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西宁市2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy was _ /bn/with a great talent of singing.AbornBboredCbasketDbean2 . Ask Bob_ the key. He has it.AinBatCforDto3 . -Could you tell me _?-Sure. Walk straight along this street and youll find it.Ahow can I get to the museumBwhere is the museumCwhich is the way to the museumDhow far the museum is4 . We should have _ fruit and _ vegetables every day.Amuch, muchBlots of, muchCmany, muchDplenty of, a lot of5 . Practice more, _ youll do better in playing chess.AbutBandCwhenDafter6 . People all over the world do something good for the earth on April 22nd Earth Day. Well. _ what we should do is to make every day Earth Day.AAndBSoCBut7 . _a zoo near my neighborhood, so I like to spend time there.AThere isBThere wasCTherell be8 . Which of the following words is pronounced /privent/?ApresentBpretendCpreventDpleasant9 . Peter never does his homework. _ lazy boy he is!AWhatBHowCWhat aDWhat an10 . Which sign of the following means “Dont swim in the river”?ABCD11 . Which of the following words is pronounced as /pel /?ApoleBpillCpearlDpale12 . Xinya Shopping Mall _for many years and its still very popular now.AopenedBhas been openChas openedDhas been opened13 . (题文) Why should we protect animals?If not, they willdie out.AdisappearBremainCleave14 . These are my _ .Mary and Bob.AbrothersBsistersCfriendsDboys15 . - _ TV do you watch every day? - Less than an hour.AHow muchBHow manyCHow oftenDHow long16 . - Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door? - _. Please do it now.Ato open; OKBopening; Of course notCopening; Of courseDto open; Good idea17 . He wascrazy about rock musiche almost spent all his free time listening to it.Atoo;toBso; thatCboth;andDsuch;that18 . I asked James to see the new English _ / mu:vi /.AmoveBmoonCmovieDmoney19 . I have _ soccer ball, but I dont play_ soccer.Aa; theBthe; aC/; a D a; /20 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation form the others?AHe looked very tiredBHe stopped to have a restCHe coughed badlyDHe stayed at home21 . He decided to study hard_ catch up with others.Aas a resultBso thatCin order thatDin order to22 . Youd better get up _ possible _ you can catch the early bus.Aas soon as; so thatBas early as; so thatCas soon as; In orderDas early as ;in order23 . stole my wallet when I was on the bus.Thats too bad!AEverybodyBAnybodyCSomebodyDNobody24 . 我们每天(早晨)上学, (下午)放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。Aam, pm, USABam, pm, PRCCpm, am, UKDpm, am, PRC25 . -Pardon? Daniel, I cant hear _ well on the pnone.-OK. Listen again. I say “ Is grandma at home?”AyouByourChimDhis二、补全对话单选补全对话从每题A、B、C、D中, 选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项。A: Hey, John.B: Hi, Michael.A:_B: Im reading a book.A:_I have got the latest movie video. Lets watch it together.B: Great. Where is your house?A:_There is a small bookstore at the crossing. Ill meet you there.B: Oh, OK_A: What about 2 pm?B: OK. By the way, I havent finished my homework yet and I have some problems with it.A:_We can do it together then.26 . AHow is the weather?BHow are you?CWhat are you doing?DHows it going?27 . ADo you want to come over to my house?BThis book is boring.CCan you help me fix my TV?DI like to watch TV.28 . AHe is eating at home.BIts on Bridge Street.CIts on the table.DLets play table tennis.29 . AWhen shall we meet?BHow can I get there?.CWhat time is it?DHow far is it from my house?30 . ASo have IBNeither I doCSo I doDNeither have I .三、补全短文7选5阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Chen Yujie, 15 studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang. 31 . It was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring. Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card , so she didnt have to travel so often.32 . “Its usually the most relaxing time for our family.” Said Chen.She chose the right time. After a few turns of lobbying(游说) ,her parents finally agreed with Chen . 33 . So they have to choose a right time .A US magazine recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country , asking questions like “34 . ” Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的). Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents.Bed time comes second.followed by time spent in the car.Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency (倾向) over the problem. Qianjiang Daily, a newspaper in Zhejiang, did a survey about it .35 . So do you have anything to talk to your parents about? Choose a good time.AWhen you want to talk to your parents about something important ,when is the best time to do it?BShe decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time to talk to their parents.CThey found that most American teenagers would choose bed time to talk to their parents.DShe used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents.EThe result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents.FFor most teenagers like Chen talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying.GIm doing my homework.七选五阅读Tom Smith was a writer. He wrote detective (侦探) stories for magazines. One evening he could not find an end for a story. He sat with his pen in front of him, 36 . . So he decided to go to the cinema.When he came back, 37 . . The man had a drink, smoked several of Toms cigarettes (香烟) and read the story. The man left a note, “I have read your story and I dont think much of it. 38 . . By the way, I am a thief. I am not going to steal anything tonight. But if you become a famous writer, I will return.”39 . . Then he sat down and finished the story. 40 . but when he goes out in the evening, he always leaves a half-finished story on his desk.APlease read my advice and you can write a wonderful story.Bbut had no idea.CPlease write down my advice and you can finish you story.DTom read the thiefs advice.E. Tom is famous now.F. Tom is still not a famous writer.G. he found that someone had broken into (闯入) his house.