英语八年级上册Module12 Unit2同步检测

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英语八年级上册Module12 Unit2同步检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -What do you think of the show you saw last night?- Its so _ that I want to see it again.AexcitingBboringCtiringDterrible2 . Judy, how long does it take you to fly to England?Sorry, I dont know. But I can telephone my uncle to _it for you.AdoBcheckCcatchDfind3 . Its hot inside. Why not keep the door _?AopenedBopeningCto openDopen4 . She had a bad cold and didnt feel like _.AeatBeatingCto eatDto eating5 . Its my turn to _the school meeting on Sunday.AjoinBjoin inCattend inDattend6 . Please _ in class, boys and girls. Lets begin our class.AeatBnot talkCdont talkDnot sing7 . You must follow the rules to keep yourself _.AsaveBsafelyCsafetyDsafe8 . The teacher asked those boys _ so much noise.Ado not makeBnot makeCnot makingDnot to make二、补全短文5选5Paris a dream city for many people!9 . And from this summer, it will become a city of bicycles. On July 15 when Paris people wake up, they will find thousands of bikes are for rental (租赁).10 . If you want to use longer, you should pay a little money.The stations work day and night, seven days a week.11 . Encouraging people to ride bikes is good for the environment. 12 . A Paris official (官员) said, We think riding bikes may make Paris greener and quieter. With cleaner air, people can live better lives.13 . Lyon, Frances third largest city, started it two years ago. Other European cities like Stockholm and Brussels do the same.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A.You can ride them for free half an hour.B.It is a city of food and art.C.Paris is not the first French city to encourage people to ride bikes.D.There will be fewer cars on roads, so less pollution.E.People can return the bikes to any of the stations.A.You can ride them for free half an hour.B.It is a city of food and art.C.Paris is not the first French city to encourage people to ride bikes.D.There will be fewer cars on roads, so less pollution.E.People can return the bikes to any of the stations.三、阅读单选Earthquakes happen without warning (前兆). They can happen at any time of a day, at any point during the year. But dont worry because most of them are very weak and only a few big ones hurt people. When an earthquake is happening, you should know what to do and what not to do.Do NOT go outside immediately. You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings. If you are outside, stay away from buildings and power lines (输电线). Stay under a desk, table, or other strong furniture. Hold on to it. Or stay in a comer of the building. Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel or clothing. Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.Keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, andanything else that could fall and hurt you. Most people get injured by falling things during anearthquake, not by the shaking itself.Also keep away from a fire. You could fall down and bum yourself on the fire.If you are driving when an earthquake happens, stop the car if its safe. Stay inside your car until the earthquake stops, and dont drive near bridges. Try not to stop by power lines or trees. These could fall and hurt you.14 . It isnt safe for you to while the earthquake is happening.Arun out of the buildingBstay in a comer of the buildingCcover your head with your armsDcover your mouth with a towel15 . From this passage, we know_Amany people fear earthquakesBearthquakes maybe happen at any timeCwe cant save ourselves in an earthquakeDpeople never get injured in earthquakes16 . Most earthquakes are too to hurt people.AstrongBweakCdangerousDheavy17 . This passage tells us_ .Ahow dangerous the earthquake isBhow to keep safe in an earthquakeCwe shouldnt be afraid of the earthquakeDhow the earthquake comes into being18 . The best title for this passage should be “_”AHow Earthquakes HappenBHow to Drive a CarCWhat We Should Do in EarthquakesDWhy Earthquakes Happen四、句型转换改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。19 . It sounds like you have a fever.(改为否定句)It_ _you have a fever.20 . Mike looks like his twin brother, so people often call them by mistake.(改写句子)Mike _ _ his twin brother, so people often call them by mistake.21 . He is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)He isstudent in his class.22 . Mike didnt go fishing yesterday .He went skating instead.(合并为一个句子)Milk went skating _ ofyesterday.23 . My mother didnt do the housework and neither did I. (改为同义句)_ _ us did the housework.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语意思补全单词。24 . Its a good place to have _ (乐趣).25 . We are going to do some _ (家务活) for our grandparents.26 . Take some food and water. Lets go on a p_ this Sunday.27 . What are you going to do on Monday? My p_ is to go to the Forbidden City.28 . Who is going to _ (赢) the tennis match?