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内蒙古自治区2019-2020年度七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There may soon, we should hotel at once.Abe rainy, return back toBbe rainy, return toCbe rain, return toDbe rain, return back to2 . What do you getyour birthday?AtoBforCatDwith3 . Hi, Alan! Whats _ name? Hi, Jim! He is Mike.AyourBherChisDmy4 . -When a drive sees a sign _,he cant park his car there.ABCD5 . _? Its 12 January.AWhats the date todayBWhat day is it todayCWhats the weather like todayDWhat time is it6 . - This problem is far _ me, Im afraid I cant work it out. - Dont worry, we will help you.AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween7 . Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin.Athe; theB/; aCthe; /D/ ; the8 . Whatsthat_English? _ajacket.Ain;ThatsBin;ItsCon;ItsDat;Thats9 . - Has your uncle ever been to Tibet ?-_.ANo, he didntBNo, he haventCNo, never10 . Our school is so big. We must clean it up as soon as possible.Dont worry. _.ABetter to be safe than sorryBIts raining cats and dogsCEach dog has its dayDMany hands make light work11 . ShallwetakeLindatotheIceFestival?.Shelikesicelanternsverymuch.AThatsoundsgoodBHaveagoodtimeCThatsnotagoodideaDThatstrue12 . Is there_in your exercise book today?No, Mom. I did it very carefully.Asomething wrongBwrong somethingCanything wrong13 . Whats that _ English? Its a map.AatBtoCinDon14 . I need some _.AEnglish bookBEnglish booksCthingDpencil case15 . Kitty, you speak English very well. ACertainly.BThank you.CYoure right.DNo, Im not.二、补全对话5选5.补全对话Bob: Hi, Joy! Good morning.Joy: Hi, Bob!16 . Bob: Are you going shopping (购物)?Joy: 17 . I want to buy (买) some strawberries.Bob: 18 . Joy: Yes, I do.Bob: Does your mum like them, too?Joy: 19 . But my dad likes them.Bob: May I go with you?Joy: Yes. 20 . ADo you like strawberries?BGood morning.CLets go.DYes.ENo, she doesnt.三、完型填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。Many years ago, Dad worked as a farmhand(农场工人). At that time, he had a horse. Every Saturday he_to the town after dinner and spent a few hours on social_ with other farmhands, such as drinking, chatting, and playing cards in the caf. On Saturday evenings, the caf was_ because many farmhands were there. Before midnight Dad returned home on his horse, quite satisfied(满意)with his_. In his words, he_thought of changing his job.At the age of 31, Dad married my mother who was a school teacher. In the following spring I came_ into the world. Life became hard, so my mother felt unsatisfied. She told Dad that they must make a_My mother had_of how some famous persons, especially Thomas Edison who was born in a poor family, fought against fate and achieved greatness and fame. And she_that I would some day become a great leader,ruling men or cities and Dad should be a successful businessman. So she persuaded Dad to give up his job as a farmhand, sell his horse and_a small business of his own. And I went to high school and college. She even sent me abroad for_ education when I graduated from college. Under the drive of my mothers hope, Dad and I_what we have today. Dad runs a big international_ and I am a successful lawyer enjoying great fame in my country,_not a leader as my mother expected.Dad said, without my mother, we wouldnt be what we are today; at least, he would remain a farmhand._he got a lesson of life sometimes we really need drive from outside.21 . ArodeBwalkedCranDdrove22 . AconversationsBgamesCrelationshipsDactivities23 . AcoldBcrowdedCquietDdirty24 . AhorseBentertainmentClifeDbeer25 . AoftenBeverCneverDsometimes26 . AlaughingBsingingCsleepingDcrying27 . AlivingBchangeCdecisionDhouse28 . AdreamedBheardCthoughtDspoken29 . AcaredBknewCforgotDhoped30 . AstartBfindCdesignDsell31 . AfartherBhigherCeasierDcloser32 . AshowedBkeptClostDachieved33 . AfarmBschoolCcompanyDcafe34 . AthoughBifCandDsince35 . ASoBHoweverCOrDBecause四、阅读单选One morning Fan Xing discovered that her classroom had changedThe 13-year-old saw that the desks were no longer in rows(排),but pushed together to make six bigger desksThe new arrangement(排列) was part of a reform(改革) at Fans school,Changsha Daotian Middle School in HunanAbout five weeks ago,more than 2,000 junior students at the school began studying in this way,with six to eight students sitting in groupsThis reform is designed to provide students with easier ways to study and more chances for discussion,said Liu Xu,a school head teacherOur school hopes it can improve students abilities(能力) for self-study as well as teamwork The new arrangement took some time for students to get used toI was too curious(好奇) about it for the first two days,said FanBut soon she and her classmates got used to itNow our class is quieter because we can stop loud students with some simple gestures(手势),said FanWhats more,we can express our own ideas and learn others through discussionIts a better way to study Feng Yu likes this new classroom arrangement very much and has made some progress studyingThe 14-year-old said,Group members first discuss,and then explain the solutions or answers to difficult questions in front of the whole class The discussion gives us more confidence to make speeches,said FengWe can also improve our friendships The reform has asked for more from teachersThey have no more than 15 minutes to teach in classIt is a big challenge to teach in such short time the lessons which should be taught in 45 minutes,English teacher Wang Jing saidWe have to improve methods to teach