英语九年级全册Unit 3 达标检测卷(青岛专版)

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英语九年级全册Unit 3 达标检测卷(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ to forget is a good way to solve our problems and we can also deal with them by _ of something worse.ALearn; thinkBLearning; think CLearning; thinkingDLearn; thinking2 . Could you tell me _ the T-shirt ?Awhere you buyBwhere do you buyCwhere did you buyDwhere you bought3 . Paul _ going to the zoo, but Id like to go to the park.AsuggestsBdecidesCkeepsDwants4 . How old is the man under the tree?I _ him to be about fifty.AguessBsupposeCagreeDknow5 . _ did you do last night? I went shopping.AWhatBHowCWhyDWhere6 . _ he has make during the course!AWhat good progressBWhat a good progressCHow good progressDHow a good progress7 . _ _are they talking about?_Our English teacher.AWhat.BWhomCWhoseDWhen8 . We study English by _ some reading.didAdidBdoCDoing9 . I am _ because I failed the math test.AhappyBsadCbored10 . He does not talk or laugh loudly _ public.AonBinCatDduring二、补全短文6选5Butterflies are some of the most beautiful insects in the world. However, what interests the scientists most is not their fascinating looks, but how they sense nature. They use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste to find food, lay eggs in good places and avoid hungry enemies.Butterflies have large compound(复合的) eyes. No matter where the things are, they can see them without turning their heads. 11 . They are more possible to notice a sea of flowers than a single plant. Butterflies do not see” colors. They are color blind.12 . The light on many flowers guides butterflies to honey.How do butterflies smell? Butterflies have a very well-developed sense of smell, but it is not in their noses, since they dont have one. Sense organs (器官)are in their feet, and many other parts of the body.13 . Do butterflies use their mouths to taste the food they find? Not really. Butterflies feet have sense organs that can taste the sugar in flower honey. They let the butterflies know if there is something delicious. 14 . They feed their babies using a long tube(管道),and they get all their food from this tube as well.Butterflies dont have ears. Instead, they “hear sounds through their wings by sensing changes in sound vibrations(震动).Butterflies body is covered with sensory hairs. 15 . .For example, the hairs give butterflies information about the wind when theyre flying. And where there is rain, the hairs can also tell butterflies.The scientists say that butterflies may have senses we dont even know about yet, because their body is very different from ours. Therefore, it is difficult to understand when we use our own human senses to study it.ALike most insects, butterflies are very nearsighted.BThey can let butterflies feel the environment around.CSo it is not difficult for butterflies to find flower honey.DBut they can sense sunlight, which tells them the direction.EThey can help butterflies find their favorite flower honey food.FSome female butterflies taste the plants carefully to find places to lay eggs.三、完型填空_ Americans think that ice-cream is _ American as baseball and apple pie. But ice-cream was known _ America was discovered. The Roman emperor Nero may _ made a kind of ice-cream. He asked _ men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.Today ice-cream is known _.Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts (夸脱) a year.16 . ANoneBSomeCMostDAll17 . AasBlikeCmoreDso18 . Along afterBlong beforeCbefore longDafter long19 . AhaveBhasChadDhaving20 . Aone hundred ofBall ofChundreds ofDone21 . Ain the worldBout of the worldCby the worldDthroughout the world四、阅读单选Last summer, 15yearold Bob had a problem. Like a lot of children, Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join a dancing team. But Bobs school didnt have a boys dancing team. It only had a girls. So he tried to join the girls team. And he made it.Bob thought his problem was over because he was a member(成员) of a dancing team. But a bigger problem was just starting. The school asked Bob not to stay in the girls team. “If we let Bob stay in the team,” the school said, “Other boys will want to join. Soon, there wont be any girls in the team.”Bob was very angry about it, so he decided to look for another boys dancing team.22 . Bob likes _ most.AsingingBdancingCdrawing23 . It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing team because _.Athe school only had a girls dancing teamBthe school didnt let boys danceCthe team had enough dancers already24 . The school worried that _ if Bob stayed in the team.Anobody would watch their danceBother boys would join and the girls might leaveCother schools might laugh at them25 . At last Bob _.Astayed in the teamBleft the teamCasked the girls to leave26 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABob likes dancing.BHis school only had a boys dancing team.CBobs parents let him leave the dancing team.Every Saturday and Sunday Morning from 9:30 to 11:30Welcome to join our Ball Games Club every Saturday and Sunday morning. You don t have to pay for anythingits all free. Just show up and play!We will provide all the sports things for you, too. All you have to bring are your running shoes, a change of clothes and your best sport spirit. Everyone is invited: girls, boys, beginners and experts! If you dont now the way to our club, the map below will help you.No. 14 Middle School27 . What does