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杭州市2019-2020学年中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . “Can you _ it?”“Yes. B-E-E, bee.”AmeetBspellCplay2 . - How do you deal with the homeless people?- We have decided on the suitable waysoffer them help.AonBwithCto3 . What do you think of the new film? Oh, much _.Abetter than I thinkBboring than I thinkCbetter than I thought Dboring than I thought4 . More and more people come to visit China Dinosaur Park. Thats true. It has become the of Changzhou.AeffortBpraiseCcourageDpride5 . - How much is the ancient bowl _? - About thirty-five thousand yuan.ApayBcostCspendDworth6 . How clean your car is! Thank you. Itvery often.AwashesBwashedCis washedDwas washed7 . _ walks around in _heavy rain will catch a cold.AWho; such aBNo matter who; suchCWhoever; suchDNo matter which; so8 . _he is very tired , _he still goes on working.AAlthough, butBBut, althoughCAlthough, /9 . Nancy _lots of work for the school union since she went to university.AdidBwill doChas doneDhad done10 . Jane and Lisa are sisters, but their faces have different _.-Yeah, Janes face is round but Lisas long.AcolorsBshapesCheightsDsizes二、完型填空I was a happy kid until the day I fell down. I _ on a piece of glass and it cut my eye badly. If the eye was_ , my face would look ugly. As a result, my scarred ( 疤 痕 ) and sightless eye lived on with me.People often asked me questions which made me _. When kids played games, I was always the “monster(怪兽)”. I knew that everyone_ upon me.Yet mom would say to me, “Hold your head up high and face the world.” I listened to her. As a child, I_ what mom meant, “Be careful, or you will fall down because your eye is sightless.”In high school I_ became a monitor, but I still felt like a freak( 怪 物 ). I really wanted to look like everyone else. When things got too bad, I would _ to my mom. Tears ran down my face naturally. Then she would look at me with loving eyes and say, “Hold your head up high and face the world. Show them your inside_.”My moms love_ me. I had faced a lot of problems and learned to accept myself. Now, “Hold your head up high” has often been _ in my home. I say it to my children, too. The gift my mom gave me lives on.11 . AdependedBlandedCranDwalked12 . Ataken backBtaken overCtaken awayDtaken care of13 . AsadBhappyCwarmDcomfortable14 . Alooked overBlooked afterClooked forDlooked down15 . AthoughtBhopedCwatchedDplanned16 . AonlyBasCyetDeven17 . AreadBwriteCcryDsmile18 . AluckBbeautyChealthDwealth19 . AbeatBstoppedCtroubledDencouraged20 . AheardBseenCreadDwritten三、阅读单选One evening Tim is driving his car in the country and looking for a hotel. Then he sees an old man on the side of the road, so he stops his car and says to the old man, Where is the Sun Hotel? Will you please tell me how to get there? Yes.”the old man answers, Ill show you the way.He gets into Tims car, and they drive for about 12 kilometers. When they come to a small house, the old man says, Stop here. Tim stops and looks at the house. And he says to the old man, But this isnt a hotel. No. the old man answers, This is my house. And now Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn back and go 9 kilometers. Then youll see the hotel on your left.”21 . Tim stops to _.Adrive the old man homeBask the wayCbuy somethingDsay hello to the old man22 . The old man takes Tim to_ .Aa hospitalBa policemanCa hotelDhis home23 . In fact, its only about _ kilometers to get to the Sun Hotel.AthreeBsixCnineDtwelveNow some women are spending a weekend at Mothers Camp(营地). There, husbands and children are not allowed. Why would a woman want to take a vacation without her family? Some women say they need time to be alone. At Mothers Camp a woman has room for herself. She can sleep, read or watch TV, and no one will bother her. No children will ask, Mom, whats for dinner? No husband will say, Oh, dear, I cant find any clean socks. In fact almost 50% of women in the United States work outside the home. Many of them work full-time and then come home for a second job taking care of their homes and families. These working women say one of their biggest problems is housework. In the United States, working wives do about 75% of the housework. Many of their husbands say they want to help. But then they burn the rice or they cant find the pans. They ask so many questions that their wives decide it is easier to do