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合肥市2020版九年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The little girl is too frightened _ a word.AsayingBto sayCnot to sayDsay2 . 一How was Liu Lius dancing show at the Teenagers Talent Show yesterday?一Cant be better. That was dancing show I could imagine.Athe worseBthe worstCthe betterDthe best3 . Would you be so kind as to _ your music? I am preparing for tomorrows speech.Sure. Sorry to disturb you.Aturn downBturn upCturn onDturn off4 . good advice the teacher gave me!AHow aBWhat aCWhat5 . I think this is _ useful book.AaBanCtheD/6 . -Thankshelping me_ English, Tina. -Youre welcome.Afor ; aboutBfor; withCabout ; withDto ; for7 . Mom,I dont like this jacket. Its too_.AniceBoldCtidyDgreat8 . He is practicing sports _he can compete and win in the match.Aso thatBsoCthatDin order to9 . The book_ be jims because his name is on it.AcantBmustCcant10 . Tom decided _ in China.AtravelBtravelingCto travel11 . _ is nice to see you, Sam.AHeBItCThatDThis12 . Mike,take away your things. They _ lot of space,OK. I will do it at once.Atake offBput outCtake upDput away13 . How do you feel today ?I feel _.AlongBsadCsmallDshort14 . -Lets go fishing if it _ this weekend.- But nobody knows if it _.Ais fine; will rainBwill be fine; rainsCis fine; will be rainDwill be fine;will rain15 . Excuse me, could you tell me ? In front of the gate of our school.Awhat time should we arrive at the parkBwhere should we meetCwhere I can find you tomorrow morningDwhat we need to take with us二、完型填空I ran into a stranger as he walked by me. “Oh, excuse me,” was my _. He replied with a smile, “Please excuse me, too. I wasnt watching out for you.” We apologized(道歉) and went our own way. But at home a _story was told. Later that day, as I was cooking, my daughter was standing too close to me. When I_, I nearly knocked(撞到) her over. “Move out of the way!” I shouted. She walked away sadly. But I didnt feel like apologizing to her.As I was in bed that evening, my husband said to me. “When_ a stranger, you were polite, but with a daughter you love, you were _. Your daughter brought you some flowers that she _herself this afternoon. You will find them in the kitchen by the door. Have you seen the tears in her eyes?”I quietly went and knelt down(跪下) by her _. “Wake up, little girl.” I said, “Are those flowers for_ ?” She smiled, “I found them by the tree. I picked them_ theyre pretty like you.” I tearfully replied, “Im sorry for the way I _today. I shouldnt have shouted at you.” “Its okay. I love you anyway.” she said.If we can be polite to strangers, why cant we do the same for the ones we love?16 . AanswerBspeechCadvice17 . AinterestingBusefulCdifferent18 . AcalledBturnedCreturned19 . Adealing withBlistening toClooking at20 . ApatientBunkindCdisappointed21 . AboughtBpickedCmade22 . AchairBdeskCbed23 . AmeBusCher24 . AthoughBwhetherCbecause25 . AexplainedBactedCconsidered三、阅读单选It is reasonable to say that every teenager can be affected by peer pressure (来自同伴的压力) at some point. Every day, in any high school, peer pressure has a major influence over the behavior of teenagers. It can be as subtle (微妙的) as being persuaded to be late for class or as extreme as a dangerous drug. Whether subtle or extreme, peer pressure can have damaging, sometimes life changing, and even serious results.“Teens dont often consider the long-term results that some behavior can cause,” said Terri Price, a researcher. “Peer pressure can be very difficult to handle for many teens because of their fears of not fitting in.” Peer pressure has always been part of teen life, but teens experience it differently than their former generations did in the past. Sources of peer pressure have increased because of the Internet and other electronic communications.Recognizing peer pressure can be as simple as noticing that you have been asked to do something that you are not comfortable with. “Listen to your instinct(直觉), which is a sign for whether something is right or wrong. If it feels wrong, then most likely it is.” says Price.Teens are in a time of life when they are still discovering who they are. Many teens are influenced by peer pressure because of their insecurities (不安全感). This can make them helpless especially when their self-control is weak or they lack healthy support, causing them to take risky behavior or turn to unhealthy support.Dealing with peer pressure is a topic of concern for teens. People can say, “Just say no,” but the truth is that the statement is easier said than done.26 . The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to _.Athe InternetBteen lifeCpeer pressureDthe fear of not fitting in27 . You can know whether a teen suffers peer pressure by watching _.Awhether he often surfs the InternetBwhether he can get securityCwhether it is subtle or extremeDwhether he feels comfortable