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福州市2019-2020年度七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The girl _ take a bus to work, but now she _riding her bike to work.Awas used to ; used toBused to; used toCused to; gets used to2 . -May we leave the classroom now?-No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings.Aneednt; arent allowedBmustnt; are allowedCneednt; are allowedDcant; arent allowed3 . Its Sunday today. There are_people in the supermarket.Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo many4 . Do you know the girl _ sunglasses?Athat wearBwho is wearingCwho is putting onDthat puts on5 . You can play the piano and you like music. So you can _ our school music festival.AinBonCbe inDbe6 . _ flowers are these? They are mine.AWhoseBWhoCWhatDWhere7 . We will go to the park if it _ tomorrow.Aisnt rainBdoesnt rainCwont rainDdont rain8 . I fell in 1ove_the beautiful city of Shanghai while I was on vacation there.AwithBonCto Din9 . Trumps granddaughter Arabella began to learn Chinese when she was _ 18-month-old baby. She thinks Chinese is _ useful language.Aa ; aBan; aCa; /Dan; an10 . _Its a townhouse.AWhat kind of home do you live in?BWhere is your home?CWhere do you live?11 . I must go home now, or my parents will be _with me. They dont like me to be late.ApatientBstrictCangryDcareful12 . Are they from Canada?No, they _.AareBarentCisnt13 . Its boring to walk alone._.AYou must stay hereBYou neednt go out every dayCYou shouldnt call your friends nowDYou could go for walks with your friend14 . _ me an e-mail before you come to Changsha. Ill meet you at the Huanghua airport.ASendingBTo sendCSend15 . Whats Mike doing now?He _ an online class in his room. Awas havingBhas hadCis havingDare having16 . I lost my school ID card . You can ask the teacher _ it , but you must call her _ 3640-4564 first .Afor ; forBfor ; atCof ; forDof ; at17 . Can you me that story?AspeakBsayCtalkDtell18 . Do you take exercise every day?Yes, I always _ half an hour walking after dinner.AspendBtakeCcostDpay19 . What are you busy with these days?- I _ study for the coming English test. You know, Im not good at it.AhardlyBmainlyCnearlyDseldom20 . _ is it from your home to school? About 10 minutes ride.AHowBWhereCWhat timeDHow far二、完型填空完形填空Tick, tick, tick! Good morning, Jim! Its 6:0 now. Its time_up. Do you know me? Im your new friend. My name is Clock. Look_me. I have no feet,_I can walk with my hands. I have no mouth, but I_speak to you. Now please listen to_Today is Monday. You have many things to do. Classes_at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. After 3:40 you have a basketball match_Class Two. You come_at 5:40. You have supper at 6:00. You_CCTV news at 7:00. And you go to bed at 9:0. Now please get up quickly and have your breakfast or(否则)you will be_21 . AgetBgetsCto getDgetting22 . AatBforCafterDlike23 . AandBbutCsoDor24 . AcantBmustntCmustDcan25 . AIBmyCmineDme26 . AbeginBbeginsCbeginningDto begin27 . AtoBwithCandDfor28 . AhomeBto homeCyour homeDat home29 . AwatchBreadCseeDlook at30 . AearlyBhappyCgladDlate三、阅读单选My name is Ji Gang and Im twelve years old. I come from Harbin, a cold city in winter. My parents are workers on the farm near the city. There are a lot of fruit trees and vegetables on the farm. People can buy these fruits and vegetables in the shops near their homes. I walk to school at twenty to eight every day.My name is Tong Zhi, a twelve-year-old boy. Im from Haikou, a hot city in summer. My father is a manager of a hotel. My mother is an office worker and she has a beautiful voice. Every morning, I go to school in my fathers car because my school is in front of his hotel.Im Liang Li and Im eleven years old. Im a girl from Nanning, a warm city in spring. My parents are teachers. My father is a Chinese teacher and my mother is an English teacher. They help me with my homework in the evening. I ride my bike to school every day.Im Song Min, an thirteen-year-old girl. I come from Taiyuan, a cool city in autumn. My fathers job is at a police station and my mother is a doctor in a big hospital. They like talking with me about some of my friends at school. I have got two best friends at school.31 . Who is the youngest of all the children?AJi Gang.BTong Zhi.CLiang Li.DSong Min.32 . Who can sing well?AJi Gang.BTong Zhis mother.CLiang lis father.DSong mins mother.33 . How do liang Lis parents help her?AThey work hard to help her.BThey take her to school in their car.CThey help her with her homework.DThey talk with her about her friends at school.34 . How many friends has Song Min got at school?AShe has got only one friend.BShe has got only two friends.CShe hasnt got any friends.DShe has got many friends.35 . Where are all those children from?AThey are all from cities.BThey are all from towns.CThey are all from villages.DThey are all from mountains.Dear Amy,I couldnt read your two e-mails until today because my computer was broken. Im so sorry to hear about your problem, but Im glad youre feeling better and are recovering(康复). Im surprised that in China someones liver(肝脏) matched(适合) yours! This is really a moving storya stranger donated part of his liver to_he doesnt even know!Youre right. We shouldnt care too much about our weight. Im happy you stopped taking medicine to lose weight. From your photo I can see you are now looking very well in the hospital. To keep slim(苗条) is important, especially for an actress, but nothing is more important than health. Your doctors advice is really very goodexercise for at least half an hour every day