英语九年级第一学期Unit 2 Traditional skills单元检测卷

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英语九年级第一学期Unit 2 Traditional skills单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. White wants to drink coffeesugar in it.AforBfromClikeDwith2 . Its difficult to remove the hook _ the fish in the cold water.AfromBofCtoDAt3 . Her father likesdinner but hatesthe dishes.Amaking; makingBdoing; doingCmaking; doing4 . I find _ hard to get on well with him.AitBthatCthisDhim5 . Janet _ be in the office now. She has gone to the meeting room.AmustntBmay notCcantDshouldnt6 . Many tourists _to the Great Wall every year.Yes, thats true.AattractBhave attractedCare attractingDare attracted7 . Cormorants large feet _ them quickly through the water.Aused to pushBare used to pushingCused to pushingDare used to push8 . He won several prizes, _ he was only 6 years old.AbeforeBalthoughCsinceDuntil9 . My parents often tell me_ too much junk food because its bad for my health.Anot eatingBnot to eatCto eat10 . Keep practicing singing every day, _your singing skills wont be improved.AandBsoCforDor11 . (题文)Its kind of you to give me a ride to the station_。AIt doesnt matterBNever mindCNo problemDMy pleasure12 . A computer is very popular and helpful . I think so. It _ in many different fields.AusedBwill useCis usedDwas used13 . Before you start this task, you _realize its importance.AmayBcanCought toDwould14 . Heplenty of money to the people in the earthquake area .Agave out; to give up wellBgave away; help out themCgave out; give them upDgave away; to help them out15 . I like _ weather,because I like making snowmen with my friends.ArainyBsunnyCwindyDsnowy16 . Its an_football game and everyone gets_.Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excitedDexciting; exciting17 . She hates people_dont help others when they have trouble.AwhoseB/CwhomDwho18 . Speak slowly, Mr. Wang. I cantfollowyou.AunderstandBhearClisten19 . I cant get into the office because I _ my keys at home.AleaveBam leavingChave leftDhad left20 . How beautiful your hometown is!Yes, trees and flowers _ everywhere.Acan be seenBcan seeCbe seenDcant see二、完型填空Choose the best words or expressions to complete the passage. How do you usually _ your vacation? Many Americans like to have their vacations in other countries. One day, an American woman came to Shanghai for vacation. This was her first time to visit Shanghai and she wanted to _ some friends here. In the street, she met a Chinese boy, Wang Tong. Wang Tong was only seven years old, but he always wanted to practise speaking English with _. So he came up and said hello to her, and then he began his first talk with a person from an English-speaking _. “How old are you?” Wang Tong asked. “Im sorry. Please dont ask a lady about her _,” she answered. Wang Tong was surprised. He didnt know why. Can you help him? 21 . AwatchBspendCfinishDarrive22 . AmakeBfindCinterviewDteach23 . AteachersBdoctorsCfriendsDforeigners (外国人)24 . AshopBcountryCnameDbook25 . AdinnerBageCjobDfamily三、阅读单选Mr. Black is short-sighted(近视的but he doesnt wear glasses, because he thinks it is not cool to wear glasses.It is Saturday and it is fine today. Mr. Black likes sunny days and he wants to take a walk. He puts on his black hat, takes his yellow bag and then goes out of his house. He walks on the street and looks around. The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the tree. Mr. Black feels very happy. Suddenly(突然), a strong wind blows away his hat. “Oh, my hat!” Mr. Black begins to run after it. He runs and the hat “runs”, too. Mr. Black feels surprised. An old man shouts(喊叫)at him from a window.“Hey!What are you doing?”“Running after my hat!”“Your hat? You are running after my black cat.”26 . Mr. Black doesnt wear glasses because.Ahe has no glassesBhe lost his glassesChe doesnt like to wear themDhe doesnt need to wear them27 . From the passage, we can know it istoday.ArainyBcloudyCsnowyDsunny28 . 画线部分”blows away”的中文意思是_.A带来B吹走C远离D紧跟29 . Mr. Black runs on the street because _.Ahe wants to get his hatBhe wants to get a catCan old man runs after himDhe wants to do some exercise四、完成句子Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。完成下列各小题每空格限填一词)30 . All of us know something about the traditional skill of cormorant fishing.(改为否定句)_ of us know _ about the traditional skill of cormorant fishing.31 . Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer.(改为反意疑问句)Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer,_?32 . Working in pairs offers the students chances to learn English from each other.(改为被动语态)Chances _ to the students to learn English from each other by working in pairs.33 . Well start early to arrive at the airport on time.(保持句意不变)Well _ early to arrive at the airport on time.34 . When will the next plane to Beijing take off? Could you tell me?(合并为一句)Could you tell me _ the next plane to Beijing _ take off?35 . We care for our physical health. We also care for our mental health.(保持句意不变)We care for our physical health as _ our mental health.36 . the telephone number, his, to remember, own, the little boy, way, has.(连词成句)_.根据汉语意思完成句子37 . 我们学校百分之九十的学生每天骑车上学。_ the students _ to school every day.38 . 学生很难通过使用网络提高学习成绩The students can _ improve their grades by _ the Internet.39 . 这个故事我读过几遍了。