the job themselves. Some women go to Mothers Camp just to get a break from housework. For two days they dont cook, they dont clean and they dont look after their children and husbands. What do they do? They enjoy warm, sunny weather, walking, swimming or boating in a clear blue lake and sing songs around the campfire. They relax away from home. They have a really wonderful vacation at Mothers Camp.24 . From this passage we can see _ in the United States.Awomen want to work outside the homeBworking wives do most of the houseworkChusbands do as much housework as their wivesDwomen do not like to stay at home with their families25 . At Mothers Camp, women cant _.Awatch TVBread newspapersCswim in the lakeDbring their husbands and children26 . Why would some mothers like to be alone? Because _.Athey dont like their husbands and childrenBthey have to work full-timeCthey are too busy to relax themselvesDthey want a new life27 . _ is one of the biggest troubles for working wives in the United States.AHouseworkBWorking outside the homeCWhen to take a vacationDLooking after their children28 . Whats the best title of this passage?ABusy Working MothersBHow to Buy Gifts for MothersCMothers Relax Away From HomeDMothers in the US(题文)Talk about a real-life hero! Ten-year-old Larry Champagne from StLouis,Missouri, hit the brake(刹车)on a runaway school busHe saved himself and 20 other kids on board from disasterIt all happened in one terrible accidentOn the way to school,the bus driver,Ernestine Blackman,suddenly fell illSeeing the car was running away,the other kids started to scream,but Larry ran to the front and stopped the bus“At first I thought,Were gonna die, ”says Larry,“but after I pressed the brake, I felt safe”Larrys speedy reaction made news all over the countryHe appeared on TV shows as a heroThe bus company gave Larry a big giftHis school hung a medal of honor around his neck“My grandmother always tells me to do whats right,”says LarryHe thanked his brother,Jerrick,9,who “helped me get the bus driver up” during the emergency(紧急情况)How did he know how to stop the bus?_(机械师)He helps his grandfather work on his old truck“He gets his hands dirty,”says his grandfatherOne thing is for certain:Larry knows where to find the brakes29 . (小题1)What did Larry do to save the runaway bus?A. he pressed the brake.B. He helped all the kids climb out through the windows.C. He dialed 911.30 . (小题2)When did Larry finally feel safe?A. When the bus driver started driving again.B. Once he pressed the brake and the bus stopped.C. When the kids finally stopped screaming31 . (小题3)Larry thanked his brother Jerrick for .A. teaching him how to stop the busB. teaching him how to find the brakeC. helping him get the bus driver up32 . (小题4)The underlined sentence “ Larry is something of a mechanic ”tells us thatA. Larrys job is a mechanicB. Larry knows something about machinesC. Larry is a robot四、用单词的正确形式完成短文with, skate, because, you, both, friend, careful, which, easy, fifteen, thatJustin is a middle school student, and he had his 33 . birthday 10 days ago. He is thinking about how to spend his money during winter vacation. He has saved up about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy a computer 34 . his money but he also wants to go 35 . on the ice with his 36 . . He cant do both 37 . he doesnt have enough money. What should Justin do?We are often in these kinds of situations. You want to see a concert on Saturday, but it is also38 . mothers birthday and you want to stay at home with her. In this case, you dont have enough time to go to39 . places. You must make a decision. You must think about what should be done first. You must consider the following questions40 . .Which is more important?Which decision needs my attention more?41 . choice would satisfy me more?After youve answered these questions, it may be much42 . for you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a decision, remember to prioritize(优先考虑).五、语法填空阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。As we know, good health is very important. How should we 43 . healthy? I think we should have a good 44 . (eat) habit, have a strong body, live in the clean environment(环境)and keep active. These are very 45 . /nesseri/ for our health. First, we should eat more fruit and 46 . and less(较少的)meat every day. We cant eat too much or too little. 47 . (drink) enough water is a good habit. 