七年级仁爱版英语上册:Unit3 Topic3 训练试题

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七年级仁爱版英语上册:Unit3 Topic3 训练试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old town of Lijiang is famous for its old buildings and local culture, so many _come to visit it every year.AtouristsBteachersCworkersDreporters2 . Excuse me, waiter, where is the washroom?_AThanks a lotBPlease this wayCYou can find it by yourselfDSorry, I dont know3 . When he walks _ my desk, he often knocks my books _ the desk.Apass; offBpast; offCpass; onDpast; on4 . -.- Yes. R-U-L-E-R, ruler.AWhats this?BCan you spell it?CIs this your ruler?5 . I havent been to America. _!AMe tooBMe as wellCNeither I doDMe neither6 . -How was your history class?-It was boring. Many students felt _ during the class.AsleepingBasleepCsleepDsleepy7 . It was said that some spacecraft have gone_ the solar system.AintoBbeyondCoutDtowards8 . He took down the old map on the wall and _ a new one instead.Aput down Bput onCput off Dput up9 . -How do you do? -_AHow are you ?BFine, thank you.CHow do you do?DHere you are.10 . - Miss Li, could you give me _ on English learning?- Certainly. First you should speak English every day.Aany advicesBmany advicesCsome advice二、完型填空Lisa is an English girl. She is young. She is fifteen_old now. Her mom is_actor. Lisa is very nice._hair is long and blond. Her eyes_blue and big. Her_like her very much.Lisa looks like Huang Yongmei,_good actor. The actor_Hong Kong. Lisas favorite color is red. She is often(经常) in red. Now she is in Beijing Renai_Lisa likes_, oranges and bananas._is her good friend? Oh, she is Sally.11 . AyearB/CyaersDyears12 . AaB/CtheDan13 . AHersBSheCHerDHis14 . AamBisC/Dare15 . AmomBfriendsCdadDstudents16 . AaB/CanDthe17 . Acome fromBfromCis fromDin18 . AschoolBclassCgradeDSchool19 . AappleBapplesCapleDapplees20 . AWhoBWhoseCWhereDHow三、阅读单选Hello, boys and girls! My name is Linda. Nice to meet you! My favorite(最喜欢的)color is red. My jacket, my cup and my pencils are red. My quilt is red, too. Hi, Im He Qiang. Im a boy. My English name is Jack. Look! This is my clock. Its white and black. That is my pen. Its blue. Good morning! My name is Lucy. Im an English girl, Nice to meet you! This is my jacket. Its yellow. This is my eraser. Its yellow , too. My favorite color is yellow. 21 . _ is a boy.ALindaBHe QiangCLucyDMary22 . She is Linda, Her _ is red.AjacketBclockCeraserDpen23 . He is _ . His clock is white and black.AHe QiangBTomCLindaDLucy24 . She is Lucy, What color is her eraser?AIts black and white.BIts yellow.CIts red.DIts blue.25 . _ and _ are two girls.ALinda; JackBLinda ;LucyCLucy; JackDLucy; He QiangThe French have special meal etiquette(礼仪). If you plan to go on holiday in France, why not read the following tips? They can make you feel good when you visit a French restaurant or are invited to a French house.Breakfast in FranceFrench meals are quite similar to those in the rest of the western world. The breakfast is lighter than elsewhere. Milky coffee or hot chocolate are also classics. Contrarily (相反地) to what happens in British families.Lunch in FranceLunch was traditionally the main meal of the day in France, this is why the French still usually take more than one hour to have lunch. In big cities, lunch looks more like those in the UK or in the USA, being a sandwich or fast-food meal.Dinner in FranceIn France, the dinner has become the main meal of the day over the last couple of years(过去几年), as the lunch is now often made of a simple sandwich or salad.The French dinner is made up with the starter(开胃小吃), main dish, cheese often with salad or fruit, dessert and coffee.26 . Breakfast is not very important in _.AFranceBthe UKCthe USADthe western world27 . Traditionally, _ was the main meal of the day in France.AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDafternoon tea28 . Why has the dinner become the main meal of the day now?ABecause the French want to have more food.BBecause the French have enough time at noon.CBecause the lunch is often simple.DBecause the dinner is the most delicious in a day.29 . Which is NOT true according to the passage?AFrench meals are similar to the rest of the western world.BBreakfast is more important in the UK than in France.CPeople eat fast-food meals in big cities in France.DThe French people have little time cook dinner.30 . What is the main idea of the passage?AHow to make three mealsBThree meals in FranceCDifferent kinds of food in FranceDThe most important meal in France四、阅读判断Mary is an American girl. She comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work.Mary is in No.5 Middle School. She gets up early every day. She is never late for school. She studies hard. She often helps us with our English, and we often help her with her Chinese. She likes singing, swimming, running, jumping, riding and playing basketball. She makes many friends here. Were very glad to stay with her.On the weekend, she often helps her mother clean the house, wash the dishes or do some shopping. She likes Chinese food very much. She likes living here. She likes us and we all like her, too.判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写A,错误的写B。31 . Mary likes singing and playing basketball.32 . She often helps her mother clean the house on weekdays .33 . Mary never gets up late.34 . Mary often helps us with our Chinese.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空V根据句意及汉语提示写出单词35 . I want to get some money from the_(银行)36 . Westerners often go to_(教堂)on Sunday37 . There are many_(著名的)museums in Beijing38 . You can enjoy many beautiful_(油画)in the gallery39 . The_(铁路)station is not far from the museum六、用所给单词的正确形式填空40 . People seldom achieve success unless they have fun in what they_. (do)41 . Anyone who knows about the world-famous scientist Steven Hawking can see that, in his small and weak body, he_a big heart. (carry)42 . Look at these footprints! Someone_into our garden. (step)43 . The dishes _ on the table as soon as theyre prepared. (lay)44 . Seeing so many reporters and fans waiting to interview him outside, Dimash said, Im more nervous right now than when I _. (sing)45 . -Why are you going there now?-Why? At least_ him leaving. (prevent)46 . It will be much easier for people in Jiangyin to go out after the High-speed Rail_. (build)47 . -Are you wasting time on computer games again, Sam?-Not really. I _ a lot and I do need a break. (study)七、完成句子这是一个失物招领箱。This is a _ _ _ _.八、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空中填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(每空2分,计10分)A: Excuse me! 49 . , please?B: My name is Alice Green. And whats your name?A: Wang Hong. 50 . ?B: How do you do?A: Whats that in English? Is that a pear?B: 51 . Its an apple.A: 52 . B: A-P-P-L-E. A: 53 . ?B: Its red.A: Thank you very much.第 7 页 共 7 页


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