济南市2019-2020年度英语九年级全册Unit 7 Work for Peace单元测试卷A卷

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济南市2019-2020年度英语九年级全册Unit 7 Work for Peace单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you go there next week,.AI do, too.BI will, too.CI did, too.2 . Bob has ten soccer balls, _ he cant play them.AandBforCbutDor3 . Last night, I went to bed late, _ I am really tired now.AsoBorCbut4 . Daniel is dishonest. He always _ some excuses for doing something wrong.Apicks upBgives upCtakes upDmakes up5 . Jane said she would come here _ 9:00 and 9:30 tomorrow morning.AfromBatCbetweenDaround6 . What is Amy doing?Shes _ her English book.AlookingBlooking forClooking out7 . Look! There so many middle-aged women dancing at the square.AamBisCareDbe8 . Dont worry _ me. Im not a child _.Aabout, no longerBfor, no longerCfor, any longerDabout, any longer9 . - I was told that Tom was charged with stealing the jewelry from the shop.- It is just a misunderstanding. _, he had nothing to do with the case.AIn factBAs a resultCHoweverDMoreover10 . When you try to _a crying baby, you can make faces.Awake upBcheer upCgive upDstay up二、完型填空Mikes birthday was coming soon, so he asked his father for a bicycle so that he wouldnt need to walk to school anymore. _, Mikes father had lost his job and didnt have much money. Mike got a book instead, but he didnt complain.One day while Mike was walking past a bookstore on his way to school, he saw _ on a bike. The bike was too big for him. As he _ around the corner, the bike hit a stone and he _.Mike recognized(认出) that the boy was a student in his _. The boys name was Peter. Peter seemed to have broken his _. Mike picked up Peters bike and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. After Peter _ to the hospital, Mike rode Peters bike to school so that he wouldnt be _ for class.Peter wasnt seriously hurt. He just needed to stay at home for several days. Mike visited Peter every day _ Peters leg was well. From then on, Mike and Peter became good friends.To Mikes surprise, Peter got a new _ on his birthday two months later and Mike could have Peters old bike. Mike was very happy.11 . A. Instead B. Finally C. However12 . A. a little girl B. a little boy C. an old man13 . A. was turning B. turns C. turned14 . A. ran away B. flew away C. fell down15 . A. hospital B. house C. school16 . A. arm B. leg C. hand17 . A. brought B. will bring C. was brought18 . A. sorry B. proud C. late19 . A. if B. until C. but20 . A. bike B. book C. jacket三、阅读单选Overweight (超重) is one of the biggest health problems now. Being overweight affects more than how you look. Too much fat can kill you.Whats worse, overweight children turn into overweight adults. If youre obese now, you probably will grow into an obese adult. But heres good news. You can fight overweight.Change your eating habitsYou are what you eat. Kids like snacks. Did you list any healthy snacks? One study of eating habits showed that soft drinks are the first in the snack list. Next, kids choose salty snacks, like chips. Whats more, the list is full of junk food from No. 3 to No.11.Finally, No.12, kids picked a healthy snackfruit. So, think about your snack choice again.Get outside to exerciseJim, a player on his school football team, had a weight problem not long time ago. He could never get anyone to play with him. So his father and he started playing football for a few minutes every night. Ten minutes turned into an hour or more. In just a few years, the heavy kid became athletic, fit and healthy.More TV means more fatNearly every American kid watches TV for 2 hours and 56 minutes every daythat adds up to 44 days a year of sitting. More TV (or more Internet surfing, or more computer games) means more fat.Eat an apple a day, walk around the house, play with your family.Do it today, and do it more tomorrow. It will help you a lot.21 . According to the passage, kids putat the end of the snack list in one study of eating habits.AchipsBice creamCfruitDsoft drinks22 . What does the underlined word “obese” mean in Chinese?A苗条的B虚胖的C健康的D聪明的23 . Which of the following statements is NOT true?AWhen we watch too much TV, we will probably get too much fat.BA few years ago Jim was fat.CBeing overweight only affects how we look.DEating an apple a day is good for our health.24 . What can we do to fight overweight according to the passage?Try to get up early.Try to take more exercise.Try not to sit in front of TV or computer for too long.Try to eat more healthy food.ABCD25 . The passage mainly talks about.Aone of the biggest health problems, overweightBhow to play footballCthe healthy foodDhow to fight overweight四、根据首字母、中文提示填空.根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。26 . David found a s_ in the cinema and sat down quietly.27 . Miss Green has a good m_. She knows all of our names.28 . We were against her d_ to change her job, but she didnt listen.29 . They usually have the meal at n_ at home.30 . He got 40 p_ in the game and helped his team win the game.五、汉译英:单词/短语根据汉语意思写出短语31 . 用英语_32 . 一个橙子_33 . 一张地图_34 . 一件夹克衫_35 . 一床被子_第 5 页 共 5 页

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