英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit 2同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit 2同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -What are you going to do two days? -Not only LI Jun but also I about to prepare for the coming sports meeting.Ain; amBfor; areCin; are2 . _his stay in Paris, he lived with his friends.AInBWithCDuringDOn3 . _ great progress shes made in the past month!Exactly. To my _, shes really changed a lot.A How, surprised BWhat a, surpriseC What, surpriseDHow a, surprising4 . Whats this in English?AThis is a rulerBThats an appleCIts a jacketDits a jacket5 . _ elephants, we must stop buying things _ of ivory.ATo protect, makingBProtecting, makingCTo protect, madeDProtecting, made6 . Who taught English last term? Miss White.AheBhimChisDhimself7 . -The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it?-Oh, it is_books.Aused forBcovered withCfilled withDasked for8 . He doesnt like_, but he enjoys_.Asing; danceBto sing; to danceCsinging; to danceDto sing; dancing9 . I have a _.You shouldnt eat too much candy.AtoothacheBheadacheCbackache10 . I find _ hard for me _ the work in such a short time.Im afraid not, but you can try your best to do it.Athat; to finishBit; finishCits; to finishDit; finishing11 . Tony feels _ because Amy didnt invite him to the tea partyAtiredBexcitedCboredDunhappy12 . The school library is all kinds of books.Afilled withBcovered withCstrict inDsurprised at13 . East or west, home is best. Thats why more and more people prefer their parents to _travelling during holidays.Avisiting; goingBvisiting; goCto visit; goingDto visit; go14 . They enjoyed Chinese popular songs.Ato listen toBlistening toClisteningDto listen15 . _conversations with others is one of the secrets to _a successful learner.APractice; becomeBPractice; becomingCPracticing; becomingDPracticing; become二、补全对话6选5补全对话(方框中有一项是多余的)A:Good morning,Li KaiWhat did you do last night?B:3116 . A:Whats the name of it?B:Lost in Thailand(人在囧途之泰囧)A:Oh,I know it3217 . B:YesWang Baoqiang is very famous in China nowA:Youre right3318 . When he was fourteen years old,with only 500 RMB,he left his family and started a life in BeijingB:Wow ! 3419 . A:Sure!Im his fanHe is my favourite film starI collect a lot of films about himB:Great!I also like his films3520 . A:No problemHe is from the countryside.Can I see his film with you?Wang Baoqiang stars(担任主角)in the film.When did he marry?You know a lot about him.I went to the cinema to see a funny film.三、完型填空The second season of _Got Talent was over. Robotic dancer(机械舞者) Zhuo Jun _ the best in him and beat seven other finalists(参加决赛者) and became the best _at last. His dream _as he was titled(赋予称号) “Chinas 2011 Talent”.Zhuo Jun was born in a small village in 1991. There are four people in his family, his parents, his sister and him His parents _ farmers. They dont know how to dance. Zhuo Jun began to learn dancing by himself when he was 18. Like many other young people, Zhuo Jun began to love dancing _watching Michael Jacksons dancing. He likes dancing very much. He learnt dancing_ videos and computers. When he was in senior high school, though there was much homework to do, he spent some time_dancing every day.Zhuo Jun is a hard-working boy. He often practices a dance many times. He is also a confident(自信的) boy. Before h e won the competition, he said“dont chase (追赶)_, but rather try to compete against myself” He is a modest(谦虚的) boy. When Zhou Libo praised(表扬) him as a talent, he said he just spent much _time than most people.21 . AChinaBChinasCChineseDchinas22 . Atook outBbrought outCcame outDfound out23 . AperformBwinCperformerDwinner24 . Acame outBcame trueCcame inDcame down25 . Aare allBall areCare bothDboth are26 . Abecause ofBbecauseCsoDthough27 . AonBinCthroughDby28 . ApracticeBpracticesCpracticedDpracticing29 . AothersBthe otherCotherDanother30 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost四、阅读判断阅读理解Heat(热量) comes from many things. Heat comes from the sun. Heat comes from gas(气体). Heat comes from oil( 油). When wood burn,t makes heat, too.We use heat in many ways. We use it to cook. We use it to keep warm. We use it to dry(使干) things.Your body (身体) makes heat. Put your hand on your head. Does it feel hot? Your body is like a stove(炉). It does not burn wood. It burns food. Food helps you keep warm.根据短文判断正误31 . Heat is important to us.32 . We can get heat from many things.33 . We burn wood to get heat.34 . We bum our bodies to make heat.35 . We use heat only to keep ourselves warm.五、句型转换根据要求改写句子,每空填一个单词。36 . Linda has a ping-pong bat.(改为一般疑问句)_Linda_a ping-pong bat?37 . Do they like hamburgers?(作肯定回答)_, they _.38 . How much is this red skirt?(同义句转换)_ the _ of this red skirt?39 . My birthday is on August 12th.(对划线部分提问)_ is _ birthday?40 . Maria likes geography because its interesting.(对划线部分提问)_ does Maria _ geography?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空B)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。41 . Believe us!We can finish the work with the _(最少的)money.42 . We often borrow novels and _(杂志)from our school library.43 . The _(努力)you work,the more progress youll make.44 . There were so many people in the park,so it was very _(拥挤的).45 . A bird flew into the kitchen _(穿过)the window. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词46 . There will be a _ (阵雨) the day after tomorrow.47 . Li Min met a _(可怕的) storm on her way home yesterday.48 . It might be _(下雨的).49 . Youre j_ ! There cant be rain today.50 . In winter, we often go s_ on the river. Its great to play on the ice.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)51 . Police are investigating a series of bank _ in the city centre.(robbery)52 . There are _ ways of solving this maths problem.(variety)53 . The situation has improved in _ years.(recently)54 . Hearing the _ news, Kitty couldnt help bursting into tears.(excitement)55 . A large number of trees were _ destroyed in the storm last night.(serious)56 . The headmaster made a _ on the opening ceremony of our Sports Day.(speak)57 . The firemen didnt give a second _ to their personal safety in fighting the fire.(think)58 . Patrick was _ of his ability to get the work done by himself.(confidence)八、单词填空Mrs. Marks bought a printer yesterday. She was h59 . because she could print anything she wanted at any time. H60 . , after about an hour, she was angry because she couldnt print the color blue. All the other c61 . printed fine, except (除了) blue, which was very unusual.She d62 . to call the after-sales service department (售后服务部) to help her solve the problem. David answered the phone. He t63 . everything he could think of to help Mrs. Marks. He asked her to reinstall (重新安装) the program, to reboot (重新启动) the computer and to turn the printer on and off. N64 . of these things helped.After hours of trying, the problem s65 . wasnt solved. Finally, David asked Mrs. Marks if he could go to her h66 . and try to solve the problem in person. Mrs. Marks agreed and t67 . him her address (住址). When he arrived at her house, she showed him her computer and the printer. David u68 . what the problem was right away. He told her, From now on, print on white paper instead of blue!第 7 页 共 7 页

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