英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section B (3a--selfcheck)课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section B (3a--selfcheck)课时练习_第1页
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英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section B (3a-selfcheck)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A young man was found _ at the corner of the street. The police tried to find out how he_.Adying; diesBwas dying; deadCdead; diedDdied; died2 . The naughty boy deniedthe expensive vase when his parents asked him.AbreakingBbrokenCto breakDbreak3 . Please pick me at the _. My plane will arrive at 12 oclock.AhotelBairportCmuseumDtheater4 . Gina is an intelligent girl. She could _ Beijing Opera when she was five years old.AspeakBperformCtalkDreflect5 . I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotelshe has a pretty good _ of directionAideaBfeelingCexperienceDsense6 . Do you know the girl _ sunglasses?Athat wearBwho is wearingCwho is putting onDthat puts on7 . The plan has been underfor an hour.AdiscussionBrelationCtelevisionDinformation8 . Claire was _ to find that most of her classmates took a trip _ Mount Lao.Asurprising; ofBsurprised; ofCsurprised; toDsurprising; to9 . John _ eggs and bananas _ breakfast.Ahas; withBhave; forChas; for10 . Dont worry _ yourself . Drink some hot tea _ honey . Thank you .Aabout ; inBabout ; withCwith ; aboutDwith ; in11 . My grandparents like stories _ have happy endings.AtheyBwhoCwhichDwhom12 . We have rules _ the environment.AtakeBto take care forCto take care ofDcare for13 . Therea talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening.Ais going to beBis going to haveCwill haveDwill be having14 . The Peoples Republic of China was _ on October1st,1949.AfindBfoundCfoundedDfounding15 . Miss Black always makes her students _ in her English lessons.AinterestBinterestsCinterestedDinteresting二、完型填空Im Dave. Im from the west of Ireland. When I finished university, I _ to leave Ireland to find work. Although I _ home, I enjoyed living in London for two years. But after that, I felt I needed a _, so I bought a ticket to Ecuador, a country that many of my friends were talking about. Two months later, _ was in Quito, a beautiful city high up in the mountains. First, I explored (考察) the city. Next, I decided to walk on the Camino Real, the most important lnca road. It was hard work, _ the views (景色) were really wonderful. During the walk, there were more and more clouds and it was _ to see. Suddenly I heard some magical Irish music. It _ me of home. “How could it be?” I just _ believe it. I thought I was dreaming. The next day, when I came down for breakfast at my hotel, I _ found out the truth._ was practicing Irish music at the hotel garden (花园). It was an American tourist who was making the magical music of my home!16 . AchoseBforgotCansweredDrefused17 . AstoodBbuiltCmissedDchallenged18 . AreasonBresultCpredictionDchange19 . AIBitCheDshe20 . AorBbutCifDbecause21 . AhotBfreeCclearDdifficult22 . AremindedBtalkedCdescribedDheard23 . AmustntBneedntCcouldntDshouldnt24 . AagainBalwaysCunluckilyDfinally25 . AAnybodyBSomebodyCEverybodyDNobody三、阅读单选Starting from my second year of primary school, there was one event I hated every year: the piano recial(独奏会). I didnt want to practice a boring piece of music and was scared to perform in front of strangers. Each year I would ask my father if I could skip the recital just this once. And he would say something about building self-confidence and working toward a goal. So I was very satisfied when I stood in the church and watched my father play the piano during his very first recital. My father wanted to play music when he was small. But his mother couldnt afford lessons. Three years ago, when he retired, he asked the church music director,Charles, to take him as a student. Just before the recital, Charles told me my dad was playing the best Ive ever seen him . For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard, he simply looked down at his fingers. I wondered whether he would even begin. But the Aram Khachaturians melody began. It seemed that my father was so focused on the music that he didnt realize we were there. My dad made it through the melody and then through another song. Although he didnt have many skills , he made up for it in feelings. My 11-year-old son Jeff was there. So what did you think about your granddad? I asked Jeff later. He was great, Jeff replied. My father may not have reached his peak musically, but in his grandsons eyes, hes at the top of the mountain.26 . From the first paragraph, we know the writer _ .Apracticed the piano every dayBdidnt like to play the piano at allCwas confident at piano recitalDwas always working toward his goal27 . When watching his father play the piano, the writer felt _ .AworriedBsadChappyDproud28 . Which is NOT true about the writers father?AHe was poor when he was a child.BHe gave the piano recital the year he retired.CThe music teacher was proud of him.DHe had learned the piano for three years.29 . People liked the performance of the writers father because he .Aplayed with his feelingsBcommunicated with peopleCwas an old learnerDpracticed hard30 . What does the story tell us?ALearning an instrument is easy for old people.BSkills for playing an instrument arc not very important.CChildren should respect parents decisions.DNever give up your dreams no matter how old you are.