the word ”free” mean in Chinese here?A自由的B免费的C闲的D无聊的28 . How many hours can you do some ball sports in the club?ATwo hours.BOne hour.CThree hours.DFour hours.29 . What must you take if you go to the club?ARunning shoes.BA change of clothes.CYour best sport spirit.DRunning shoes, a change of clothes and your best sport spirit.30 . Is No. 14 Middle School on the side of the Second Street?ANo, it isnt,BNo, it is.CYes, it is.DYes, it isnt.31 . Walk along the First Street and take the third turning_. At the end of the street, you will find the No.14 Middle school if you are at the bus station.Aon the leftBon the rightCnear the shoe shopDnear the hospital五、阅读判断Cindy is an Engish school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Cindy likes him very much.Today is Sunday. Cindy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil box and opens it. Oh, dear! Wheres my pen? She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.John! I cant find my pen. Can you see. Oh, what are you doing with my pen?Im writing to my friend, Peter. John answers.But how can you? You dont know how to write! It doesnt matter. Peter cant read. John says.32 . Cindy can speak English.33 . Cindy cant find her pencil box.34 . John knows how to write.35 . Peter cant read.36 . Peter and John are friends.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。37 . He isnt interested in modern history. Instead, he is interested in a_ history.38 . An i_ is a piece of land in the middle of the sea.39 . Thanks to the teachers help, I have made great p_ in learning English.40 . There is no noise. It is a p_ place. You can think about something carefully.41 . He is so serious that I f_ to talk with him.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(选择适当的单词或词组, 将其编号填入每句的空格中。每词只能填一次): AneverBeach otherCtalksDsolveElook after.Fis kind to42 . My father often_ with me in the evening.43 . I always_ maths problems with my classmates.44 . Tom is an honest boy and he_ tells a lie.45 . My grandmother likes animals and she _ cats and dogs46 . Alice and Kitty are good friends. They always help_.47 . My parents_ my grandparents and me.八、多任务混合问题根据短文内容完成下列任务。Its October 16th. Its Jeffs fifteenth birthday. In the morning Jeff gets up very early. He goes to Tokyo with his parents. They are going to stay there for a week. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Its very nice. They can see many parks in Tokyo. Jeff likes Tokyo very much.They live in Green hotel. Its very big and clean. Oh, in the hotel Jeff meets Iris old friend Lisa. The two kids are very (A)_. In the evening Jeffs father has a birthday party for Jeff in the hotel. (B)_They have a good time. At the party Lisa sings a Japanese song for Jeff, at about twelve o clock, Jeff doesnt go to bed. He still plays games with Lisa.48 . When is Jeffs birthday?_49 . How does Jeff get to Tokyo?_50 . 选择意思相近或相同的选项替换划线邵分。They can seemanyparks in Tokyo.AmuchBa lot ofCa lotDvery much51 . 选择适当的词汇完成(A)空格部分,使句意完整。AinterestingBhealthyChappyDunhappy52 . 将划线部分(B)翻译为汉语。_In the 13th century, Marco Polo, the world known Italian traveller, saw many wonderful things in China. One of the things he discovered was money made of paper. People in the West did not have such kind of money until the 15th century. However, (A) 中国人在七世纪就开始使用纸币了.Paper was invented by a Chinese man called Cai Lun almost 2,000 years ago. But it was not made in Europe until the year 1100. Four hundred years later, a German discovered that he could make the best paper form trees. After that countries rich in forests, such as Canada. Sweden, America, Finland became the most important (B) ones in paper making.Paper can be used in many ways. Its usually used for printing books and newspapers. But do you know that paper can be used for keeping warm? In Finland, the farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow. And even houses can be insulated(使绝缘)from (C)or cold with paper.However, we have to understand that paper still comes from trees now. (D) If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left some day in the near future. Every day people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city. It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper. This means that we are cutting down nearly 48,000 trees every day. The fact is that it takes more than 10 years for a tree grow.So we must start (E) paper right now. We can use both sides of every piece of paper. We can make useful things out of used paper. We can use china cups instead of paper ones. When shopping, we can use fewer paper bags and reuse them if we have some.In short, we should keep a balance between using paper and protecting trees, and do it now before it is too late.53 . 将画线部分(A)译成英语:_54 . 画线部分(B)指代的是:_55 . 在(C)和(E)的空白处分别填入一个适当的单词:_;_56 . 将画线部分(D)改写为:If we _ wasting so much paper, we wont _ any trees left some day in the near future.57 . 从文章中找出两个说明纸张用途的介词短语:_;_九、书信作文58 . 假如你是李华,9月10日你们班级将要组织教师节相关庆祝活动。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉交换生Peter具体活动时间、地点,你们将做什么,以及他需要做什么准备。提示词语:Teachers Day, show respect, greeting card, thank-you letter提示问题: When and where will you celebrate Teachers Day? What are you going to do? What do you advise Peter to prepare for it?Dear Peter,September 10th is Teachers Day in China and we usually do something special to celebrate it. _Hope you can join us. Yours,Li Hua第 10 页 共 10 页

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