英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元检测题 (青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元检测题 (青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元检测题 (青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Whats _name?Jane.AhisBherCsheDhe2 . An old friend of my sisters always helps my brother and with English.AI; ourBme; ourselvesCI; myDme ; our3 . My telephone number _ 2023678.AisBareCam4 . _ ?Its 287-9662.AWhats your nameBWhat color is itCHow are youDWhats his phone number5 . After her fathers _, she gave up _at school.Adeath, to learnBdeath, learningCdie, to learnDdie, learning6 . Whats her name?_ .AShe is JaneBHer name is JaneCShes fineDA and B7 . David is _ China now .AofBinCtoDat8 . Theyre shoes with_. People can use them for seeing in the dark.AlettersBlightsCwheelsDcolors9 . Hello!Are you Sonia?.AYes,it isBNo,Im notCYes,ImDNo,I am10 . Tom studies _and he _plays with his friends.Ahardly; hardBhardly; hardlyChard; hardly二、补全短文6选5Hello! My name is Mary Miller. 11 . My QQ number is 3154796 and my phone number is 236-4149. This is my friend.12 . Her first name is Gina and her last name is Brown. She is in China. Her QQ number is 8856274.13 . Who is he? He is Mike Green. His first name is Mike and Green is his last name. 14 . His QQ number is 26534497.15 . Its 439-2958.AShe is from China.BHe is in China, too.CHer name is Gina Brown.DWhats his telephone number?EAnd her phone number is 273-5698.FMary is my first name and Miller is my last name.三、完型填空完型填空I am American._name is Ron. Im eleven. I_two friends. Theyre_names are Kate and Susan._all like sports. I_soccer . Kate likes_, too. Susan likes basketball. She_three basketballs. We_basketball after school. We often watch the games_TV.16 . AMyBHisCHerDIts17 . AamBdoChaveDhas18 . AthemBbrothersCsisters.Dfriend19 . ATheirBMyCHerDOur20 . ASheBWeCHeDIt21 . AamBlikeClikesDdont22 . AvolleyballBbaseballCping-pongDsoccer23 . AisBhaveChasDare24 . AplaysBplayCare playDdo play25 . AonBinCtoDat四、阅读单选Dear Mike,Nice to meet you!My names Jeff and Im fifteenI live in London with my parents,my little sister Rachel and my dog,CookieWe live in a small house in GreenwichI live near my school,so I walk to school every dayI like school and my favorite subjects are math and scienceWhat about you?What subjects do you like?I enjoy playing basketball and Im on the school basketball teamYesterday afternoon we had a basketball game with another schoolWe won!My favorite TV shows are the news and talk showsYou may think they are boringBut I love them because we can always expect to learn a lot from themI hope to be a TV reporter when I grow up (长大)!My best friend is Joe and were in the same classJoe is very kindAll our teachers and classmates like himAfter school,Joe and I love to do our homework togetherJoe works hard and always gets better grades than I do!He sometimes gives me very useful advice (建议) on my studies!On the weekend,I like going skating in the park with my sisterIm good at skating and I can go very fast!Write soon and tell me all about yourself,your friends and your family!Best wishes!YoursJeff26 . From the letter,we can know that Jeff livesAin LondonBfar from schoolCin a very big houseDwith his grandparents27 . When he grows up,Jeff wants to be aAmovie actorBTV reporterCmath teacherDbasketball player28 . What does Jeff think of his friend Joe?FunnyPopularKindHardworkingABCD29 . Which of the following is TRUE about Jeff?AHe is sixteen years oldBHe loves math and scienceCHe is learning to skate these daysDHe is on the school baseball team30 . Jeff writes this letter toAask Mike for helpBsay hello to MikeCgive advice to MikeDsay thank you to Mike五、阅读判断Hello, my name is Kate Green. Nice to meet you. I am an English girl ,and my birthday is on May 14. My home is in England but I love China and my friends very much . Miss Wang is my English teacher , she is a good teacher . She has a son, his name is Sunny. We like English very much. We are very happy.根据短文判断正误。对的填T 错的填F31 . Kate Green is an English boy.(_)32 . Her birthday is on May 16.(_)33 . Her home is in England.(_)34 . Mr Wang is her English teacher.(_)35 . Sunny is Miss Wangs son(_)六、句型转换按要求完成句子(31、32小题根据汉语完成句子。)36 . Lets go to the zoo at two oclock._(好吧),that s a good idea.37 . Wash your hands before you have meals.Oh, _(我知道了)38 . He is my father.( 改为同义句)I am _/_.39 . These are my father and mother.(改为同义句)These are _40 . She is my cousin.(改为复数句)_.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线上。41 . Mr. Liu is _ ( 他们的 ) English teacher.42 . There are many _ (餐馆) in the centre of the town.43 . She enjoys _ ( 收集 ) stamps.44 . The gloves feel _ ( 软的 ) and smooth.45 . Sandy is _ ( 从不,绝不 ) late for school.八、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词填空at,our,and,under,think46 . _ Chinese teacher is Mr. Chen.47 . I _ this jacket is Mikes.48 . There is a cat _ the tree.49 . My pen is in my pencil box _ the pencil box is in my schoolbag.50 . Tom gets up _ 6:30 every day.九、多任务混合问题51 . Whats a boys name?AGraceBAliceCBobDCindy52 . The letter “字母”“M” means(意思是)_.A小号B特大号C大号D中号53 . The colors of five circles for Olympic Games(奥运五环颜色) are _.ABlue, black, red, yellow and greenBBlue, black, red, yellow and whiteCBlue, black, purple, yellow and greenDBlue, black, red, white and green54 . My English teachers name is Jim Smith. Smith is his _ name.AfirstBlastCphoneDID55 . BBC means _.A美国广播公司B英国广播公司C全美篮球协会D联合国56 . What is a UFO?A飞机B宇宙飞船C不明飞行物D太空飞行器任务型阅读Jack is good at sports.Jack exercises every morning, and (81)he comes back from school on foot every evening. He often says,” Its important to exercise.” So he is very healthy. He often eats fruit and vegetables, .Her thinks they are good for his health.He never eats snacks, biscuits, cakes or some other sweet snacks(甜点), because the sweet food isnt healthy. Jack loves watching TV. He watches TV over 4 hours every day. And he goes to sleep very late. He sleeps for 6 hours every night. Its not enough . He knows that it isnt good for his health. He plans to change it.完成下列题目:57 . 翻译文中划线句子_58 . How long does Jack sleep every night?_59 . Are sweet snacks good for our health?_60 . 解释文中划线的exercises意思及词性_61 . Does Jack love watching TV?_十、材料作文62 . 根据下面的提示写一篇60词左右的作文。提示:1)我的朋友Tom是个学生,是一个有趣的人,大家都喜欢他。2) 父亲是美国人,母亲是中国人。他出生在中国,因此他会说中文和英文。3) 他会弹吉他,唱英文歌。他还会画画。他加入了音乐俱乐部。要求:1)书写规范,逻辑清晰,行文连贯。2) 可以适当发挥。3) 开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have a good friend. _第 9 页 共 9 页

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