英语七年级上册Unit 1 综合能力检测题

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英语七年级上册Unit 1 综合能力检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My _ is Gina Smith.Alast nameBnumberCfriendDtelephone2 . A survey(调查) about the activity Helping the Homeless Children was made in Lucy and Lilys class. They and their 48 classmates took an active part in this activity. According to the form below, _ students gave away school things.A24B15C253 . Its important to know how to ask for help in a foreign country, but its more important to know how to ask for help _.AloudlyBluckilyCheavilyDpolitely4 . - Are you afraid of dogs?- .AYes, I amBYes, I doCNo, I dontDYes, I did5 . _?Her name is Gina.AWhats her mameBWhat her nameCWhats your pameDHow are you6 . Does Peter have a tennis racket? _ . But he has some tennis balls.AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes ,she does.DNo, she doesnt.7 . 我的妹妹的英文名为_.ABobBAliceCDale8 . today?Its fine.AWhat can I do for youBWhats the weather likeCWho is on dutyDHow are you9 . -Is this your number?_.AYes,this isBYes,it isCNo, this notDYes, he is10 . “Sit down,please. ”“ _ ”AFineBThank youCThanks youDYes二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A:Hello!My name is Anna. 11 . B:Fine,thanks.A:12 . B:No,Im not. Im Eric.A:13 . B:Smith.A:14 . B:SMITH.A:15 . B:2317826.A:OK. My telephone number is 4567984.AIs she Mary?BHow are you?CAre you Tom?DSpell it,please.EPlease say it in English.FWhats your last name?GWhats your telephone number?三、完型填空Hello! Im Eric. These are my familys two _ . My parents are in the _ photo. My father likes(喜欢) _ . Look(看)! His jacket is blue. My mother is a teacher(老师) in a middle _ . In the next photo are my _ cousins and I. This is my cousin Amy. She is my uncles _ . Amy has a brother. _ name is Tom. Look! _ boy in the middle is Tom. Im here. _ is in my hands(手)? Its a(n) _ . I like to eat(吃) it.16 . AkeysBmapsCphotos17 . AfirstBnextClast18 . AblueBgreenCyellow19 . AfamilyBschoolCpicture20 . AtwoBthreeCfour21 . AmotherBsisterCdaughter22 . AMyBHisCYour23 . AABAnCThe24 . AHowBWhoCWhat25 . ArulerBorangeCtelephone四、阅读单选Bertie was a very good boy,but he always forgot. No matter what he was asked to do, in the end his answer always was I forgot. If he was sent to the store to get something, he would return with nothing but his usual answer. His parents decided that something must be done to make the little boy remember. Christmas was near, and Bertie was busy making out a long list of things that he wanted Santa Claus to bring him.Santa Claus may forget some of those things. said his mother. He cannot,replied Bertie,because I will write all the things on this paper. Then Santa Claus can see it and put the things in my stocking(长袜). Christmas morning came, and Bertie was up early to see what was in his stocking. His mother kept away from him as far as she could, for she knew what Santa Claus had done. Finally she heard him coming to her room. He held a list in his hand,which is much longer than the one he had made out. He put it in his mothers hand, while tears of disappointment fell from his eyes. It was a list of all the things that Bertie had forgotten to do over the last six months. At the end of all was written, in big letters, I FORGOT. Bertie cried for an hour. Then they went to grandpas house. There for the first time he saw a Christmas tree. It was very strange to Bertie, but on the Christmas tree he found everything he had written on his list.Did he change his bad habit? Not all at once,but when his mother saw that he was very careless,she would say, Remember, Santa Claus does not forget!26 . When Bertie was asked to do something,his answer always was_in the end.AI rememberedBI returnedCI didDI forgot27 . Bertie made a long list of the things _.Ahe put on the Christmas treeBhe had forgotten to do beforeChe wanted Santa to bring himDhis parents wanted him to remember28 . How did Bertie feel after he read the list Santa Claus left to him?AHe was disappointed.BHe was excited.CHe was pleased.DHe was angry.29 . Why would his mother say, Remember, Santa Claus does not forget!?ATo make Bertie remember Santa Clausgifts.BTo remind Bertie to change his bad habit.CTo help Santa Claus not to forget the list.DTo tell Bertie Santa Claus never forgets.Choose the best answer. (根据表格信息,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C、D等表示)Name: