英语九年级全册Unit 6 Movies and Theatre单元测试卷

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英语九年级全册Unit 6 Movies and Theatre单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats wrong,Jenny? I _ my textbook at home.AforgetBforgotCleaveDleft2 . You should eat _ vegetables every day. Its good for your health.AenoughBa littleClittleDfew3 . -What do you think of the hospital? -Great ! Patients heregood treatment.Ahave givenBare givingCare givenDwill give4 . Lucy will _ this afternoon .youd better be at home before 6 pm.Acome overBtake offCput awayDpick up5 . Nowadays many new taxi apps(打车软件)_ to help people travel around more easily.Aare usedBuseCusedDis used6 . Whos responsible_cleaning the classroom?AwithBofCforDabout7 . On my way home I watched Lucy games with her friends.AplayBplayingCto playDplays8 . His favourite _ is blue.AfoodBcolourCsportDclass9 . -Is this your ruler?-No, it isnt. Its _.AhesBherChisDshe10 . Oh, its too difficult for me _ the task in such a short time.Cheer up! I am sure you can.AfinishBfinishedCto finishDfinishing二、阅读单选Superhero movies and TV shows are very popular today. A new study shows something is missing from superhero stories, though. Most popular superheroes are men. The new study says kids want to see more superheroes who are women. The study was done by two groups. One is the Womens Media Center. The other is BBC America. The Womens Media Center is a charity(慈善)group. It fights for fair treatment(待遇)of women in things like TV and movies. BBC America is a TV channel. More than 2,000 people took part in the study. Some were kids aged from 10 to 19. Others were the parents of younger children. Not Enough Strong Woman CharactersThe study shows that most girls feel there are not enough female role models in entertainment(娱乐). They think there should be more strong female characters. They want to see superheroes that look like them. Boys answered questions in the study, too. Most agreed with the girls. They want to see more female superheroes, like Wonder Woman. Julie Burton runs the Womens Media Center. She said TV and movies had to make changes. They must provide more role models for girls. Female characters should reflect(反映)girls of all different backgrounds, she said. It is important for all to see people who look like them in entertainment. Helping Girls Feel More Brave and ConfidentBurton said seeing strong female characters is important for girls. It helps them build confidence. These characters give girls someone to look up to, she explained. This can inspire girls. It can also help them to feel brave. Sarah Barnett agrees. She runs BBC America. If you cant see her, you cant be her, Barnett said. The study asked girls how they feel when they see powerful female characters on screen. The results were interesting. They showed that seeing female characters has a big effect on girls. Boys like seeing male superheroes on screen. But the study showed the effect on boys was smaller. Maybe that is because seeing male superheroes is pretty common. Female superheroes are rarer. Seeing them is more exciting. More Women in EntertainmentThe report is a part of a new plan at BBC America. It is called #Galaxy Of Women. The goal is to improve how women are shown in entertainment. The study came out the day after BBC America started a new season of Doctor Who. It is a popular science fiction show. The Doctor is an alien(外星人)who can travel through time and change bodies. Twelve different actors have played the Doctor since the show started in 1963. This season, the Doctor is a woman, played by Jodie Whittaker. This is the first time the Doctor has been played by a woman.11 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe study was done by Mens Media Center and BBC.BThere are enough women superheroes in entertainment.CJulie Burton believes TV and movies need to make changes.DMore than 2,000 kids aged from 10 to 19 took part in the study.12 . What do the underlined sentences mean? Maybe that is because _.Amale superheroes are strong, and female superheroes are pretty.Bthere are more chances to see male superheroes compared to female ones.Cseeing male superheroes is more exciting than seeing female superheroes.Dit is less likely to see male superhero characters than female ones on screen.13 . Why did BBC America start the #Galaxy Of Women?ATo make sure there was a woman Doctor on screen.BTo better the way women appeared on TV and films.CBecause BBC America had a new plan and it was a part of it.DBecause the new season of science fiction Doctor Who was popular.14 . Whats the best title for the passage?AIs It Good to See Superheroes?BMore Superheroes, More confidenceCMore Strong Female Characters or Not?DScience Fiction and Women Characters三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。everywherespellbluetomatounder15 . I think the book _ the desk is Jennys. You can ask her.16 . _ are red fruit. We can eat them in salad.17 . Excuse me! Can you _ the word “mess”?18 . I look _, but I cant find my lost key.19 . I think _ is good on you. You can take this shirt.四、多任务混合问题Like every successful person, Lang Lang went through years of hard and lonely practice before making his name. He began to take piano lessons at the age of three. With great talent, he won his first competition at the age of five. Langs father pushed little Lang very hard to succeed. When he was nine, Lang went to learn music in Beijing. His father even quit(离职) his job and moved to Beijing with his son.Then came the difficult time. “I got fired(开除) by the piano teacher six months later. It totally destroyed my piano dream.”Lang recalled(回忆). Hearing_about_his_sons_failure,_Langs_father_was_so_angry_that_he_told_Lang_to_jump_off_a_building! Of course Lang didnt jump, and pressure(压力) soon changed into power. His big break came at the age of 17, when he won worldwide fame(名声) at “Gala of the Century”, a wellknown concert in Chicago, U. S. Lang said it was his true love of music and the piano that made him keep working.“At the age of two, I fell in love with the piano when I saw Tomthe cat playing it in the cartoon,” said Lang.“Today, playing classical(古典的) music on the piano is still the happiest thing in the world for me.”(26题完成句子;2728题简略回答问题;29题将文中画线句子译成汉语;30题找出并写下全文的主题句。)20 . Lang Lang began to take piano lessons at the age of _.21 . When did Lang Lang win his first competition?_22 . Where did he go to learn music when he was nine?_23 . _24 . _五、汉译英:单词/短语完成句子25 . 贴满布告的墙是我们的。 The wall_ is_.26 . 他需要自己的一个卧室。He needs a bedroom _.27 . 从这里开车到市中心需要10分钟。It _ ten minutes_ the city center from here.28 . 谁明天帮你学地理?Who _ you _ your geography tomorrow?29 . 为什么不带他们参观一下我们当地的剧院?_ them around our local theatre?30 . 无锡以太湖而出名。Wuxi is_the Taihu Lake.第 6 页 共 6 页

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