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英语七年级上册第4单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Cindy, where is my hat? Oh, its _ your head.AinBonCatDunder2 . Mom, these are my friends, Mary and _ brother Bill .AyourBheCherDhis3 . Who is the boy over there?_ is my brother.ASheBHeCItDThey4 . - What should I do before exams?- _ the lessons and be relaxed.AReviewBSpreadCDealDInfluence5 . His mothersis his aunt.AbrotherBsisterCdaughterDson6 . When Anna heard someone call her name, she stood up and walked _ the door.AfromBtowardsCaroundDagainst7 . Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No,its my _ He left it there just now(刚才)AsistersBbrothersCbrothersDsisters8 . -Excuse me. Does this teacher teachMaths? -No.is over there under the tree.Atheir; theirsBtheirs; theirCthem; theirsDthem; their9 . Its your life, not. Dont always depend on me.AmeByouCmineDyourself10 . is it from your home to the beach? It is a one-hour walk from here.AHow farBHow longCHow soon11 . Peter is not a _ boy. His things are everywhere in the bedroom.AtidyBfineCniceDfirst12 . You dont look well. I think _ should see a doctor.AsheBheCyouDwe13 . -Hi, Jenny! Nice to see you!-_AYes.BNice to see you, too.CGood morning.DHow are you?14 . The new restaurant is for 500 people.Wow, lets have a big party there.Aenough bigBenough smallCbig enoughDsmall enough15 . We should _ the old and offer our seats to them on buses.Alaugh atBworry aboutCcare forDagree with二、补全对话7选5补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。AThank you BWheres my bag?CHi,Jim!DWheres my ruler?EIs it under your desk?FWhats your name?GI dont know.A:Hi,Lucy!B:16 . A:Is my ruler under the bed?B:Sorry,17 . You can ask Lily. A:Excuse me,Lily. 18 . C:Your ruler?19 . A:No,it isnt. C:I think its under my chair. A:Yes,its under your chair. 20 . C:Youre welcome.三、完型填空My name is Grace. Look! This is a picture of_family. A boy is in it. _is my brother, Tommy. Tommy is_the sofa. A woman(妇女)is in the picture, too. She is my_. She is at the table. My father_in the picture. He is at_with his students. A plant and a schoolbag_on the table. The schoolbag is my brothers. Two_are under the chair. They are also my_. You can see some_. They are in the bookcase.21 . AhisBherCheDmy22 . ASheBHeCItDThey23 . AonBatCunderDof24 . AteacherBcousinCmotherDfriend25 . AisntBareCarentDdont26 . AdeskBtableCschoolDdresser27 . AisBareCamD/28 . AroomsBkeyCeraserDbaseballs29 . AbrotherBbrothersCsisterDsisters30 . AID cardBCDsCbedsDplant四、阅读单选阅读理解。Dear Emma,Thanks for sending (寄) me the photo of your roomHere is a photo of my roomLook! A bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase are in my bedroomMy bed is blue and it is near (在附近) the window (窗户)My desk is near the bed and its blackMy books and computer are onitAn English dictionary is on the bookcaseWhere is my pencil box? It is in the deskMy two pens and three rulers are in the pencil boxMy schoolbag is on the chairMy brother s white baseball is under my bedAnd you can see a dog in the photoIts name is Sam.My room is tidy, isnt it?Yours,Jack根据书信内容,选择正确答案。31 . Jacks desk is_AredBblackCblueDwhite32 . 划线单词“it”指的是“_”。Athe bedBthe deskCthe chairDthe bookcase33 . On the bookcase is_Aa Chinese dictionaryBan English bookCan English dictionaryDa Chinese book34 . Jacks pencil box is_Aon his bedBon his deskCunder his bedDin his desk35 . 下列哪项陈述是正确的?AEmma is Jacks brotherBAn eraser is in the pencil boxCJack has a photo of Emmas roomDJacks brother doesnt have a baseballMr. Hunt was living in a village and he wanted to go to an office one day. He got into his car and drove to the city. He went there without any trouble and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car and started to go into the office, but then he turned around and went back to his car. “Ive left my keys in it!” he said to himself. Then he called his wife and said, “Excuse me, but Ive locked my keys in my car, please bring your keys to me.”Mrs. Hunt got into their second car and drove thirty kilometers to her husband. But while Mr. Hunt was waiting, he walked around his car and tried the other door. It was not locked. He locked it quickly before his wife arrived.