英语七年级下册Unit 5 Reading (Ⅰ) 同步练习

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英语七年级下册Unit 5 Reading () 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You should put one teaspoon of sugar into the water . Then _.Amix it upBmix up itCmix them upDmix up them2 . When I was passing the classroom, I noticed a boy _ phone games.AplayBto playCplayedDplaying3 . -Do you know how to get to the 12th floor?-_ the button and the lift will go up to that floor with you.APullBPushCCatchDHold4 . It was _ of her to go into the burning building to save the child.AmagicBbraveCstrangeDclever5 . We can see the sign in the public places.What does it mean?It means_.Ayou cant take photos hereByou cant park your cars hereCyou cant smoke here二、完型填空Thanksgiving was almost here. The menu had been set. The shopping list made. _ seemed perfect. I could taste turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes. Pictures of strawberry sauce and pumpkin pie flashed through my _. I licked my lips. There would also be sweet potatoes, apples, vegetables and mushrooms. I couldnt _The day _ thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practice being _. “Therefore, on Thanksgiving Day we are going to _ at a homeless shelter (避难所).” I couldnt believe this was happening. So we wouldnt cook our own Thanksgiving dinner. The holiday wouldnt be the same. I thought the _ would be ruined (毁掉). My heart sank.The next morning, we woke up early to go to the shelter. I had _ great expectations. As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done. _ all I could think about was the dinner I couldnt enjoy. I was so disappointed.Those thoughts _ disappeared. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people _ the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was their first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. People were so _. Laughter filled the shelter.Through this experience I _ that it is more meaningful to give than to receive. When I gave up what I wanted, I discovered how much I _. Finally, I got to understand thanksgiving is a time to look for _ to bless (祝福) others. In the end, that thanksgiving became a memorable experience.6 . ANothingBSomethingCEverythingDAnything7 . AmindBmouthCeyeDnose8 . AunderstandBhelpCwaitDstand9 . AafterBbeforeConDfrom10 . AhopefulBhelpfulCrelaxedDpleased11 . Agive outBcome outCwork outDhelp out12 . AweekBmonthCyearDday13 . AsomeBmanyCmoreDno14 . ABecauseBSoCButDAlthough15 . AquicklyBhardlyCluckilyDprobably16 . Acome intoBbreak intoCdrop byDpass by17 . AproudBhappyCnervousDeasy18 . AlearnedBtoldCshowedDheard19 . AloseBhaveCexpectDforget20 . ApeopleBwaysCloveDaim三、阅读单选Science has discovered that as each bird flaps (拍打) its wings, it makes uplift for the bird behind it. By flying in a “V” formation (队形) , the whole group adds at least 71 percent greater flying range (范围) than if each bird flew on its own. In autumn, geese head south for the winter, flying in a “V” formation .People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily, because they are traveling with the help of one another.When a goose falls out of formation, it wont try to go it alone but will quickly get back into formation.If we have the sense of a goose, we can stay in formation with people who are heading in the same direction as we are. When the head goose gets tired, it goes back in the wing and another goose flies to the point. It is sensible to take turns to lead, whether with people or with geese flying south.Finally, when a goose gets sick or is wounded (受伤) by a gunshot, two other geese fall down with that goose. They follow it down for protection and to lend help. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies.If we have the sense of a goose, we can stand by each other like that.21 . If a goose falls out of formation , what will it do?AIt will try to go alone.BIt will quickly get back into formation.CIt will ask others for help.DIt will find another formation.22 . The word “sensible” in the six paragraph probably means_ in Chinese.A明显的B意识到的C通情达理的D明智的23 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage.AThe whole group adds at most 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.BIn winter, geese head south .CWe cant stay in formation with people who are heading in the same direction as we are.DWhen a goose gets sick, two other geese fall down with that goose.24 . From the passage we know that _.A Teamwork is important.B. People should be brave.C. Nothing seek(追求), nothing find.D. Failure is the mother of success.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词25 . Ill meet you at the _ (通常的) time.26 . I dont think _ (任何人) is going to come.27 . When did the accident _ (发生)?28 . I want to _ (搜寻) out an old school friend.29 . You dont have to _ (耳语) . No one can hear us.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给的词填空(5分)30 . We always have fun_ (chat) with each other.31 . Youd better give me a few_ (many) minutes.32 . His teacher makes him_ (clean) the classroom every day.33 . Do you have any problems_ (fly) kites?34 . This bad news makes all of us_ (happily).六、填空八、任务型阅读(每空一词)One afternoon, in Paris, Kate visited an art museum. She looked forward to seeing some great paintings in a quiet place like that. But a young man and his wife talked all the time. Kate watched them because of the noise(噪音)and decided to go away.Kate met them many times when she walked through the museum. Every time Kate heard their noise, she went away quickly.Kate was buying cards at the gate of the museum when those two people got there, too. “Hes brave(勇敢的)man,” said the shopkeeper. “Most of us would give up if we were blind(失明), but he and his wife come when theres a new art show anytime.” “But how does the man enjoy the paintings?” Kate felt very sorry and asked.“His wife tells him about every painting.”At that moment Kate knew what patience(耐心)and bravery are. Kate saw patience from the wife and bravery from the man. He would not let blindness change his love on art.Another kind of bravery35 . One afternoon.PlaceA(n) 36 . museum.PeopleKate, a young man and his 37 . .Kates planTo enjoy some paintings in a 38 . place.Development(事件发展)The man his wife 39 . all the time. Kate thought they were making 40 . , so she went 41 . quickly.EndThe 42 . thought the man was 43 . , and he told Kate about them. The young man 44 . see things with his eyes.七、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列短语45 . 参观的地点_46 . 四处逛逛_47 . 变成金黄色褐色_48 . 给拍照_49 . 全年_50 . 雨水充足_51 . 最好做某事_52 . 忘记去做某事_53 . 与相比_54 . 有时_八、汉译英:整句翻译句子。55 . 没有人注意到坐在教室角落的那个女孩。_56 . 这个小孩子很聪明,她发短信向警方求助。_57 . 我担心除非提前录制,不然这个节目将没法按时播出。_58 . 你知道谁将参加本周的访谈节目吗?_59 . 如果琳达发现一部电影有趣,她将介绍给我们。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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