betterWe must prepare some interesting topics and exercises before class so that students can discuss them Wang said that some students always talkThe teachers have to move continuously in the classroom to keep them quiet and get them to concentrate on classIt demands more,but I believe it will pay off,Wang added36 . From the first paragraph of the passage,we know _ AFan Xing was a 13-year-old studentBFan Xings classroom was changed in rowsCFan Xings desk was no longer in her classroomDsix big desks were moved into Fan Xings classroom37 . The purpose of the new classroom arrangement is to _ Amake the students feel fresh and interestedBdivide big classes into small classesCmake more room for new studentsDprovide students with more chances for teamwork38 . How did the new classroom arrangement help the students study according to the passage? _ABy stopping loud students using simple gesturesBBy giving students more chances to work in groupsCBy making students explain difficult questions after schoolDBy giving students more confidence to improve friendship39 . What is the big challenge for the teachers in classroom teaching in the reform? _AThe teachers have to improve their studying methodsBThe teachers must prepare more interesting topics for exercisesCThe teachers are only given 15 minutes to teach in one period(节) of the classDThe teachers have to move about in the classroom to keep the students quiet40 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? _AThe students in Changsha Daotian Middle School are sitting in groups when having classesBThe reform in the school is aimed at improving the students abilities for self-studyCStudying in groups gives the students more confidence to concentrate on classDThe new classroom arrangement also brings some new challenges to the teachersIm Jack. I am tidy. In my room, the books are always in the bookcase. My computer game is always there, too. My shoes(鞋) are under the bed. My schoolbag is always on the sofa. Eric is my brother. Look at his room. Its in a mess now. The books are everywhereon the bed, on the sofa and under the desk. Wheres his hat? Is it on the bed? Is it on the wall? No. I dont know.41 . Where are Jacks books?AOn the desk.BIn the bookcase.COn the table.DOn the wall.42 . Jacks schoolbag is always _Aon the sofaBon the deskCon the wallDunder the bed43 . 画线单词“mess”的汉语意思是“_”。A整齐B破旧C脏乱D美观44 . Wheres Erics hat?AUnder the desk.BOn the bed.COn the wall.DWe dont know.45 . 下面哪句话是不正确的?AJacks shoes are under the bed.BEric is very tidy.CErics books are everywhere.DJacks computer game is in the bookcase.五、阅读判断阅读表格,判断下列句子的对错,对的用T,错的用FMasons Clothes Store(服装店)ClothesColorPriceSocksWhite , blue$ 4ShoesBlack$15SweaterRed, white$ 8T-shirtRed, green, black$ 7CapBlack, red$ 646 . Black or yellow socks are $4.47 . You can buy school bags in Masons Clothes Store.48 . You have six dollars. You can buy a red cap.49 . You want to buy two sweaters. You need(需要) $16.50 . You cant find the red T-shirt in Masons Clothes Store.六、句型转换根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。51 . These are Sams books. _ Sams books? (改为一般疑问句)52 . Those are oranges. (改为单数句子) _ orange.53 . This is her bike. (改为同义句) This bike _.54 . Is this your father?No, _. (否定回答)55 . His name is Li Lei.(划线部分提问)_ name?七、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。56 . Have you watched the National Day parade on TV?Of course. It has won high _ (赞扬) all over the world.57 . Sarah is so bright, _ (活泼的) and cheerful that all of us would like to make friends with her.58 . What does Han Mei always come top of the class in exams, I wonder?_ (凭借) hard work and her wisdom she has achieved a lot of success.59 . My mother tells me to have extra English lessons on Sundays. What shall I do?Dont let me _ (影响) you. Make up your own mind.60 . How are you getting on at this school, Daniel?Excellent. My _ (决定) to study in our school is the best choice Ive ever made.A) 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。61 . This kind of disease_ (传播)so quickly that it drew the governments attention.62 . Are there_ (充足)of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet?63 . I dont know how to put together the furniture. Can you help me?You can read the_first and have a try.64 . We heard that the police _ (拒绝)to give Sarah any information about her son.65 . The Jiangsu Peoples _ (出版)House recently got out two new novels.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词适当的形式填空66 . She reads Harry Potter three _ (time).67 . My father goes _ (swim) every morning.68 . Does your mother have a _ (shop) bag?69 . Sun Yang, a Chinese swimmer, wins five gold medals in Asian Games at the _ (old) of 23.70 . Many students wear _ (glass) today.九、完成句子71 . 这条河底充满了垃圾。The _ of the river is _ of rubbish.72 . 每个人都应该参与保护环境。Everyone should _ a _ in _ the environment.73 . 过去我能够看见天空里的星星。I _ to _ able to see stars in the _.74 . 你们解决这些问题的建议是什么?What are your _ for _ these problems ?75 . 我从不带木筷或塑料叉当我买外卖食物时。I never take _ or _ forks when I buy takeaway food.76 . 请记得把垃圾扔垃圾箱里并保持教室的干净。Please _ throw rubbish into the bins and _ the classroom _.十、材料作文77 . 书面表达根据下面的课程表,向朋友们介绍你在学校一天的课程,谈谈你在什么时间上什么课程以及对各科的看法。要求:1.短文意思连贯,格式正确,要点全面,可适当发挥;2.词数:6080。Timesubjecthowwhy8:00mathdifficult9:10Englishinteresting10:20historyboring11:00artfunny2:20biologyinteresting3:10musicrelaxing4:00P.E.usefulHello,everyone!I am a student of Class Three, Grade Seven.Classes begin at 8:00._第 12 页 共 12 页

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