四、完型填空完形填空阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve, something happened to me that made me never_any birds in a cage.We lived on the edge of a_in South Carolina, and every evening many mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isnt any sound that can be_ than the song of the mockingbird.I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage,_ _in that way, I could have my own musician. I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was_and fluttered about the cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased with_ and looked after my little musician carefully.On the second day, the birds mother flew to the cage_food in her mouth. The baby bird ate up_she brought. I was pleased to see this. Certainly his mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.The following morning when I went to see_my little bird was, I found it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was very surprised! What had happened! I had taken great_of the little bird, or so I thought.Arthur Wayne, a famous scientist, happened to be in the forest where we lived at the time. Hearing me crying over the_of my bird, he told me what_. A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison(毒药) food. She thinks_better for her young to die than to live in a cage._ _I have never caught any birds or put them in a cage. All the birds have the right to_in the sky .41 . AputBcutCdrawDpull42 . AriverBforestCcityDsea43 . Amore beautifulBless terribleCworseDmore beautifully44 . AbutBorCandDthough45 . AluckyBsilentCkindDfrightened46 . AyourselfBmyselfCherselfDhimself47 . AwithoutBaroundCinDwith48 . AsomeoneBnothingCeverythingDanyone49 . AhowBwhatCwhichDwhether50 . AplaceBrestCpictureDcare51 . AdeathBcageCfoodDhealth52 . Acould happenBwould happenChad happenedDhas happened53 . AoneBitCthatDthis54 . ASoon afterBSince thenCJust thenDLong ago55 . AjumpBrunCflyDwalk五、阅读单选An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation (手术) could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle (奇迹) can save him now,” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.She hurried to a drugstore (药店) with the money in her hand.“What do you want?” asked the salesman. “Its for my little brother,” the girl answered. “Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the salesman.“My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We dont sell a miracle here, child. Im sorry,” the salesman said with a smile.“If it isnt enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.”A well-dressed man heard it and asked, “What kind of miracle does your brother need?”“I dont know,” she answered with her eyes foil of tears. “Hes really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought all my money.”“How much do you have?” asked the man. “$1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered.“Well, what luck,” smiled the man. “$1.11, the price of a miracle for little brothers.”He took up the girls hand and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Lets see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasnt long before Andrew was home again.How much did the miracle cost?56 . What was the trouble with the little girls family?AHer parents couldnt send her to school.BHer little brother was seriously ill.CHer father lost his job and had no money.DNothing could save her little brother.57 . In the eyes of the little girl, a miracle might be _.Asomething interestingBsomething beautifulCsome wonderful medicineDsome delicious58 . The little girl said again and again “I can try and get some more.” That shows _.Athere was no need to worry about moneyBshe hoped she wouldnt be refusedCshe was old enough to make some moneyDshe thought money was easy to get59 . What made the miracle happen?AThe girls love for her brother.BThe girls money.CThe medicine in the drugstore.DThe kind salesman.60 . From the passage we can infer (推断) that _.Athe little girl is lovely but not so cleverBthe little girls brother had the operation at homeCthe little girls brother finally became an engineerDthe doctor didnt ask the girls parents for any payJohn, a famous musician, took his priceless antique violin and played it in the crowded subway station. The music from the violin was delicately streaming throughout the whole stationHowever, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly appreciating the charming musicA three-year-old kid was so fascinated by the music that he forgot everything aroundJohn only got 52 dollars for his work that dayHowever, in normal days, when John is about to hold a concert, one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely hard to buy a ticket even at such a high priceTherefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply regretful for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but cheap music feastI have a very busy friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife came down with incurable illnessHe cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every dayNonetheless, his wife still did not manage to conquer the illness and passed away. After that, he often sighed. Due to to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wifeBut now, it is impossible to make up for itBut It is no use crying over spilt milkWe have missed a lot of precious things without knowing to treasure themThe reason is less than simple:we had thought that we could still own them tomorrowThere was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many peoples lives, they have only done two things:waiting and regrettingThe result is that they were always too late to cherish what they had before they lost