with it28 . Why are teens easily influenced by peer pressure?ABecause they dont have the feeling of safety.BBecause they are afraid of fitting in or being accepted.CBecause they need support for their health.DBecause they have nobody to turn to when in trouble.29 . The writer wants us to _ by writing the article.Aknow about peer pressureBcare more about teensCdeal with peer pressureDunderstand the behavior of teenagers30 . According to the passage, we learn that dealing with peer pressure is _.Anot difficultBto listen to your instinctCeasier said than doneDan impossible taskThe following are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg. They are based on his experience of building a company from the ground up, leading New York City as mayor(市长), and so on.Take RisksLife is too short to spend your time avoiding failure.In 1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, most people advised me not to do it. But one person said, “If you can imagine yourself giving a concession(败选)speech, then why not go for it?” That was the best advice I received, and I followed it.In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail and you must have the courage to go for it anyway.Make your own luckLuck plays a part in success. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Whatever you choose to do, even if its not the job of your dreams, always work hard at it. Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.Never stop learning The most powerful word in English language is “why”. There is nothing so powerfulas an open, inquiring mind(探究精神). Whatever field you choose for starting a business be a lifelong student. Give backYou are responsible for your success and failure, but you only succeed if you share the reward with others.My first donation was a $ 5 check to my alma mater (母校) . And while the checks(支票)may be bigger today, they come with the same spirit.You dont have to be wealthy to give back. You can give back by giving your time and talents.31 . In this passage, Michael Bloomberg is the name of a.AnewspaperBplaceCcompanyDperson32 . What did the writer do at the age of 59?ALost his job.BRan for mayor.CBuilt a company.DBecame a teacher.33 . From the passage, we can infer that the writer .Ais a young mayorBseldom cares about othersCis lucky all the timeDis a hard-working man34 . Which of the following isnt mentioned in the tips?AFailure is the mother of success.BIts never too old to learn.CMoney is everything.DLuck comes from hard work.35 . In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article?AFamily LifeBInteresting StoriesCExperience SharingDAdventuresBest Sellers(畅销书) of the WeekThe New York TimesThis weekTitleWriterPriceStoryWeeks on List(上榜周数)1The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton.15.85.From England to Australia and back, two women try to solve a family problem.182The Help, by Helen Scott. 22.95. A young white man helps to black boys.583Spoken From the Heart, by Laura Bush. 30.00. Wife of U.S. President George W. Bush tells the stories of being the first lady.244Best Friends Forever, by Carol Brown. 19.95. Childhood friends meet again years later when one needs help.65Run For Your Life, by James Clark. 27.85. A New York policeman alone must stop a bad man killing people.10根据表格内容,选择正确的答案。36 . The book which has stayed on the list for the longest time is _AThe Forgotten GardenBBest Friends ForeverCSpoken From the HeartDThe Help37 . Mrs Green has a big family problem these days, so she can try reading _.AThe HelpBThe Forgotten GardenCBest Friends ForeverDRun For Your Life38 . Mary is interested in the family life of American President. She can choose the book written by_.AKate MortonBHelen ScottCCarol BrownDLaura Bush四、根据首字母、中文提示填空二、词汇检测39 . The TV series is about a_(富有的)family that later lost everything40 . In this park,you will enjoy the beautiful_ (景色)of different places41 . He_ (可能)get there in time,but Im not sure42 . If you get_ (害怕)easily when walking alone,you sing43 . This film is full of_ (悬疑)and we wont understand it until it ends44 . People wont believe the_ (恐怖)of war until they see it the thmselves45 . Lots ot western people are more and more interested in_ (亚洲)culture46 . 一Next week,well_for our new monitor一Then who will you support? Lucy or Jack?47 . 一Excuse me。can you give me this medicine?一Sorry,Im afraid I cant sell it to you_you show me the doctors note48 . 一If you have any information,let me know一Surewill send you text_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空49 . The Dragon Boat Festival was on the _ (thirty) of May this year.50 . When a new baby was born, his or her _(weigh)and length are taken down by the doctor.51 . The actors in the series “In The Name of People” were not _(simple) for reward, they wanted to show the spirit of serving the people.52 . The Reader is a popular show in China and different people are _(invite) to read aloud on the stage.53 . Because of the use of the sharing bikes in Zhenjiang, I find it _(easy) to travel around the city than before.