英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 1同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 1同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . On New Years Eve, people have _ big dinner with family and then welcome New Year.AaBanCtheD/2 . _ these her hats?No, they _.AIs; isntBAre; arentCAre; is3 . _?Idlikethebeefnoodles.AHowdoyoulikeBWhatdoyoulikeCWhatkindofnoodleswouldyoulikeDDoyoulikesomething4 . Dont ride too fast, David. _ the risk of an accident.ATake awayBWrite downCThink aboutDTry out5 . Both of my grandparents are in their eighties, and they_ looking after carefully.ArefuseBrepeatCrequireDreceive6 . If(如果) this is your backpack, please call Ann32467589.AinBatCof7 . I _ that we park the car here and walk into town.AsenseBexpectCforgetDsuggest8 . Mr. Black is very nice. We all like.AhimBherCitDthem9 . Who is Millie talking the Internet?Awith; onBon; withCwith; ofDin; with10 . Tom doesnt like the film_,but his parents like_Ahimself;itBitself;themselvesCitself;itDhimself;themself二、补全对话7选5A:Good morning!May I ask you some questions?B:Yes,of course!A:11 . B:Almost every day.A:What is your favorite program?B:12 . A:13 . B:The news.A:Why dont you like it?B:14 . I cant stand it.A:15 . B:They always make me laugh!AIts boring.BTwice a week.CWhat about comedies?DI like sitcoms best.EHow often do you watch TV?FI can learn a lot by watching it.GWhat do you dislike to watch?三、阅读单选Im Yang Fang. I have a good time in Foshan, Guangdong this month. Here Im with my cousin. His name is Han Yu. Every morning we play chess at home. Every afternoon we do Chinese Kung fu in Lu Jias martial(武术的) club. I like my teacher Lu Jia. He is old but he does Chinese kung fu very well.I also meet a reporter(记者) form CCTV in the martial club. Her name is Ai Tingting. She is from Harbin. She is twenty-nine years old. Her birthday is in the tenth month of the year. She can speak English and Chinese. And she can play the piano, draw, dance and play chess. She and Han Yu like the same thing travling(旅游). Its very interesting.16 . Han Yu and Yang Fang do Chinese kung fu .Aevery morningBat homeCevery eveningDin Lu Jias martial club17 . What can we know about Ai Tingting?AShe is from Foshan, Guangdong.BShe cant speak English.CShe can play the piano.DHer birthday is in December.四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required ( 句型转换)18 . She has some beautiful dresses. (改为否定句)She _ beautiful dresses.19 . My father attended lots of meetings last year. (改为一般疑问句)_ your father _ lots of meetings last year?20 . The Browns came to China in 1980. (对划线部分提问)_the browns come to China?21 . He has some beautiful pictures. (改为感叹句)_pictures he has!22 . on the way to, happened to, Mr Johnson, a, see, work, robbery. (连词成句)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)23 . The boy is from Japan. He speaks J_.24 . We think its r_ to stare at others.25 . Chinese medicine is very popular in w_ countries like the USA and England.26 . I think we should try using a different m_again.27 . I often take n_ in English class, and I write down important words and sentences.28 . Her works were bad and below the required s_.29 . You should(应当) c_ your homework. Perhaps(或许) there are mistakes(错误) in it.30 . Everything is not f_ to me, for I come here for the first time.31 . Do you know the proverb One f_ cant lift a small stone.?32 . Some E_ visitors came to our school last month.33 . My sister can speak J_very well. She has lived in Japan for three years.34 . Dont be r_when you talk to your parents and teachers.35 . In w_(西方) countries people play jokes on each other on April Fools Day.36 . She invented a new m_ of teaching English.37 . Tom, to take n_in class is a good habit for you!六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空38 . Scientists _(discover) many other galaxies in the universe since a long time ago.39 . Lucy has finished _(make) the model of the space station.40 . We all have got an A in the test._(real)? Congratulations.41 . We are trying _(get) good marks.42 . Please drive as _(careful) as possible.七、完成句子根据所给的中文意思完成句子,每空一词。43 . 当你去国外旅游的时候,遵守你所去的国家的习俗是很重要的。When you are traveling abroad, _ important to follow the _ of the country which you are visiting.44 . 很抱歉让你失望了,我没能赢得这次比赛。Im sorry to _ you _. I failed to win the competition.45 . Peter购物回来时顺便拜访了他的朋友。Peter _ to visit his friend when he came back from shopping.46 . 青少年在面对人生选择时应该由自己做出决定,而不是由他们的父母来代替他们作决定。Teenagers should make up their own minds when they are facing life choices _ their parents making the decisions for them.47 . 电影我和我的祖国自2019年10月份开播以来受到数百万人的欢迎。The movie The Country and Me has become popular among _ of people _ it was shown in October of 2019.第 5 页 共 5 页

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