot of food before the festival. They are _(庆祝)Spring Festival with a _(传统的)family _(晚餐)on the evening before Spring Festival in the second photo. Li Shan is eating a kind of _(饺子)called jiaozi. After the dinner, they usually watch a special programme on TV. In the last photo, they are visiting the _(叔叔)and aunts. Theyre _(穿)new sweaters and coats. Li Shan always gets a hongbao, which means lucky money.49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _57 . _58 . _七、回答问题Personal information leakage(泄漏) has been common in China in recent years, and many people think it extremely annoying.According to a recent online survey of nearly 2,000 Chinese, nearly 87 % of interviewees said that their personal information had been leaked, and nearly 50 % complained that information leakage has seriously affected their lives. The survey found that phone number name, age and other personal information, and family address are the three main types of information leaked. They are followed by job and company name ,ID card number, and educational background. The leakage of information can be a lot of trouble. We may get lots of junk messages which are not welcomed. Whats worse, we may lose our money or get into lots of trouble because of this. In a word, our life can be affected.So keeping our personal information safe is important. Be careful not to take part in social surveys easily that ask for our personal information.59 . Is personal information leakage annoying to most of us?_60 . How many Chinese took part in the recent online survey?_61 . What should we do to keep our personal information?_八、材料作文62 . 题目假如你是李华,最近收到你的英国笔友Joe的来信。他通过新闻得知中国为庆祝建国70周年在天安门广场举办了盛大的阅兵仪式,他很想了解你是怎么度过今年的国庆假期的,以及你的感受。提示词语:Tiananmen Square, pay a visit to, watch a military parade, watch a movie, proud, excited提示问题:1. When is Chinas National Day?2. What did you do during the National Day this year?3. How did you feel about Chinas National Day this year?第 13 页 共 13 页


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