英语九年级全册Unit 2单元测试卷

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英语九年级全册Unit 2单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 22,Tom set up a company of his own.AAt the age ofBAt the end ofCOn the morning ofDIn the year of2 . He said he had an important meeting _.AattendingBto joinCto attendDwill join3 . Mr. Wang together with his students often _ to the park.AgoBgoesCwentDwill go4 . He thought hard and then _ a good idea.Acome up withBcame up withCcome afterDcame after5 . -Im looking forward_taking a holiday in Hainan.-So am I. Its great to be_holiday there.Afor, onBto, atCto, onDfor, at6 . If you see the cartoon films, you will _ laugh.Abe madeBmakeCmake toDbe made to7 . He devoted all his life _ children.Ato educatingBeducateCeducation DEducational8 . National Day celebrations for Chinas seventieth birthday in about three months.Awill be heldBwill holdCis heldDwas held9 . I boughtChina Daily from a street-corner machine this morning.Aa page ofBa piece ofCa copy ofDa book of10 . Why are you angry with Cathy?I saw her _ my things yesterday.Alooking throughBlooking afterClooking outDlooking forward to11 . This bus doesnt go to the train station. Im afraid youll have to _ at Liubei Stop and take BRT Line 1.Aturn offBcut offCgo offDget off12 . Lucy,I cant see clearly. Please _ the light.Aturn upBturn onCturn offDturn down13 . Drinking too much _ your health.Ado harm toBis harm toCdoes harm toDdo harmful to14 . Many families in China dont have TV sets in_.A1970sBthe 1970Ca 1970sDthe 1970s15 . The phone rang just_ he walked out of the shower.AwhileBwhenCsinceDas16 . What _ would you like?Well, do you have hats here?AotherBanotherCelseDothers17 . Did Rick get to school earlier than Jim this morning?No. In fact, he got to school as as Jim .AearlyBearlierCearliest18 . _, CocaCola began to enter Chinas markets.AIn the 1990sBIn 1990sCIn the 1990sDIn 1990s19 . Have a look at my new scarf. How do you like it? It looks beautiful and _. I like it very much.Afeels softBfeels softlyCis felt softDis felt softly20 . My sister takes a great interest _ stamps.Ato collectingBin collectingCto collectDcollecting二、完型填空完形填空。Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys _ to watch.“What are you doing?” asked one of the_.“We plan to dig a hole all the way through Earth!” one of the brothers answered _.The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all through Earth was _.After a long silence, one of the diggers _ a jar full of spiders, worms and a wide types of insects. He removed the lid (盖子) and _ the wonderful things to the visitors.Then he said quietly and _, “Even if we dont dig all the way through Earth, look at what weve found along the way!”Their goal was far too ambitious (有雄心的), but it did cause them _. And that is what a goal is _ to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen.But not every goal will be fully _. Not every job will end _. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every _ will be realized.But _ you fall short of aim(达不到目标), perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look at what Ive found along the way! Look at the _ things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!”It is in the digging that _ is lived. And I believe it is joy in the journey, and in the end that truly matters.21 . AwentBranCstoppedDfollowed22 . AvisitorsBworkersCbrothersDdiggers23 . AangrilyBexcitedlyCslowlyDluckily24 . AdifficultBharmfulCuselessDimpossible25 . Adealt withBpicked upCworked outDshowed off26 . AshowedBthrewCgaveDoffered27 . AcomfortablyBwildlyCnormallyDconfidently28 . Ato digBdiggingCdoingDto do29 . AagainstBforCwithDat30 . AchangedBachievedCtoldDstated31 . AeasilyBobviouslyChealthilyDsuccessfully32 . AdreamBmistakeCadviceDstep33 . AhowBwhereCwhyDwhen34 . AterribleBsadCromanticDwonderful35 . AlieBlifeCEarthDtrouble三、阅读单选Dou Kou,a Chinese boy,is called “the youngest writer in the world”He has written 3 books.Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu Province in 1994.When he was 7 months old,his parents started working in over 30 different cities,such as Xian and Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him many things to think and write about.When Dou Kou was 9 months old,he could speak. At the age of one, he could say five to six hundred words. At 3,he could look up words in the dictionary. At 4,his father taught him how to learn something by himself. His parents like reading very much. So does he. At the age of 5,he began writing fairy tales (童话)His fairy tales are all from his life. One day,he found many mice in the house. They not only ate their food but also hurt his mothers hand. So he thought,“If we give mice the stomachs of cows,theyll eat grass and theyll be helpful to people.” This was his first fairy tale ChangeStomachsforMice.At 6,he wrote a novel about his own life in different cities with his parents.Now,he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book called EyesofChildhood. He says,“I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books.”36 . How many books has Dou Kou written?