英语七年级上册Module1 综合单元测评卷

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英语七年级上册Module1 综合单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一Have nose in books. Dont sit there daydreaming.一OK, I will.AyourBourCitsDmy2 . This is a girl. _ name is Kate. She is _ friend. AHer; myBHis; youCHis; myDMy; her3 . Im Chinese, _ he is American.AtooBsoCorDand4 . All the students _ here and everyone _ happy.Aare; areBis; isCare; isDis; are5 . Lindas performance at the art festival was a(n) _ and was loved by her teachers and classmates.AsuccessBdreamCchanceDidea6 . -Is Daming a new comer of your class?-Yes, he is. _ I knew him two years ago.AAndBOrCButDSo7 . Here _ some flowers for you.AamBisCareDbe8 . Are they going to play table tennis?_. But they are going to play football.AYes, they areBNo, they arentCNo, they dontDYes, they do9 . We can see Sun Yangs swimming _ in many matches.AchancesBabilitiesCusesDhobbies10 . This is Gina and that is Kate._ my_.AShes;friendBShes;friendsCTheyre;friendDTheyre;friends11 . _are six and four?AHow manyBHow muchCWhichDHow12 . Is the young woman playing the violin?_AYes,she isBNo,she doesntCYes,she doesDNo,he isnt13 . Lets go to the concert tonight, Michael!Sorry, I _. I have to help my mother with the houseworkAmustntBmay notCneedntDcant14 . Please _ tomorrow morning.Acall I backBcall me backCcall back me15 . I wrote article for the writing competition .Aa 800-wordsBan 800 wordsCan 800-wordDa-800-words二、补全对话7选5A.Would you like to go there with me?B.My father is going to paint the wallC.I think I can forget about all the hard workD.Would you like to say something about it?E.what are you going to do this Sunday?F.Im going to visit my uncle.G.Mr. Brown will give us the lesson at four in the afternoonM:Well, Linda, were coming to the end of this week. I almost cant wait for the holiday.W:Me,too. Tom, 16 . M:Im going to climb the hills with my classmates.17 . and have a good rest. How about you?W:18 . You know he has a big farm in the countryside.M:Its great. Do you often go to see him?W:Yes. Once I am free, I will go there. The air is so fresh and everything is so quiet and clean. Will you be free next weekend?19 . M:Id love to,but Im afraid I wont have time. 20 . and repair the roof of our house. I have to help him.W:I see. Maybe you wont be free until summer vacation.三、完型填空How powerful are our brains? A Chinese science TV show called Super Brain has the _. The show is about talented people showing their great brainpower. What _things can they do? Lets take a look!_does it take you to work out a seven-digit number (7位数)multiply (乘以) a 10-digit number(10位数)? It _Tsujikubo Rinne, a 10-year-old girl from Japan, only a few seconds (秒). In Super Brain, her _talents surprised many people. Rinne is not the only talented competitor on the show. Wang Yuheng, 35, is a painter in Beijing. He surprised people with his talent of observing. On the show, there were 520 glasses of water on the stage. A judge (评委) _ a glass of water and gave it to Wang to look at. And then he put the water _ in its place. Wang needed to find this glass of water among the 520 glasses of water. Surprisingly, he did it _!“I cant tell _,” Wang said. “Maybe my imagination helps, just like when I am_.” Also, observing the bubbles (气泡) of the water and the light and dust of the environment (环境) make it special.21 . AideaBreasonCanswer22 . AdifferentBspecialCinteresting23 . AHow soonBHow muchCHow long24 . AtookBmadeCspent25 . AartBmathCChinese26 . AchoseBlikedCwrote27 . AaroundBupCback28 . AlonelyBquicklyCcarefully29 . AwhereBwhenCwhy30 . AteachingBpaintingCsinging四、阅读单选Peter is ten years old. One day his friend Paul says to him, “ Im going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Peter, would you like to come?” Peter asks his mother, and she says, “Yes, you can go.”Before Peter goes to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother says to him, “Peter, remember to be polite(有礼貌的). Dont ask for food. Wait until(直到才) someone gives it to you.” “All right, Mum.” Then Peter goes to Pauls home on his bike.There are a lot of children at the party. They play together for an hour, and then Pauls mother gives them some food, but she forgets to give Peter any. He waits politely and then he holds(举起) his plate(盘子) up and says loudly(大声地), “ Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”31 . Paul asks Peter to _.Aa friends birthday partyBa