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36 . Mr. Hunt went to the city.Aby busBby bikeCin his carDby plane37 . It wasfor Mr. Hunt to drive to the office.Aquite easyBa problemCinterestingDdifficult38 . Mr. Hunt returned to his car because.Ahe forgot to call his wifeBhe left his keys in the carChe took something in the carDthere was something wrong with his car39 . Mr. Hunt foundwhile he was waiting for his wife.Ahis keys in his pocketBhe didnt lock both of the doors of the carChe got to a wrong officeDhe could get his keys without his wifes help40 . When Mrs. Hunt arrived, she would find Mr. Hunt.Aneeded her help very muchBhad already got his keysChad already gone into the officeDhad already sat in the car五、句型转换按要求完成句子。41 . clean, do, room, often, you, your (?) (连词成句)_42 . going, to ,were, picnic, park, the, have, in, a (.) (连词成句)_43 . She can go to Dalian on vacation. (改为一般疑问句)_ go to Dalian on vacation?44 . My mother has some bread and milk for breakfast. (改为否定句)My mother_bread and milk for breakfast.45 . He was at school at 3 oclock this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_he at school?46 . Will it rain tomorrow?(给出否定回答) _, it _.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。47 . My grandfather plays sports e_day.48 . Sorry, I dont k_her telephone number.49 . The p_of the black sweater is 15 dollars.50 . Many students want to a_the question because its interesting.51 . This hat is too big, but that one is too s_.52 . The pencil box isnt on the desk , it is u_the desk.53 . I think ping-pong is very e_, but volleyball is difficult.54 . I love sports, but I dont p_them. I only watch them on TV.55 . I can look up(查阅) the word in a d_.56 . That notebook is yours, and this purple one is m_.七、回答问题Two pandas, Xing Ya and Wu Wen, left China for the Netherlands (荷兰). The Ouwehands Zoo built “Pandasia” for the two pandas. Pandasia is a big panda home. It looks like an old Chinese palace. There is a Chinese restaurant in the main(主要的) building. Its on the second and third floors. You can order Chinese noodles and dishes from the front of the restaurant. There is bamboo in the corners on the walls. On the tables there are the Chinese characters for “panda”, xiongmao. The souvenir (纪念品) shop is just across from the restaurant. It sells all kinds of souvenirs about pandas. There are panda toys. There are also T-shirts and hats with pandas on them. Its the last stop for visitors in Pandasia. The field around the buildings is the playground for Xing Ya and Wu Wen. Visitors go through the park gate and turn left. Then there is the playground. It covers over 2,000 square meters. There are hills and caves. Next to them are big stones and wooden ladders. Pandas spend almost half the day sleeping. So the bedroom is an important place for them. Xing Ya and Wu Wen have their own bedrooms. They are on the first floor of the main building. The main building is in the center of the Pandasia park.(Answer the questions with no more than 10 words)57 . What is Pandasia like?_58 . Where is the Chinese restaurant?_59 . What souvenirs can you buy there? _60 . How can visitors get to the playground?_61 . How large is the playground?_八、看图作文62 . 书面表达假如你是李华,正在和你的美国笔友Paul通过邮件交流各自的情况。请你根据以下问题,参考图片(可以适当发挥你的想象力),回复邮件,以My Room为题,给Paul介绍你房间的布置、物品摆放和你对自己房间的评价。提示词语:floor lamp(落地灯), chair, a small round table(小圆桌), under, like 提示问题:1. What is in your room?2. Where are these things?3. How do you like your room? Dear Paul,Hows everything? Here is my room.Yours,Li Hua第 10 页 共 10 页

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