I have read the story _ times.40 . 大部分人每年看不了两次牙医。Most people go to the dentist _ two times a year.41 . 尽管本周安排很满,我还是会和家人共度周末。Ill spend the weekend _ my family _ its _ for me.42 . 上周老师问了我们一下假期计划的事情。Our teacher _ us _ the plans of the summer holidays last week.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文Aturn offBsafetyCfarDpullingElisten toTsunamis (海啸) do not happen very often, but when they do, they are very dangerous. For your43 . , you should know if you are in a tsunami area. If there is an earthquake, a tsunami could follow, so44 . a radio or watch TV for instructions. There may be as much as a two-hour warning or only minutes. You should get to higher ground and go as45 . island as you can.Sometimes, people at the shore see the water46 . back unusually far. This is called “draw back” and it can happen before a tsunami hits. Run in the other direction, away from the water.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从每个方框内所给的11个词汇中选择10个意义相符的词汇,必要时可加情态动词或者助动词,进行词形变化,填入空白处。Long long ago, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan went 47 . on the Eastern Sea. The girl 48 . very happy on the sea. But when she 49 . a good time, a strong wind rose on the sea and turned her boat upside down. She was thus drowned(淹死), but her spirit(灵魂)turned into a beautiful bird crying sadly in the sound “Jingwei, Jingwei”.Because she wanted 50 . her father again and hated the sea so much, she 51 . some stones into the sea day after day, without a rest, in order to 52 . the sea into the land(陆地).From this story comes the saying “The bird Jingwei trying to 53 . the sea”. The story is a little sad. But it 54 . us something important. When we do anything, we have to 55 . hard. For example, 56 . English is difficult. But if you study hard, you can learn it well. Do you think so?六、单词填空Confucius(孔子) is known nearly by every human. He is not the one with the longest lifespan, while he is the one whose thoughts has 57 . the whole world for the longest time. he is not only the greatest thinker 58 . the greatest teacher. He had about 3,000 students. For more than 2,000 years, 59 . ideas have been around in peoples everyday lives. Even they have gone far into east and south Asia, people can still hear them today. Why are his ideas so 60 . ? Because they help in everyday life and in society. Confucius most important ideas are kindness and good manners. Confucius said young people should take 61 . of the old. People should 62 . up thinking of themselves and work for others. As 63 . great teacher, Confucius said that a kind person should be 64 . with yourself. 65 . and honesty are the best actions of the world today. People use his ideas to help themselves and society. Now, more than 100 Internet web sites are teaching people about him.As the founder of Confucianism and a great master of culture in Chinese history, Confucius has become the66 . of Chinese culture and spirit.七、回答问题任务型阅读阅读下文并回答问题。People are playing video games everywhere they go these days, whether theyre riding a bus, waiting for the subway or sitting in a restaurant Some of them enjoy these games so much that they cant put them down.But is playing video games a healthy habit? The World Health Organization (WHO)doesnt think so.In June, it accepted gaming disorder”(游戏上瘾) as a mental(精神的) health problem in its International Classification of diseases(国际疾病分类), CNN reported.According to the International Classification of Diseases, “Gaming disorder”means continuous or longtime video-gaming behaviors.whether online or offline Of course,not everyone who plays video games has this disorder.It does have its main characteristics(特征).Jack Melville, one of the “gaming disorder”video game players, told China Daily that when he began playing video games, he promised himself to control the playing time less than one hour.But as he played video games more and more and got more pleasure from playing games, he couldnt control the time anymore and he even played video games through the night.Another middle school student, Camila Liran, had much trouble in her life because of “gaming disorder”.She used to have quite a few friends and like to join different school clubs However, playing video games caused serious problems to her normal life.She even argued and fought with her parents a lot because of playing too much video games.In fact, some countries are working to solve this problem.South Korean has made a law to stop children under 16 from playing online games between midnight and 6 am, USA.Today reported.Chinese tech company Tencent is also setting limits on the time that teenagers can play its games.Children between 12 and 18 years old can only play two hours per day.67 . Did WHO accept “gaming disorder”as a mental health problem?_68 . What is “gaming disorder”according to the International Classification of Diseases?_69 . According to the passage, what are the main characteristics of “gaming disorder”?(less than 25 words)_八、话题作文70 . Write a letter at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据所给情景写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)近几年,微信(Wechat)变得时尚而受欢迎,给我们的生活带来了很大的影响。请写一篇以微(Wechat)为题的短文,阐述你对微信的看法。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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