八年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 3练习

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八年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 3练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You are weak. _ important for you _ every day.ATheyre; to exerciseBIts; to exerciseCTheyre; exercisingDIts; exercising2 . Its cold outside. Please _your coat when you go out.Aput onBdressCwearDbe in3 . There is no reason to doubt her story.AacceptBbelieveCfeel uncertain about4 . Jim is ill in hospital. Now he is _ in bed and talking to his doctor.AlieBliesClyingDlay5 . Can you _ me your iPhone? Sure.AjoinBseeCshowDask6 . Which of the following can you visit in Canada?AMount FujiBthe Eiffel TowerCBig BenDthe CN Tower7 . The family is too poor _ the child to school. What a pity!AsendBsendingCto sendDsent8 . Our teacher told usto the old.Ato be politeBwere politeCto politeDto be politely9 . - Its said that scientists have _ a way to deal with Influenza A/HiN1.- Really? Thats great!Acaught up withBcome up withCagreed withDcompared with10 . The old man died _ a cold snowy night.AinBonCatDOver二、补全对话7选511 . 情景交际选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余He Jing:What do you often do in your spare time?Wei Han: 1 He Jing:Its great! But I cant play the piano. I can play the guitar.Wei Han: 2 He Jing:I like pop music. What about you?Wei Han:I also like it. 3 I like folk music best. Im Tengers fan. I like singing all of his songs.He Jing:I know little about folk music, but I enjoy listening to Song Zuyings songs.Wei Han: 4 He Jing:Yes, I like them. My favorite English song is Yesterday once More.Wei Han: 5 But I prefer Take Me to Your Heart.AWhat kind of music do you like?BIt is a sweet song.CI like playing the piano.DClassical music is serious music.EDo you like English songs?FDo you like foreign music?GBut its not my favorite.三、补全短文5选5How did you learn to ride your bike? You have a few lessons and then practiced a lot,right? You can learn how to study in much the same way.No one is born knowing how to study.12 . Pay attention (集中注意力)Do you find it difficult to pay attention in class?Are you sitting to a noisy person?Is it hard to see the blackboard? Make sure you are sitting in a good place that lets you pay attention.13 . Write important things downIts a good idea to write down important things your teacher says or writes on the blackboard in class. 14 . Good notes(笔记)can help you study easily.Plan ahead (提前)If you have a test(测试)on Friday,prepare for it early.Dont wait(等待)until Thursday night.That will make you feel tired. 15 . One of the best ways to make sure that doesnt happen(发生)is to plan ahead.Have a good sleepThe test is tomorrow and youve finished your study plan,but you find you just cant remember anything!Dont worry.16 . Youll be surprised by what comes back to you in the evening.根据材料内容将方框中AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。ATry to get a good nights sleep.BRemember good study starts in class!CIt also makes it hard to do your best.DYou need a few study skills and then practice them.E. Try your best to write well so you can read them later.四、完型填空Today, well learn about four kinds of satellite (人造卫星).The first kind of satellite studies the_ of the Earth. People use it to help make maps. It also helps countries see where they may_ oil or gold (石油或黄金).People use the second kind of satellite to show_ to ships and planes. A ship or a plane can send a message to the satellite. Then it can_ where the ship or the plane isThe third kind studies the _. People use these satellites to_ clouds and strong winds moving across the Earth. They help countries make preparations (准备工作) when very _ weather is coming.What about the _ kind of satellite? People use it for communication (通讯). These satellites can send telephone calls between _. People from one country send the call to the satellite, and then the _ sends it to a station in another country. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. Also these satellites can carry pictures.17 . AhistoryBgeographyCtimeDair18 . AchooseBkeepCfindDcarry19 . AwaysBproblemsCblogsDgrades20 . Alook atBcome fromCfind outDarrive at21 . AhealthBfoodCwindDweather22 . AmakeBwatchCdrawDcolour23 . AbadBfineCsunnyDcool24 . AlastBfirstCbestDbiggest25 . AcitiesBcountriesCtownsDschools26 . ASunBstationCEarthDsatellite五、阅读单选That day was a very good day. The volunteers who visited an orphanage(孤儿院) now became the best friends each other. The four persons were Li Hui, the reporter of Jing Newspaper, Zhao Qiang and Huang Jian, reporters of Chongqing Television Station, and me.According to our experience of driving in the disaster area, it would be OK to drive in the morning, but the road was dangerous in the afternoon. So this morning we got off at 6:00 am. It is about 40 kilometers aim place. It would take not more than one hour normally. However, because of poor road conditions, we tried twice but failed to go through. We had to stop driving to wait for road repairing. It was very dangerous to park on the road in the mountain. To be honest, my experience in the disaster area were over load(超负荷). I almost couldnt stand. But one thing had been supporting me, I had been very grateful to have such a chance to help the people of disaster area, to have such a chance to share my love.When we took two vehicles(卡车) supplies to the orphanage, the leader of the orphanage Mr. Lang with 31 children was too excited to say anything.