单词拼写29 . We should guard _any possible danger around us. (对抗)30 . The important match will be covered _on CCTV 5. (直播)31 . A number of people in the street are busy for the _festival. (即将来临的)32 . .He knew a great deal of information by _(控制)the computer.33 . -Whose are these bags? -They are those _(德国人)六、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给单词的适当形式填空34 . In the future, there _ (not be) many schools.35 . It usually takes me half an hour _ (get) there by bus.36 . I dont like pop music because I think it is too _ (noise).37 . I think Beijing is one of the _ (beautiful) places in the world.38 . We are talking about how to stop the _ (pollute).39 . Do you think the _ (increase) population is the biggest problem in the world?40 . I want to have a chance _ (see) a famous concert.41 . I like that pet cat _ (call) Duoduo. It is so cute.42 . It took Linda an hour _ (do) her homework last night.43 . You should learn to make _ (note). Because it is good for you.七、完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。44 . 你迟到的理由不合情理。Your reason for being late doesnt _.45 . 我们学校至少有800名学生。There are _800 students in our school.46 . 李明经去过北京许多次了,难怪他对它这么了解。Li Ming has been to Beijing many times._he knows it so well.47 . 你上了火车后请给我发个短信。Please send me a(n)_when you get on the train.48 . 飞机突然向下倾斜,人们变得担心起来。The plane_,and the people became worried.八、单词填空综合填空,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺。How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some tips.On your way home or to school: wait for the g49 . traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, dont cross until it really s50 . . Dress in bright colors, so the drivers can see you c51 . .At school: when students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you f52 . down in a crowded place, cover your head w53 . both hands.When theres a fire: stay calm and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you dont breathe in s54 . . If your clothes catch fire, drop to the g55 . and roll from side to side to put out the fire.For eating: wash f56 . like apples or pears carefully before you eat them. Check the expiration dates (保质期) and if your food looks or smells b57 . , dont eat it.For riding on the escalator (自动扶梯): hold onto the handrails (扶手) and stand on the right side of the escalator because right arms are stronger. It is d58 . to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps are not designed for running.九、语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。There once was a farmer in a village. One day, he found that he had lost his watch in the barn(谷仓). 59 . looking for it everywhere in the barn, he still couldnt find it. So he 60 . (ask) a group of children for help. He told them 61 . they found the watch, they would be rewarded(奖赏). Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn. They looked 62 . (care) for the watch but still could not find the watch. Just when the farmer was about to give 63 . , a little boy went up to him and asked the farmer 64 . (give) him another chance. The farmer looked at him 65 . agreed. He sent the little boy back in the barn. A minute 66 . , the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The farmer was both happy and 67 . (surprise) and so he asked the boy how he succeeded while the other children had failed.The boy replied, “I did nothing but sit on the ground and listen. In the 68 . (silent), I heard the ticking(滴答声) of the watch and just looked for it in that direction.”十、多任务混合问题. 任务型阅读A few days ago, a baby in England saved her mother by using a mobile phone. The baby named Amelia was only 11 months old. How could she save her mother at such a young age?On that day, the twenty-year-old mother called Elizabeth became unconscious (昏迷的) at home. At that moment, the mobile phone rang. Amelia, the 11-month-old baby picked it up and answered it. The call was from Elizabeths mother, Linda Wright. Linda heard “Whos that?” and “mama” on the other end of the line. She knew that her daughter had a history of fainting (昏厥) and she also knew her daughter didnt let the baby play with the phone. So she called 999. Elizabeth was in hospital when she woke up. The doctor said that she was all right after the examination. Elizabeth was _ to find herself in hospital. When she knew that Amelia had saved her, she said she was lucky to have her baby. “She is clever,” Elizabeth said. “I am proud of her.”根据短文内容完成下列各项任务。任务一:回答问题。69 . How old is Amelias mother?_70 . Who made the call?_任务二:用适当的词填空。71 . Amelia calls Linda _.72 . _ called 999. 任务三:选词填空。73 . Elizabeth was _ to find herself in hospital.AsurprisingBsurprised第 8 页 共 8 页


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