48 . /seknd/, we had better 49 . the windows to keep the air fresh. We should keep our bodies clean. Dont 50 . /ru/ litter around. Third, 51 . (exercise) a lot is good for us. It may make us full of energy during the day. If we 52 . (try) to do that, we will be in good health. So, begin now.六、回答问题八、回答问题Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big. And they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap (捕蝇草). The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly. Plants are living things that have leaves and roots and grows in earth. Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesnt have all these important things, especially nitrogen (氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Lets hope that some of the bigger plants dont get the same idea !53 . Where does the Venus flytrap grow?_54 . What does the Venus flytrap look like?_55 . Whats inside the leaves of the plant?_56 . Where do most plants get what they need from?_57 . Why do some plants get energy from animal meat in some places?_七、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5分)CHENGDU - Public mourning was held on Saturday morning in Southwest Chinas Sichuan province for those who died in a 7.0-magnitude quake a week ago. Students lower their heads during a silent tribute to the victims of Lushan April 20 earthquake, in Lushan Middle School, Yaan city, Southwest Chinas Sichuan province on April 27, 2013. The public mourning began with all transportation vehicles sounding their sirens at 8:02 am, the time the devastating earthquake hit on April 20, and was followed by a silent tribute of 3 minutes.The quake has claimed nearly 200 lives and destroyed about 126,000 homes, according to official figures.On Friday, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said in a statement that 1,516 wounded people, including 43 terminally-ill patients and 69 severe cases, are being treated in hospital in Sichuan.More than 1.5 billion yuan ($243 million) has been allocated to quake victims, with 10 yuan and 0.5 kilograms of grain distributed daily to each person._. And 426 medical centers and 1,015 relocation sites have been set up as of Friday.Chinas beverage maker JDB Group has announced a donation of 100 million yuan to Lushan, the largest donation thus far from any company in China.Shu Yuhui, chairman of the Quan Jian Natural Medicine Science and Technology Development Co Ltd, also made a donation of 100 million yuan, making it the largest individual contribution for earthquake relief efforts.58 . 根据短文内容完成句子填空(每空限填一个单词)。In the first paragraph, we can know _ and _ public mourning was held for those who died in 7.0-magnitude quake a week ago.59 . 根据短文内容完成句子填空(每空限填一个单词)。The quake has claimed nearly 200 lives . (同义句)Nearly 200 people_ _ in this earthquake.60 . 根据短文内容回答问题。 Have the companies made donations to Lushan?_61 . 把短文中画底线的句子译成汉语。_62 . 根据短文内容用一个完整的英文句子(限10个词以内)回答问题。What should you do after you heard the 7.0-magnitude quake hit Yaan? _Is there a chocolate-powered racing car in the world? Hey! You have read too (A)_ childrens books! But wait! Now,there is really such a racing car in the worldA team from a British university made itThe chocolate-powered racing cars engine(发动机) uses waste from chocolate factories or vegetable oil as fuel (燃料)Its body(B)用土豆制成,its steering wheel is made from carrots,its seat is made of soybeans,(C)_its brake pads(刹车片)are made from nuts! Well,can this car run very fast?_! It can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 2.5 seconds,and go as fast as 135 miles per hourWhen the racing car is running,it cleans itself and lets out oxygen“It took us more than nine months to_the racing car,”said a team member“The car is really green You can find many of the cars parts at a farmers market or even in a litter bin because most of the materials(材料) are waste in most peoples eyesIts fun”However,_.63 . 在文中(A)和(C)的空白处分别填入适当的词 _ _64 . 将文中划线部分(B)译成英语:_65 . 写出文中划线部分(D)和(E)的同义词语或近义词语:_ _66 . 将文中划线部分(F)改写为:the engines unusual fuel makes it_ to_ this eco-friendly car in the official race67 . 从文中找出能说明本文中心大意的短语:_八、话题作文68 . 书面表达健康的生活习惯是非常重要的。你认为健康的生活习惯应该是怎样的呢?请根据以下的信息提示,写一篇短文。内容:1、健康饮食;2、早睡早起,不熬夜;3、参加运动,强身健体。要求:1、必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2、80词左右;3、文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。_第 11 页 共 11 页


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