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成都市2020版初一下英语线上教学调研英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ do you usually visit a friend?I usually _.AWhen; in my fathers carBHow; go there in my fathers carCWhen; on the carDHow; drive car2 . _is it from Sunshine Town to the center of Beijing?Its about 20 kilometers_ our school.AHow often , far fromBHow long, away fromCHow soon, far away fromDHow far, away from3 . The film was . Jim said he felt when watching it.Abored, boringBbored, boredCboring, boredDboring, boring4 . The story Tom and Jerry made me laugh, and I think its one of_ stories.AfunnyBfunnierCfunniestDthe funniest5 . _ do you usually eat junk food?I _ eat it, so Im healthy.AHow often; alwaysBHow long; oftenCHow often; hardly ever6 . I live in a town _ London.A15-mile fromB15-miles fromC15 mile fromD15 miles away from7 . Would you mind if I open the windows?, go ahead.AOf course notBSureCSorryDBetter not8 . Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.What a _! I was doing my homework.AsurpriseBpityCpromiseDnews9 . It will_us several years to learn a foreign language well.AtakeBspendCcostDpay10 . Pandas are much loved around the world. Unluckily, there arent many pandas left and theyre _ now. So we must save them.Ain orderBin dangerCin needDin place二、完型填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。You probably think you will never be a top student.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants.Here are what you _ do.Plan your _ carefully.Make a list of things you have to do.After that, you should make a schedule (时刻表) of your time.First, arrange your time _ eating, sleeping, dressing, etc.Then choose a regular time for studying.Dont forget to spare some time on hobbies.Find a good place to _.Look around the house for a good study area.It may be a desk or a corner of your room, free of everything but study things.Study regularly.When you get home from school, go over your notes._the important points will help you understand the next class._ give up if you dont pass a test.The purpose of a test is to check _ youve learned from a book or a subject._helps you remember the new knowledge.Dont be worried.The world wont end _ you dont pass a test.Work harder, and you _ great progress.Believe in yourself.11 . AmustBneedntCcantDshould12 . AlifeBtimeCmoneyDstudy13 . AforBwithConDfrom14 . AwatchBplayCstudyDrepeat15 . AReviewingBReviewCReviewedDTo review16 . AAlwaysBEverCStillDNever17 . AwhenBwhatCwhoDwhere18 . AThatBOneCItDThis19 . AifBsoCbutDthough20 . AmadeBhave madeChad madeDwill makeTraffic rules help to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people_.The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to_as the driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道) or at the side of the road. Always look_before you walk across the street. If you like riding a bike, dont ride in middle of the road or run_red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around or talk .If you drive a car, you should _at the traffic lights. You must always_a seat belt (安全带).Without belts_the driver and the passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident.You may not need to take a bus, but_if you have to travel in one. Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a_.When it is full, dont try to get inside_you may fall off.Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules.21 . A. healthy B. safe C. happy D. sad22 . A. follow B. make C. break D. take23 . A. happy B. happily C. carefully D. careful24 . A. through B. across C. along D. down25 . A. speed up B. go ahead C. slow down D. slow up26 . A. take B. wear C. carry D. put27 . A. half B. none C. both D. all28 . A. look around B. take care C. take a seat D. have a look29 . A. sign B. stop C. corner D. go30 . A. and B. so C. or D. but三、阅读单选Here is some information about some of the wonders of the world. I am sure you will be interested in them. The Pyramids of Egypt There are about eighty pyramids known today. The most wellknown was for Pharaoh(法老) Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”. Its also the largest one. Workers used about 2.3 million blocks of stone to build it, and the work took them twenty years.The Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe garden sat on a hill. It was a large and wonderful structure(建筑物). Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱). There were many big and green trees with lovely flowers. Although there are many different ideas about the garden, we are not sure whether this wonder ever existed(存在)! The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Lighthouse of Alexandria was designed about 2,000 years ago. It was in Egypt, too. It was one of the ancient wonders of the world, about 135 metres high. It was once the highest building in the world. Although it doesnt exist now, many people come to see its relic(遗址) every year.31 . The passage has talked about _ wonders of the world.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour32 . _ raised high up the parts of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.ABig green treesBLovely flowersCStonesDLarge columns33 . According to the passage, which is NOT true?AThe Great Pyramid was made of a lot of stones.BScientists can prove that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has ever existed.CThe Lighthouse of Alexandria was in Egypt.DThe Lighthouse of Alexandria was about 135 metres high.Whats a spacewalk? Any time an astronaut gets out of a spacecraft(航天器) while in space, it is called a spacewalk. Astronauts go on spacewalks for many reasons. For example, experiments can be placed on the outside of a spacecraft. This lets scientists learn how being in space affects( 影响) different things. By going on spacewalks, astronauts can also fix things instead of bringing them back to the earth to fix.When astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe. Inside spacesuits, astronauts have the oxygen(氧气) they need to breathe and the water they need to drink. To keep the astronauts and the spacecraft safe, the astronauts must leave and go back to the spacecraft through a special door. When on a spacewalk, astronauts use safety tethers to stay close to their spacecraft. Tethers are like ropes, connect the spacewalkers with the spacecraft. They keep astronauts from floating( 漂浮 ) away into space. Another way astronauts stay safe during spacewalks is by wearing a SAFER. SAFER is worn like a backpack. It helps an astronaut move around in space.How do astronauts train for spacewalks? One way is by going for a swim. Floating in space is a lot like floating in water. Astronauts practice spacewalks underwater in a huge special swimming pool. For every one hour they will spend on a spacewalk, astronauts need to train seven hours in the pool. Another way astronauts practice for a spacewalk is by using virtual reality(虚拟现实). It looks and feels just like a spacewalk.Today, only three countries have finished spacewalks independently. They are Russia, the United States and China. The first person to go on a spacewalk in the world was Alexei Leonov from Russia. Zhai Zhigang is the first Chinese astronaut to go on a spacewalk. The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian astronaut Anatoly Solovyev. He has been on 16 spacewalks and spent more than 82 hours outside in space.34 . About the spacewalk, we can know _ .Asome things can be fixed by astronauts during spacewalksBall experiments must be placed on the outside of a spacecraftCan astronaut can get out of a spacecraft any time while in spaceDa spacewalk lets scientists learn how being in space affects different things35 . How many ways to keep the astronauts safe during spacewalks?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.36 . Whats the meaning of the word “tethers” in Paragraph 2?A吊篮B系绳C笼子D钩子37 . Astronauts train for spacewalks by_ .Afloating in spaceBusing virtual realityCgoing on spacewalks outside a spacecraftDtraining in water in a common swimming pool38 . According to the passage, which is NOT true?AChina can finish a spacewalk independently.BAstronauts can breathe and drink in spacesuits.CAstronauts can move around in space with the help of SAFER.DAnatoly Solovyev is the first person to go on a spacewalk in the world.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Long long ago, there lived a little princess named Nu Wa. She was the39 . (young) daughter of Emperor Yan. Nu Wa loved watching the sunrise. One day, she got a boat and went to the East China Sea alone without40 . (tell ) her father. While she was boating on the sea,41 . strong wind came. Her boat sank(沉)into the sea and so42 . (do)Nu Wa. After her43 . (die) , her spirit(灵魂)changed into a beautiful bird. People44 . (call)the bird Jingwei. In order to revenge(报仇), Jingwei flew between the mountain45 . the East China Sea,46 . (carry) stones and dropping them into the sea. Day47 . day, she kept dropping. She said 48 . she filled the sea up(装满),she would never give up.五、信息匹配任务型阅读:很多人在谈话中喜欢引用名人的话,恰当地使用名言能使你的表达增色不少。请仔细阅读方框中A-E这些名言,然后将它们与1-5题中的话语配对。49 . Sarah: Dont care too much about what they have said. Tony. _.50 . Stephen: Thanks for helping me, Amy. _. Im proud of having a friend like you.51 . Mr. Lee: Teachers should tell the kids not only what to do, but also how to do that. _.52 . Alan: Dont be upset, Jeff. _. The great success is just in front of you.53 . Sally: I dont want to hear the tour guide introduce the paintings in the gallery. _. Dont you think so?六、回答问题The novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒) still influences peoples lives. But people have different ways to deal with (应对) it. They try to find a moment of happiness during hard times. Therefore, happy times can still be found during hard times.lWalking among flowersA group of children in masks walked through a rape flower (油菜花) field in Huzhou, Zhejiang, on March 12. They were among many people who went to the fields to see the flowers. After staying in for some time because of the epidemic (疫情), people are beginning to go outdoors to enjoy the spring. They wear masks to stay safe.lStatue wears maskWorkers put a mask on a statue (雕像) that is part of the Fallas festival (火祭节) in Valencia, Spain, on March 11. The festival was set to take place on March 13. But it was canceled (取消) because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. During this festival, there are hundreds of statues in streets around the city. After about a week, people will burn (烧毁) them. But people will vote (投票) for one statue to be kept in the Las Fallas Museum.lLook at a sunriseA medical worker from Shanxi province took photos of the sunrise (日出) while he was leaving Wuhan on March 17. Though these workers worked in the city for over a month, they had no chance to enjoy its beauty. While seeing the sunrise, they couldnt help taking pictures to record their last moment in the city. All of the mobile cabin hospitals (方舱医院) in Wuhan closed on March 10. Medical teams from different parts of China are going home. 根据阅读内容回答下列问题54 . What still influences peoples lives?_55 . What do people wear to stay safe?_56 . How many statues will be kept in the Las Fallas Museum?_57 . What did a medical worker from Shanxi province do while leaving Wuhan on March 17?_58 . Whats the main idea of the passage?_七、材料作文59 . 书面表达在学习中, 不良的学习习惯导致学习效率不高。以 How to improve learning efficiency 为题,写一篇英语短文。内容如下:1. 说明是否存在学习效率不高的现象;2. 分析自己或他人效率不高的原因,并举例说明;3. 根据你所列出的原因,提出相应的建议。参考词汇:效率 efficiency注意:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2. 语言通顺,句子连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。How to improve learning efficiencyIn my class, _第 10 页 共 10 页

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