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八年级上学期9月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy a pair of glasses is my brother.AwithBinChasDhave2 . _ everyone here today?Yes, we _.AIs; are all hereBAre; are all hereCIs; all are hereDIs; are all here3 . Dont forget _ the lights when you leave.AcloseBclosedCturning offDto turn off4 . Who mended the watch for you? Uncle Li .AmendedBwasCdoesDdid5 . Jenny isnt doing _ now. Maybe she can help sweep the floor.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything6 . Its quite clever _you_ out the difficult problem. Thank you.Afor; workingBfor; to workCof; workingDof; to work7 . 一Which do you like better, tea or coffee?一Id rather some water. Its also good for our health.AhaveBto haveChadDhaving8 . Please look after your and keep .Ahealth,healthBhealthy,healthyChealth,healthyDhealthy,health9 . Rose likes math very much. _ she can win a prize in the math competition.AMaybeBShouldCMightDMay be10 . Which of the shirts do you like best ?I will take _. They are both fashionable and cheap.AneitherBnoneCbothDall11 . Is this wine made grapes? Yes, its madeFrance.Aof; inBof; asCfrom; byDfrom; in12 . _ do you spell it?R - U - L- E - R, rulerAWhatBHowCWhatsDWho13 . -I think it is good to get to school by bus.-But I think _from you. I think the best way is walking . Its good exercise.AearlyBreallyChappilyDdifferently14 . is it from the park to your house? -About 15 minutes walk.AHow oftenBHow soonCHow longDHow far15 . 一_ do you like history? -Because_interesting.AWhy;itsBWhen;itCWhy;itsDWhen;its16 . Mr Black is _ father.ALily and LucyBLilys and LucysCLily and LucysDLilys and Lucy17 . I think Wechat makes us _ closer.AfeelBfeltCfeelingDto feel18 . At first she was a little shy when speaking in pubic, but now she seems_.Akind-heartedBnaturalCnervousDdifferent19 . He seldom goes out to do outdoor activities with his friends in his spare time. He almost stays and plays computer _ at home.Aon businessBon purposeCon dutyDon his own20 . The air pollution in some areas is getting _ than beforeAmore worseBmuch worseCmore badDmuch bad二、补全对话7选5(2017四川凉山改编)A:Hello,Tina. 21 . B:We are planning for a goodbye party of Michael. He is leaving our school in a month.A:Oh,thats so sweet. Can I join the party?B:Of course.22 . A:Im afraid not. I think Ive made her mad and Im not sure what to do about it.B:What happened?A:23 . B:Yes.A:Well,the more I get to know Lisa, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common. So weve been spending more time together lately.B:24 . A:It makes Nancy unhappy because she thinks Lisa is now better friends with me than with her.B:I see. Why dont you ask Nancy to join you each time you do something with Lisa?25 . A:Oh, good idea! That can make our friendship stronger.AYou know Lisa is also Nancys good friend, right?BThen she wont feel left out.CAnd you can ask your good friend Nancy to help you take some pictures.DBut whats wrong with that?EAnd you can take photos in the party.FWhat are you doing here?GAnd youll become good friends again.三、补全短文5选5I met Rose,my new classmate,on the first day of college. To my surprise, she was already 87 years old. “Why are you in college at such a young age?” I joked. “Im here to meet a rich man, get married, have two children, and then become old and travel.” she answered. 26 . Like young students, Rose was outgoing, kind and helpful. 27 . Soon, she became a superstar in our college.At the end of the term, Rose was invited to give us a speech. I will never forget what she said to us, “There are only four secrets to staying young and achieving success.”“First, you have to laugh and find happiness around you every day. Then you need to have a dream. 28 . Next, find any chance to change yourself. Finally, people shouldnt be sorry for things they didnt do.”29 . Over 2000 students went to her funeral(葬礼) to express their love to the wonderful woman.The great woman didnt live in this world any longer, but she gave us an unforgettable lesson in life. 30 . Dont you think so?阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。AThat isNever too old to learn.BShe always had friends around her.CWhen you lose your dream,you die.DBoth of us laughed because we knew what she said wasnt true.EOne week after she finished her college, she died in her sleep peacefully.