and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.Its not only in your country. Its the same here with us Chinesemany people are always taking medicine to lose weight. That is often dangerous. But in fact, some of them are not overweight(超重) at all. I hope these people can learn something from your story. Hope you will leave hospital as soon as possible.Love36 . Who does “a girl” in the letter mean?AThe writer of the letter.BAmy.CA stranger.DAn unknown person.37 . What does Amy do?AAn actor.BA stranger.CAn actress.DA doctor.38 . Which country is the writer of the letter from?AAmerica.BChina.CGermany.DEngland.39 . The doctor advised Amy to.Acare too much about her weightBkeep slimCdonate part of her liverDexercise every day and eat healthy food40 . Which of the following is NOT true?AAmy has probably just received an operation(手术) on liver.BAmy is now probably in hospital recovering.CA Chinese man donated part of his liver to AmyDAmy is now still taking medicine to lose weight.Did you watch The First Lesson on Sept.1?The popular CCTV show invites famous persons to teach kids lessons at the beginning of each new school year.But this years show started with 13minutes of ad,causing a big surprise among students and parents.But this probably won t happen again.A draft regulation(规定草案)for TV and other mediaprograms that are aimed at (瞄准)children has been worked out by the National Radio and Television Administration. It will help children develop in a healthy way.The public is being asked for their opinions on it.The regulation says childrens programming should not feature too many ads.It says there should be less than 12 minutes of advertising per hour.There are also items in the draft related to programming content(内容).For instance,the promotion(宣传)of video games is not allowed. In advertisements for children under 14,the content should not be written in a way thatasksparents to buy certain products.This regulation was introduced because children dont have the ability to tell right from wrong.They may blindly imitate what they see in programs.The regulation also protects child actors and actresses.According to the draft,children under 10 cannot be hired as ad spokespeople.Besides,the children stars should not be hyped (炒作).Some of these children have been cyberbullied(网络欺凌)by internet users,which has affected their healthy developmen.41 . The first paragraph is mainly about.Aa popular CCTV showBthe first lesson for the new school yearCthe problem of childrens adDthe popularity ofThe First Lesson.42 . The draft regulation tells us.ATV programs cant start with adsBthere should be no ads in childrens programsCad for video games should be less than 12 minutesDad spokespeople need to be over 10 years old43 . Who does the draft regulation try to protect?ATV programs.BChildrenCNew stars.DActors and actresses.44 . What do you think of the draft regulation?ATired.BBoring.CHelpful.DUnfriendly.45 . Whats the best title of the text?AFewer Ads for ChildrenBA Draft Regulation for TV ProgramsCThe Cyberbully of ChildrenDThe Safe TV Programs for Children四、根据首字母、中文提示填空46 . We are not supposed to use _ (塑料的) bags while shopping.47 . Toms uncle is a _(渔夫)He goes fishing twice a week.48 . There are many kinds of living things in the b_of the sea.49 . The villagers used to burn c_to get warm.50 . Dont l_waste things everywhere.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子A用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。take place they Italy value herotake place they Italy value hero51 . The firefighters who lost their lives in fighting the forest fire are considered to be _52 . As we all know, great changes have _ in our country in the past forty yearsA53 . The Greens usually go for a trip and enjoy _ on May DayA54 . Chinese President Xi paid a state visit to _, which greatly improved the friendship between the two countriesA55 . It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most _ treasure in our life.六、多任务混合问题阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面各题。When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are first time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go, but people on foot mustnt cross. They can go across the street when the traffic lights are red.When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then, especially for the children.When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floor, and you can sit on the second floor.From there you can see the view of the whole city well. Its very interesting.56 . Why must you be very careful in the streets in Hong Kong? (no more than 8 words)57 . What should you do before you cross the streets? (no more than 17 words)58 . What can people on foot do if the traffic lights are red? (no more than 7 words)59 . 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。60 . 给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。七、将所给单词连成句子八、连词成句61 . this, my, is, teacher (.) _62 . what, is, name, her (?)_63 . how, you, are (?) _64 . have, nice, a, day (!)_65 . what, your, is, name (?) _八、材料作文66 . 书面表达。假如你叫Simon,学校Buddy Club在招募新成员,你想加入该俱乐部。根据下列信息,写一封自荐信。1. 我,圆脸,大眼睛,黑色的短发。我班最高的男生。2. 大方,乐于助人,乐意在任何时候帮助需要帮助的人,经常倾听同学们的烦恼,并提供帮助。3. 喜欢旅游。上个月参加了学校去世界公园的旅行。在那里看到了全世界100多处名胜的模型和精彩的歌舞表演。了解到了许多不同的文化。4. 对DIY很着迷。曾经选修了DIY的课程,在房间安装了电灯,搭建了书架。现在懂得更多了。要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 要点必须包括所有信息,可以适当发挥。3. 词数90左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Simon. _I hope to be a member of the Buddy Club.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Simon第 12 页 共 12 页


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