friends evening partyChis birthday partyDPeters birthday party32 . Which is wrong?APeter goes to the party by bike.BPaul asks many children to the partyCPauls mother gives every child some foodDPeter is polite33 . Peter asks the question loudly because _.Ahis happyBhe forgets his mothers wordsChe eats all his foodDhe wants to get food in a polite way(方式)Dear Helen,How are you in Canada? Im in Beijing now. I study in Heping Middle School. I like Beijing very much. But I dont like the weather in autumn here. It rains a lot and I feel very cold.I have two good friends here. They are Mary and Li Han. Mary is from America and Li Han is from China. We are in the same class. Mary is cute. She likes snowy days in Beijing. She likes the clean and beautiful snow. And she likes skating, too. Li Han is a smart boy. He often helps me with my Chinese. So I can speak Chinese well now. The teachers are all kind to me.For breakfast, I have juice and bread. Then I go to school at half past seven. After school I often play with my classmates in the park. We are happy every day. What about you?Yours.Jane34 . Where is Jane now?AIn Canada.BIn America.CIn China.DIn the UK.35 . Why DOESNT Jane like the weather in autumn in Beijing?ABecause it sometimes snows.BBecause it rains a lot and she feels very cold.CBecause its too hot.DBecause its too dry.36 . What does Jane think of Li Han?AHe is lazy.BHe is friendly.CHe is cute.DHe is smart.37 . What does Jane have for breakfast?ABread and eggs.BBread and juice.CRice and tea.DEggs and juice.38 . Which of the following is NOT true?AJane goes to school at 7:30 a.m.BMary comes from America.CJanes teachers are kind to her.DJane often skates with her classmates after school.五、句型转换根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。39 . Are you from America? (同义句转换)_ you _ from America?40 . Sally likes green very much. (改为否定句)Sally _ green at all.41 . The pants are my brothers. (对画线部分提问)_ the pants?42 . 他们是好朋友,他们经常相互帮助。(完成译句)They are good friends and they help _.43 . 这是一只可爱的猫,它的颜色是黑白色。(完成译句)This is a _ cat and _ color is black and white.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。44 . My Chinese book is on your desk, Mike. Pleasep_it to me.Here you are.45 . Last weekend Lily didnt go to the music club to practice the piano.N_did I. I stayed at home and looked after my sick brother.46 . Do you love orh_this kind of movie?47 . I cant find my pen. Can Ib_yours?Certainly. Here it is.48 . There are fivef_on each hand.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空49 . My cousin is afraid of _ (stay) at home alone.50 . A car _ (hit) the old tree last night.51 . Thank you for _ (tell) me about it.52 . She cried when she found _ (her) alone at home.53 . Miss Zhang took a watch out of _ (she) pocket and looked at the time.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。festival,eleven,eat,June,but,same,birthday,have,two,greenMy name is Helen.I have 54 . good friends,Jane and Jenny.Jane and I are 55 . Jenny is twelve.My birthday is on 56 . 15th.Janes birthday is on May 5th.And Jennys 57 . is on January 27th.I like 58 . ,59 . they like purple.I have milk and bread for breakfast,but they 60 . chicken and hamburgers for breakfast.Jane and Jenny are in the 61 . school.They have an art 62 . and a school trip every year.I 63 . School Day at my school every year.九、回答问题My name is Diana, and my sister is Gina. We have a volleyball , and we like it very much. We dont have a soccer ball. We often watch volleyball games on TV. But my father doesnt like volleyball. He is a writer(作家).He likes to read books.根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。64 . What is Dianas sisters name?_65 . What do they like?_66 . Do they have a soccer ball?_67 . Do they watch TV?_68 . What does Dianas father like?_十、材料作文69 . 某英语报面向全市初三学生征稿:MY HERO AND I,请根据下面提示,为该报写一篇英语短文。在初三的英语学习中,我认识了很多名人(请从Spud Webb, Anne Frank, Tan Dun, Audrey Hepbrirn, Jackie Chan and Neil Armstrong任选其一),征稿内容要涵盖以下所有要点。1. Who has impressed you most?2. What do you know about him/her?3. Why do you admire him/her?4. What have you learned from him/her?注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3.词数90左右,文章开头与结尾己经给出,不计入总词数。My Hero And IAfter learning the English text books of Junior Three, Im lucky to get to know many famous people in different fields, among whom has impressed me most._第 9 页 共 9 页

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