四、完型填空Rolta was from a village but he was different from the other villagers. He didnt want to live in the same _ way as them. He always looked around for new ideas. So people laughed at him and even his _ felt ashamed for having “a black sheep” in their home.But Rolta didnt _ about their bad words. He believed in his ability and held his head high. One day as he _ through the village, his shoes got stuck in the weeds. Pulling them out from the weeds, Rolta was lost in thought. Then suddenly, he got to know what he wanted to do in life.He went around looking at the shoes of everyone in the village and pitied their bad footwear. The city shoes were too expensive for the poor villagers. They always wore shoes _ no one could use them ever again.Rolta went to the city to collect information on how to _ shoes. He worked with a shoemaker and returned home six months later. He first made a pair of shoes for everyone in his family. Soon the villagers asked Rolta to make shoes for them, too. He set a(n) _ they could afford, where his profits(利润) were included.The news spread like fire and Rolta had shoe projects he _ dreamed of. He had more and more people working for him. Now Roltas parents were _ of their son because Rolta became the savior of the villagers.Always trust yourself and your ability. Be confident and proud of yourself no matter how _ you are.31 . AcomfortableBoldClazyDboring32 . AparentsBvillagersCclassmatesDfriends33 . AthinkBcareCknowDfight34 . ArodeBdroveCflewDwalked35 . AafterBuntilCbecauseDso36 . ArepairBcleanCsellDmake37 . AexampleBrecordCpriceDcost38 . AsometimesBalwaysCneverDoften39 . AafraidBproudCtiredDnervous40 . AsmallBfamousCpoorDdifferent五、阅读单选We all have meals every day. Do you know some foreigners favorite food or drinks?Germans usually have bread, butter, jam and coffee for breakfast, and have some soup or a simple dish for lunch or supper. The popular food is a hamburger. They enjoy beer and drink it a lot.People in Mexico like corn (玉米) very much. Many different kinds of foods are made of corn. The materials of the Mexican foods are mainly chilies (红辣椒) and tomatoes. Most of the Mexican foods taste spicy, sweet and sour. People in Mexico like to drink beer, too. Some Mexicans even say that their first thing after getting up is to have a glass of beer.Uganda is an African country. There are lots of bananas in the country. So their food and drinks are made of bananas. People think the banana is the most delicious food in the world. Their favorite drink is a kind of wine. Its made from bananas and kaoliang (高粱). They use a special glass pipe to drink it.41 . What do Germans usually have for lunch?ABread, butter, jam and coffee.BSome soup or a simple dish.CA hamburger.DBread with butter.42 . The materials of the Mexican foods are mainly .AcornBchilies and tomatoesCbananasDpotatoes43 . The underlined word materials means in Chinese.A原料B食物C味道D调料44 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AGermans dont enjoy drinking beer.BPeople in Mexico dont like to drink beer.CThere are lots of bananas in Mexico.DPeople in Uganda like to drink a kind of wine made from bananas and kaoliang.45 . Whats the best title of the passage?AThe Most Popular DrinksBWestern FoodCForeigners Food and DrinksDDifferent Kinds of Beer and WineA46 . Which card shows the date of issue.AHealth Insurance Card.BEuropean Identification Card.CCalifornia Drivers License.DUniversity of Texas Student Card.47 . What do the four cards have in common.AEach card has its owners name.BThey each show the persons height.CAll of the cards expire (过期) at a certain time.DNone of the cards show the persons birth place.48 . According to the information on these cards, which of the following is true?APhyllis Roth is studying medicine.BMichael T. Wright was born in September.CBob Harris is older than Michael T. Wright.DMary H. Strenton didnt sign (签署) her name.六、阅读判断How to Take the MedicineThe medicine can help kids who have colds,sore throats and running noses.Kids must eat food before taking the medicine.After taking the medicine,Kids may feel sleepy(困倦的)Kids between 12 and 15: Three pills(药片) every time,three times a day.Kids between 4 and 11: Two pills every time,twice a day.Kids under 4: Ask doctors before taking pills.根据方框内容,判断正(T)误(F)。49 . The medicine cant help people who have fevers.50 . The medicine is for people of all ages.51 . After taking the medicine,people may want to sleep.52 . A 14yearold kid should take nine pills a day.53 . A 5yearold kid should take the medicine three times a day.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句义及首字母填上所缺单词54 . Its raining outside. Please take this u_ with you.55 . Alice t_ to get to Beijing on Sunday, but she failed at last.56 . The man is very healthy, a_ he is very old.57 . He h_ ever eats fruit and vegetables .He is unhealthy.58 . Mike is t_ in playing the violin.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空59 . The man with two children led a poor life after his wifes _. (die)60 . The lorry crashed into the car. _ (luck), all the people were not injured.61 . Small children always anticipate _ (get) red pocket money in the Spring Festival. _ also want to get it from their bosses. (employ)62 . Sarah thought her friends blue handbag was pretty cool, so she wanted to buy one like _ (her).63 . All the judges thought the _ (twelve) competitor in the final contest excellent because his pronunciation and intonation were both great.