六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Boys and girls, please stay together.Lets hurry up and begin our class trip 54 . the museum.The visit starts on the first floor.Pay attention to the information about the 55 . (technical) in the old days.Spend as much time as you can 56 . (look) at everything, because we wont come back.Then well go upstairs to the 57 . (two) floor.After we arrive at the Inventors of the 20th Century Room, please read the invention 58 . (story) and look at some modern inventions as well.While you look at these inventions, think about 59 . they can make our lives more comfortable. When you60 . (finish) looking at the things on show, take the lift up to the fourth floor.You can go to the cafe for a drink, but dont stay too long.If you want to know more about the museum, you can buy books61 . magazines, or ask the guide for help.Remember:62 . most helpful way is to search the museums website and download everything you need.Im looking forward to 63 . (read) the reports about your visit next Monday.七、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Some people seem to know how to start a conversation with anyone anywhere. If youre not one of these people, dont be sad. Here are some easy ways to help you make a conversation with someone new.Say something about the surroundings (周围的事物).If youre at a party, for example, you could say, “I love this song”, or “The food is great. Have you tried the chicken?”Ask an open-ended question.The question requires (要求) more than just a yes or no answer. You can ask a question that begins with one of the 5W1H: who, where, when, what, why, or how. For example, “Who do you know here?” “Where do you usually go on Friday?” “How is the food?” Most people enjoy talking about themselves, so asking questions is a good way to start a conversation.Give praise.For example, “I really like your bag. Can I ask where you got it?” or “You look like youve done this before. Can you tell me where I have to sign in (签到)?”Keep the conversations going with small talk.Dont say something annoying (令人讨厌的) and avoid big subjects like religion (宗教). Try some relaxing subjects. For example, you can talk about the weather or anything you have in common such as schools, movies and sports teams.Be a good listener.Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk. You cant focus on (专注于) what someones saying if youre thinking about what youre going to say next. Focus on the speaker and show interest in whats being said. Nod, smile at the person, and make sure you look friendly.64 . An open-ended question refers to the one beginning with _.65 . Asking questions is a good way to start a conversation because most people _.66 . Try some relaxing subjects rather than big subjects like _.67 . To be a good listener means focusing on the speaker and _.68 . The passage is mainly about _.请阅读下面这篇文章,完成下面表格。I am Jay from Zhuhai Sunshine Middle School. Recently, we carried out a survey on who we prefer to share worries with. We got different answers.Acording to the chart, those who would like to share their worries with their classmates and friends account for about 71%. It is mainly because they believe that if people are at the same age, they are easy to communicate and understand each other better. About 22% of the students said they would like to share worries with their teachers and parents. According to them, adults are rich in experience, and that they can handle their problems easily. The rest prefer to keep worries to themselves. As for them, its a struggle to get along well with others, some of them said they didnt want to trust anyone.As far as I am concerned, I am willing to share worries with my best friends because theyre always kind and understanding. However, if I meet with some serious problems, Ill be likely to ask my parents and teachers for help, who, I believe, have more experience to give me valuable advice.Information CardWhat is the survey we had about?69 . How many percents of the students would like to share worries with their classmates and friends?70 . .Why do students like to share worries with their teachers and parents?71 . .What did the students who keep worries to themselves say?72 . .Why does Jay share worries with his best friend?73 . .八、材料作文74 . 书面表达。当前,越来越多的孩子迷上电脑,但孩子们用电脑的情况怎样?用它们做什么?下表是对三个孩子使用电脑情况的小调查,请据此写一篇短文,向大家介绍一下。PeopleWhat they usually doJennydo homework,talk to her customers(have an online candy shop)Mikewatch movies,search for information about his subjectsJimplay computer games,talk with his friends要求:1.条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确;2.5060词。第 13 页 共 13 页

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