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.37 . Because of _,Dou Kou could write his books.Ahis motherBhis fatherCthe school lifeDthe life in different cities38 . Dou Kou began to use a dictionary _.Awhen he wrote fairy talesBbefore his father taught him how to learn something by himselfCafter he went to schoolDafter his father taught him how to learn something by himself39 . The underlined (画线的) sentences at the end of the passage show us that _.ADou Kou is different from other childrenBDou Kou doesnt tell the truthCDou Kou is the same as other childrenDDou Kou likes his books40 . Which is the best title of this passage?AThree Books by a ChildBHow to Write Fairy TalesCHow Clever the Boy IsDDou Kou,the Youngest WriterHundreds of people did not get their train tickets through the online train ticketing service after paying the money.The China Railway Customer Service Center said that it would try to solve the problem and return the money in 15 working days.The service center said changes would be made to the online booking system which limited(限制) each purchase which is finished in 30 minutes. Many people said that they failed to book tickets because of the time limit in purchase.People who paid without getting their tickets have formed groups on QQ. As many as 400 people had joined the QQ group by Thursday and the group continues to grow.The ticket buyers said their money had been returned through online banks but they didnt get confirmation(确认) from the online booking system.They are afraid that they will not be able to get refunds(退款) because they dont have the order number given to those who have succeeded in booking. People also said they were unable to inquire(查询) through the booking hotline 12306, because it is almost always busy.The China Railway Customer Service Center Website suggested that the online banks didnt return the payment information to the online booking system because of network problems.The online railway booking service was made by the Ministry of Railways on Dec. 21, in order that people can easily buy train tickets during the Spring Festival.41 . What happened to the train tickets buyers after paying the money?AThey didnt join the QQ group.BThey didnt search the Internet.CThey didnt find the order number.DThey didnt get their tickets.42 . How long should people finish booking tickets?AIn an hour. B. In half an hour.BIn 15 days. D. In 30 hours.43 . According to the passage,which is Not true?AThe people who didnt get tickets can get their money back.BPeople cant inquire their booking through the hotline 12306.CPeople can easily book train tickets online without any problems.DThe online booking system didnt get the payment information.44 . What does the word “grow” mean in Chinese?A种植 B. 扩大 C. 生产 D. 减小45 . Why did many people join the QQ group?AThey want to get back their refunds.BThey wanted to book the train tickets.CThey wanted to chat with each other.DThey want to get the payment information.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。46 . We are sure our homeland will be even _(good) tomorrow.47 . If we dont start out now, we must risk _ (miss)the train.48 . There are many trees _(plant).49 . Mr. Jiang is a learned person, and he has a lot of _(know).50 . Be careful _ (not fall) off the ladder.B)根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。51 . The man gave away eight _(百) of his books to the primary school in the countryside.52 . Details decide _(成功) or not. If we take everything seriously, well achieve our goals.53 . Do you like the novels_(写) by Mark Twin?54 . It was surprising that the boys team was _(打败) by the girls.55 . She didnt feel like _(饲养) so many dogs.五、完成句子56 . 我们昨天四点半回家的。We _ at half past four yesterday.57 . 别为我担心,我会没事的。Dont _ me. Ill be all right.58 . 努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。Work hard, and your dream will _.59 . 这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。This kind of toy car is _ in the shop.60 . 这本书讲述了坏人如何为自己的行为付出代价。The book tells us how bad people _ their actions.六、信息匹配栏是5个人的爱好描述,栏是5本受欢迎的书籍,请从A-E中为每个人选择最适合的阅读书籍,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。(_1_)66. Bob is going to have a five-day holiday and he wants to learn about the capital of China.(_2_)67. Sue will have her first baby soon. She doesnt know how to be a good mother.(_3_)68. Jack cant speak English well. He needs some help from the book.(_4_)69. Lily is interested in buying something to make her room beautiful.(_5_)70. Ming loves pandas very much. And he would like to know something about their life.ATips on Looking After BabiesBThe Pandas Daily LifeCCrack the Nuts of EnglishDHow to Decorate* Your RoomEGuide to Beautiful Beijing七、话题作文61 . 请将短文写在答题卡相应的位置上。如今,机器人已经从一个梦想中的角色,真正地走入了人类生活。针对目前市面上机器人的不同功能,某校学生做了相关调查并统计如下表。其中,90%的机器人可以帮助做家务, 35%的机器人可以帮助学生学习。请你用两段话写一篇短文,第一段简要说明图表内容,第二段请谈一谈,如果将来你有一个机器人,你希望它能干什么呢?并陈述理由。要求:1.词数不少于 60 词;2.开头已给出,不计入总词数;3.文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名。参考词汇:娱乐聊天 chat and play第 10 页 共 10 页

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