九、单词填空64 . My name is Bill. Im an American boy. Im twelve. Im a student of a middle school. Im in. Li Lei is my friend. Were in theclass. He is eleven Here is a picture of his family!look at it. His father, the one behind the tree, is a policeman His mother, the one in the red hat, is a Chinese teacher. He has two sisters. They are twins. Their namesFang Fang and Fang Ling. They have a cat.name is Mimi. Look! Itsthe floor under the table. The twins are middle school students, too. They are in different. We are good friends. They often look after me at school. After,we often chateach other. The twinslike doing sports, and they are good at playing volleyball. I want them to be happy forvever(永远)(小题1)Aclass one, grade fourBClass One, Grade FourCClass one, Grade fourDclass One, grade Four(小题2)AsameBdifferent ConeDsome(小题3)ALet usBItsCLetDIt(小题4)AbeBisCareDam(小题5)AonBinCtoDbehind(小题6)AteamBgradeCclassesDschool(小题7)AclassBclassesCsleepDmorning(小题8)A/BwithCto .Dabout(小题9)AbothBallCare bothDare all十、信息匹配Passage 2根据短文内容填表格,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Waste sorting(垃圾分类) is a big matter worldwide. In order to sort the rubbish properly and protect the environment, people in different countries are using different methods to sort their waste.UKA UK company invented a “smart bin” to help with waste sorting. People just need to drop their waste into the bin(垃圾箱). A camera and sensors(感应器) in the bin can tell what type of rubbish it is and correctly sort it. The bin also compresses(压缩) the waste so it takes up less space.South KoreaSouth Korea is using a method called “Pay For Your Waste” to encourage its people to reduce food waste. When throwing away rubbish, people have to separate their food waste from their other rubbish and put it in a bin. The smart bin then weighs the food. People have to pay for their food waste by scanning(扫描) a barcode(条形码) on the bin. If they throw away more rubbish, they will pay more.JapanJapan is leading the world in waste sorting. They sort waste so carefully that even plastic bottles and their caps go into different bins. Different types of paper products have their own bins. ChinaChina is improving its waste sorting efforts. Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a “green account(账户)”service for its residents(居民). The city is asking all of its residents to sort their waste into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.Title(题目):65 . CountriesMethodsUK“A smart bin” 66 . by a UK company to help with waste sorting. The bin can also compress the waste so it will take up less space.South KoreaWhen people throw away food rubbish, they have to pay for it by scanning a barcode on the bin. The more waste they throw away, 67 . they will pay.68 . They sort waste so carefully that they even put plastic bottles and their caps into different bins.ChinaChina is making an effort to improve waste sorting. The government of Shanghai is asking all of its residents to sort their waste into four groups:69 . .十一、回答问题When all the housewives went to the new supermarket, they had one great hope in mind: to be the lucky customer. Then they did not have to pay for their shopping, for this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said, Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be YOUR lucky day!For several weeks, Mrs. Read hoped to become a lucky customer, like many of her friends did, and she never gave up hope. Her dear husband tried to advise her not to do so, but he failed. She always dreamed of the day when the manager of the super-market would come up to her and say, Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy some tea. She dashed(猛冲)back to the supermarket, got the tea, and went towards the cash desk(付款处). As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come up to her, Madam, he said and held out his hand, I want to congratulate you! You are the lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!70 . How did the housewives know the supermarket offered free goods? _71 . How often does the supermarket offer free goods to a lucky customer? _72 . What did Mr. Read do after he knew about his wifes hope?)_73 . Why did the manager walk towards the lady after she got some tea? _74 . What do you think Mrs. Reads feeling was as the Lucky customer? _75 . Why does Mrs. Read dashed back to the supermarket? _十二、书信作文76 . 书面表达你的朋友李明最近身体状况不好,他生活习惯不好,喜欢上网,喜欢吃垃圾食品,不喜欢吃蔬菜,也不喜欢锻炼。请你参考以下提示给他写一封信,并给他一些建议。提示:1. 少吃垃圾食品,多吃蔬菜和水果;2. 尽量多锻炼;3. 少上网,有足够的休息时间;要求:1. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Dear Li Ming,I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. _I hope you feel better soon!Yours,Lei Lei第 15 页 共 15 页

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