英语九年级下册Module 3Life now and then模块测试

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英语九年级下册Module 3Life now and then模块测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What would you do if you _ a car accident? I will call the police. AmetBmeetCwere meeting2 . Lily is a good student because she_tells lies.AsometimesBneverCalreadyDoften3 . I think all the fast food is junk food. So I _ go to KFC.AoftenBseldom C. alwaysCusually4 . Sunny days always make me _.AhappyBhappilyChappinessDto be happy5 . Most pandas can grow up to 1.8 meters _ and look like bears.AlongBhighCwideDdeep6 . sports is one of the most popular activities for children.APlayBPlayedCPlayingDPlays7 . The boy draws very_, so the picture looks very_.Agood; beautifulBgood; beautifullyCwell; beautifullyDwell; beautiful8 . Oh, this postcard is so nice.Yes, my friend Amy bought it _me and it _ her nearly 30 yuan.Ato; tookBto; paidCfor; tookDfor; cost9 . Tom, _ the lights. Its time to go to bed.Aturn onBturning onCturn offDturning off二、完型填空Tim has a pair of beautiful black gloves. They are soft(柔软的)and _. Tim likes _ very much. He is always very careful when he _ his gloves. He never lets water or rain(雨水)touch(接触)his gloves. So his gloves always look very _. But bad luck! He _ his favourite gloves one day. He looked _ them here and there, but he didnt _ them. Tim was very sad. After about two weeks, he heard(听说)there was _ Lost and Found Office in his city. He went there to have a try(试一试).“What _ are they?” the woman in the office asked.“Black,” he answered. She looked into her drawer(抽屉)and took out(拿出)a pair of gloves. “Are they yours?”“Yes! They are _!” Tim was very happy. “Thank you very much.”“Youre welcome,” the woman said.10 . AsmallBwarmCdirtyDold11 . AitBthemConeDthat12 . AtakesBbuysCwearsDgets13 . AnewBlongColdDhealthy14 . AfoundBwantedChelpedDlost15 . AforBatConDin16 . AgiveBfindCgetDwatch17 . AtheBanCaD/18 . AtimeBfoodCsportDcolour19 . AhersBmineCyoursDhis三、阅读单选It is less and less possible for moderns to have enough sleep because of the busy school or work life. Sleeping without worries about waking up too eary and enjoying wonderful dreams are like “ the castle in the sky” for many people; not everyone can get it. A study shows that only Americans sleep more than seven hours each day over surveying many countries, such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, etc. It is said that people over 20 should get seven hours of sleep each night and those under 20, one more hour of sleep. Sleeping less than six hours a night can make one get sick easily, lose his/her attention at school or at work and leave one 12% more likely to die before 65 years old. But sleeping too much is not good for one, either. Sleeping longer than nine hours a night can make one 30% more likely to die before 65. If moderns cannot have enough sleep every day, he/she needs to learn at least how to sleep better. Here are some tips.Move TVs and computers out of your bedroom.Dont play cellphones or use a computer before bed.Dont sleep with pets.Keep exercising for thirty minutes three or four times in the morning or afternoon a week.Keep ones bedroom cool and listen to soft music before bed. It goes without saying sleeping enough is important, and so is sleeping well. After all, if one gets insomnia because of poor sleep and cannot sleep well, one will feel tired and worried during the daytime!20 . What do we learn about the reading?ATaiwanese sleep longer than Americans.BAll of the people in the world except Americans have enough sleep.CPeople who sleep longer than nine hours may have more chances to die before 65 than those who sleep less than 6 hours.DAll the people from different ages should sleep more than eight hours a day.21 . Which way can help us get better sleep according to the reading above?AListen to popular songs and make ones room warm.BMake ones puppy sleep in another place, not in his/her bedroom.CExercise for half an hour before bed three or four times a week.DClean the computer at the bedroom before sleeping.22 . Which is true according to this article?AModerns would like to sleep without worries.BPeople under 20 need to sleep for 7 hours.CNot only busy work but busy school is very important in modern life.D“ It” means building a castle in the sky is never possible.23 . What is “ insomnia” ?Athe sound one makes while sleeping.Bbeing difficult to fall asleep.Cworries about sleeping too much.Duseful ways to help people to have good sleep.四、单词填空B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。Marsha lived with her father and her stepmother in a large house.Her father was a24 . man and 25 . (很少地)stayed at home.Marsha was left home with her stepmother and her two stepbrothers,Muddy and Mushy.Every day,the boys shouted at her and put dirty26 . under her bed.They even threw 27 . (石头) at Marsha.28 . (每当)they did so,Marsha would say to herself,“I will give you a lesson sooner or later.”One day,Marsha and her friend Maria had a good idea.They put on rubber gloves,went to the29 . (树林) near her house,and brought some poison ivy plants home.They smeared the leaves all over Muddys and Mushys beds.The next morning,the boys woke up and felt30 . (相当)itchy .Their mother suggested they stay at home.31 . (然而),they didnt want to miss the baseball game,so they left home quickly.As the day went on,they got itchier and itchier.As a result,they had to see a doctor.The doctor found that Muddy and Mushy had poison ivy all over their 32 . (身体).They were asked to stay at home for a 33 . (两个)of weeks.Finally,Marsha and Maria taught them a good lesson,and they never bothered Marsha again.五、材料作文34 . 下面是刘丽的父母为她制定的家规,她不大赞同其中几条,但又不知道该如何与父母沟通,请你据此给好友Kitty写一封110词左右的邮件求助。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Family Rules1.Play sports at least once a week.2.Finish homework on time every day.3.Dont watch TV or surf the Internet on school nights.4.Dont go out with others after school.5.Practice the violin for one hour after finishing homework every night.Dear Kitty,My parents have made some strict rules for me to follow at home._Yours,Liu Li第 6 页 共 6 页


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