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with proper words(填入适当的词,使句子内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):31 . Please be c_ when you drive a car in the busy street.32 . My father is a taxi driver. When he is working, he wears a u_.33 . Look, the duck is swimming s_. It is looking for something to eat.34 . At the sports meeting, Ben f_ down and broke his left leg.35 . Chinese people always have dinner together to c_ Chinese New Year.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . He is better at Chinese than I, but he does _ (bad) in Maths in his class.37 . There is a _ (day) report at the beginning of our English class in our school.38 . They spent as much time as they could _ (plan) the trip to New York before leaving.39 . Everything seems _ (happen) faster when you feel happy.40 . Do you know the _ (high) of the teaching building? About 15 meters.六、完成句子翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)41 . 我喜欢在空闲时间锻炼。I like to exercise _.42 . 父母经常说我们太年轻,不能自己做决定。Our parents often say that we are _ young _ decide for ourselves.43 . 迈克经常做鬼脸逗我们开心。(词数不限)Mike often _ to make us happy.44 . 昨天中午他在哪里等你?_ he _ for you at noon yesterday?45 . 听他弹钢琴多开心啊!(what)_ it is to listen to him playing the piano!46 . 他们对打篮球感兴趣。They are _ in _ basketball.47 . 我不同意你关于太空的看法。I dont _ you about space.48 . 当我们在广播上听到这个消息的时候,我们正在厨房吃晚餐。We _ dinner in the kitchen _ we heard the news on the radio.49 . 爸爸过去常常酗酒,但现在戒掉了。(词数不限)Dad _ too much, but he has stopped it now.50 . 这个慈善机构成立的目的是帮助城市里无家可归的人。(词数不限)The charity _ to help homeless people in the city.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空burn,hold,shallow,match,use up51 . Dont keep the candle _ all the time.52 . Can you light a candle with a _?53 . Dont _ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.54 . You should use a _ dish with water to do this experiment.55 . A candle _ is holding the candle.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。其中有两个单词多余。month, easy, bad, climb, medicine, health, advice, fruit, take, clean, interest, difficultTraveling is one of the most important activities. People have been 56 . in it for many years. Modern traffic (现代交通) develops fast, so traveling become much 57 . than before. Staying 58 . while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following 59 . may be useful (有用的) to you.Before leaving Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses. Take some 60 . with you. It can be useful when you get sick or have other problems. If you need to do lots of exercise like walking or 61 . during your trip, you should practice for weeks or62 . before you leave.While traveling Be sure not to eat 63 . food. Have enough time to 64 . a rest during your trip. Tapwater (自来水) is not safe, so drink bottled water and always 65 . the cover on the bottle.九、多任务混合问题Aleksander Kudajczyk was born in Poland. When he was four years old, he began to play the piano. He made a living by playing the piano in restaurants after he graduated(毕业) from a music school. Then he left for Britain and wanted to find a job for teaching piano. But he didnt. He had to work as a cleaner in a university (大学). But the 28-year-old cleaner didnt give up his music dream. He was always practicing the piano in an empty (空的) room when he was free. And the web camera (摄像头) in the room recorded (记录) it and many people in the university heard his playing. They couldnt believe (相信) their ears because he played so well. Later, he gave a concert in the chapel (小教堂) of the university and got great success. Now he is famous, but he hasnt stopped working as a cleaner. There must be a good future waiting for him. 根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。66 . He works as a piano teacher in a university in Britain.67 . He began to play the piano at the age of four. 任务二:处画线部分的中文意思是:68 . _任务三:将处画线句子翻译成中文。69 . _。任务四:回答问题。70 . Is he still a cleaner after he was famous in the university?_.十、书信作文71 . 书面表达假设你是玲玲,你的美国笔友Jane在写给你的信中,介绍了美国卡通人物的情况。请你根据以下提示给她回一封信。提示:1.美国的一些卡通人物也为许多中国孩子所熟知,如唐老鸭、米老鼠(Donald Duck,Mickey Mouse)。2.中国也制作了许多动画片。在所有中国的动画人物中,我最喜欢机智勇敢的猴王与哪吒(Monkey King and Nezha),因为不管多么凶恶的(ferocious)敌人总能被他们战胜。要求:80词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Jane,Thank you for telling me so much about Yours,Lingling 第 9 页 共 9 页

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