ClaudeName: Zhang HuiName: CarolineName: KalumiCountry: IndiaCountry: ChinaCountry: RussiaCountry: JapanNative language: IndianNative language: ChineseNative language: RussianNative language: JapaneseTime in the USA:9 monthsTime in the USA:2 yearsTime in the USA:4 yearsTime in the USA:3 monthsFamily:I live with my wife.Family:I have one son. He is studying in China. My wife is an English teacher in China.Family:I live with my husband and 2 children.Family:My parents, 4 brothers and sisters all live in Japan. Im here by myself.Work:I was an art teacher in India. But now I work in a company.Work:I was a math teacher in China, but now Im a cook.Work:I was a basketball player, but now I m Russian teacher.Work:I worked as a nurse in my country. Now Im a shop assistant.Interests:I love painting. I like music, too.Interests:I like cooking. I also like sports, such as basket ball and table tennis.Interests:I love sports and travellingInterests:I like reading, drawing and watching TV.30 . _ has lived in America for the longest time among the four students.AKalumiBCarolineCZhanghuiDClaude31 . _ were teachers in their own countries.AZhang Hui and ClaudeBZhang Hui and CarolineCKalumi and ClaudeDCaroline and Claude32 . Of the four persons, _ has the biggest family.AZhang HuiBClaudeCCarolineDKalumi33 . Zhang Hui and Caroline both _.A. come from ChinaAlive with their family in the USA.Blike sportsClike travelling34 . These students may _ together.Adraw picturesBplay basketballCteach EnglishDlearn English in the same class五、句型转换按要求完成下列各题35 . He solved the problem yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ the problem yesterday?36 . The story is not true. (改为同义句) The story is _.37 . Einstein died in_1955. (对画线部分提问)_ Einstein _ ?38 . My father was born in_a_village. (对画线部分提问)_ your father _ ?39 . He left his home at 7:30. (改为否定句)He _ his home at 7:30.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词40 . All of us know bad weather sometimes causes _ (自然) disasters.41 . Giant pandas live _ (主要地) on a special kind of bamboo.42 . _ (无论何时) someone falls ill, Dr Mei walks for hours to see the patient in the mountainous area.43 . I dont know w_ he will come to my party or not.44 . His sister doesnt like snakes or _ (狐狸).45 . Her favorite food is I_ food.46 . S_ comes, and it is becoming warmer and warmer.47 . The volunteer comes from Tokyo and she can speak J_.七、完成句子根据图片和提示,按要求完成句子。48 . _? Its on November 5th.November345学校旅行49 . (in a shop) _?Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.50 . Where is my computer game?_.51 . What does Frank have for lunch?_.52 . 此题不作答,根据86-89题的书写情况进行评分。八、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择一个适当的词填空。Choose words from the bracket to fill in the blanks with proper forms.nervous can thin feel excited lovely stay up interest away must musician though sugar agree unless53 . Trees_fight air pollution. They are natural air condition-ers.54 . Peters main_is music, and he wants to see some Beijing Opera in a teahouse.55 . Whats your father like?He is tall and_ .56 . Kate felt_talking in front of people because she enjoyed making speeches.57 . Jerry_too late last night, so he looks very tired in class now.58 . Could you please take care of my dog while I am_next week, Mary?59 . He likes singing and plays the piano very well. He wants to be a_.60 . Im really_before the competition.Take it easy. Sure you are the best.61 . Jim has a lot of friends here,_he is new.62 . This dress_very soft. Its made of silk.63 . The coffee isnt sweet enough. Please add some_to it.64 . Well climb the mountain_it rains tomorrow.65 . You look so_in white today!Thank you!66 . Our teacher_to take us to summer camp, so we felt very excited.67 . You_always be careful with fire. Its dangerous.九、材料作文68 . 假如你有一个外国笔友,你准备向他介绍你最好的朋友王刚。王刚是个很聪明的学生,住在广东, 但他有一些不好的习惯。请你根据下面表格提供的信息,用英文写一篇短文,并针对他存在的一些问题提出合理的建议。NameWang GangClassClass 4, Grade 7BirthdaySeptember, 8thLikesplay computer games; watch TV; hamburgers; colaDislikesswim; run; vegetablesSuggestions(建议)具体要求:1. 不少于80词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;3. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。Wang Gang is my best friend._十、其他69 . AsaleBtableChappyDDavid70 . AmusicBrulerCstudentDcomputer71 . AgetBtheseCdeskDbed72 . AdogBgoColdDno73 . AfineBhi ClikeDquilt第 11 页 共 11 页

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