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八年级第二学期期中质量检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Your partner always gets up early on school days. Hes seldom been late for school, _?Aisnt heBis heChas he2 . - How _ is it from Xian to Dunhuang?- Its less than 3 _high-speed train ride.Along; hoursBfar; hoursClong; hoursDfar, hours3 . Would you like to go and see a film?Sure, the TV programmes are too _.AsurprisingBinterestingCexcitingDboring4 . Dont worry! We will take_ to wash dishes.AturnsBturnCordersDorder5 . I heard that a great fire _ when I was in a nightclub in Jintan last night.Abroke downBbroke outCbroke upDbroke in6 . Everybody got _ when a parade appeared in the afternoon.AexciteBexcitedCexcitingDexcites7 . Lei Fen was _ready to help others.AalwaysBusuallyCoftenDsometimes8 . Why do you like watching the film?Because I can learn a lot _ it.AfromBofCforDwith9 . -What does you brother do?-.AHe works very hardBHe is outgoing and friendlyCHe is a shop assistantDHe is tall with curly hair10 . - Where is my car, Jim?-I it next to the gate of the lot just now.Aparked; parkingBpark; parkingCparked; parkDpark; park11 . I asked Tom if he would help me and he _ .AdisagreedBnoddedCrefusedDcried12 . Here is a letter for you._.AThank you.BThats a good idea.CYes, lets.DMe too.13 . I wont attend the meeting _ him _ I have too much work to do these days. I see.Ainstead; as a resultBinstead of; becauseCinstead; for exampleDinstead of; in order to14 . Kitty is such a kind girl that she always has pity _ poor people.AtoBinConDwith15 . _the plane_, the doctors had already been there.AOn the time; landsBIn the time; landingCAt times; had landedDBy the time; landed二、完型填空完形填空Hi, everyone. Let me introduce Mr. and Mrs. Smith _ English teachers to you. Mr. and Mrs. Smith _from England. They_English very well in our school. Mrs. Smith likes _books and_music. Now she can sing some Chinese songs.Mr. Smith likes playing football. He often plays it _his Chinese students. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two _, a son and a daughter. They are students.Mr. Smith has a brother. His name is Bill. He _with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. He is a singer. He cant speak lots of Chinese, _he can play_piano very well. He can play football very well, too.After class, you can play with them. Now lets begin your class.16 . AweBourCsheDyour17 . AbeBcomesCisDcome18 . AteachBteachesCteachingDto teach19 . AreadBto readingCreadingDreads20 . AlisteningBto listenClistening toDto listening21 . AandBtoCfromDwith22 . AchildBchildrensCchildrenDchilds23 . AliveBlivesClivingDcan lives24 . AandBbutC/Dso25 . AtheBanCaD/三、阅读单选Its a sunny and warm Sunday morning. My parents, my sister and I are all at home. My parents dont have to go to work, and my sister and I dont have to go to school. We are all in the yard(院子). Look! My father is cleaning his bike. He often goes to work by bike. The bike ride takes him about ten minutes. My mother is watering the flowers. The flowers make our yard very beautiful. We all like the flowers. My sister is playing with a dog. Its her pet dog. The dog is very smart. My mother often takes the dog out for a walk after dinner. What am I doing? Im drawing. I like drawing very much. I want to join the art club at school.Its a nice day and were busy in the yard. We are very happy today!26 . Hows the weather today?AIts sunny.BIts windy.CIts cloudy.DIts rainy.27 . Whats the mother doing?AShes cleaning the yard.BShes reading a book.CShes watering the flowers.DShes playing with a dog.28 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe sister very smart.BThe father doesnt like the flowers.CThe writer doesnt want to join the art club.DThe mother often walks the dog after dinner.Spring is an inviting season for outdoor activities. But be carefulthe warm weather is also a hotbed for viruses(病毒) and disease.This March, the influenza(流行性感冒) A(H7N9) virus hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It was reported that by April 11 at least 35 people had been infected (被感染的) with the H7N9 virus, and nine of them had died.The influenza A (H7N9) virus is one type of influenza A H7 viruses. Influenza A H7 viruses normally spread among birds.This is the first time human infections with H7N9 viruses have been reported in China. Earlier reports were about H5N1 and H1N1.All the three viruses are influenza A viruses but they are not the same. H7N9 and H5N1 are animal influenza viruses that could infect people. However, H1N1 viruses can be divided into two groups. One group can normally infect people and the other normally infects animals. Also, H1N1 can spread from human to human, but H7N9 probably cant, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).Most people infected with H7N9 looked like they had the common flu. Some people had bad pneumonia(肺炎). They suffered from a fever, a cough and shortness of breath.But dont be afraid it is not easy to