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。27 . The volunteers who visited an orphanage are _.AstrangersBteachersCreportersDgovernors28 . The volunteers went to the orphanage _.Ain the afternoonBin the morningCin the eveningDat noon29 . How did the volunteers go to the orphanage?ABy plane.BOn foot.CBy car.DBy truck.30 . How did the volunteers think their work?ARelaxing.BTired.CBoring.DEasy.31 . Why did the volunteers think he should work in the disaster area?ABecause their leaders ordered that.BBecause they wanted to repair the roads there.CBecause their relative was there.DBecause they wanted to show their love there.Celebrities(名人) are everywhere nowadays: on TV, in magazines, online. People think and talk about them a lot. Is this harmless fun or is it bad for us? How many people are truly crazy about modern idols(偶像)? And on the other side of the coin, is being famous harmful to the celebrities?Studies suggest that most of the teenagers do not really idolize celebrities. Researchers have found three kinds of fans.About 15% of young people have a social interest. They love chatting about their favorite celebrities with friends and this does not appear to do any harm.Another 5% feel that they have a strong-personal relationship with a celebrity. Sometimes they see them as their soul-mates(心灵伴侣) and find that they are often thinking about them, even when they dont want to. These people are easy to feeldepressed. If girls in this group idolize a woman star with a body they consider to be perfect, they are more likely to be unhappy with their own bodies.That leaves 2% of young people with an unreasonable interest. They might spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or they would do something lawbreaking. These people are in most danger of being seriously upset.What about the celebrities themselves? Some researchers in the USA did a study to find out the effect of being famous on these people. The study showed celebrities showed off too much and they were very narcissistic(自恋的). The researchers looked at 200 celebrities, 200 young adults with MBAs (Masters in Business Administration), who were a group known for being narcissistic, and some general population. As the researchers expected, the celebrities were much more narcissistic than the MBAs and both of these two groups were a lot more narcissistic than the general population.Four kinds of celebrities were included in the study. The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows. Next came comedians(喜剧演员) and then actors.The least narcissistic were musicians. One interesting result was that there was no connection between narcissism and the length of time the celebrity had been famous.So, what can we learn from this? Most people who are very successful or famous are usually self-centered and are likely to act only for their own benefits. As we can see from celebrity magazines, they also often feel lonely and even hopeless. They make harmful role models.32 . The underlined word depressed in Paragraph 3 probably means.A. sad B. afraid C. pleased D. hopeful33 . According to Paragraph 5, who are the most narcissistic?A. Celebrities.B. The general population.C. Young adults with MBAs.D. Teenagers who admire celebrities.34 . What can we learn from the passage?A. Most fans of celebrities want to become famous.B. Talking about celebrities does harm to teenagers.C. Narcissism increases with the length of time of being famous.D. Only a very small group of teenagers are crazy about celebrities.35 . Whats the purpose of this passage?A. To make us understand celebrities better.B. To direct teenagers to become celebrities.C. To compare different people with celebrities.D. To discourage teenagers from taking celebrities as idols.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。36 . As we know, the m_ goes round the earth.37 . Bill u_ gets home at 6:00, but today he didnt get home until 7:00.38 . After working for several hours, he was t_ and fell asleep soon.39 . The students are having a _(化学) class in the lab.40 . We shouldnt waste water. Instead, we should _(节约) it.单词拼写41 . Tomorrow my family will go to Sydney for a holiday and the _(飞行) will take 9 hours.42 . Go _(直接地), dont turn right or left, you will get there in five minutes.43 . Tell me _(确切地) what you saw in the park.44 . They tried a lot of times and at last they _(成功).45 . He worked for 10 hours _(没有) any rest.46 . We _(旅行) the city by bus and by taxi and went to many beautiful places.47 . After the last exam this year, we will have a _(毕业生) party.48 . To see more beautiful sceneries, we _(乘) a boat along the river yesterday.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。49 . The boy never _ (brush) his shoes.50 . Can you give me some _ (suggest)?51 . Follow the dentists _ (advise), and youll get well soon.52 . Take care of your _(tooth), or youll have a toothache.53 . You have a fever, youd better _ (lie) down and have a rest.八、材料作文54 . 智能手机已成为人们生活的必需品。上周,你校举行了一场主题为“中学生是否应该将智能手机带入校园?”的辩论会。请根据表格内容,写一篇英语短文。正方便于联系;有利于学习。反方浪费时间;不利于健康。你的观点?要求:1包含所有要点,不逐字翻译,围绕要点适当发挥;书写规范、工整,条理清晰;2文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等;3词数:100词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Last week, our school had a discussion on whether we could bring smart phones to school. Some students think we can bring smart phones to school because第 10 页 共 10 页

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