itWe would often claim to do something when we grow up, or when we have money or when we become old, etcHowever, when we reach the condition we have expected, we could no longer realize our wish, because we have lost it by then61 . John played his violin but only a few passers-by appreciated it that day because_.Athey hurried to catch their subwayBthey always saw John perform thereCthey couldnt afford the music John playedDthey didnt know its performer was so famous62 . The word ”conquer” in Paragraph 3 probably means _Afight againstBprevent fromCget overDface with63 . We can infer from the passage that _.Athe child was good at telling good music from bad oneBCharles used to be too busy to spend time with his wifeCIts never too late for us to make our dreams come trueDIts available to make up for what we havent done before64 . We can learn from the sentence “ they have only done two things waiting and regretting” in the last paragraph that many people _Awont treasure what they have until they lost themBcant achieve anything great until they get olderCare easy to take pride in what they are doingDexpect to make progress but want to do something65 . The beat title of this passage is probably _ATomorrow is a MysteryBDont Regret for WaitingCNever Cry over Spilt MilkDFight for the Bright FutureJack is the name of a game. It is quite popular with children. To play jacks, you will need a small ball and ten small metal objects (物体) called jacks.The rules for this game are quite easy. To begin with, put the ten jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Toss the ball high, pick up one jack and then catch the ball. Keep the jack in your hand and go on to pick up the other jack one at a time. You lose your turn if you do not catch the ball, or if you do not pick up a jack, or if you drop (掉) any of the jacks from your hand.When you finish all the ten jacks, you now try to do the same thing again but with two jacks at one time. This is more difficult, of course. You lose your turn if you make any of the above three mistakes (错误) or if you do not pick up two jacks each time.66 . To play jacks is _.Adifficult for boysBinteresting for childrenCdifficult for girlsDinteresting for old people67 . The word “toss” here means _.AdropBcatchCthrowDpick68 . If you want to finish the first and second parts of the game, you have to pick up jacks _.Aten timesBfifteen timesCtwenty timesDthirty times69 . The jacks are made of _.ApaperBglassCmetalDwater70 . After you pick up the first ten jacks, the game becomes more difficult because you must pick up _ at a time.Atwo jacksBfour jacksCthree jacksDonly oneWe often see boys wrestle(摔跤). Not many girls like the sport. But things are changing.In the US, more girls begin to wrestle. In the 2015 -16 season, 363 girls joined the IKWF. In the 2017-18 season, this number was up to 503. There is also a girls wrestling championship(锦标赛)at the end of each year.Many girls become interested in wrestling because their brothers wrestle. Yamilet Aguirre is a 12-year-old girl. She learned to wrestle because she was not happy to only watch her brother wrestle. I can have fun doing it, she said. And I can prove(证明)girls are also strong like boys. She won the girls state wrestling championship this spring.Some schools are going to have wrestling programs(项目). More girls can try the sport for themselves.71 . Which sport does the story talk about?AWrestling.BFootball.CBasketball.DSwimming.72 . How many girls joined the IKWF in the 2017-8 season?A140B363C503D86673 . What do we know about Yamilet Aguirre?AHer brother is good at wrestling.BShe started wrestling because of her brother.CShe won many wrestling competitions.DHer brother is stronger than her.六、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)74 . A terrible earthquake hit the small mountain village yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ a terrible earthquake _ the small mountain village yesterday?75 . Jerry pays a visit to his grandparents twice a week.(对划线部分提问)_does Jerry pays a visit to his grandparents?76 . Its necessary for us to review what we have just learned in time.(保持句意基本不变)Its necessary for us to _ what we have just learned in time.77 . We must do something to stop the case from getting even worse.(改为被动语态)Something must_ to stop the case from getting even worse.78 . Mr. Smiths selects his words very carefully when he speaks in public.(保持句意基本不变)Mr. Smiths selects his words with _ when he speaks in public.79 . How does learning take place in our mind? Scientists are not quite sure. (改为宾语从句)Scientists are not quite sure how _ place in our mind.80 . for, at 10:30, New York, to leave, is expected, the first flight (连词成句)_.七、完成句子完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。81 . 为了赶上同学,玛丽学得更加努力。Mary studies harder_ up with her classmates.82 . 当你度假时,你应该尊重当地风俗。You should respect local customs when you_.83 . 中国因悠久的历史和丰富的文化而被熟知。China is known for its long history and rich_.84 . 在我们学校周围有许多古树。There are many old trees_.85 . 美丽的大自然依赖于每个人的保护。_depends on everyones protection.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. recommend B. based C. action D. while E. wholeMark Twains writing was86 . on his own childhood and his personal experience. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. It is a story filled with87 . ,adventure,ingenious(巧妙的)ideas,love,and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what Twain did or wishes he did during his childhood. The book is a little difficult to read at first. Perhaps,it will take you a little88 . to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. But on the whole,the book is an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly89 . this book for anyone looking forward to feeling young againComplete the follow

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