be infected with the virus. One of the possible reasons is close contact with sick poultry (家禽) waste. People may also be infected through breath, according to National Health and Family Planning Commission. Here are some tips from the WHO that can protect you from being infected. Wash your hands with soap and running water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after touching animals or animal waste.When coughing or sneezing cover your mouth and nose with a mask(口罩),tissue(纸巾) or a sleeve.Get a good rest and do exercises, which will help make your body strong enough to stand up to the virus.29 . Whats the name of the influenza virus that hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang this March?AIt is the H7N9 virus.BIt is the H5N1 virus.CIt is the H1N1 virus.DIt is A H7 virus.30 . How many people had died by April 11according to the report?AAbout 35.BAbout 9.CAbout 44.DNobody had died.31 . Whats the Chinese meaning for “stand up to” in the last paragraph?A起立B站着C抵抗D向上32 . Which is NOT true about protecting us from being infected by animal influenza viruses?AWash our hands with soap and running water before we eat, after we use the toilet, and after touching animals or animal waste.BWhen we cough or sneeze we should cover our mouths and noses with a mask,tissue or a sleeve.CWe should get a good rest and do exercises to make our bodies strong enough.DWe should try to eat much and sleep much as possible as we can.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据据句意及汉语提示完成句子33 . Kitty is very good at _ (游泳)34 . The baby has a round face and looks very_(可爱的)35 . Different people have different _(爱好)36 . Linda cant see the blackboard clearly, so she needs a pair of_(眼镜).37 . Could you tell me your_(年龄), Daniel?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空38 . In his _(ninety), Xu Yuanchong was presented with Aurora Borealis Outstanding Literary Translation Award.39 . Remember: Driving after drinking wine _ (not allow) in any country.40 . China is developing rapidly and its_andmorepowerfulthaneverbefore.(wealth)41 . -Lucy, well leave in 15 minutes. Are you ready?-No, I _ (not pack) our maps and umbrellas.42 . The TV show Letters Alive(见字如面)is so fantastic that it is well worth _(watch).六、完成句子根据中文提示完成句子。43 . 既然今天你有时间,你最好帮我学英语。_ youre free today, youd better _my English.44 . 他是那么粗心的一个孩子,经常丢失书和钢笔。Hes _ boy _ he often loses his books and pens.45 . 天气那么热,我们大家都去游泳了。The weather was _ we all_ swimming.46 . 不是你对就是我对。_ you _ I _ correct.47 . 老师解释得很清楚,因此我们都听懂了。The teacher explained very clearly _ we all understood.48 . 我们缺的不是钱,而是技工。_ money _ skilled workers _ what we need.49 . 我确实不知道她是否会来。I _ dont know _ she will come _ .50 . 那个学生会说英语,也会说法语。The student can speak English _ French.51 . 我在街上走时,看到一名男士在和孩子们踢球。_ along the street, I saw a man playing football with the children.52 . 她一边沿河边散步,一边唱歌。She sang _ she _ the river.七、填空任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。A good book can be satisfying, can improve your knowledge and can teach you a lot. There are several ways to develop a lifetime reading habit.Set times. You should have a few set times every day when youll read for at least 510 minutes, no matter what happens. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch(and even dinner if you eat alone).Always carry a book, No matter where you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure to have at least one book. You may keep the book in the car, or into the office orto anywhere you go, unless you re sure you wont have time to read.Make a list, Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in a pocket notebook. Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book. Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you have read.Find a quiet place. Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair without television or computer near the chair. There should be no music or noisy family members. Set a high aim. For example. Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year. Your best to finish reading them. Just be sure you re still enjoying the reading.Title: Ways to 53 . a lifetime reading habitSet timesRead for at least 5-10 minutes, no matter what54 . .Make it a 55 . to read during breakfast and lunch.Always carry a bookCarry at least one book when56 . the house.Keep the book no matter57 . you go.Make a58 . 59 . to it when you hear about a good book.Cross out the ones you have read.Find a quiet placeSit in a60 . chair.Make sure no music or noisy family members trouble you.61 . a high aimDo your 62 . to finish reading them.Be sure to enjoy the reading.八、材料作文63 . 学校“推荐一本好书”读书活动月中,你想与同学们一起分享你最喜爱的一本书汤姆索亚历险记。请根据以下表格的内容提示,将你的推荐理由写下来。要求:1. 词数80左右,可根据要点作适当发挥。2. 中文不得出现真实的校名和姓名。BookThe Adventures of Tom SawyerWriterMark Twain, USCharactersTom, lively and cleverHuck Finn, run awayInjun Joe, look forThe most exciting partAdventures on the islandMy favourite book_第 10 页 共 10 页

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